Yorkton This Week 2018-12-05

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CoreRealEstate_6x24.a05_R0011506114.indd prod1/kk f/c YTW dec5/18 proof bill Email: czilke@teamcore.ca Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Volume 45, Issue 16 Price - $1.52 plus GST Return undeliverable items to: Yorkton This Week 20 Third Ave. N., Yorkton, SK S3N 2X3

A winter wonderland

Staff Photo by Calvin Daniels

Fog and the right temperatures combined over the weekend to cover trees around the city coated in hoarfrost which created scenes that fit the traditional view of

the holiday season. The hoarfrost lasted over several days before weather cleared somewhat Monday and a breeze began to dislodge the frost.

Churchbridge and Yorkton Co-ops merge By Devin Wilger Staff Writer Changes are coming to two area Co-ops. Yorkton Co-op and Churchbridge Co-op are amalgamating into one. The combined Co-op will have 16 locations in 10 communities. Bruce Thurston, general manager of Yorkton Co-op, said that the amalgamation is the only way for Co-ops in

“Both boards felt that an amalgamation between the two retails would be a positive thing, making a larger retail, a bigger trading area, more efficiencies and things like that.” — Bruce Thurston, general manager of Yorkton Co-op Saskatchewan to expand. “Everything is getting bigger, larger and tough-

er to compete against. Both boards felt that an amalgamation between

the two retails would be a positive thing, making a larger retail, a bigger

trading area, more efficiencies and things like that.” All of the locations will stay open, and the staff will stay the same, said Thurston. The amalgamation would make a difference in efficiency of operation, as well as the buying power of a larger combined operation, as well as a healthier balance sheet. “It’s just a stronger

retail in general.” There will also be a change involving Co-op numbers. Members of the Churchbridge Co-op will add a five to the start of their numbers, for example someone with the number 1234 would now have the number 51234. Those members could now also use their numbers in Yorkton, Kamsack and Theodore, while

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TA Foods attend Shanghai trade show By Calvin Daniels Staff Writer Representatives from TA Foods recently attended a week-long trade show in Shanghai, China, dedicated primarily to foods. The excursion was funded in part by the Saskatchewan Trade and Export Partnership, said Terry Popowich with TA Foods, adding they were part of a group of about 30 Canadian companies attending the event. He said the Canadian businesses were grouped in one area of the trade show making it easy to identify which companies were from this country. Having the Canadian origin of food companies easily

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identified is important especially from the perspective of Chinese food distributors who were a target audience of the trade show, said Popowich. “They’re looking for Canadian, and they’ll pay more for quality products,” said Popowich, adding the Chinese see Canadian produced foods as being quality when compared to their domestic sources. “… The Chinese are skeptical of their own food supply.” That skepticism of Chinese foods and trust in Canada can open markets. “It’s an opportunity that’s opening up,” said Popowich. Popowich did note that attending such a show does not

“They’re looking for Canadian, and they’ll pay more for quality products.” — Terry Popowich on the Chinese market mean returning home with a pocket full of orders. “It takes time. This was more of a meet and greet sort of thing,” he said. “When you get back is when you start sending sample and communicating with them (perspective customers).” Certainly the potential of trade to China is massive.

“They’re the country that has the growing middle class,” offered Popowich. “And, they have such a large population.” He noted the population of the city of Shanghai alone is basically the equivalent of Canada as a whole. The show is one TA Foods has attended before as they work to expand sales to China.



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“We have a distributor there that we work with,” said Popowich, adding by being at the trade show they are actually offering support for the sales effort of their distributor. “… They’re the ones that do the work of trying to go across the whole country.” In the case of TA Foods flax oil has been the main product sold into China, but Popowich added “ground flax is starting to do quite well too.” In the case of ground flax there is a level of education that has to take place as it is a product they are not used to using in foods. However, the high fibre and Omega 3

Continued on Page A2

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