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Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Volume 45, Issue 22 Price - $1.52 plus GST
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Hip to the latest hip hop
Staff Photo by Calvin Daniels
Students at Dance Innovations in the city had an opportunity Saturday to learn some of the latest hip hop moves as two Vancouver-based instructors; Zach
Kostersky, formerly of Yorkton, and Zac Vran, held workshops. There were approximately 50 dancers who took part in the weekend classes.
First sponsors announced for CSLC 2020 By Devin Wilger Staff Writer The Yorkton Regional High School will host the Canadian Student Leadership Conference (CLSC) in 2020, bringing it back to the place where it began back in 1985. But the school isn’t doing it alone, it’s going to be a commu-
nity effort, and they recently announced the first Premier sponsors for next fall’s event. Two sponsors have been announced as part of the category. One is the Good Spirit School Division, which is donating $44,000 in order to handle all of the transportation needs during the weeklong event. Board chair Lois Smandych
said that student transportation is naturally a major component of a school division’s job, so they’re the experts at getting these students around the city. “On average, we have 106 routes for our school division and we travel 22,000 kms every day. We have a pretty good handle our transportation and I think that will play well in getting all of these
kids around.” While centered around YRHS, they consider it a Good Spirit School Division event, and schools across the division will be sending students to the conference over the week. Smandych is proud that the conference is at YRHS for a third time.
Continued on Page A2
Yellow vest rally ups ante on carbon tax By Cory Carlick Staff Writer The war against the carbon tax and support for the pipeline reached a new sense of urgency Saturday as a new group The Yellowvests Yorkton and Area held a public rally on Broadway Street. Yorkton MLA Greg Ottenbreit was invited by the organizers to say a few words to his constituents.
“I appreciate what they’re doing,” he said of the efforts of the organizers. “The carbon tax won’t help the environment. Right now, we’re seeing Alberta and Saskatchewan oil -- fairly and ethically sourced oil -- being limited. Why are we importing ‘dirty oil’ from places that don’t care about the safety of their workers?” The pipeline, the protest organizers say, are sorely needed.
“You know, people see that shiny $300 carbon tax credit, but what they don’t see is what it’s going to cost them in the long run,” said Randy Trost, RM of Orkney Reeve. “That three hundred bucks is not that much. We have one rail right now to move a ton of product. It’s like trying to push it through a straw. -- it’s not enough. I want to see our people working. The pipeline will create jobs -- and lots of good people need jobs.”
Trost says the costs will just be pushed around. “The Trudeau Government can’t hike GST by another 10 per cent so they’re doing that. We’ve got good products to move into markets that are struggling because of this. Everything we have will cost way too much; lettuce, fuel, everything.” Neil Schuler, the organizer of the rally, is the leader of the Yellowvests Yorkton
and Area. A father, long haul transport operator and oil rig veteran, said all he’s trying to do is get a voice at the table in Ottawa. “We’re only doing this because we feel the Liberals aren’t listening to us,” Schuler said. “This carbon tax, we’re the ones at the end of the street that are paying for it. We need to make our government accountable. We just want to be heard.”
Coldest Night program combats homelessness By Devin Wilger Staff Writer There is a homelessness problem in Yorkton, but it’s not one you can easily see, and the people affected don’t make their troubles well known. Yorkton Transitional Homes for Youth (YTHY) is raising
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money to help with the Coldest Night of the Year walk. The event takes place on Feb. 23, 2019 at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, registration opening at 4:00 p.m. with the walk itself beginning at 5:00 p.m. After the walk they congregate back at the starting point to warm up
with a hot meal after. This will be the third year that YTHY has participated in the walk, and this is their lone fundraiser each year said Glenda Gascho, organizer of the event. “We believe that it captures what we do. We deal with a lot of homeless, at-risk youth.”
The goal is to raise around $30,000, the highest goal set for the event in Yorkton. They are happy to accept individuals but also want to recruit teams take part, Gascho said. The funds raised will go largely towards their outreach program. While their main program is the
transitional home, which is funded by province, their outreach program covers a broader range of people. “We are providing outreach services to anyone who needs it. We are targeting, of course, youth, and under federal guidelines youth are up to age 29. We do have a rooming
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home that we’re operating on Circlebrooke, and we do offer room and board but they are responsible for all of their own food,” explained Gascho. Food is another struggle for YTHY. Gascho notes that in the transitional home they have a
Continued on Page A2