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CoreRealEstate_6x24.b23_R0011506114.indd 6x24L (4C) •YTW Jan 23, 2019 proof bill Email: Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Volume 45, Issue 23 Price - $1.52 plus GST Return undeliverable items to: Yorkton This Week 20 Third Ave. N., Yorkton, SK S3N 2X3
Backhander The Yorkton Terriers hosted the Flin Flon Bombers in Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League action (see related story Page B1). Here Terrier Jared Legien, 23, the teams leading scorer on the season with 39 goals, attempts a backhand shot on Bomber netminder Gabriel Waked. — Staff Photo by Cory Carlick
Whitesand project causes concern By Calvin Daniels Staff Writer Residents along Pheasant Grove in the City are not pleased with how a drainage ditch out their backyards looks. And Monday Glen Walsh, one of the resi-
dents affected by the ditch, was at the regular meeting of Yorkton Council to voice his displeasure. The drainage ditch is part of the Whitesand Drive Stormwater Improvements, but Walsh said the ditch is having a
detrimental effect to residents on the north side of Pheasant Grove. “The big part of our concern is property values,” he said. While admitting no homes have sold recently to gauge the impact he said the unsightly ditch
had to affect the value, adding the ditch is about 38-feet across at the top, and about seven-feet deep. Walsh said their preference would be to have a drainage pipe installed and covered to address the situation.
Federal money for drainage project By Calvin Daniels Staff Writer
culverts with a concrete bridge,” said Buchholzer. The project selection was based on the flood mitigation report that identified the storm water drainage ditch, located from York Road to Highway 9, requiring upgrading. “The drainage culverts under Highway 9 are collapsing and the 1.7 kilometer long, 100 year-old, 1 meter diameter sanitary outfall pipe requires replacement,” explained Buchholzer. “The drainage channel and the sanitary outfall are a major component of the city’s infrastructure. The channel diverts the majority of the City’s storm water to Yorkton Creek and the sanitary outfall is the only connecting pipeline from the City to the wastewater treatment plant.”
“We are pleased to advise that the City’s grant application was approved for $3,710,000 of federal funding.”
The City of Yorkton has received word it will receive a significant grant through the New Building Canada Fund (NBCF). “Infrastructure Canada created a funding program known as the New Building Canada Fund (NBCF) to help fund projects of national, regional and local significance that promotes economic growth, job creation and productivity,” explained Michael Buchholzer Director of Environmental Services and Capital Projects, with the City at the regular meeting of Yorkton Council Monday. “The objective of this program is to support infrastructure projects related to economic growth, a clean environment and stronger
— Michael Buchholzer Director of Environmental Services
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communities. This program supplies funding for up to two-thirds of the eligible costs with the remaining one-third to be committed by the municipality.” In January of 2017, Council supported the application for the PTIC Grant titled “North Sewer System Upgrades.” “This project provides for the construction of a new sanitary trunk sewer main and upgrade to the north drainage channel that includes replacing the existing
If that is not possible Walsh said the residents would like to be part of discussions for undertaking landscaping, building a possible walking bridge and addressing walking trails. After Walsh’s presentation Council received
a report on the situation. The material noted, “At the October 29, 2018 meeting of Council, Administration was directed to award the contract for the Whitesand Drive Stormwater
Continued on Page A2
Council approves budgets By Calvin Daniels Staff Writer
Tabled at its regular meeting in December Yorkton Council approved the City’s 2019 operating and capital budgets at their first meeting of the new year. At the December meeting, Administration proposed a 2.90 per cent increase in taxation revenue for the 2019 year. This includes 1.0 per cent for future Capital projects, and 1.9 per cent for all other Operational expenditures, explained Ashley Stradeski, Director of Finance with the City at Monday’s meeting. In terms of feedback Stradeski noted on the morning of December 11, 2018, the 2019 Budget Submission, 2019 Operating Budget, 2019 / 2020 Capital Budget, and “Loonie Pie Chart” were posted on the City website for public review. “As of January 21, 2019, there was zero completed feedback forms received, as well as no other
Continued on Page A2
Continued on Page A2
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