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Volume 45, Issue 25 Price - $1.52 plus GST Return undeliverable items to: Yorkton This Week 20 Third Ave. N., Yorkton, SK S3N 2X3
Cold fun
Staff Photo by Cory Carlick
It might have been another cold winter weekend, but the lure of a good sledding hill still gets youngsters out for some fun. Here, Declen, Kitanna and Azzie go
tobogganning Sunday with Gramma Gerry, enjoying a hot chocolate after the workout on the hill!
More money for municipalities By Calvin Daniels Staff Writer Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe has announced an additional $10 million for towns and
cities will be part of his government’s upcoming budget. The announcement was made Monday at the annual conference of the Saskatchewan
Urban Municipalities Association, where it was also noted the increase will bring revenue sharing with municipalities to $251 million in fiscal 2019-20.
Yorkton Mayor Bob Maloney told Yorkton This Week Monday evening that the announcement was unexpected in his mind. “I was surprised and
pleased to see it,” he said. The $10 million represents a four per cent hike in the revenue sharing pool, which will be spread across the
province. Maloney said $1.5 million of the new money is earmarked for northern communities and some unspecified
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Cardinals Rod Taylor of CHP campaigns in Yorkton will be back By Cory Carlick Staff Writer Rod Taylor, of the grassroots-level political party CHP (Christian Heritage Party), visited seniors at the Yorkton Crossing Monday in the hopes of gaining their vote. Taylor, who bills his party as the only “Christian-based” party, aims to eliminate Canada’s abortion laws. These protect a woman’s right to choose what happens with their own bodies. If the current laws were repealed --- which the CHP claims is necessary --- women who become pregnant, even in involuntary cases such as victims of rape/sexual assault, would no longer have the right to terminate a pregnancy. “We believe in pro-life,” Taylor said. CHP’s platform also plans to repeal same-sex marriages. “We believe in recognizing traditional marriage as between a man and a woman.”
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LGBTQ rights would be impacted. Same-sex marriages would no longer be considered legal. The party, which nominated its first candidates in 1988, admits it has challenges. What did they feel was their biggest challenge? “Not that many people know about us,” Taylor said. “We’re trying to get the word out so more people know who we are, and what we stand for.” Taylor was born in 1951 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He graduated from high school in California and moved to British Columbia in 1968. “We are the only party that is 100 per cent pro-life, and we support the restoration of traditional marriage -- between one man and one woman.” The CHP also believes that medically assisted euthanasia should also be made illegal, even
By Calvin Daniels Staff Writer
The Yorkton Cardinals are going to be back on the diamond this summer. The Cardinals, a member
of what will be known as the Western Canadian Baseball League starting this season, have been dealing with a substantial debt, one which was threatening the team’s ability
Continued on Page A2
Pool gets new sponsor By Calvin Daniels Staff Writer
The Water Park at the Gallagher Centre in Yorkton has a shiny new name. Friday, the City of Yorkton, in partnership with Access Communications Co-operative, announced the facility will now be known as the Access Communications Water Park.
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