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CoreRealEstate_6x24.c13_R0011506114.indd 6x24L (4C) •YTW feb 13, 2019 proof lisa Email: Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Volume 45, Issue 26 Price - $1.52 plus GST Return undeliverable items to: Yorkton This Week 20 Third Ave. N., Yorkton, SK S3N 2X3
Mmmm! cake
Staff Photo by Calvin Daniels
A Valentine’s Tea and Bake Sale was hosted by St. Andrew’s United Church in Yorkton Saturday. The fare included cake with strawberries and whipped cream, while those attending could take home a variety of goodies from the bake sale
table. Here, from left; Linda Vaughan, Evelyn Lister, and Eloise Zimmer prepare the cake.
SUMA convention connects municipalities By Devin Wilger Staff Writer Mayor Bob Maloney is optimistic following this year’s SUMA convention. The first piece of good news from the province came from Premier Scott Moe talking about a balanced budget, said Maloney. A strong believer in a balanced budget,
Maloney is glad to see the province is in a good fiscal position. “Cities have to do it every year, so when a province can manage it, I think it’s a fiscal high point. When you can’t balance your budget it limits what you are able to do.” The other thing that the city is happy to see is
a four per cent increase in revenue sharing, which means a $10 million increase to the revenue sharing pool. While it will take the provincial budget to know what this means for Yorkton itself, it’s good news for everybody. “We don’t really see any finality until the budget itself comes out.”
The current concerns for the cities include charging PST on labour for construction. “When you do major projects – and the city’s outfall project this year is in the millions of dollars – any increases we would see in revenue sharing would be going back to the province in PST on the projects we’re
working on. We’ve got a lot going on this year, and so paying the PST on the labour part - we’ve always paid PST on materials but we pay it on labour now – any extra money we get will be paid back on that. I’m hoping the province removes that for us, but there’s no certainty about that.” Other conversations
involved how cities can get involved in green funding from the federal government. While Maloney expects most of the funds will be used by SaskPower projects, for example, he does see potential for a solar project in Yorkton that could be used to help power
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YTW to create memorial Co-op gets A new ‘Little Free Library’ will soon be installed at City Hall Park following unanimous Council support received Monday. The request to install the little library came from Yorkton This Week who presented the idea with two goals in mind. The first goal was to have the little library as a way to commemorate two long-time employees who have recently passed; former publisher Neil Thom and former advertising manager Bill O’Boyle. Both had had more than 30-years with the newspaper in the city. “It hit all of us at Yorkton This Week pretty hard losing two
Your Community Connection
people in such close succession. Neil and Bill were not just coworkers, but friends,” said YTW editor Calvin Daniels, himself a 30-year employee. “One day I just happened to drive by the little library that was installed at Yorkton Regional High School a couple of years back, and thought it would be a nice memorial to a couple of people involved in an industry that relies on readers.” City Manager Lonnie Kaal told Council the idea fits with the idea of community. “These names are well known in this community as they both
a new name
had 30+ year careers with YTW. Therefore, the proposal is conducive to promoting the community to wander through the park, relax, grab a free book and enjoy; and maybe think of Neil or Bill. After all, you would just have to look across the street and see the place where both of them spent a lot of time,” she detailed in a report circulated to Council Monday. The library box would include a memorial plaque for Bill O’Boyle and Neil Thom and while this is not typical, Administration sees no issues with this placement. The donation of the free-
The amalgamated Churchbridge and Yorkton Co-ops have a new name. The two co-operatives associations which voted to join forces last November have become the Legacy Co-op Association Ltd. Gene Krepakevich, Chair Gene Krepakevich of the Board said Friday they held a contest asking for suggestions for a new name which proved very successful attracting more than 500 entries.
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Continued on Page A2
By Calvin Daniels Staff Writer
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