Yorkton This Week 2019-02-27

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Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Volume 45, Issue 28 Price - $1.52 plus GST Return undeliverable items to: Yorkton This Week 20 Third Ave. N., Yorkton, SK S3N 2X3

Running and reading The Yorkton Public Library was the host of a Dr. Seuss day on Feb. 22. The day featured plenty of activities for kids to do, all built around that kids’ favorite, Dr. Seuss. Pictured, kids match rhyming words before they read Green Eggs and Ham. Staff Photo by Devin Wilger

RCMP: Possible abduction attempt in Yorkton By Cory Carlick Staff Writer The Yorkton RCMP are asking for anyone with information to contact them after an possible abduction attempt of a 10 year old elementary school student.

The incident occurred yesterday in the Morrison Drive/Caldwell Crescent area. The student was approached by the suspect in a green vehicle with a greyish tint, while waiting for the bus. The suspect is described as being in their 70s or 80s, with blue jeans and a black shirt under a coat of

unspecified type.

The suspect put one foot outside of the vehicle while asking the student if they wanted a ride, to which the student replied no. The suspect then left.

Anyone with further information is asked to contact the Yorkton Detachment at 306-786-2400.

Yorkton Chamber sounds alarm By Cory Carlick Staff Writer The Yorkton Chamber of Commerce is sounding the alarm. Canada’s economic fabric, they say, is in danger, and you should be sounding the alarm, too. The impact of the West’s inability to get energy resources to global markets, combined with tensions between prov-

inces producing resources and others that do not are compounding the problem, according to the Chamber. “Canada’s economic well-being is at risk, in addition to political and regional tensions straining the unity of our country,” said Mike Stackhouse, President of the Chamber of Commerce. A key step to bolster Saskatchewan’s economy is the pipeline to tidewater

as well as the ability to access markets worldwide. “The first priority,” said Juanita Polegi, Executive Director, “is to fix Bill C-69. “The government also needs to implement the regulatory changes promised in the Fall Economic update and make immediate plans to get our resources to tide water. Canadians have

had enough of the talk. We want to see real, concrete actions.” The Chamber says there is enormous demand for Canadian energy products and Canada is squandering the opportunity to put more money in the pockets of every single Canadian as well as fighting climate change at the same time because of endless political bickeriung.

Emergency services update Chamber

By Devin Wilger Staff Writer

Any city relies on their emergency services, whether it’s due to an accident or trying to help with crime. But what are those services doing in

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the community? The Yorkton RCMP and Yorkton Fire Protective Services updated attendees of the most recent Chamber of Commerce luncheon about what they’re doing in the community.

The lunch came in the wake of a major change for the Yorkton RCMP. It has been a week since the Yorkton Rural RCMP and Yorkton Municipal RCMP merged into one detachment, all under the same roof in city hall.

Staff Sgt. Jeff Simpson said that while it’s very early into the change, and as a result many plans are still in the future, they are excited about what having both detachments together will allow them to do.

And one thing that is clear is that the change will allow them to do more both within the community and the surrounding area. “Overall, we’re starting to see some of the benefits of the amalga-



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mation. Our operations are running a little bit more smoothly and seamlessly between the previously two detachments in the area, and we hope that continues.” With the efficiency Continued on Page A2

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