Yorkton This Week 2019-03-06

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HOMETOWN SPECIALIST Serving Yorkton for over 10 years

269 HAMILTON ROAD YORKTON • 306-783-6666

Sandi Shewchuk 306-621-9015

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Volume 45, Issue 29 Price - $1.52 plus GST Return undeliverable items to: Yorkton This Week 20 Third Ave. N., Yorkton, SK S3N 2X3

Checkmate: The master strategies play out in a heated battle on the chessboard

Checking in on chess at St. Michael’s School By Cory Carlick Staff Writer Chess at St. Michael’s School is exploding in popularity. The Ecole St. Michael’s Chess

Tournament kicked off on Thursday with more than 65 students enrolled. The chess club meets twice weekly at noon in the library, with some exciting matches. “Chess teaches problem solving, data

analysis, fair play and good sportsmanship, all in one match,” said Charlotte Lovequist. a teacher at the school and one of the club organizers. “Last year, we had 40 students in the club. This year, we have almost a

hundred.” This year, 98 students participated in the chess club. Twelve years ago, the chess club started with 22 students.

New apartments need city change By Calvin Daniels Staff Writer The owner of 253 Bradbrooke Drive, across the street from the hospital is seeking a bylaw amendment to facilitate development of the currently empty lot. “The owner is proposing to construct a three storey apartment building (24 units) with main floor commercial spaces

primarily focusing on health services, however the property is currently zoned R-3 Medium Density Residential and this combined residential/commercial use is not permitted,” explained Carleen Koroluk, Land Use Planner with the City at the regular meeting of Yorkton Council Monday. “Records show that the vacant land was originally zoned

“The owner is proposing to construct a three storey apartment building (24 units) with main floor commercial spaces primarily focusing on health services.” — Carleen Koroluk, Land Use Planner with the City C-4 Neighbourhood Commercial which only permits apartments with main floor commercial

uses. In 2012, at the request of a developer, the property was rezoned to Medium Density

Residential to accommodate a proposed future subdivision and apartment.

“However, the proposal did not come to fruition.” The new owner proposes to construct an apartment building with main floor commercial units, which, as stated earlier, is a permitted use in the C-4 Neighbourhood Commercial zone. The property is currently vacant and the

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Council declares day to end racism By Calvin Daniels Staff Writer March 21 has been proclaimed as the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in the city. Council unanimously

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made the proclamation at the request of Darlene Stakiw who appeared before the regular meeting of Yorkton Council as a member of the Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan. Stakiw explained March 21 is designated by the United Nations (UN) as

the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. It’s a day observed all around the world to focus attention on the problems of racism and the need to promote racial harmony. “The UN made this designation in 1966 to mark a tragic

event that took place on March 21, 1960 in Sharpeville, South Africa when 69 peaceful demonstrators were killed during a protest against apartheid,” she said. Canada was one of the first countries to support the UN initiative and launched its

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inaugural campaign against racial discrimination in 1989. “During the month of March, MCoS is running a provincial campaign featuring the theme “Racism: Recognize it. Reject it! - #MarchOutRacism”. This year, we created a

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