Yorkton This Week 2019-03-20

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Stacy Neufeld

306-621-3680 • sneufeld@remax-yorkton.ca

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Volume 45, Issue 31 Price - $1.52 plus GST Return undeliverable items to: Yorkton This Week 20 Third Ave. N., Yorkton, SK S3N 2X3

Sale season With the official arrival of spring cattlemen across the country will be busy not just with calving season, but looking to add new genetics as they buy bulls at a number of production sales. See related story Page A9. Staff Photo by Calvin Daniels

Final phase of expansion under way By Calvin Daniels Staff Writer Construction is ongoing on the final phase of a major expansion at Grain Millers north of Yorkton. “This is the culmination (of an expansion) that dates back over three years,” facility general manager Terry Tyson told Yorkton This Week. Tyson said the overall

facility has been gearing up to add production capacity with a sort of phased in expansion that started with an upgrade to its grain receiving areas, and has included adding additional storage capacity, including in the ‘work in progress’ area which allows for product to be temporarily held at any point in the process from cleaning, through hull removal, to kilning, cutting and pro-

“This is the culmination (of an expansion) that dates back over three years.” —Grain Millers general manager Terry Tyson cessing into groats, flour or flakes. The final step in the overall expansion is currently under construction, adding final milling capacity. The work, which has faced some

weather-related issues this winter is still hoped to be complete and in operation this fall, said Tyson. “Oct. 1, is still our target date,” he said. The new addition will

nearly double production at the plant. As Grain Millers in Yorkton currently operates they produce 100,000 metric tonnes of processed product annually, said Tyson.

The completed expansion will increase production to 180,000 metric tonnes annually, or an increase in capacity of 80 per cent. “It will be our (Grain Millers) biggest (oat processing plant),” said Tyson “Iowa has been the biggest but this will be.” With the increased capacity the facility will also need more staff, “about 30 more

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Cats seized in city by APS By Calvin Daniels Staff Writer Twenty-five live cats, and two that were deceased, were removed from a home in Yorkton Thursday. Don Ferguson, executive director of Animal Protection Services of

Saskatchewan confirmed the seizure Friday. In general terms Ferguson said Animal Protection Services (APS) can be made aware of potentially distressful situations for animals in a number of ways, including from members of the public, other law

enforcement agencies, social services, public health, and veterinarians which are now legislated to report potentially dangerous situations. In the Yorkton case the concern was initially raised by the RCMP. Ferguson said an officer with APS, met with the

RCMP office. “We had our officer speak to the police officer,” he said. From the information provided the APS then sought out, and received a warrant to enter the home of Sixth Avenue issued under the Animal Protection Act.

Ferguson said like any other law enforcement organization APS must have a valid warrant to enter a private residence, or be invited into the home. Upon entering the home they found a situation that was deemed to contravene the Animal

Protection Act that in broadest terms denotes a person “can’t allow an animal to be in distress,” said Ferguson. As a result the 25 live cats were removed. Ferguson also confirmed the remains of

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Drainage project tender approved By Calvin Daniels Staff Writer A special meeting of Yorkton Council was called Monday where they unanimously approved a tender for the North Sanitary Sewer System upgrades. The contract went to Accurate HD Ltd., from New Bothwell, MB. with a lower tender of $3,486,926 (tax included). As a matter of background,

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Michael Buchholzer, Director of Environmental Services and Capital Projects told Council “In January of 2017, Council supported the application for the Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component (PTIC) Grant titled “North Sewer System Upgrades.” The project provides for the construction of a new sanitary trunk sewer main and upgrade to the north drainage channel that includes replacing the

existing culverts with a concrete bridge.” The project selection was based on the flood mitigation report (by Integrated Engineering) that identified the storm water drainage ditch, as requiring upgrading. The drainage culverts are collapsing and the 100 year old sanitary outfall pipe, which is 1.4 kilometers long, and 1-meter in diameter requires replacement. The drainage channel

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and the sanitary outfall are a major component of the city’s infrastructure. The channel diverts the majority of the City’s storm water to Yorkton Creek and the sanitary outfall line is the only connecting pipeline from the City to the wastewater treatment plant, detailed a report circulated to Council. “The project is part of the $11,130,000 budget of which onethird (1/3) will be funded from


the waterworks utility reserve and the remaining two-thirds (2/3) from the PTIC National and Regional Projects grant,” said Buchholzer. “This is a federally and provincially supported program with the objective to support infrastructure projects related to economic growth, a clean environment and stronger communities. As

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