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Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Volume 45, Issue 41 Price - $1.52 plus GST Return undeliverable items to: Yorkton This Week 20 Third Ave. N., Yorkton, SK S3N 2X3
Alexandra Lazarowich swept the evening winning Best of Festival for her film ‘Fast Horse’.
Chistopher Triffo of Wavelength Productions accepted the award for Best of Saskatchewan for their CityTV series, ‘Bridging Borders’.
Golden Sheaf Awards handed-out By Cory Carlick Staff Writer The Yorkton Film Festival Gala took place Saturday night, and the competition for the coveted Golden Sheaf award
was stiff. Dominating the awards this year was Fast Horse, whose director, Alexandra Lazarowich, clinched the The Best of Festival award. “It feels really incredible,”
said Lazarowich. “In the first scene of our episode, we travel to Yorkton, [and] bought horses -- from a guy just outside of Yorkton. “We’ve come full circle filming here, having no idea how
big the film would get, and we’re back here winning the Best Of [at] Yorkton. It’s really crazy.” The Best of Saskatchewan award was taken by the CityTV series Bridging Borders,
produced by Wavelength Entertainment. Wavelength hopes to sell the show internationally after its initial broadcast on CityTV. “It’s a team effort,” principal Chris Triffo, said.
More background on roundabouts By Calvin Daniels Staff Writer For the third meeting of Yorkton Council discussion about what to do at the intersection of Mayhew Avenue and Darlington Street dominated the agenda. City administration began the discussion by providing Council with newly researched information regarding roundabouts, primarily in other Saskatchewan cities “During further discussion at the May 6 regular Council meeting, several comments/questions arose regarding Saskatoon and Regina pertaining to roundabouts,” began René Richard, Director of Engineering with the City as the intersection discussion was again launched. Richard said after the last meeting it was clear Council sought more information on roundabouts. “Following the meeting, Administration conducted further research. It was discovered that there was a new school facility in Saskatoon that had a roundabout
What the future intersection at Mayhew and Darlington has been an ongoing debate for Yorkton Council. located within the school zone. This facility houses both Catholic and Public elementary schools as well as a daycare space making it a fairly good comparable to the proposed Yorkton location,” he said. “Administration reached out to both schools to get feedback about how the roundabout was operating and if there have been any safety concerns, especially regarding pedestrians. No response was received from the public school, but correspondence was received from the Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools. “The Manager of
Facilities and Capital Projects for the Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools indicated that, although they have several facilities in close proximity to roundabouts, facility Administration requested feedback on the facility that is likely the closest to a roundabout. The comments received advised that the roundabout seems to have struck a balance between traffic flow and safety and to date, there have been absolutely no concerns with the operation of the roundabout specific to safety.” Administration also reached out to the City of Saskatoon in an effort
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to acquire more information regarding the new roundabout. The questions asked were: • Was the school proximity taken into consideration when designing this roundabout? • Are there any special provisions with traffic or pedestrians for roundabouts because of the schools that would be different for other roundabouts? • Are you aware of any issues that have a come up relating to safety, especially pedestrian? • Has vehicle speed
been an issue due to the roundabout versus a 4-way stop? “A Senior Transportation Engineer for the City of Saskatoon responded to the request for information. She indicated that for two of the six new P3 schools sites in Saskatoon, roundabouts were a part of the approved neighborhood concept plans, which took the school locations into account. At these two school sites, no speeding or pedestrian safety concerns have been raised. They feel that the round-
By Calvin Daniels Staff Writer
With new information on a possible roundabout at the intersection of Mayhew and Darlington, (see related story this issue), Yorkton Council again debated the issue at some length Monday. Councillor Randy Goulden said she actually spent time watching at the roundabout on Gladstone South in the city both at 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Having seen traffic and pedestrians using the
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Council reconsiders intersection’s future
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abouts are working very well in the school zones as they allow school buses and parents to “U-turn” safely and that roundabouts generally reduce speed not increase it. As an additional note, there have been speeding concerns at the other P3 schools which do not have a roundabout in the school zone. In both instances where the roundabout was used, there are no special design features to further reduce speed
roundabout she said, “I feel confident watching that the safety of pedestrians, in my mind, is well-addressed.” Goulden said she also observed a roundabout just outside a school zone near Saskatoon, suggesting she saw that it “does calm the traffic.” Coun. Aaron Kienle, who was supportive of a roundabout at the intersection, said he remained in favour, but appreciated the new information administration had brought forward. In particular, the idea of including
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