Yorkton and Area
BLUE CHIP REALTY 306-783-6666
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Volume 45, Issue 43 Price - $1.52 plus GST Return undeliverable items to: Yorkton This Week 20 Third Ave. N., Yorkton, SK S3N 2X3
Father’s Day celebrated a bit early
Staff Photo by Cory Carlick
Father’s Day is coming up, and to celebrate, the Western Development Museum held their ‘Daddy and I, Coffee and Pie’ event Sunday. The kids and their dads came by to have some refreshments, and, of course, pie. “It’s just an opportunity for daddies, stepdads, granddads to come, you know, with some kids or their families to enjoy the museum, explore -- and some crafts,” said Solange Massicotte, Education and Public Events Coordinator for the Western Development Museum.
“We have an ‘I Spy’ game where we have objects [with] close up pictures of [these particular] objects and they have to go and find in the museum where it is. We also have a scavenger hunt which is something we commonly do. It’s kind of just a nice, fun afternoon where you can kind of celebrate Father’s Day a week in advance, because sometimes people have things on the actual Father’s Day. It’s something we do every year at the Museum.”
Fatal three-motor-vehicle collision H On June 8, 2019, at approximately 3:00 p.m., Yorkton RCMP attended the scene of a threemotor-vehicle collision on Highway 9, three-kilometres north of Yorkton,
SK. A minivan travelling southbound came into contact with a northbound utility trailer and collided with a northbound pickup truck.
The driver of the minivan, an 82-year-old female from Canora, SK, was pronounced deceased at the scene. The driver of the pickup truck, a 37-yearold female from Yorkton,
SK, was transported by STARS Air Ambulance to Regina to be treated for core and lower body injuries. The occupants of the vehicle pulling the trailer were not injured.
The family of the deceased female has been notified. The name of the deceased will not be released. A collision analyst attended the scene and
the collision is still under investigation. Highway 9 reopened to circulation on June 8, 2019 at approximately 10:30 p.m.
Three bears sighted in Saltcoats By Cory Carlick Staff Writer An advisory was put out by the Town of Saltcoats on June 5th regarding three bears. The mother bear and three cubs were reported to have been spotted around Leflay Homestead on the east side. The Ministry of Environment confirmed to Yorkton This Week that a sow and cubs were spotted near Regional Park. The Park, on the municipal level, was expected to
Call the TIPP line at-1-800-667-7561 put up signage and educate the campers on garbage and other attractants. According to the Ministry, the caller took a picture of the bear and cubs, but the sow hurried the cubs off, as a bear should do when seeing a human. Conservation officers attended, but were unable to locate the bears. No more
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action is expected to be taken unless the bears return and become disruptive. The Ministry of Environment reminds people that Saskatchewan has a healthy bear population and it is not uncommon to see bears in the wild at this time of year, especially young ones on the move as they are establish-
ing new territory. They are attracted to new smells and looking for food. Their range includes all northern Saskatchewan forests, extending southward into the aspen parkland, plus some more isolated ranges such as the Cypress Hills, Touchwood Hills, and the Qu’Appelle Valley. Most bears are cautious around humans and it is rare that they charge or chase a human in normal circum-
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stances, but they are unpredictable and it is important to be mindful of bears when you are in bear country. Ensure you take the appropriate precautions when enjoying provincial parks, campgrounds and natural areas. Anyone who finds themselves in a potentially dangerous situation with a bear should contact their local conservation officer or call the TIPP line at-1-800-667-7561 or from your cell at #5555. (24 hours a day).
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