Yorkton This Week 2019-06-19

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Our five year total raised for the Children’s Hospitals in Saskatchewan was

Thanks to everyone that donated or came out for our 5th annual Family Fun Day


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Volume 45, Issue 44 Price - $1.52 plus GST Return undeliverable items to: Yorkton This Week 20 Third Ave. N., Yorkton, SK S3N 2X3

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Bernie’s Journey

Staff Photo by Devin Wilger

Cancer doesn’t stop for a rainy day, and so neither did the runners at the Bernie’s Journey event. The run, which raises money for the Brayden Ottenbreit’s Close Cuts for Cancer Local Initiatives Program, pushed through the rain on June 15.

The event raised a grand total of $2480.90. All funds raised went to the Health Foundation’s campaign for new digital mammography equipment.

Tender for pathways work accepted By Calvin Daniels Staff Writer Yorkton Council has approved a tender for the City’s Pathway

Development Program for 2019/2020. “In the 2018 capital budget, approval was given for a new outdoor skating rink at the

Ukrainian Pioneer Park. Also, the 2019/2020 capital budget made provision for existing gravel pathways at the Knights of Columbus and Silver

Heights Parks to be upgraded to pavement. All three of these projects were bundled together and tendered as the Pathway Development

Program 2019/2020,” René Richard, Director of Engineering & Asset Management, with the City told the regular meeting of Yorkton

Council Monday. The tender for the Pathway Development Program 2019/2020 was posted on SaskTenders

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Council takes step to help development By Calvin Daniels Staff Writer Yorkton Council took two steps Monday toward the establishment of a new development in the city. The first step was to approve the introduction and to set up the public notification process for a Concept Plan for Cowessess Flood Claim Holdings Inc. The plan was prepared by V3 Companies of Canada, for lands owned by Cowessess Flood Claim Holdings Inc., explained Michael Eger Director of Planning, Building & Development with the City at the meeting. “The lands are located in the Yellowhead commercial subdivision, which is located next to Walmart,” he said.

In January of 2019, City Council approved a subdivision application in advance of the Concept Plan in order to allow Cowessess to proceed with a Federal Reserve-status application. — Michael Eger, Director of Planning, Building & Development “In January of 2019, City Council approved a subdivision application in advance of the Concept Plan in order to allow Cowessess to proceed with a Federal Reserve-status application. The Concept Plan has undergone due process and is now proposed for public notification before Council considers adoption at the July 8th meeting.



“The Concept Plans form part of the Official Community Plan, and provide a more detailed guide for the development of a specific portion of lands. Moreover, the Concept Plan investigates local physical, environmental, financial and social factors before creating an outline for future land use, parcel configuration, street network and municipal

utilities within the affected area. Depending on the nature of the development, additional subdivision, Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw amendments may be required, provided they align with the Concept Plan.” The plan is one City Administration was satisfied with. “Cowessess, in conjunction

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with their team of professional consultants, have worked closely with City officials throughout the Concept Plan process,” said Eger. “There are five phases of proposed development, starting with a gas station and office buildings at the northwest corner of the site. It then proposes residential development along Lawrence Avenue in Phase 2, before more generally outlining additional phases for commercial/retail and outdoor entertainment. Site work for Phase 1 is set for summer of this year, with additional Phases occurring as the market demands. “Administration is confident that the Concept Plan adequately considers the relevant factors relating to the

Continued on Page A2

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