White girl, That’s you, girl— Even if you were only born half, girl. Half white, half black— Half white coming from half white, half black. Half black coming from half black, half white. And that quarter white also coming from half white, half black. But that’s you, girl— White girl! Despite being born half, girl. But what’s one half to a whole? Or better yet, The half that actually shows. Because look at your skin, girl, That’s white, girl. You’re not black, girl You’re white, girl. Now repeat it until it’s ingrained in your head, girl. Now repeat it until it’s ingrained in your head, girl. Now repeat it until it’s ingrained in your head, girl. You’re white, girl. You’re white, girl. You’re white, girl.
But the thing about being white girl when you’re actually half girl is You forget the other half to your whole, girl. White girl covers up black girl like it’s hiding a secret. Like no one’s meant to see it. Like, “Even if you’re mixed race, you’re still not black enough, girl.” Like,
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