Libertas - Fall 2017

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FALL 2017

VOL. 38

NO. 2

Inside: Vice President Pence’s Remarks at the 39th Annual National Conservative Student Conference 43309_Libertas.indd 1

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October 17, 2017 Dear Colleagues,


he most controversial and damaging issue with our supporters in the past few years was our purported “cancellation” of Ann Coulter’s planned appearance at the University of California, Berkeley in the spring semester. Coulter is a graduate of our National Journalism Center and no organization sponsored more of Coulter’s appearances before student audiences than Young America’s Foundation. Nevertheless, she went on national television and falsely claimed we “ordered” her not to go to Berkeley after it became apparent that Berkeley would not provide a classroom venue for the Coulter appearance. We never “ordered” Coulter to do anything. We were prepared to sponsor her lecture at Berkeley to fulfill a desire of students there. However, the University’s officials refused to provide a venue at a time when students were on campus. We never promised to support a stroll to Sproul Plaza where students wouldn’t hear her, and the Antifa thugs would welcome a violent confrontation. Our position was simple and straight-forward: We were asking for the same right to have access to school classrooms and lecture halls that leftist speakers enjoy. Young America’s Foundation sued the University of California, Berkeley. Consequently, we forced University administrators to provide equal access and, despite continued administrative harassment, hundreds of Berkeley students had a chance to hear from Ben Shapiro in a lecture earlier this fall. Ten million have since viewed Shapiro’s lecture on line! (You can read more about this successful event on page nine.) I want to thank the students and supporters who retained confidence in Young America’s Foundation’s approach. We were able to sponsor a breakthrough event without an inordinate risk of violence. Our ongoing lawsuit will enhance our efforts to ensure conservatives enjoy all the rights leftists enjoy at Berkeley and at campuses across California. Prevailing against such an entrenched opposition required an experienced team—and sponsorship by Fred Allen and other loyal Foundation supporters. By succeeding at Berkeley, Young America’s Foundation proves we can help conservatives express themselves at any campus in the country. Earlier this year the New York Times noted Young America’s Foundation was the “force” presenting conservative ideas on campus. The Berkeley lawsuit, Shapiro lecture, and conservative student surge illustrates this “force” can change even the most harder-hearted Leftist school. Thank you for your confidence, activism, and support that made this successful event possible.


Ron Robinson President

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LIB ERTAS Fall 2017

Volume 38

Number 2

Special Feature: 17

Vice President Mike Pence’s Remarks at the 39th Annual National Conservative Student Conference


Record Number of Students Attend High School Conference at the Reagan Ranch By Kyle Ferrebee, Program Officer for YAF Chapter Services


YAF’s National Journalism Center Offers Unmatched Training for Aspiring Reporters By Kelleigh Huber, Program Officer, National Journalism Center


Pence, Carson, Gingrich, Lee, Paul, and Conway Headline 39th Annual National Conservative Student Conference By Marlena Bhame, William & Berniece Grewcock Intern Scholar


Santorum, Folsom, and Thiessen Educate Future Leaders at 20th National High School Leadership Conference By Ross Dubberly, William & Berniece Grewcock Intern Scholar


Alumni Profile: Alumna Gabby Morrongiello Excels as White House Correspondent for the Washington Examiner By Ashley Weaver, Director of Alumni Relations

On the Cover: VOL. 38

FALL 2017


the 39 Pence’s Remarks at ce Inside: Vice President tive Student Conferen Annual National Conserva

NO. 2

Also in This Issue: Students from around the country gain inspiration and knowledge at YAF’s 39th annual National Conservative Student Conference.

4 Road to Freedom Seminar Features Moore, Fontova, Tamny,

and Furchtgott-Roth 6 Coach Lou Holtz Addresses 700 at New Jersey Reagan Day 7 Reagan Ranch Board of Governors Members Help Dedicate Reagan Statue in Bulgaria 8 Hillsdale’s Dr. Larry Arnn Offers History Lesson at a Wendy P. McCaw Reagan Ranch Roundtable 9 Ten Million View Ben Shapiro’s YAF Lecture at UC-Berkeley 43 Join YAF Leaders and Supporters on 2018 European River Cruise

Libertas, the Latin word for liberty, is a publication of Young America’s Foundation which highlights the programs, events, students, staff, and supporters of the Foundation. You may contact Libertas and Young America’s Foundation by writing to: Young America’s Foundation, National Headquarters, 11480 Commerce Park Drive, Sixth Floor, Reston, Virginia 20191; calling 800-USA-1776; or visiting Editor: Jessica Jensen; Publisher: Ron Robinson; Publication Design: Jonathan Briggs; Assistant Editors: Jolie Ballantyne, Amy Brooker, Spencer Brown, Cheri Cerame, Patrick Coyle, Nick Frase, Clare Hinshaw, Nicole Hoplin, Kelleigh Huber, Haley Jones, Raj Kannappan, Tory McClintock, Katie McMenamin, Chris Miranda, Emma Morris, Tom Robinson, Alec Sackett, Ashley Weaver; Washington, D.C. event photographers: David Keith and Bob Updegrove; California event photographer: Jacqueline Pilar. This document and all herein contents, images, stories, graphics, and design, fall unto copyright © 2005 to 2017 Young America’s Foundation, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. Any use of Libertas’ content without the written permission of Young America’s Foundation is prohibited.

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Young America’s Foundation Board Of Directors Ron Robinson President of the Board Ronald Pearson Vice President of the Board Frank Donatelli Secretary and Treasurer of the Board T. Kenneth Cribb, Jr. Wynton C. Hall Peter Schweizer James B. Taylor Thomas L. Phillips Director Emeritus

Reagan Ranch Board Of Governors Frank Donatelli Chairman Edwin Meese Co-Chairman Robert F. Agostinelli Governor George Allen Reagan Ranch Presidential Scholar John Barletta Dr. Suzanne Becker Lisa M. Buestrin Robert Cummins George & Becky Norton Dunlop Richard Gaby & Barbara Van Andel-Gaby Robert Giuffra, Jr. Timothy S. Goeglein Michael W. Grebe Ambassador Patricia L. Herbold Eric & Nicole Hoplin Harold Knapheide Mark Larson Rebekah Mercer Al Moore Dennis & Nancy Moore Doug & Pat Perry Thomas L. Phillips Rear Admiral JJ Quinn Richard & Jane Schwartz Lee Shannon Craig Shirley Owen & Bernadette Casey Smith Barbara S. Waddell Tonette Walker Jay Webber

National Journalism Center Board Of Governors T. Kenneth Cribb Jr. Chairman Chris Bedford Terry Eastland Emily Jashinsky Rich Lowry Alex Marlow The Honorable Alex Mooney Katie Pavlich Ronald Pearson Tom Winter Thomas L. Phillips Chairman Emeritus

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Road to Freedom Seminar Features Moore, Fontova, Tamny, and Furchtgott-Roth MORE THAN 50 YOUNG PARTICIPANTS CONVENED AT YOUNG AMERICA’S FOUNDATION’S HEADQUARTERS in Reston, Virginia, to participate in YAF’s Road to Freedom seminar on “How Free Markets Can Restore American Greatness.” The Foundation brought students from 20 states and 35 schools to engage with leading experts and advocates from premier institutions, including the Heritage Foundation, the Manhattan Institute, and the White House. On the first day of events, economists Diana FurchtgottRoth and Nicholas Eberstadt opened the seminar with remarks on the state of the economy under eight years of liberal governance. Then students learned from 37th U.S. Treasurer Bay Buchanan’s inspiring speech on true leadership and the willingness to fight for one’s principles. “If you want to truly be a leader, you have to know what you believe in,” Buchanan said, captivating the students with her message. Saturday’s line-up included Cuban exile and author Humberto Fontova and Heritage Foundation Policy Analyst Ana Quintana, who both explained the perils of socialism as told from their unique Latin American perspectives. Jared Meyer, business activist and scholar, discussed the need to eliminate excessive government regulation. The students also enjoyed remarks on the importance of the free market from author and Catholic University of America associate professor Dr. Jay W. Richards.

The Heritage Foundation’s Ana Quintana discusses the disastrous consequences of socialist policies and governments in Cuba, Central America, and Venezuela.

Foundation alumnus and Forbes Political Economy Editor John Tamny discussed the importance of fewer government regulations and lower taxes. “In an ideal world, you want the top tax rate to be as low as possible,” Tamny explained. The student audience also learned from the experiences of their peers. Program Officer for YAF Chapter Services Kyle Ferrebee moderated a student activism panel featuring Foundation interns Kara Bell from the University of Wisconsin, Joe Ballard from the University of Alabama, and YAF National Chairman Grant Strobl. Economist and regular Foundation speaker Stephen Moore ended the conference with a rousing defense of energy independence and low taxes, sending the students off with a renewed commitment to defending the free market. “All we need to do to make an incredible future possible is get government out of the way,” Moore noted. Students left the seminar eager to ramp up their activism on campus and build on their involvement with Young America’s Foundation.

Students from around the country enjoy the weekend-long seminar where they are inspired by leading conservatives underscoring the importance of free enterprise.


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Young leaders from 35 schools enjoy the Road to Freedom seminar at the Foundation’s national headquarters.

Cuban exile and author Humberto Fontova greets Charles Dorfeuille from George Mason University following his remarks.

Economist Stephen Moore contrasts President Reagan’s successful economic policies with the failed, leftist policies of the Obama era. Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2017

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Legendary Football Coach Lou Holtz Headlines Largest Annual Gathering of Conservatives in New Jersey FAMED COACH AND SPORTS BROADCASTER LOU HOLTZ ADDRESSED MORE THAN 700 GUESTS at the 14th annual New Jersey Reagan Day earlier this year. Young America’s Foundation is proud to sponsor this event, which has become the largest annual gathering of conservatives in the state and one of the largest Reagan Day celebrations in the country. It has also become an important recruiting resource for the Foundation’s programs. Coach Holtz is an inductee to the College Football Hall of Fame. He boasts a career record of 243-127-7. Throughout his distinguished head coaching career—at schools including Notre Dame, William & Mary, North Carolina State, and Arkansas—Holtz made history; he remains the only coach to take six different teams to bowl games, win five bowl games with different teams, and have four teams ranked in the final Top 20 poll.

New Jersey Assemblyman Jay Webber, founder and organizer of the annual gathering, emcees the evening’s program.


Coach Lou Holtz addresses more than 700 attendees during the 2017 New Jersey Reagan Day.

Coach Holtz gave an inspiring talk, highlighting the principles he instilled in his players—principles that Ronald Reagan exemplified—loyalty, patriotism, a strong work ethic, accountability, and personal responsibility. He also gave advice he learned as a coach, husband, and father, encouraging the audience to make good choices, strive for excellence, get to know people, and keep things simple. New Jersey Assemblyman Jay Webber, the founder and organizer of New Jersey Reagan Day, emceed the event. Webber is a member of Young America’s Foundation’s Reagan Ranch Board of Governors. A highlight of the event was the enthusiastic applause generated by more than 700 New Jerseyans when Kimberly Martin Begg, Esq., vice president and general counsel of Young America’s Foundation, thanked Little Falls resident Armand Hilaire for his remarkable generosity. Hilaire, whose support has been critical to the Foundation’s success in reaching young people through New Jersey Reagan Day and other programs, had requested anonymity for his giving for many years, until now. “He is one of the most important leaders in the great state of New Jersey,” Begg said. Grant Brady, chairman of the YAF chapter at Sparta High School in Sparta Township, New Jersey, led guests in the Pledge of Allegiance. Brady started his chapter after being inspired at New Jersey Reagan Day in 2015. Esteemed guests included Alfred Angelo, Wade and Linda Kirby, John and Gayle Scirocco, and other YAF supporters and alumni.

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Reagan Ranch Board of Governors Members Help Dedicate Reagan Statue in Bulgaria REPRESENTATIVES OF YOUNG AMERICA’S FOUNDATION’S REAGAN RANCH BOARD OF GOVERNORS TRAVELED TO SOFIA, BULGARIA, to unveil a statue of Ronald Reagan during an important dedication ceremony on May 10. Virginia’s 67th governor, George Allen, and his wife, Susan, along with Robert Agostinelli, co-founder of the private equity firm Rhône Group, represented the Reagan Ranch Board of Governors on this historic occasion. The nine-foot marble monument, which transpired with key input and advice from Young America’s Foundation and members of the Reagan Ranch Board of Governors, was erected to honor President Reagan’s critical contribution to the country’s liberation from communism. The ceremony took place at the entrance to Sofia’s famed South Park, one of the largest green spaces in the city. Two Bulgarians, Georgi Nenkov and Stoyan Traykov, first spearheaded the idea for a monument of Ronald Reagan after they visited the Reagan Ranch in 2005 as part of a delegation of young conservatives from around the world. The Bulgarian people revere President Reagan for leading international efforts to topple the Soviet bloc, ushering in their transition to Susan Allen, Governor George Allen, and Robert Agostinelli represent Young America’s Foundation democratic rule. The proposal for the in Bulgaria during the dedication ceremony of a statue celebrating President Reagan’s contribution to Bulgaria’s liberation from communism. monument was first forwarded by Konstantin Arabadzhiev, former mayor of Governor Allen also gave formal remarks on behalf of the Sofia, and approved by municipal officials in February 2014. Reagan Ranch Board of Governors, noting: Attorney General Edwin Meese III, co-chairman of the Reagan Ranch Board of Governors, and Andrew Coffin, The Bulgarian people’s decision to place this impressive director of the Reagan Ranch and vice president of Young statue in such a central location speaks volumes about America’s Foundation, both served on a jury of prominent your appreciation for positive American leadership—and officials who assisted the Bulgarians in selecting the will continue to send a powerful message for decades winning artist: Boris Borisov, who imagined and created to come. It is most encouraging to know just how the monument of Ronald Reagan. The Union of Bulgarian many thousands of families and children will see this Artists oversaw the competition. monument here. Ronald Reagan still stands as a symbol At the ceremony, many leaders from Bulgaria took part, of freedom, representative democracy, and a positive including local and national officials. Additionally, the trusting of free people, and free enterprise remains U.S. Ambassador to Bulgaria, Eric Rubin, provided some an enduring motivation for people in Bulgaria and reflections on his time in the foreign service during the throughout the world. Reagan administration. Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2017

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Hillsdale College President Dr. Larry Arnn Gives Instruction in History and Statesmanship at Reagan Ranch Roundtable YOUNG AMERICA’S FOUNDATION WAS DELIGHTED TO HOST HILLSDALE COLLEGE PRESIDENT AND WINSTON CHURCHILL SCHOLAR DR. LARRY ARNN at the Wendy P. McCaw Reagan Ranch Roundtable luncheon. During the program, the Foundation welcomed members of the Utah-based Sutherland Institute and its president, Boyd Matheson, who also addressed the luncheon audience. Dr. Arnn spoke about the lack of conservative representation in colleges and universities as well as attacks on free speech at many campuses. He connected this topic with the question, “Why study statesmanship?” Dr. Arnn emphasized the importance of studying history and demonstrated that America is currently in the midst of the third crisis in our history-—the previous crises being the American Revolution and the Civil War.

He argued that the third American crisis can be seen most prominently on college campuses, where our schools have not only lost sight of the purpose of higher education but also of the principles of the Founding. As a Churchill scholar, Dr. Arnn invoked the warnings of Winston Churchill regarding the seriousness of domestic social issues becoming ideological wars. He remarked, “We are supposed to be defending a liberal society; that means room for us to move and live the way we want.” Dr. Arnn concluded with a challenge to all citizens to protect the Constitution: “It [the Constitution] is not a lawyers’ document. It is a citizens’ document. It is the only law ever passed by the people of the United States…We should insist that it be followed, and we should participate in its enforcement.”

Dr. Larry Arnn shares insightful thoughts about history, higher education, and current events during the Wendy P. McCaw Reagan Ranch Roundtable luncheon.


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More Than Ten Million View YAF’s UC-Berkeley Lecture Featuring Ben Shapiro

New York Times bestselling author Ben Shapiro addresses hundreds of students at UC-Berkeley and more than 350,000 viewers who tuned in to watch his speech live, online.


ensured hundreds of students heard, engaged with, and discussed conservative ideas at the University of California, Berkeley. YAF partnered with New York Times bestselling author Ben Shapiro, and students braved antifa violence, administrative roadblocks, and hateful sneers from triggered liberals to hear conservative ideas expressed on their campus. In addition to the student audience, Young America’s Foundation’s live stream of the event—part of our Fred Allen Lecture Series—reached more than 350,000 viewers during the program, and it was the #1 trending topic in the Bay area on Twitter. More than ten million people had tuned in to watch the speech online—only four days later. The Drudge Report, Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, and the New York Times were among the dozens of outlets featuring the lecture. Achieving this victory for free speech was not easy. Berkeley administrators previously blocked two Foundation speakers from campus. Their repeated attempts to silence conservative ideas lead YAF to file a federal civil rights lawsuit against the school. Yet, even with the pending legal threat, the school employed numerous dirty tricks to undermine the lecture. The Foundation team worked closely with the conservative students on campus. We dispatched our staff weeks before to assist with advertising on the ground and engage administrators who dodged scheduled meetings—some literally ran from our students when they attempted to meet with them. While Berkeley administrators claimed to support conservatives’ free speech rights, they levied a hefty $15,000 security fee, which YAF stepped forward to cover to allow the event to continue. However, the school continued to undermine its conservative students. When it was discovered that we had demand to fill all 2,000 seats in the hall, the school summarily limited attendance to half. When students lined up with the hope of receiving unclaimed tickets on the evening of the event, Berkeley seized the extra tickets to keep those eager students from attending. YAF’s team and the campus conservatives worked tirelessly to ensure conservative ideas were not silenced at Berkeley—

Hundreds of students and community members line up outside Zellerbach Hall at UC-Berkeley in advance of Shapiro’s speech.

Students applaud Ben Shapiro during his lecture, part of the Foundation’s Fred Allen Lecture Series.

despite the school’s best efforts to cripple this event. And, on September 14, because of YAF’s perseverance, conservatism and free speech prevailed. Ben Shapiro electrified the audience with his defense of individual freedom. He tore down many liberal concepts, including the obsession with identity politics. With the help of our generous supporters nationwide, bold conservative students, our student training efforts, on-theground activism, and leadership in filing a free speech lawsuit against Berkeley, Young America’s Foundation brought about this breakthrough accomplishment. In doing so, the Foundation, once again, proved why we are the leader when it comes to advancing conservative ideas on campus, even one as liberal as the University of California, Berkeley. Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2017

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Popular Foundation speaker Rachel CamposDuffy meets with high school conference attendees near the Knapheide Family Berlin Wall Exhibit at the Reagan Ranch Center.

Record Number of Students Attend High School Conference at the Reagan Ranch By Kyle Ferrebee, Program Officer for YAF Chapter Services



n June, Young America’s Foundation hosted its largest high school conference at the Reagan Ranch. The 174 participants, representing 29 states, immersed themselves in the legacy of Ronald Reagan and the teachings of premier conservative speakers. Anna Garrett from Highland Park High School explained, “This [was] an experience I will cherish for the rest

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Foundation President Ron Robinson instructs the young audience on the key tenets of conservatism.

Philippa Kok, Cailey Rembert, and Madison Everson meet like-minded friends at the High School Conference at the Reagan Ranch.

Dr. Burt Folsom enlightens the young audience with one of his two speeches during the weekend-long conference.

of my life. Even though I came as a conservative, it cemented my values and built a strong foundation that I can use to share conservatism with others.” The conference, graciously sponsored in part by Keith Work, launched with a banquet featuring television personality and author Rachel Campos-Duffy, who gave students an energizing presentation

Columnist and professor Victor Davis Hanson addresses the student audience during the Wendy P. McCaw Reagan Ranch Roundtable luncheon, which was held in conjunction with the conference at the Reagan Ranch Center.

on the power of popular culture. Campos-Duffy encouraged students to be active on social media and to be vocal about their beliefs and values. She noted, “If you want to influence public policy, you first have to impact culture.” The first full day began with a session guided by Foundation President Ron Robinson. Students broke into groups to examine the

core principles of conservatism and why they matter in our modern society. Robinson reminded students about the significance of America’s founding: “Just because something is old, doesn’t mean it is incorrect or not important.” He added, “The Founding Fathers assumed that the Constitution would be more likely to defend our freedoms as [America] became bigger.” Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2017

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Students then joined Foundation supporters and friends for the Wendy P. McCaw Reagan Ranch Roundtable luncheon. The audience received a detailed analysis on the 2016 Presidential election from historian, syndicated columnist, and Hoover Institution Fellow Victor Davis Hanson. “I don’t think, in my life, I have seen a more polarized climate,” Hanson noted. He also explained that Trump’s opposition failed to connect with their constituents. Following lunch, the students traveled to Rancho del Cielo, President Reagan’s Western White House, where they walked in the footsteps of Ronald Reagan through his adobe house, his tack barn filled with his most treasured vehicles and riding equipment, and the Secret Service command post. John Barletta, President Reagan’s longest-serving Secret Service agent, also addressed the young audience at the Ranch. Barletta commented on the significance of the historic property, declaring, “Here at the Ranch, you’ll find Ronald Reagan’s soul.” Student Blaise Ebiner of Pomona, California, agreed, affirming that the Ranch “showed how humble and practical Reagan was…and how hardworking he was.” That evening, Foundation alumna and author Kate Obenshain rallied the young audience to stand up and fight for the free exchange of ideas and to stay true to their own beliefs in the face of opposition. The final day of the conference featured longtime Foundation faculty member Dr. Burt Folsom, author Robert Spencer, Dr. Derryck Green, Foundation Vice President Patrick Coyle, and Young Americans for Freedom National Chairman Grant Strobl. Dr. Folsom began with a twopart lecture on textbook bias, captivating the students with his engaging and interactive presentation. 12

President Reagan’s Secret Service agent, John Barletta, meets with Chloe Lujan from Sonora High School.

Students (from left) Elijah King and Ricardo Avila from California learn from some of our nation’s leading conservatives during the High School Conference at the Reagan Ranch.

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Young Americans for Freedom National Chairman Grant Strobl, who got his start as a YAF activist while in high school, offers insights and guidance on starting and growing high school YAF chapters.

Robert Spencer, director of Jihad Watch, followed with remarks on the origins of radical Islam and what the Left has done to distort the truth about Sharia Law. Spencer urged the students to study the history of radical Islam and engage in discussions about its deceptive nature, noting, “The thing about the truth is that it cannot be hidden forever.” Afterwards, commentator and writer Dr. Derryck Green explained the benefits that conservative values have on all families, emphasizing the success that those in minority communities find when they embrace those ideas. “We have to move away from social programs that promote mediocrity,” Green said. Later that afternoon, Young America’s Foundation Vice President Patrick Coyle presented students with ideas and action plans on how to advance the Conservative Movement at their schools and how to overcome leftist obstacles from their peers and school faculty. Students concluded the conference with a motivating speech from YAF National Chairman Grant Strobl. “You are the only people in this country who can make a difference at your school,” Strobl said as he shared his personal experiences as a high school activist. Following the session, many students expressed interest in forming YAF chapters at their schools. The conference left a powerful impression on its attendees. Students forged friendships, strengthened principles, and grew in their desire to promote conservative values. Student Riley Jensen of Claremore, Oklahoma, summarized the importance of this program and the Foundation’s overall mission, noting, “The message of YAF is remarkably effective, and what they have done and will continue to do for young Americans is nothing short of admirable.” Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2017

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YAF’s National Journalism Center Offers Unmatched Training for Aspiring Reporters By Kelleigh Huber, Program Officer, National Journalism Center


ince 1977, the National College graduate, received a Journalism Center full-time job offer at Roll Call, (NJC) has strived and Ayers repeatedly had to provide a handsstories on the front page of on, educational summer the Washington Times. internship for its students. In During their Friday its 40th year and a project of sessions at Young America’s Young America’s Foundation, Foundation’s national the goal remains the same: headquarters, students training aspiring conservative honed their journalism National Journalism Center Intern Rachael Wood produces her own on-camera journalists in the values of skills. Each of the twelve package during her internship at One America News Network. responsible, balanced, and weeks featured a select topic accurate reporting. NJC placed 37 interns News Network, the Weekly Standard, including writing, interviewing, and at 26 publications, newsrooms, and social media. Key speakers included past Voice of America, and Senator Rand communication outposts during the NJC executive director Kirby Wilbur, Paul’s communications department. summer of 2017. The drive of those 37 president of Regnery Publishing Marji Standout interns from the summer students created 840 published bylines, Ross, senior White House Correspondent include Annabel Scott at CNS News, television and radio interviews, and John Gizzi of Newsmax, and many other Ben Decatur at the Daily Caller, Griffin podcasts, including multiple hits on the representatives from the Conservative Connolly at Roll Call, and Emma Ayers Drudge Report and Yahoo News! and even at the Washington Times. Scott had two Movement as well as conservative media. a tweet by President Trump. NJC alumni Kathryn Watson (’11) stories shared by Yahoo News! as well as NJC added new placements this of CBS Digital; Katie Frates (’14) of the Drudge Report, and Decatur had his summer to further expand its reach, Olympic Media; Gabby Morrongiello Daily Caller article tweeted by President including WorldNetDaily, One America (’13) of the Washington Examiner; Trump! Connolly, a recent Boston

The National Journalism Center’s summer class visits Fox News’s D.C. studios for a live taping of Tucker Carlson Tonight.


NJC interns Josephine von Dohlen (left) and Julie Havlak (right) complete their own video project during a special “Video Boot Camp” seminar at Young America’s Foundation’s national headquarters.

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The 2017 NJC interns enjoy a walking tour of Washington, D.C., during their first week of the 12-week session.

and others spoke to the benefits of NJC’s program and how it contributed to their current careers in media. NJC alumnus Bill McMorris (’08) of the Washington Free Beacon served a key role throughout the summer, leading weekly investigative journalism classes. McMorris mentored participants in their own investigative projects where they filed FOIA requests, conducted interviews, and wrote their own pieces. NJC Director Elizabeth Donatelli and WPEC Chief Photographer Chris Jones led a video boot camp, teaching the interns how to edit video and audio

content. Students put the training to use as they created their own video packages. “During these 12 weeks, you ARE a journalist. And now, afterwards, I feel that I am miles ahead of everyone I go to school with. The advantage I have because of NJC is very significant,” noted Dino Bizzarro, who interned with Radio America. In addition to programming, the NJC class attended a live taping of Tucker Carlson Tonight at the Fox News studios in Washington, D.C. Other outings included Mount Vernon, the House press gallery in the U.S. Capitol,

Georgetown University senior Matthew Trunko interns at the Washington Examiner, producing more than 50 articles while reporting from Capitol Hill.

Samantha Snellings attends one of many White House press briefings during her NJC internship under John Gizzi, senior White House correspondent for Newsmax.

and the National Rifle Association’s headquarters. “I would recommend NJC to anyone who has a passion for public policy, media, and following the news. NJC provides its students with incredible opportunities. Students will leave NJC more confident, better writers, and better prepared for the real world,” shared Ben Decatur, intern with the Daily Caller. NJC’s 2017 summer class proved to be an incredible group with great potential. We are excited to see what they will do next! For more information about NJC, visit

Griffin Connolly (left) and Kyle Stewart (right) collaborate on numerous projects throughout the summer, interviewing members of Congress and their staffs. Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2017

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Vice President Mike Pence’s Remarks at the 39th Annual National Conservative Student Conference August 4, 2017


hank you for that

of the United States of

wonderful, warm

America—President Donald

welcome. And

Trump. (Applause.) Thanks to the support of

thank you to my

friend Frank Donatelli for that

so many young conservatives

overly generous introduction.

like all of you here today all across this country, last

Frank knows me well enough to know the

November President Trump

introduction I prefer is just

won a historic victory. More

a little bit shorter. I’m a

counties than any President

Christian, a conservative, and

since Ronald Reagan—30 of

a Republican—in that order.

50 states, states no Republican


had carried in a generation. The truth is with your

And it’s a great honor to be here tonight to address

support, President Donald

the rising generation of

Trump turned the blue wall

conservative leaders, the men and women of Young America’s

Vice President Mike Pence addresses Young America’s Foundation’s 39th annual National Conservative Student Conference.

red. (Applause.) And I came here tonight just to pay a debt of gratitude

Foundation, here at the 39th National Conservative Student Conference. Give yourselves a

to all of you who helped elect a President who is fighting every

round of applause. You’re going to be making a difference in

day, fighting every day for the values and the ideals that unite

America for a long time. (Applause.)

us, and fighting every day to keep the promises that he made

So welcome back to Washington, D.C. Before I get started, I bring greetings this evening from a friend of

to the American people. And for my part, it’s a privilege to be back at the Young

mine, a man who’s fighting every day for common-sense,

America’s Foundation. I’ve worked hand-in-hand with YAF

conservative values—from the very heart of the White House

going back more than 15 years—not from when that picture

in the Oval Office, I bring greetings from the 45th President

was taken. (Laughter.) But from when I first arrived in Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2017

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Congress in 2001. In 2005, my family had the great privilege to

You run so many noteworthy projects and programs, but

visit the Reagan Ranch, where YAF has wonderfully preserved

I’d especially like to thank you particularly for your heroic

the wisdom and legacy of my second favorite President of the

work promoting and standing for freedom of expression and

United States, President Ronald Reagan. (Applause.)

the free exchange of ideas on the campuses across this country.

I have to tell you as I ran into Ron and Frank backstage, thinking of all the years that we’ve stood together and all the encouragement they’ve been to me as a conservative, I just

(Applause.) As I said in an address I gave at the University of Notre Dame just a few months ago, we live in a time when free speech and civility are waning on

can’t tell you how genuinely humbling it is for me to think that I’m standing before you today because of their encouragement, and support and because of folks like you all over this country, and because of the confidence and generosity of our new President that I stand before you today as the 48


Vice President of the United States of America. So on behalf of my family, thank you for the opportunity to serve. (Applause.) It’s remarkable to think about the Young America’s Foundation’s history and contributions not just to my small life but to the conservative movement itself and to this entire country. Since its founding in 1960, YAF has been a bulwark of American

“It’s remarkable to think about the Young America’s Foundation’s history and contributions not just to my small life but to the conservative movement itself and to this entire country. Since its founding in 1960, YAF has been a bulwark of American greatness.”

campuses across America, but YAF is committed to changing that. And you’re making a great difference. You’ve been speaking out against speech codes, safe spaces, political correctness. You fight to defend conservative speakers and students who want nothing more than to exercise their First Amendment right to the freedom of speech. And so tonight, I just want to say thank you. Thank you to the young men and women of Young America’s Foundation for your strong stand for our freedoms, and thank you for all that you do, day-in and day-out to bring the conservative message to the public square. (Applause.) And I can promise you as you labor,

greatness. You fight for the truths of

I see it every day, the Young America’s

the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. You fight for those timeless principles of

Foundation finally has a friend back in the Oval Office in the

“individual freedom, a strong national defense, free enterprise,

White House. (Applause.)

and traditional moral values.” And let there be no doubt

President Donald Trump has been fighting every day for

because of the work of all of you all across this country,

the conservative vision, the conservative values that you and I

conservative values are winning on campuses and winning the

hold dear.

hearts and minds of America one student at a time. (Applause.) Today, YAF has more than 300 chapters that are active on over 2,000 campuses all across the United States, reaching a stunning 400,000 students every year. 18

President Trump has given voice I believe to the aspirations and frustrations of the American people like no leader since President Ronald Reagan. And our President has gone right to work putting men

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Vice President Pence meets with Young America’s Foundation President Ron Robinson prior to his remarks.

and women into a Cabinet and into this administration that

like Secretary of Defense Jim “Mad Dog” Mattis. (Applause.)

have been advancing that agenda with consistency and with

You go around that table and people like Betsy DeVos

courage. I’ve got to tell you I think President Donald Trump

and others, truly it speaks volumes about this President’s commitment to surrounding himself with extraordinary

has assembled the strongest conservative Cabinet in my

men and women as a part of this administration’s team, and I

lifetime—bar none. (Applause.) Think about it. How

couldn’t be more proud to be a small part of it.

about Ambassador Nikki Haley to the United Nations?

So as I stand before you today, I’m deeply humbled to be

(Applause.) How about Dr. Ben Carson at Housing and

able to report to you that not just in assembling this team, but

Urban Development? (Applause.) In fact, I know you’re

since day one of this administration, this President has been

going to hear from Dr. Carson tonight, and he’s just an

putting conservative principles into practice to strengthen

incredible member of this Cabinet—right along with others

America at home and abroad so that your generation can live Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2017

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in a country that is prosperous, safe, and free and is built on the highest ideals of the American experience. (Applause.) Just look at what our President has done to get the

Our President has traveled across the wider world, reaffirming our historic alliances, challenging all who cherish freedom to step up and confront the forces that threaten our

American economy moving again already. President Trump,

way of life. I’m pleased to report—once again—we have a

I’m pleased to report, has actually signed more laws cutting

President who stands without apology on the world stage as

through federal red tape than any President in American

leader of the free world. (Applause.)

history. (Applause.) This President has been unleashing

And I have to tell you, more personal to me, as the proud

American energy after years of frustration by a liberal

father of a United States Marine, I couldn’t be more grateful

administration like when he authorized the construction of the

to serve as Vice President to a President who cares so deeply

Keystone and Dakota pipelines.

about the men and women

(Applause.) And began to roll

of the Armed Forces of the

back the Clean Power Plan. The

United States, their families,

truth is, under President Donald

and our veterans. (Applause.) The United States of

Trump, the war on coal is over.

America simply has the finest

(Applause.) And this President has been

armed forces in the history

putting America first, like when

of the world. The men and

he announced that the United

women who wear the uniform

States of America officially today

of this country are the best

notified the United Nations that

of your generation, and I’m

we are withdrawing from the

inspired whenever I’m among

Paris climate accord. (Applause.)

them. Today, at Dover Air

In a word, President Trump

Force Base two heroes of

has been keeping his promise to

this generation came home:

make America prosperous again.

Sergeant Jonathon Hunter and

Just this morning, the news came in—did you hear about

Specialist Christopher Harris of the 82nd Airborne. These two

it? Over one million new jobs have been created across this

heroes fell defending our freedom in Afghanistan this week.

country by businesses large and small since President Donald

We honor their service and their sacrifice. Their names will be

Trump took office. More Americans are working than ever

enshrined in the hearts of a grateful nation, and their families

before, and unemployment hasn’t been this low in 16 years.

and their loved ones will remain in our prayers. For no greater

And as the President tweeted this morning, we “have only just

love has a man than this, that he should lay down his life for his

begun”! (Applause.)

friends. These two men were heroes. We honor them tonight

But as important as our prosperity is, this President knows

by standing with all those who at this very hour stand a far

that security is the foundation of our prosperity. And serving

distant post on the ramparts of freedom. God bless them all.

with him every day, I can assure you, President Trump has no


higher priority than the safety and security of the American people.


And we honor them through our tributes, but we also honor them through our actions. And I’ll make you a

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promise: President Donald Trump is going to be the best

America safe again, and I couldn’t be more grateful to serve

friend the Armed Forces of the United States will have ever

with him. But frankly, let me say from my heart how meaningful it is

had in the White House. (Applause.) You think about it, our President has already signed the largest increase in military spending in nearly 10 years.

to me to serve with a President who stands without apology for the sanctity of life. (Applause.)

And he’s called on the Congress to pass one of the biggest

In one of his very first acts in office, President Trump

investments in our defense spending since the days of the

reinstated the Mexico City Policy to keep taxpayer funding

Cold War.

out of organizations that perform and promote abortions abroad, and our President has expanded

And under President Donald Trump, I’ll make you a promise: We’re going to rebuild our military, we’re going to restore the arsenal of democracy, and we are once again going to give our soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and Coast Guard the resources and training they need to accomplish their mission and come home safe. (Applause.) With the leadership of this Commander-in-Chief, I’m proud to report our armed forces are taking the fight to our enemy on our terms, on

“As this rising generation of American leaders, you know that your future, the future of this country depends on what we do in the days ahead. No one has more stake in it than you.”

that policy to cover nearly $9 billion in foreign aid. (Applause.) And President Trump has empowered states to withhold federal funding from abortion providers like Planned Parenthood, and I’m humbled to say that at the President’s direction, I was able to cast the tie-breaking vote in the Senate to allow states to defund Planned Parenthood. (Applause.) So this President has been standing for the God-given liberties enshrined in our Constitution. And he’s been

their soil. And with President Donald

making sure that his appointments

Trump and our brave warriors in the

to the courts of this land will adhere

field in Iraq and in Syria, we will not rest,

to the Constitution as it’s written, to

we will not relent until we hunt down and destroy ISIS at its

strictly construe the Constitution. The men and women that

source, so it can no longer threaten our homeland or threaten

we’re putting forward to fill our federal benches are going to

our allies around the world. (Applause.)

be people that uphold our highest traditions, like the newest

And when it comes to security at home, our President has been busy as well—securing our borders, enforcing our laws,

member of the Supreme Court of the United States—Justice Neil Gorsuch. (Applause.)

removing dangerous criminal illegal aliens from our streets,

So it’s about jobs and prosperity. It’s about security at

gang members, drug dealers, and violent criminal gangs like

home and abroad. It’s our fundamental liberties, and it’s

MS-13. And I’m pleased to report under President Donald

strengthening America each and every day. President Trump

Trump’s leadership and the efforts of our Homeland Security,

has done all that and more, and it’s been only a little more

illegal immigrant crossings on our southern border are down

than six months.

more than 60 percent since the first day of 2017. (Applause.) So President Trump is keeping his promise to make

But as the President likes to say, at this White House, that’s just what we call a good start. (Applause.) Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2017

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The truth is we’ve got a lot more work to do. My

Behind every number is a name, behind every name is

fellow conservatives, let me assure you: Job one for this

a story. And I’ve heard these stories as I’ve traveled across

administration going forward is we’re going to fight every day

America, and so has the President. Small businesses that

to keep the promise we made, and we’re going to repeal and

talk about the heartache of struggling to keep their whole

replace Obamacare. (Applause.)

workforce in place, people that have worked for them for years

Last week, it was clear that the Senate wasn’t quite ready

and years. But with skyrocketing costs of health insurance,

to keep that promise to the American people, when they fell

they got to choose between keeping the business going and keeping people on the payroll that

one vote short of moving forward on a bill to repeal and replace this disastrous policy. The truth is every day Obamacare survives is another day the American people struggle. When Obamacare passed, we heard a lot of promises. You remember? We heard if you like your doctor, you can keep it—not true. We heard if you like your health insurance, you can keep it—not true. We heard that the cost of health insurance was going to go down. That one sure wasn’t true. In fact, we were promised that families would save up to $2,500 in health insurance premiums if this thing became law about seven years ago. And the truth is the average Obamacare plan today costs nearly $3,000 more

“Keep speaking out. Let your voices be heard. With your peers and your colleagues, go out there and keep advocating without apology and with cheerfulness the common-sense conservative message that this country longs to hear.”

than a plan did in 2013. And while premiums are soaring, choices are plummeting. Next year, at least 40 percent of American counties, including nine whole states, will have only one choice of a health insurance provider, meaning they’ll essentially have no choice at all. Even worse, many counties will have no health insurance

they’ve known for years and years. I’ve talked to working families— literally a woman in Wisconsin told me that she had to take a pass on paying her health insurance premium for three months just so she’d have enough money to buy Christmas presents for her grandkids. We all know the truth, America knows the truth: Obamacare has failed and Obamacare must go. (Applause.) Now, the President and I were disappointed when the Senate came up short in finishing what the House of Representatives had started. In fact, the President said, every single one of those Democrats in the Senate and a handful of Republicans in his words “let the American people down.” And that’s the truth of it.

But my fellow conservatives, let me be clear: This ain’t over, this ain’t over by a long shot. (Applause.) We are absolutely committed to keeping our promise to the American people. We were not elected to save Obamacare; we were elected to repeal and replace it. And

providers whatsoever in 2018 all across this country. And it’s

you can know with confidence that President Donald Trump

not just about the statistics. It’s about real people. It’s about

and I are going to fight every day until we end the Obamacare

small business owners, family farmers all across this country

nightmare once and for all. (Applause.)

that are struggling to make ends meet. 22

And when that day comes—and rest assured, it will

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come—we will begin to restore a healthcare system

choices and make it possible for every child to be able to go to

based on those timeless American principles of personal

the school of their choice and have access to the world-class

responsibility, free-market competition, and state-based

education every child deserves. It’s a lot of work to do.

reform. That’s the conservative way to meet the needs of

But I know I’m looking at a lot of young people that

this country in the 21 century when it comes to healthcare,

are anxious to get to it. So to this rising generation of

and that is the American way to improve 21 century

conservative leaders, I’ll tell you—you picked a great time to

healthcare for this generation and the next. (Applause.)

show up. (Applause.) Because this is the moment, now is the




And while we’re working

To finish what we’ve

with this Congress to act on healthcare, I’ll make you

started, though, the President

another promise: President

and I are counting on all of you.

Donald Trump and I are going

We’re counting on this rising

to roll our sleeves up, sit down

generation. We need your

with lawmakers, and we’re

voices. We need your values.

going to pass the largest tax

We need your energy and your

cut since the days of Ronald

vision as never before. As this rising generation of

Reagan. (Applause.) We’re going to cut taxes across the

American leaders, you know

board for working families,

that your future, the future of

small businesses, and family

this country depends on what


we do in the days ahead. No one has more stake in it than

And President Trump is


going to cut business taxes in

It was President Reagan

America so American companies can compete with companies

who memorably said,

around the world to create

“Freedom is never more than

good-paying jobs right here in

one generation away from

the good old USA. (Applause.) So it’s about healthcare. It’s about tax cuts. And under this

extinction,” and this rings just as true today as it did a half century ago when he said it.

President’s leadership, and with the support of this Congress,

So I came here tonight really to encourage you to keep

we’re going to keep rolling forward. We’ll make those historic

standing up. Keep speaking out. Let your voices be heard.

investments in national defense to make America stronger

With your peers and your colleagues, go out there and keep

and safer than ever before.

advocating without apology and with cheerfulness the

We’ll keep reining in those unelected bureaucrats so they can’t cripple our economy from the comfort of those taxpayer-funded metal desks. We’ll enact real education reform to give families more

common-sense conservative message that this country longs to hear. And from this day forward, the President and I are going to have to count on every ounce of your energy. Your Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2017

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enthusiasm, your courage, your conviction, and your passion.

humble themselves and pray, he’ll hear from Heaven, and he’ll

And I know we’ll have it.

heal this land, this one nation, under God, indivisible, with

But there’s one more thing I might ask of you if you’re

liberty and justice for all. (Applause.)

so inclined. This is a very challenging time in the life of our nation—widening and unknowable threats around the


world, too much division here at home, an economy that’s now beginning to get on its feet


after years of struggling under

in a word, men and women of

the weight of big government.

the Young America’s Foundation,

And I would just say as you leave

have faith. Have faith in the

here from this great conference

principles that you hold in

energized, hearing all these

your hearts that brought you to

speakers that you heard this week,

this place today. Have faith in

you go back to your homes and

each other, and in your fellow

go back to your schools renewed

conservatives, the ability to make

in your determination to make

a difference as conservatives have

a difference for conservative

ever since this movement was

values, I’d encourage you, if you’re

born. Have faith in this President,

inclined, to bow the head and

who I promise you and the whole

bend the knee. It would be a good

team is fighting for you every

time to do that, too.

day. And above all else, have a

The truth is it’s a good time

boundless faith in the American

to pray for America because

people, and in Him who placed

America matters far beyond our

this miracle of democracy on this

shores. And when I tell you to pray for

Vice President Pence and his family enjoy a memorable visit to the Reagan Ranch in 2005.

America, I’m not so much talking about an agenda or a party, but really just pray for this country.

wilderness shores, that He will still do as He’s always done, He will bless America.

And so I say to this rising generation, with your support,

Abraham Lincoln I thought had it pretty right. He was asked

with the leadership that we have in President Donald Trump

in his time if he thought God was on his side, and he said, “I’d

and in our majorities in the House and Senate and all across

rather concern myself more with whether we’re on God’s side

this land, and with all of your shining faces, I’m confident,

than whether God is on our side.”

together, we will make America safe again. Together, we will

So just pray for this country. Pray for all who serve her in every capacity because I truly do believe those ancient words of millennia ago are as true today as they’ve ever been, words

make America prosperous again. And together, to borrow a phrase, we will Make America Great Again. Thank you very much. God bless the Young America’s

that Americans have clung to in much more challenging times

Foundation and God bless the United States of America.

than these, that if His people who are called by His name will



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Secretary Ben Carson shares insights about his career and role in the Trump administration during the closing dinner banquet at the National Conservative Student Conference.

Vice President Pence, Secretary Carson, Speaker Gingrich, Senators Lee and Paul, and Kellyanne Conway Headline 39th Annual National Conservative Student Conference By Marlena Bhame, William & Berniece Grewcock Intern Scholar


oung America’s Foundation welcomed more than 500 students to the 39th annual National Conservative Student Conference in Washington, D.C. The weeklong conference, attracting and inspiring students from 34 states and four countries, is the nation’s longest-running conservative youth program. Conference Director Jolie Ballantyne opened the conference—much of which was broadcast live on C-SPAN throughout the week. The evening’s opening dinner featured Senator Rand Paul, who also signed copies of his latest book, Taking a Stand, prior to his remarks. Senator Paul reminded students of the importance of

standing up for limited government and freedom. Popular radio host Dennis Prager kicked off the first full day of the conference, declaring that “without God there is no ultimate purpose to life.” National Review Senior Editor Jonah Goldberg offered advice based on his career as a writer and commentator. He advised, “Don’t say things you don’t believe to be true, and don’t write them either.” Reagan Ranch Presidential Scholar and 67th Governor of Virginia George Allen and renowned First Amendment attorney Harmeet Dhillon both expressed the need for confident conservatives on campuses, particularly when it (Continued on page 29) Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2017

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Foundation alumna Kate Obenshain interviews Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway during the weeklong conference.


Speaker Newt Gingrich, a regular Foundation lecturer for more than two decades, discusses his latest book, Understanding Trump.

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Vice President Mike Pence delivers a memorable address to hundreds of students in Washington, D.C., and millions watching live on C-SPAN.

Students Alexandrea Pritts and Charles Dorfeuille enjoy the National Conservative Student Conference with more than 500 other young attendees.

British Member of European Parliament Nigel Farage speaks on the significance and lasting impact of Brexit and the 2016 Presidential election.

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Amanda Mosby from Liberty University participates in a question and answer session with a conference speaker.


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Senator Mike Lee gives the student attendees an informative lesson on the importance of individual rights and the U.S. Constitution.

Director of Alumni Relations Ashley Weaver presents David Keene with the 2017 “Legends of YAF” Distinguished Alumni Award.

First Amendment attorney Harmeet Dhillon encourages the young leaders to be bold in their defense of campus free speech.

(Continued from page 25) comes to protecting the First Amendment. “Conservative students are spearheading the effort to bring free speech back to campus,” stated Dhillon. Speaker Newt Gingrich, who has addressed this conference for many years, discussed his latest book, Understanding Trump, noting, “The unique thing about Trump is that he spent time communicating with the American people.” The students then enjoyed a conversation with Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway, moderated by author and Foundation alumna Kate Obenshain. Conway, a longtime Foundation ally who previously served on the Foundation’s National Journalism Center Board of Governors, captivated the audience with her insider’s perspective of the Trump administration. She spoke of the necessity for leaders and their staff to remain humble when working in the highest levels of our nation’s government. “I do believe humility is such an important quality to have while serving the country. It allows you to focus on the needs of others, rather than yourself,” said Conway. The day concluded with a banquet featuring Senator Mike Lee at the Renaissance Hotel in downtown Washington, D.C. During his rousing speech, Senator Lee stressed, “Rights aren’t things the government can give you. Rights are things the government can’t do to you.” Fox News commentator Todd Starnes began the third day of the conference with remarks on preserving religious liberty in America. Oklahoma Wesleyan University President Dr. Everett Piper followed with his address on free speech and truth. “There is no liberty if you stop teaching truth. He who defines the words always wins the argument,” explained Piper, author of This is Not a Day Care. It’s a University! Writers Stuart Taylor and David French concluded the daytime sessions, and the evening’s banquet featured economist Dr. Arthur Laffer. Dr. Laffer, known as the “father of supply-side economics,” told the young audience, “There is nothing more expensive than something that is free.” Dr. Burt Folsom, the Foundation’s longest-serving faculty member and longtime history professor, delivered an enthusiastic history lesson on entrepreneurship and welcomed the students to day four of the National Conservative Student Conference. Later, the women of the conference enjoyed a special luncheon sponsored by the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute (CBLPI). Keynote speaker Bay Buchanan reminded the young women of their potential and how “modern day feminism has failed women.” Elizabeth Campbell, CBLPI’s program officer and YAF alumna, also addressed the entire conference, sharing her insights on being a conservative activist in high school and college. White House Legislative Director Marc Short— Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2017

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Hundreds of young people from 34 states attend the 39th annual National Conservative Student Conference to learn from more than 30 accomplished leaders and make likeminded friends.

who got his start in the Conservative Movement as the Foundation’s conference director and, later, director of the Reagan Ranch—discussed the Trump administration’s legislative priorities. When asked about the repeal of Obamacare, he responded, “We haven’t given up that fight yet, and I hope you won’t give up the fight yet either.” Foundation Vice President Patrick Coyle followed, sharing the benefits of starting a Young Americans for Freedom chapter on campus. Coyle also reminded students that the Foundation is here to support them as they advance conservative ideas at their schools. The day concluded with a dinner featuring New York Times bestselling author and YAF alumna Katie Pavlich, who highlighted the current situations in socialist Venezuela and Cuba. The editor said, “The Left will argue that Venezuelan socialism isn’t ‘real’ socialism. No, it is socialism in every sense of the word.” Exciting speakers and impactful discussions rounded out the final day of the conference. Senator Rick Santorum began 30

by praising the success of conservatism: “Conservatism works because it’s a recognition of the truth of humanity.” Talk radio host Larry O’Connor made his debut as a Foundation speaker, urging the young conservatives to use and infiltrate popular culture to help advance our shared cause. Institute for World Politics President Dr. John Lenczowski and author and Fox News contributor Rachel CamposDuffy followed with remarks on freedom and American exceptionalism. “Too many of our friends and peers have not connected the prosperity they enjoy with the freedom that makes it all possible,” noted Campos-Duffy. Author and former Vanderbilt University professor Dr. Carol Swain received a standing ovation following her speech on remaining steadfast in truth and knowledge. “You need to start organizing and pressing for ideological diversity,” she told the student audience. Bestselling author Dinesh D’Souza followed with engaging remarks featuring his latest book, The Big Lie. British member of the European Parliament Nigel Farage

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William & Berniece Grewcock Intern Scholar Kenny Xu meets with bestselling author and popular Foundation speaker Dinesh D’Souza.

Dr. Carol Swain inspires the audience with her remarks on the importance of pursuing the truth and standing up for one’s beliefs.

brought conservatism and energy from across the pond as he reflected on Brexit and the 2016 Presidential race. “In 100 years, when history is being taught, 2016 will be seen as the year that good, ordinary, decent people took back their lives from [those who] led them in the wrong direction,” Farage declared. The week concluded with a memorable dinner banquet featuring Vice President Mike Pence (see page 17) and Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson. The Vice President opened his remarks—which were broadcast live on,, and C-SPAN 2—by underscoring his long relationship with Young America’s Foundation: I’ve worked hand-in-hand with YAF going back more than 15 years. It’s remarkable to think about the Young America’s Foundation’s history and contributions, not just to my small life, but to the Conservative Movement itself and to this entire country.

Secretary Carson, who shared insights from his remarkable medical career and current role leading a federal agency, encouraged students to “think big” when it came to career choices and not compromising their values. This year’s National Conservative Student Conference energized the student attendees, teaching them that conservative policies do work and that it is their responsibility to ensure future generations know and understand the importance of freedom. “This was my first conference, and I learned how to effectively argue for conservative values while being empowered and informed by many prominent speakers who are experts in their field,” noted Natalie de Bono Paula from Baylor University. “I cannot believe that I got to meet Bay Buchanan and dine with both Mike Pence and Ben Carson. I now feel that I can take these values to my campus and fight for conservatism!”

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Santorum, Folsom, and Thiessen Educate Future Leaders at 20th National High School Leadership Conference By Ross Dubberly, William & Berniece Grewcock Intern Scholar


oung America’s Foundation hosted 128 participants from more than 70 different schools and 20 states at the 20th Gratia Houghton Rinehart National High School Leadership Conference at the National 4-H Center in Chevy Chase, Maryland. The conference gave students the tools they need to advance their ideas at their schools and, in the words of attendee Aili Loftus, provided “the chance to be educated in the significance of activism.” The conference, held just outside our nation’s capital, opened with a welcome from the Foundation’s director of conferences, Jolie Ballantyne, as well as staff and student introductions. Following the first night’s dinner, Senator Rick Santorum gave an impassioned overview of conservatism. Senator Santorum’s inspirational speech received a standing ovation from the student audience. The next day began with a strong line-up of conservative speakers, including columnist, New York Times bestselling author, and Foundation alumnus Marc Thiessen. Following Thiessen, Tim Goeglein, vice president for external relations at Focus on the Family and member of the Reagan Ranch Board of Governors, gave a thoughtful

Phoenix Berman from Sarasota Military Academy engages in a lively question and answer session with a conference speaker.

(Continued on page 35)


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Dr. Burt Folsom’s engaging and informative history lesson captivates the young audience.

Author and 37th Treasurer of the United States Bay Buchanan spends time with students Brianna Pritts from Pennsylvania Cyber High School and Kaylee Farino from Southmoreland High School following her remarks.

Columnist, bestselling author, and Foundation alumnus Marc Thiessen highlights the national security threats facing our nation.

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High schoolers from around the country gain inspiration and knowledge from top conservative leaders at the 20th National High School Leadership Conference.

High school students (from left) Matthew Montazzoli, David Mustard, Samuel Myers, and Matthew Rowane enjoy a twilight tour of the National Mall in Washington, D.C., during the three-day program.


Paul Teller, frequent Foundation speaker and special assistant to President Trump, takes questions from the student audience.

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(Continued from page 32)

Senator Rick Santorum meets with William & Berniece Grewcock Intern Scholar and University of Alabama YAF Chairman Joe Ballard.

and passionate speech encouraging students not to discount the importance of character. “It is your principles and integrity that will actually carry the country where we want to go,” Goeglein told the students. Then, Dr. Burt Folsom, professor and author, gave an impressive lecture regarding the harmful effects of subsidies on business. Always charismatic and articulate, Dr. Folsom’s lecture centered around one concise idea: “Government subsidies do not work.” Bay Buchanan, who served as treasurer of the United States during the Reagan administration, followed his talk. Dr. Folsom’s speech provided students with the important information they needed to know, and Bay Buchanan’s provided them with the inspiration to put that information to use. Buchanan encouraged students to never back down from debates with the Left: “Don’t be afraid of not knowing it all. You aren’t going to know it all; but when you find holes in your argument, learn how to make it better. And then you go again.” Economist and columnist Stephen Moore concluded the busy day as the dinner speaker. Moore demonstrated to students how following the Reagan economic model, as opposed to the Obama economic model, leads to prosperity. Paul Teller, special assistant to President Trump, kicked off day three by sharing his experiences advancing conservative ideas through his work on Capitol Hill and at the White House. Foundation President Ron Robinson provided the students with a concise comparison between how the media treats conservatives and how they treat liberals. “You are going to face a constant undertow [from academia and the media] pulling you to the Left,” Robinson noted. Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute Program Officer Elizabeth Campbell followed with remarks on feminism and the importance of standing up for one’s beliefs. “Being bold and making your presence known on campus is so important,” Campbell, also a YAF alumna, urged. Foundation Vice President Patrick X. Coyle encouraged the students to always remain active throughout their time in high school and college: “We can never become complacent.” Finally, Young Americans for Freedom National Chairman Grant Strobl, one of the weekend’s most popular speakers, concluded the conference, advising students to be brave in the face of hostile administrators and teachers at their schools: “You can’t let administrators censor your ideas.” Throughout the weekend, students engaged in discussions during speaker Q&A and late night “bull sessions.” The conference concluded with a memorable sunset tour of Washington, D.C.’s national mall and monuments. “This conference prepared and inspired me to stand up for our values and provided me with a support network of my peers,” Madison Spanodemos from Our Lady of Mercy Academy noted. With successful conferences such as the National High School Leadership Conference, Young America’s Foundation is ensuring that the future of the Conservative Movement is in good hands. As Max Thiessen of Gonzaga College High School noted, “You are empowering future generations of young conservatives and keeping the newer members of the Movement educated. For that, I can’t thank you enough.” Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2017

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Gabriella Morrongiello

White House Correspondent, Washington Examiner By Ashley Weaver, Director of Alumni Relations

GM: It was during that conference that I really began to grasp the importance of retaining traditional social institutions and encouraging personal responsibility. I started a Young Americans for Freedom chapter at Oregon State when I returned that fall because I wanted to share the values my parents passed on to me with other students. What I enjoyed most were the dinners each evening with various icons in the Conservative Movement. I learned a lot from the remarks they delivered and really enjoyed meeting new students every night. Libertas: What attracted you to the National Journalism Center? What was your biggest take away from that experience? —————————————————————


oung America’s Foundation alumna Gabriella Morrongiello is the White House correspondent for the Washington Examiner. She attended the National Conservative Student Conference (NCSC) in 2012 and interned with the National Journalism Center (NJC) in 2013. She graduated from The George Washington University in 2015, and her career in journalism has skyrocketed. She credits YAF and NJC for helping to launch her career. Libertas: How did you first hear about Young America’s Foundation? —————————————————————

GM: My mom signed me up for the National Conservative Student Conference (without my knowledge) when I was a freshman at Oregon State University in 2012. She had heard about YAF from a family friend whose daughter attended the NCSC the year prior.


Libertas: What made you decide to become involved with YAF? ——————————————————

GM: I took a job at Oregon State’s student-run newspaper my freshman year and absolutely loved the variety of events I got to cover, the people I got to meet, and stories I got to chase. I knew I wanted to pursue journalism as a career and somebody mentioned the National Journalism Center internship program to me when I was at YAF’s National Conservative Student Conference in 2012. It sounded like a wonderful opportunity to get out of my small town for the summer and spend a few months in the most powerful city on earth.

GM: The community of likeminded students and the ample opportunities to hear from conservative leaders, lawmakers, and authors whom I had long admired. I also felt that YAF gave me the tools I needed to successfully combat egregious instances of liberal indoctrination at both of the colleges I attended and to expose my peers to the principles and liberties that have made this country so exceptional. Libertas: You attended the National Conservative Student Conference in 2012. What did you enjoy most about the conference? ————————————————

Morrongiello participates in an NJC classroom session during her National Journalism Center internship in 2013.

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I have also made countless lifelong friends through YAF and NJC, including my current roommate, Emily Jashinsky, and my close friend, Kate Grise. Libertas: Have you always known you wanted to go into journalism as a profession? —————————————————————

GM: No. I started college as a biology major and didn’t realize I wanted to become a journalist until I hated my Biology 101 class so much that I switched to a creative writing course. Libertas: Who are your biggest mentors? —————————————————————

GM: My biggest mentors include: • Mark Tapscott, who was my editor at the Washington Examiner when I was there as an NJC intern. • Jim Antle, the Examiner’s political editor and the man who assigned me to the Trump beat. • Emily Jashinsky, my roommate, best friend, and a brilliant sparring partner. Libertas: You’ve had some really interesting internship experiences at Fox News and the Washington Examiner. How do you feel those internships prepared you for where you are today? Today, Morrongiello serves as the White House correspondent for the Washington Examiner, a “fast-paced” experience she “wouldn’t trade for the world.”

The contacts I made that summer have been invaluable to me in the years since I completed my internship at the Washington Examiner. My first job out of college was as a reporter at the Washington Examiner, where they assigned me to cover Donald Trump’s campaign. I’ve worked with a handful of NJC grads in my professional career and continue to regularly meet with editors and friends I made during my internship. Libertas: What impact did YAF have on your college career and beyond? —————————————————————

GM: Where to even begin? Beyond the discussions and debates my parents and

I would regularly engage in, I didn’t have a great deal of exposure to public policy until I attended the NCSC and heard from leading conservatives, including Senator Rick Santorum, Dr. Ben Carson, Kate Obenshain, and others. As noted, YAF also introduced me to the National Journalism Center, which really served as a launch pad for my career in journalism. I decided to transfer to The George Washington University after spending a summer interning in D.C. through the NJC program. I was ultimately hired at the outlet [the Washington Examiner] at which I interned when I graduated from GW two years later.


GM: I learned the basics of broadcast and print journalism at both internships—how to write in AP style, how to operate a camera and edit a news package, how to interview a source, etc. These internships, along with my internship at The Daily Signal, helped me develop a solid foundation on which I’ve built my career since graduating college. Libertas: You are the White House correspondent for the Washington Examiner. What do you think is the most challenging aspect of covering the White House? What do you enjoy most about covering the White House? —————————————————————

GM: The most challenging aspect has been doing it at such a young age. I often Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2017

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find that I have to work ten times harder to be taken seriously by my colleagues in the White House press corps and administration officials. The second most challenging aspect—but also what I find to be most enjoyable—is ensuring that my coverage is honest, accurate, and objective. Libertas: Describe your typical day as the White House correspondent for the Washington Examiner. —————————————————————

GM: Half my week consists of long days at the White House, where we sit in on background briefings, chase down West Wing staffers, and press visitors for details on their interactions with the President. The other half

consists of taking whatever information we get and advancing the story by asking additional questions. It’s a fastpaced job that requires a great deal of persistence, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Libertas: You had the honor of traveling aboard Air Force One not long after the President took office. What was that like? —————————————————————

GM: Surreal. It’s MASSIVE, and the staff was so nice. The President and First Lady surprised us about ten minutes into the flight with a visit to the press cabin. Getting to ask President Trump a question from less than five feet away was intimidating

but something I will never forget. It was such an honor and a humbling experience to be among the White House press corps that traveled with the President that day. Libertas: What bit of advice would you give aspiring conservative journalists looking to make their career in journalism? —————————————————————

GM: Understand that you’re not always going to receive credit where credit is due, and that’s okay. There will come a time when somebody recognizes your hard work and rewards you for it, but that won’t happen unless you’re first committed to putting in the hours without any recognition. Libertas: What is one book that you would recommend to a student interested in learning more about conservative ideas? —————————————————————

GM: For the student who’s interested in conservative activism, I would recommend Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky. The best way to champion your cause is to understand those who seek to thwart it. For the student who just wants an introduction to conservative ideas, I would recommend Conscience of a Conservative by Barry Goldwater. Libertas: What do you like to do when you are not working? —————————————————————

GM: I recently got into CrossFit and I’m already addicted, so that’s my favorite thing to do outside of work at the moment. Aside from that, I’m a big fan of hiking, pursuing DIY furniture projects, strolling through Old Town Alexandria, and watching Netflix documentaries.

Morrongiello (front row, third from left), joins young, conservative journalists from around the country for her 2013 National Journalism Center internship in Washington, D.C.


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River Cruise


Join me and our world-class faculty of conservative thought leaders as we cruise down the beautiful Danube.

Delightful Danube & Prague

Travel + Leisure’s World’s Best River Cruise Line in 2016

August 13 to 22, 2018 • Aboard The S.S. River Beatrice Experience exquisitely preserved Prague, imperial Vienna, and dynamic Budapest. You will spend two nights onshore in Prague and partake in an exclusive insider’s look at Prague’s historic and exquisite Estates Theatre where operas are staged to this day, and listen to a short music concert composed by Mozart and his contemporaries in the Mozart Salon. Go behind the scenes at a BMW factory to get an up-close view of Germany’s rich automotive heritage, and “Go Active” with guided hiking and biking excursions along the Danube. Marvel at ravishing scenery as your luxurious ship glides through the Wachau Valley, celebrated as one of the world’s most beautiful landscapes, into Germany and past charming Bavarian villages. Exclusive treasures are plentiful on this delightful journey. Be treated to Hungarian hospitality at Bodor Major horse farm on bucolic Szentendre Island in Budapest. While in Vienna, marvel at the Gustav Klimt paintings at the Belvedere. This enchanting voyage provides a variety of ways to enjoy captivating destinations as well as plenty of time to relax onboard as you sail from Nuremberg and on to Budapest.

Your Itinerary… August 13-14

August 15 August 16 August 17 August 18 August 19 August 20 August 21 August 22

Prague for 2 nights at 5-Star Art Deco Imperial including breakfast daily, all service charges, taxes, porterage and transfers. Transfer to Nuremberg to board/begin the cruise Cruising the Main-Danube Canal, Regensburg Passau Engelhartszell, cruising the Danube River Spitz or Melk, cruising the Wachau Valley Vienna Budapest Budapest – disembark (Optional 2-night stay)

Enhance Your Cruise with a 2-Night Budapest Extension (optional) Includes accommodations at the 5 star Corinthia Hotel (or similar hotel to be confirmed), daily breakfast, walking tour, and all transfers. Extension available for $1198 (for 2) Double Occupancy, $918 Single Occupancy.

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Young America’s Foundation | Libertas magazine |


Fall 2017 Volume 38 • Number 2

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ice President Mike Pence delivers keynote remarks during the closing dinner banquet at Young America’s Foundation’s 39th annual National Conservative Student Conference.

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