Legacy Society

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Legacy Society

Individuals who include Young America’s Foundation in their estate plans are honored as members of the Ranch in the Sky Legacy Society. The Legacy Society is named after Rancho del Cielo, Ronald Reagan’s “Ranch in the Sky.”

Legacy Society members enjoy many benefits including: • Lifelong President’s Club membership • Invitations to exclusive events • A beautiful recognition plaque for your home or office • Your name permanently engraved on the special Legacy Society panel of Freedom Wall at the Reagan Ranch—to inspire others to help secure freedom’s future. • An engraved stone at the Reagan Ranch when you share documentation of your estate gift. • An oak tree planted at the Reagan Ranch in your honor when you share documentation of your estate gift of $1 million or more. Please update your estate plans to include Young America’s Foundation by sharing this sample bequest language with your attorney: I give, devise, and bequeath to Young America’s Foundation, tax identification number 23-7042029, 11480 Commerce Park Drive, Sixth Floor, Reston, Virginia 20191 (insert percentage, amount or nature of gift, or remainder of estate) to be used for educational purposes (or to support the Reagan Ranch Fund). Contact a YAF Planned Giving Officer at 800-USA-1776 to enroll in the Legacy Society or request a free estate planning guide. You can also request the name of a conservative attorney in your area.

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“There is no better way to establish hope for the future than to enlighten young minds.”

personal legacy

of Educating Young People & Advancing Freedom

www.yaf.org National Headquarters 11480 Commerce Park Drive Sixth Floor Reston, Virginia 20191 800-USA-1776 Reagan Ranch Center William & Berniece Grewcock 217 State Street Capitol Hill Townhouse Santa Barbara, California 428 Third Street Northeast 93101 Washington, District of 888-USA-1776 Columbia 20002


Legacy Society

Dear Fellow Conservative, Are you worried about America’s future? Some say America has gone too far down the path of big government and redistribution to return to our freedomloving roots. But remember, many Americans felt similar despair in the late 1970s. Then Ronald Reagan changed everything. He used conservative ideas to turn the country around. If you came of age before 1980, you experienced America’s revival firsthand. Young people lack this experience, so they are vulnerable to the distortions and lies advanced by the Left.

The Left wants you to believe you are powerless—that there is no hope for you to affect the hearts and minds of young people. But you know, through your support of Young America’s Foundation, that reaching young people during their formative years sparks decades of activism for our cause. We have a successful formula for reaching high school and college students. We simply need to expand our programs to reach young people on an ever-increasing scale. That’s why I’m asking you to please consider including Young America’s Foundation in your estate plans.

You will have peace of mind knowing your estate is under your control, not the government’s. And since YAF is a 501(c)(3) organization, your gift will be tax-exempt. In his farewell address from the White House, Ronald Reagan said, “We made a difference. We made the city stronger, we made the city freer, and we left her in good hands. All in all, not bad, not bad at all.” Let me suggest that including Young America’s Foundation in your estate plans is an ideal way to “make a difference.”

I urge you to ask your attorney to update your will to include a bequest to Young America’s Foundation. You can contact Young America’s Foundation’s expert planned giving team at 800-USA-1776 at any time. We are happy to help you. Thank you and God bless you. Sincerely,

Governor Scott Walker President, Young America’s Foundation

Our schools used to teach America’s founding principles of individual freedom and personal responsibility. Today, they indoctrinate students with a revisionist history that promotes envy and coveting, an obsession with race and gender, hostility to traditional values, and support for more expansive government. Young America’s Foundation saves young people from these harmful influences. YAF is the largest youth outreach organization in the Conservative Movement, recruiting and training young people to share ideas of individual freedom, a strong national defense, free enterprise, and traditional values with their peers. We reach hundreds of thousands of young people at live events—and millions more online—through: • National conferences and seminars for high school and college students • The largest conservative campus lecture program in the country • Young Americans for Freedom chapters and memberships • National Journalism Center media internships • Unparalleled digital content • Center for Entrepreneurship & Free Enterprise activities • The Reagan Ranch project and Reagan Boyhood Home The Reagan Ranch project preserves Ronald Reagan’s Western White House as an historic Presidential property and place to inspire young people to advance conservative ideas. It is coupled with YAF’s “Schoolhouse for Reaganism”—the Reagan Ranch Center in downtown Santa Barbara, California. Reagan’s Boyhood Home in Dixon, Illinois serves as a significant component of YAF’s efforts to share the achievements and ideals of our 40th President with future generations, particularly those in the Midwest.

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