Libertas 27.3

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Reagan Ranch Edition

Vol. 27 • No. 3

LIBERTAS • The Publication of Young America’s foundation • 800.USA.1776

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Ron Robinson Foundation President

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Ron Robinson President


Young America’s Foundation Board Of Directors

Table Of Contents The Ranch by Peggy Noonan

Saving Rancho del Cielo

Young America’s Foundation, Ronald Reagan, and why we saved his ranch. By Nicole Hoplin Program Officer



Riding With Reagan

President Reagan’s close friend, John Barletta, shares memories about riding at the Ranch and protecting Ronald Reagan. By John Barletta United States Secret Service (Ret.)


Preserving History


The Reagan Ranch Today

Young America’s Foundation uses Reagan’s ranch to inspire tomorrow’s leaders today. By Roger Custer Conference Director

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You can help endow Rancho del Cielo and pass on Reagan’s ideas to future generations. By Kimberly Martin Begg Director of Planned Giving

Ranch FAQs


Answers to your frequently asked Reagan Ranch questions. By Marilyn Fisher Ranch Curator

The Reagan Ranch Center

Media and the Ranch

Television, radio, and print media bring the Reagan Ranch to millions worldwide. By Flagg Youngblood Senior Officer Programs & Development

Ranch Curator Marilyn Fisher discusses the preservation and restoration efforts necessary to protect the Reagan Ranch. By Jessica Koebensky Editor

Protect this President’s Home

The Western White House

President Reagan meets with world leaders, enacts legislation, and changes a nation—all from his Western White House. By Chris Miranda Program Officer

Author Peggy Noonan describes Rancho del Cielo in her best-selling Reagan biography, When Character was King. By Peggy Noonan


The Foundation’s Reagan Ranch Center introduces increasing numbers of young people to Ronald Reagan’s principles. By Clark Vandeventer Director of Donor Relations

The Ranch, Ronald Reagan, And Young America’s Foundation: A Timeline - Page 18 Learn More About Rancho Del Cielo And Ronald Reagan: Recommended Reading - Page 34 On The Cover: This well-known image captures President Reagan at Rancho del Cielo in his much-preferred riding attire—blue jeans, a work shirt, and his cowboy hat.

Libertas, a publication of Young America’s Foundation, highlights the programs, events, students, staff, and supporters of the Foundation. You can contact Libertas and Young America’s Foundation by writing to: Young America’s Foundation, National Headquarters, 110 Elden Street, Herndon, Virginia 20170; calling 800-USA-1776; or visiting


Reagan Ranch Edition

Publisher: Ron Robinson; Editor: Jessica Koebensky; Publication Design: Joshua McNary. This document and all herein contents, images, stories, graphics, and design, fall unto Copyright © 2005-2006 Young America’s Foundation, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. Any use of Libertas’ content without the written permission of Young America’s Foundation is prohibited.

Ron Robinson President Ronald Pearson Vice President Frank Donatelli Secretary & Treasurer T. Kenneth Cribb, Jr. Kate Obenshain Griffin Thomas L. Phillips James B. Taylor Dr. Wayne Thorburn Kirby Wilbur Reagan Ranch Board Of Governors Frank Donatelli Chairman Judge William Clark Co-Chairman Edwin Meese Co-Chairman Norma Zimdahl Executive Committee Member Royce & Kathryn Baker John Barletta Suzanne Becker Jefts G. Beede Lisa Buestrin Robert Cummins Becky Norton Dunlop Robert Giuffra, Jr. Eric & Nicole Hoplin Marty Irving Harold Knapheide L.E. McClelland Al & Bette Moore Governor Bill Owens Doug & Pat Perry Thomas Phillips Dr. Robert Ruhe Fred & Ruth Sacher Lee Shannon Craig Shirley Russell D. Sibert Owen & Bernadette Casey Smith Theodore Smyth David E. “Gene” Waddell National Journalism Center Board Of Governors Thomas Phillips Chairman Alex X. Mooney Executive Director Peter Barnes Kellyanne Conway Dinesh D’Souza Kevin Gentry Larry Kudlow Richard Lowry

Saving The Reagan Ranch

To Preserve and Protect: Young America’s Foundation, Ronald Reagan, and Saving Rancho del Cielo By Nicole Hoplin, Program Officer


oung America’s Foundation has a long history with Ronald Reagan. In 1974, the Foundation sponsored a nationally syndicated radio program featuring California Governor Ronald Reagan. Governor Reagan’s addresses, focusing on a variety of issues including taxes, crime, and foreign policy, helped strengthen the future president’s national reputation. In 1976, the Foundation inaugurated a national bicentennial program highlighting our Founders’ philosophy of freedom to counteract leftists attempting to discredit these ideas. Foundation leaders, including President Ron Robinson and Secretary/Treasurer Frank Donatelli, helped establish the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in the mid-1970s and were proud to host newly-elected President Ronald Reagan for a memorable dinner banquet in 1981. That banquet and every CPAC since have been sponsored by Young America’s Foundation, along with Human Events and the American Conservative Union.

being lost completely. Local, state, and federal authorities all failed to act and save this precious property, and Rancho del Cielo was saved from a purchaser with no regard for its historic value. It was the appropriate step in Young America’s Foundation’s relationship with President Reagan to come forward during his time of need to protect the place he loved so much. After all, Ronald Reagan had been there for countless young Americans over the years, inspiring and supporting their budding conservatism. Young America’s Foundation saw an extraordinary opportunity to save a precious piece of American history and, at the same time, exponentially increase our ability to fulfill our mission. For Young America’s Foundation, whose own history and ethos is tied directly to President Reagan, saving the Ranch offered an unmatchable opportunity to protect his ideas and advance conservative principles.

In 1998, the Foundation took on a great responsibility, During each year of his but we did not do it alone. presidency, President Our supporters rose to the Reagan hosted briefings at Clockwise from top: Students visit the Ranch and learn about the White House for Young challenge and helped us save Ronald Reagan. Foundation President Ron Robinson meets America’s Foundation’s the Reagan Ranch for future with President Reagan in 1993. Young America’s Foundation generations. One supporter’s student leaders attending the supporters open Freedom Wall at the Ranch with a ribbon assistance in particular National Conservative Student cutting ceremony in 2004. cannot be overestimated. Conference in Washington, D.C. In 1993, President Reagan addressed the conference, saying, “Young America’s Foundation has been a refuge John Engalitcheff, born a Russian prince, worked his way through college and later pioneered the development of for students seeking an alternative to the politically correct air conditioning coils found in the building systems of environment enforced on many campuses. I know the Madison Square Garden, the Seattle Space Needle, and conference will send you back to your campuses better informed, motivated and trained. Your work is vital to the the St. Louis Arch. After fleeing his homeland during future of the nation.” the communist revolution, John Engalitcheff vowed to do whatever he could to fight communism, especially as it related to the Soviet Union. He admired Ronald Reagan’s In 1998, when President Reagan could no longer care for the Ranch because of his ailing health, it stood in danger of tough “Peace through Strength” strategy and, at the same


Young America’s Foundation • Libertas

Young America’s Foundation preserves Rancho del Cielo as it was when President Reagan resided there.

time, endorsed Young America’s Foundation’s quest to educate young people about the dangers of communism and collectivism. John Engalitcheff was also a guest of Young America’s Foundation during the 1981 CPAC when Ronald Reagan addressed the conference. Before he abruptly passed away, John Engalitcheff made provisions in his estate for Young America’s Foundation. His generous bequest, in addition to the lead gifts from F.M. Kirby and Tom Phillips, enabled Young America’s Foundation to step forward during Ronald Reagan’s time of need and save his precious home. We know John Engalitcheff would be so proud to realize what his support accomplished for the man who brought communism to its knees. Rancho del Cielo is a place for young Americans to understand and be inspired by Ronald Reagan’s principles and character—today and for generations to come. So many others helped Young America’s Foundation preserve and protect the Reagan Ranch. Less than two years after saving Rancho del Cielo, Young America’s Foundation and its most dedicated supporters and friends retired the note on the property. The Reagan Ranch is the centerpiece of Young America’s Foundation’s student outreach programs. This bold undertaking fosters the virtues of individual freedom, limited government, patriotism, and traditional values in America’s future leaders. In teaching young people about Ronald Reagan’s accomplishments, Young America’s Foundation instills the very ideas that have been the core of our mission since our founding in 1969. Preserving this property allows us to bring young people to the Western White House—to use it as a tool to teach these future leaders about Ronald Reagan. t

Before the Western White House Jose Jesus Pico, a Spanish settler who established his homestead in the Santa Ynez Mountains after leaving Mexico, built the original adobe home on the property in 1871. Rancho de los Picos not only provided sweeping views of the Pacific Ocean and the Santa Ynez Valley below but also supplied ample land for growing crops including beans, corn, potatoes, tomatoes, and watermelons—even producing grapes that were made into 900 gallons of wine annually—and for raising hogs, chickens, cattle, and horses. The Ranch remained in the Pico family for 70 years until 1941 when Jose Pico’s son, Joe, sold the ranch to Santa Barbara County surveyor Frank Flourney for $6,000. Tip Top Ranch, as Flourney then renamed it, transferred hands only one other time, to Raymond and Rosalie Cornelius, before Ronald Reagan’s close friend, Bill Wilson, showed Governor Reagan the property in 1974. Governor Reagan purchased Tip Top Ranch in 1974 for $527,000. In his biography, Ronald Reagan wrote, “From the first day we saw it, Rancho del Cielo cast a spell over us. No place before or since has ever given Nancy and me the joy and serenity it does.” Ronald Reagan so admired the Ranch that he found it appropriate to rename it for the third time. Rancho del Cielo, or “Ranch in the Sky,” became a private haven for Governor and later President Reagan—a retreat for contemplative study and reflection during some of the nation’s most difficult times.

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Riding With Reagan By John Barletta Introduction by Jason Barbour, Director of Development


ew Americans knew of John Barletta before his book, Riding With Reagan, was published in 2005. Young America’s Foundation encouraged John to record his many stories about his time as President Reagan’s longest serving Secret Service agent. We knew the impact and importance of sharing John’s stories with a wider audience, and the release of Riding With Reagan has undoubtedly helped pass on Ronald Reagan’s lasting accomplishments to future generations. Young America’s Foundation’s relationship with John began when we saved the Reagan Ranch in 1998 (see related article on pages 4-5). The Foundation team spoke with Reagan associates to document and preserve Rancho del Cielo’s important history. In these meetings, we were frequently told, “You should talk to John Barletta.” One person in particular who said this was Mrs. Reagan. She called John and asked if he would

was happy to meet with us at the First Lady’s request. John remembers his initial meeting with the Foundation team: “They impressed me so much, that at the end of their presentation, I asked, ‘What do you want me to do?’” Seeking out John’s assistance and guidance was great advice. His first-hand experiences with and knowledge of President Reagan make him an invaluable asset to the Reagan Ranch and Young America’s Foundation’s efforts. After Reagan took office, Secret Service Agent John Barletta was placed in charge of the equestrian team because of his love of horses and his mastery of riding. In 1987, he was assigned to the Western Protective Division to oversee the Reagan Ranch detail. John traveled around the world with President and Mrs. Reagan, ensuring their protection and safety—from the White House to Camp David to Windsor Castle and even to Pope John Paul II’s summer residence near Rome. And, of course, he was always there for riding alongside the President at Rancho del Cielo. John, throughout nearly two decades of service to Ronald Reagan, spent countless hours with the President at the Ranch. Whenever the President was on a horse, John was right beside him. They shared a love of the outdoors—of riding in particular— and over time, became close friends.

President Reagan tends to his riding equipment in the Ranch’s tack barn.

meet with some of the Foundation’s staff when it was apparent that the Foundation would be preserving Rancho del Cielo. John was not familiar with Young America’s Foundation but


John Barletta is now retired in Santa Barbara, California, living just a few miles from his old workplace, the Reagan Ranch. He is an active member of the Reagan Ranch Board of Governors, and he continues to serve the President’s lasting accomplishments by

helping Young America’s Foundation promote conservative ideas to young people. The following are excerpts from Riding With Reagan: From The White House To The Reagan Ranch. In his book, John provides insights into what it was like to ride on horseback alongside one of our greatest presidents. We thank John Barletta for his continued guidance and support of Rancho del Cielo, and we are excited to share a glimpse into what life was like riding with Reagan.

but at least at the ranch, he was in a place where he felt most comfortable. While riding his horse on the endless trails of his 688 acres, he could be alone with his thoughts and nature. Once when we were at the White House, both dressed in tuxedos, he came to me, grabbing and shaking his lapel, and said, “Well, John, in four days we can get out of these store-bought clothes, get in some boots and jeans, and we’ll be riding. . . .” Horse Jumping One of the things he loved to do most on a horse was jump. For those of us in the Secret

Excerpts from Riding With Reagan A World Away From Washington, D.C. One reason the ranch seemed worlds away from the White House is that while we were there, the President never talked to me about anything related to what was going on in Washington, D.C. Even though he shouldered some of the burdens of the world, he was always able to see and enjoy some of the great gifts of life. While riding, he would talk to me about the scenery. He’d say “This is what it’s all about. Look at that tree. Look at those yellow poppy flowers. Those are the state flowers, John. That’s Santa Rosa Island out there, John.” He was always looking for places along the path where he needed to clear some

Agent Barletta shares a laugh with the First Lady just outside the tack barn at Rancho del Cielo.

Service, that was a nightmare. Here you had the leader of the Free World atop an eleven hundred pound animal, flying over logs and bushes. He’d jump over logs the height of coffee tables, and while we were frightened to death that something might happen, it was obvious that he just loved to do it. . . . The President would stand up in his stirrups, put his knees into the knee roll, lean forward, get ready to jump, and take off. When the horse landed, he would ease back into the saddle. He did it with perfect rhythm. It was beautiful to watch. After each jump, he would get a big smile on his face. . . .

The President signed John’s favorite picture of the two friends, “Dear John, looks like a matched pair - or two matched pairs.”

brush. . . . “John, see how the sunlight touches the trees,” he’d say, “and notice how the mighty oak tree bends but doesn’t break. Just hear that wind blow. . . .” Like all other presidents, he still had to carry the weighty burdens of that office with him,

Riding Routine The First Couple again had a routine when the ride was over. . . . He would take his right leg and throw it over the horse’s neck and jump down from a sixteen-hands-high horse. I could never do that, even on my best days. Besides, I wouldn’t want to do it. Out of the hundreds of times he jumped, only twice did he waver a little bit where I had to put my hands up to steady him. He would just look at me and say, “Thank you.”


Next, he would put the halter on his horse and tie him to the hitching post. Mrs. Reagan would just wait patiently atop No Strings. That was her assignment. Finally, he would walk over and help her off her horse. She would swing her right foot across the horse’s neck like he

mistakes and he’s been riding fifty-five years. A new rider wouldn’t make these mistakes. I don’t think he should ride anymore. It’s getting that dangerous.” “Then you have to tell him, John.” “I don’t want to tell him that, Mrs. Reagan. You need to tell him that.” “No,” she said with tears in her eyes. “I can’t.” Mrs. Reagan had the wisdom always to know just what was right for the President. “John, you’ve got to talk to him and tell him, because he’ll understand, and he’ll take it better if you tell him. . . .”

The Santa Ynez Mountains provide a breathtaking backdrop for rides on the President’s favorite horse, El Alamein.

did, while he held her by the waist. . . . He would still be holding her by the waist as she slid down the horse and into his arms. They would stand there kissing like two teenagers at a drive-in movie. . . . I would turn away giving them more privacy. Embracing her, he would stare at her after they kissed. It was the same after every ride. . . . Worst Day On The Job As the [Alzheimer’s] disease continued its course, he relied on me even more. We were just about back from our ride one day when El Alamein threw a fit. There were ways to get in front of the President to try to help out, but that just made El Alamein act worse. I had to get off my horse and grab the President’s rein and walk El Alamein, otherwise he was going to dump the President. I could tell El Alamein was getting ready to explode. He was pitching his head, dancing sideways, and crow hopping. Earlier, the President would have been able to control El Alamein, and probably the worst thing you can do to someone who knows how to ride is to step in as I did. The President, however, didn’t say a word. We both knew he needed my help. . . . . . .[T]hings continued to deteriorate. I went to Mrs. Reagan and said, “Mrs. Reagan, he’s making too many mistakes up there. I can’t protect him from himself. He’s making rookie


Tentatively, I walked down to the house, knocked on the door, and went inside. He was sitting by the fireplace, reading. He was an avid reader. He’d go to sleep with a book on his chest just about every night. “Mr. President,” I said, “we had a lot of trouble out there this morning, didn’t we?” “Yeah, I did.” Even in the bad times, he was still polite. I wanted to make it seem like I had been the problem—but that was just not the case. I went on, “It’s just at the point where this riding isn’t working out. Sir, I don’t think you should ride anymore.” Knowing him like I did and understanding what horseback riding meant to him, I felt like I was telling someone I don’t

John Barletta helps President Reagan prepare El Alamein for an upcoming ride.

think he should breathe anymore. I was now practically in tears. He got up and put his hands on my shoulders and said, “It’s okay, John. I know.” That was it. We never rode again. We never talked about it. He could see how upset I was, and he was trying to make me feel okay. That was the kind of a guy he was. . . t Source: Barletta, John. Riding With Reagan. New York: Citadel Press, 2005.

– Reagan Ranch Programs –

The Reagan Ranch Today: How Rancho del Cielo Advances Our Conservative Movement By Roger Custer, Conference Director


he Ranch is a key component of Young America’s Foundation’s mission to educate and inspire young people with conservative ideas. Numerous conferences, seminars, training programs, and special events take place in the beautiful stretch of southern California that Ronald Reagan called home. Students, supporters, media personalities, celebrities, Reagan officials, and many others have been to the Reagan Ranch, but Young America’s Foundation is using the Ranch and the Reagan Ranch Center as much more than just places to visit. The West Coast Leadership Conference, held in Santa Barbara each year, draws more than 800 people from across the United States. Speakers including Michael Reagan, Dr. Laura Schlessinger, Governor Tim Pawlenty, authors Dinesh D’Souza and Peter Robinson, and Dr. Richard Wirthlin inspire attendees with the conservative ideas of Ronald Reagan. Michael Reagan told students at the 2005 conference, “At the Ranch you can see a man of humility. If there hadn’t been a Ranch, I don’t think my

Thousands have visited the Reagan Ranch since the Foundation saved it in 1998. Through the Ranch, we inspire and teach future generations about Ronald Reagan and his lasting accomplishments.

father would have been president. The Ranch is where he got close to God.” Activism is a consistent theme at Young America’s Foundation’s conferences and seminars, including training seminars held at the Reagan Ranch Center. Young America’s Foundation teaches students the Ronald Reagan model of campus activism, paralleling Reagan’s bold stance against communism with the need for campus activists to stand up for conservative ideas in the face of liberal administrators and faculty.

Each year, top young activists from across America participate in our Club 100 John Barletta, Secret Service agent to Ronald Reagan, inspires students Reagan Ranch visiting the Ranch with his memorable stories about President Reagan. retreat. Club

100 is the nation’s first and only activist rewards program through which students earn points by hosting campus lectures, participating in breakthrough activism initiatives, and attending Foundation conferences. Those earning more than 100 points over the course of the year receive an expense-paid trip to the Reagan Ranch where they spend the weekend hearing from speakers, visiting the Ranch, and meeting other top young activists. Young America’s Foundation also hosts economic seminars at the Ranch and Reagan Ranch Center where students learn about the freedom philosophers who influenced President Reagan, including Friedrich Hayek, Russell Kirk, Milton Friedman, and Frank Meyer. Each seminar concentrates on one philosopher, allowing for in-depth teaching with the nation’s leading scholars. One attendee wrote, “I would definitely encourage anyone who wants to learn more about free market ideas, liberty, and Reagan’s ideals

Young America’s Foundation • Libertas


to attend these seminars. They are enlightening and a definite must for young conservatives!” Intense learning also takes place during the Reagan Ranch Leadership Academy held at the Reagan Ranch Center. Dedicated to developing leaders in the tradition of President Reagan, the Academy identifies and prepares strong, principled leaders who excel in written and oral communication and who understand and are inspired by conservative principles. The Academy is an intense, month-long “boot camp” for rising leaders, fostering an environment that is both intellectually challenging and focused on practical, real-world skills and applications. Young people are not the only ones who visit the Reagan Ranch and see how Ronald Reagan lived. Guests include Conservative Movement leaders, media figures, celebrities, and Reagan administration officials. Senator George Allen, Attorney General Ed Meese, Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Heritage Foundation President Ed Feulner, Lt. Col. Oliver North, and Charlton Heston, as well as authors Peggy Noonan and Nelson DeMille, Focus on the Family’s James Dobson, Congressman Mike Pence, and Kathryn L’Amour—wife of the late Western novelist Louis

L’Amour—have all visited Rancho del Cielo since the Foundation saved the historic property in 1998. Ninety Secret Service agents also visited the Ranch in 2005. Most of the agents protected Ronald Reagan in some capacity The Foundation honors members of the UC-Santa Barbara Reserve Officers’ Training Corps with a special barbeque on the Reagan in the 1980s and Ranch lawn. 1990s and many Services in the Reserve Officers’ actually served at Rancho del Cielo. Training Corps (ROTC) have come During his visit, Secret Service Agent under fire from the campus Left. To Jim Yarosh noted, “[T]he Ranch counter this trend, Young America’s communicates his soul to everyone: Foundation welcomed ROTC students his integrity, his character, how he from the University of California cared about other people first.” – Santa Barbara (UCSB) to the Ranch “[T]he Ranch after the liberals at UCSB tried to take away their rights to participate communicates his in ROTC on campus. The cadets soul to everyone: his enjoyed seeing the home of a man integrity, his character, who so boldly supported the mission of freedom carried out by the United how he cared about States military.

other people first.”

The Foundation also hosted a group of sailors and officers at the Ranch when their majestic aircraft carrier, USS Ronald Reagan, ported in Santa Barbara for a weekend. The young men and women serving aboard the USS Ronald Reagan defend the freedoms and the ideas that President Reagan so cherished and successfully spread around the world.

Foundation team member Andrew Coffin (left) hosts young leaders inside the President’s ranch home.


Young America’s Foundation • Libertas

Those students preparing to serve in our Armed

Young America’s Foundation also provides our President’s Club and Rawhide Circle supporters with opportunities to tour Rancho del Cielo. They can visit the Ranch and see their gifts recognized on Freedom Wall—a lasting tribute to those who help protect the Reagan Ranch with their support of the Foundation. William F. Buckley, Donald Rumsfeld, Michael Reagan, Milton Friedman, and Tom Clancy are just a few of the notable supporters recognized on Freedom Wall. Thanks to our generous supporters, Young America’s Foundation’s motto, “The Conservative Movement Starts Here,” rings true at the Reagan Ranch for thousands of people every year and will continue to do so for generations to come. t


By Chris Miranda, Program Officer


othing would have stopped Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip from seeing President Reagan and his beloved ranch on that dreary February day in 1983. Nothing. Not deluges of rainwater gushing across Refugio Road, the winding path leading up to the Ranch’s outer gate. Not a rainstorm that refused to subside and filled potholes in the roads. Threats of mudslides, a slippery road up to the Ranch, and poor visibility were threatening conditions taken seriously, but no one dared cancel the visit—the Queen was determined to see President Reagan’s Western White House. After bravely battling the elements in a Chevy Suburban, the Queen safely arrived at the Ranch and graciously accepted Mrs. Reagan’s apologies for the inclement weather, responding, “That’s okay, my dear, it makes me feel at home. It’s exciting. This is an adventure.” Indeed, President Reagan led us on an adventure; it was one we’ll never forget. The largest tax cut in United States history was passed overwhelmingly; America’s very spirit was restored. The American people believed in themselves again. And just a few short months after he left office, millions of oppressed Europeans found freedom when the Berlin Wall crumbled. Communism was soundly repudiated. It was during these monumental years that President Reagan’s beloved 688-acre ranch became the nerve center—the Western White House—for the most powerful nation on the planet. It was at the Ranch where President Reagan met or talked by phone with world leaders and American heroes including Margaret Thatcher, Secretary of State Alexander Haig, and the crew of the space shuttle, Challenger. It was at the Ranch where he conceived his strategy to win the Cold War. Rancho del Cielo was a center of historic activity where our beloved 40th President gathered strength to change our nation and the world. British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Mikhail and Raisa Gorbachev, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, and President George H.W. Bush all made pilgrimages to this ranch so dear to President Reagan’s heart. Today, a surreal walk in President Reagan’s footsteps at the Ranch will send shivers up your spine as you remember the presidential history made there. If you were privileged to ride with the Queen or other world leaders that visited the Ranch, you would have reached Reagan’s rustic adobe home from “Pennsylvania Avenue,” the main road that Navy Seabees from Point Mugu built more than two decades ago. On stormy

Continued on next page . . . Young America’s Foundation • Libertas


days, President Reagan reached the Ranch by automobile, instead of landing via the Marine helicopter on the helipad at Bald Mountain, his traditional way of traveling to the Ranch.


Driving through the main gate, you probably wouldn’t have suspected the heavy Secret Service presence, including a full team of agents, snipers, weapons, and emergency materials. The Ranch was adorned with imitation boulders and rocks created by the Walt Disney Company to hide Secret Service security devices, detectors, and sensors. President Reagan hosts Mikhail Gorbachev at the Ranch in 1992. The President was too polite to inform Gorbachev that he was wearing his cowboy hat backwards.

Approaching the Ranch home, suddenly the beautiful, gold Santa Ynez Mountains unfold before you—these were the hills where Ronald Reagan drew his steadfast faith and steel-like strength to tell Soviet premier Gorbachev “tear down this wall.” As President Reagan himself said, “I suppose it’s the Scriptural line, ‘I look to the hills from whence cometh my strength.’ I understand it a little better when I’m up here.” Reagan loved to show off his ranch and the rugged Western ideals it represented. That’s why you’d find President Reagan greeting important ranch visitors in a pair of blue jeans, a denim jacket, his cowboy boots, and a warm smile.

Rancho del Cielo’s trademark sign hangs off the front patio of the main home.

The Western White House served as President Reagan’s personal retreat where he focused on presidential business away from the confines of Washington, D.C. 364 Days at the Ranch The “Western White House” was originally coined by someone in the press and adopted by some members of the Reagan administration. However, out of reverence for the true White House, you most likely would never hear Reagan use that name when welcoming guests to or describing Rancho del Cielo.

Vice President George H.W. Bush visits Rancho del Cielo in 1985.

Nonetheless, there’s no doubt Rancho del Cielo was a real, working office sanctuary. It was the Western White House—the site where Ronald Reagan spent 364 days of his presidency working on major business of the country. One of the most historic moments in Ronald Reagan’s presidency occurred on August 13, 1981, at Rancho del Cielo. That day, President Reagan signed the




Economic Recovery Act at the patio table in front of the Ranch house and a pool of about 20 reporters. The 1981 legislation reduced taxes across the board by 26 percent over a three-year period, and The Washington Post described it as “one of the most remarkable demonstrations of presidential leadership in modern history.” The bill launched the largest tax cut in our nation’s history and spurred unprecedented economic growth which we still benefit from to this day. President Reagan went to the Ranch to relax and re-charge his batteries, but he still conducted what he called his “Washington homework” or official presidential business. Morning security briefings were held in the main ranch house and could include Howard Baker, National Security Advisor William Clark, Secretary of State Alexander Haig, or Colin Powell, among others.

President Reagan signs the Economic Recovery Act on August 13, 1981, from Rancho del Cielo. The legislation launched the largest tax cut in U.S. history. National Security Advisor William Clark notes, “When he was there as President, the Ranch was a critical place from which decisions were made...[u]sually, there was no reason to awaken him in the night, but we had standing orders from him that he be notified if we lost any armed services personnel overseas.”

Reporters stake out a nearby mountaintop to capture images of President Reagan at his ranch.

The President clears brush from the 688acre property—an activity that filled many of his days at Rancho del Cielo.

The President was at the Ranch when he was told that terrorists had attacked a Berlin disco in March 1986, killing an American soldier and a Turkish woman and injuring 50 other U.S. soldiers and more than 100 civilians. Reagan was also at the Ranch—out riding with Secret Service agent John Barletta (see related article on pages 6-8)—when the Soviets shot down Korean civilian airliner, flight KAL 007, on September 8, 1983. John Barletta wrote about the tragic event: “There were only two times I saw him [Reagan] angry, and that was one of them.” According to Barletta, President Reagan pounded his saddle and said, “Those were innocent people, those damned Russians. They knew that was a civilian aircraft.”

The Great Communicator Although nearly three thousand miles away from Washington, the President was fully accessible at the Ranch, able to communicate with anyone from around THE WESTERN WHITE HOUSE RANCHO DEL CIELO

Continued on next page . . .

President Reagan greets Queen Elizabeth at the Ranch. Both the Queen and Prince Philip visited the Western White House on February 1, 1983.


the world. The Great Communicator’s revolutionary ideas spread like wildfire, and the heart of that fire was at the Ranch where President Reagan gave weekly national radio addresses on vital issues.


The weekly presidential radio addresses originated from Reagan’s radio commentaries—sponsored by Young America’s Foundation—that he made from the Ranch subsequent to his governorship. Ronald Reagan taped a total of 35 presidential addresses on Saturday mornings from 9:06 a.m. to 9:11 a.m— all from the Ranch patio or a single-wide trailer near the Secret Service building. President Reagan’s favorite ball cap was this navy blue “U.S. Mounted Secret Service” cap which he frequently wore while working at the Ranch.

The media were fascinated by the President’s life at the Western White House. Here the President and First Lady host the press corps at Rancho del Cielo.

Prior to beginning his weekly radio address on August 11, 1984, President Reagan quipped, “My fellow Americans, I’m pleased to tell you today that I have signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes.” Purportedly, the President hadn’t realized that the microphone was live to a national audience.

President Reagan drives Mikhail Gorbachev around the Ranch property in the President’s famous blue jeep—the Gipper. The world was also listening when President Reagan demanded freedom for millions of oppressed people living under communism, subsequently winning the Cold War without firing a single shot. Years later, Gorbachev visited the Ranch, and President Reagan drove him around the trails in his famous blue jeep.

“The More I Visit the Ranch. . .” Early on in Ronald Reagan’s presidency, Deputy White House Chief of Staff Michael Deaver submitted a travel schedule to the President to review for the following months. President Reagan stopped his aide and noted the lack of upcoming visits to the Ranch on the schedule. According to Deaver, President Reagan then said, “Mike, I happen to think the more I visit that Ranch, the longer I’m going to live.” Deaver couldn’t argue, and President Reagan was off to the Ranch for the first time as president in February 1981. President Reagan records one of 32 radio addresses he delivered from Rancho del Cielo during his presidency.


Freedom was harboured, our economy grew, and our American spirit was rekindled over the course of his presidency. The Western White House inspired President Reagan, and President Reagan inspired a nation and a world. This certainly was an adventure. t

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– Media & The Ranch –

Millions Experience The Power Of The Reagan Ranch Through Television, Radio, and Print By Flagg Youngblood, Senior Officer - Programs & Development


ublic opinion of Ronald Reagan as one of America’s greatest presidents continues to grow. As time passes, more people reflect on the leadership President Reagan provided our nation—his sense of optimism, his faith in God, his steadfast commitment to defeating communism, and his beliefs in smaller government, lower taxes, and self-reliance. Since 1998—the year Young America’s Foundation saved the Reagan Ranch— Ronald Reagan’s national approval ratings have steadily increased. Outreach plays a fundamental role in Young America’s Foundation’s Reagan Ranch preservation efforts— outreach to scholars, students, and supporters who personally convey Ronald Reagan’s inspiring message and outreach to millions through talk radio, television, and print media outlets. The Foundation’s mailings and publications also present Ronald Reagan’s ideas to hundreds of thousands of Americans each year. Television & Radio Young America’s Foundation has hosted more than 30 different television networks, news programs, and historical specials at the Ranch. A key opportunity to share the Ranch came in June 2004, when President Reagan’s passing focused

Michael Reagan interviews Lou Cannon during a Hannity & Colmes broadcast from Rancho del Cielo.

C-SPAN, reaching 90 million households, films the Reagan Ranch as part of its American Presidents series in December 1999.

the world’s attention on his life and offered a glimpse of the real Ronald accomplishments. The Reagan Ranch Reagan,” and two pre-taped Michael was a key part of that compelling Reagan interviews at Rancho del Cielo story. In addition, the Foundation were the highest rated segments on team played a crucial role in honoring Hannity & Colmes the week President Reagan’s lasting Reagan died. accomplishments “Since 1998—the when the national In addition to the year Young America’s and international major networks, Foundation saved the media began the Reagan Ranch Reagan Ranch—Ronald looking for ways has been featured Reagan’s national approval in television to reflect on the ratings have steadily life of this great specials produced leader. by The History increased.” Channel, The Following Reagan’s passing, all of Travel Channel—even Entertainment the major television networks either Tonight. conducted interviews with Foundation leadership or actually broadcasted C-SPAN—broadcast to 90 million from the Ranch—including FOX households—showcased the Reagan News’s Hannity and Colmes, CBS’s Ranch in its American Presidents Early Show, ABC’s Good Morning series in December 1999. This America, and NBC’s Special Report historically significant project took with Tom Brokaw and Today Show. the C-SPAN crew around the country CBS referred to the Ranch as “the one to sites of importance for all of place in all the world that may have America’s past presidents. The threeYoung America’s Foundation • Libertas


New York Times Best-sellers Written By Authors Who Have Visited The Reagan Ranch Peggy Noonan’s When Character Was King; Mary Beth Brown’s Hand of Providence; Dr. Paul Kengor’s God and Ronald Reagan; and Dinesh D’Souza’s How an Ordinary Man Became an Extraordinary Leader

Charlton Heston hosts Young America’s Foundation’s informational Reagan Ranch video which reached more than 320,000 of our friends and supporters.

hour Ranch broadcast aired live and featured members of the Foundation’s leadership team. The popular Reagan program re-aired repeatedly—at least nine times.

set up a live remote broadcast with Michael Reagan sitting in for Sean Hannity as a guest host. In September 2005, Huell Howser’s popular television program, California’s Gold, featured Rancho del Cielo. The Ranch was to be featured in a typical thirty-minute episode, but Huell was so excited about his experience at the Ranch that he decided to create a onehour special, which subsequently aired several times throughout California on KCET.

“FOX News’s Hannity & Colmes, with more than two million nightly viewers, broadcasted live from the Reagan Ranch . . . ”

FOX News’s Hannity & Colmes, with more than two million nightly viewers, broadcasted live from the Reagan Ranch on the 23rd anniversary of the signing of the 1981 Economic Recovery Act—the single largest tax cut in American history. FOX News

Michael Reagan interviews Foundation President Ron Robinson at the Ranch during the 2004 anniversary of the 1981 Tax Cut.


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Numerous radio hosts have also broadcasted their shows live from Rancho del Cielo, including Michael Reagan—whose show is carried on nearly 200 stations nationwide—and San Diego KOGO’s Mark Larson. WHO out of Des Moines, Iowa, broadcasted live on July 18, 2005, from the Secret Service command post at the Ranch. WHO, NewsRadio 1040, has been in continuous operation since 1924 and reaches audiences from Wyoming to Pennsylvania. More importantly, WHO is the station where Ronald Reagan began his radio career as a sports announcer in the early 1930s.

Left Top: C-SPAN airs a Young America’s Foundation Reagan birthday event in Santa Barbara, California.


Left Bottom: FOX News broadcasts live from the Reagan Ranch. Right: Ronald Reagan is mentioned as the greatest president more often than any other. His popularity has risen steadily since 1998. (Gallup Poll, February 18, 2005)



Books & Print Media Young America’s Foundation has welcomed to the Ranch more than a dozen authors who have written books about Rancho del Cielo or Ronald Reagan’s lasting accomplishments. Many—such as God and Ronald Reagan author Dr. Paul Kengor— found, during the course of their writing, that the Ranch afforded a truly unique opportunity to “meet” the man. Others, such as Nelson DeMille, were so impressed by their visits that they included the Ranch in their writings; the climax of DeMille’s New York Times best-seller, The Lion’s Game, occurs at Rancho del Cielo. Other New York Times best-sellers

“The Ranch has been written about in more than 260 print publications . . . ” written by authors visiting Rancho del Cielo include: Peggy Noonan’s When Character Was King (see pages 20-25); Mary Beth Brown’s Hand of Providence; Dinesh D’Souza’s How an Ordinary Man Became an Extraordinary Leader; and Edmund Morris’ Dutch. The Ranch has been written about in more than 260 print publications— including The New York Times,

% of Americans who regard = Ronald Reagan as the greatest U.S. president


The Washington Post, TIME, and Newsweek—reaching more than 32 million Americans. These media outlets and others allow Young America’s Foundation to reach a national, and sometimes worldwide, audience of millions of viewers, readers, and listeners with our message. As a result, Americans have a better understanding of Ronald Reagan. Reaching New Audiences Hundreds of thousands of new households hear about Rancho del Cielo and Ronald Reagan’s accomplishments annually thanks to Young America’s Foundation’s communications with our supporters. The Foundation has shared the inspiring values embodied by Ronald Reagan and his beloved ranch with nearly 16 million American households to date. In addition, Young America’s Foundation has distributed more than 7.5 million calendars promoting “The Reagan Record” since 1998. Thousands of young people, Foundation supporters, and others have visited Rancho del Cielo since our preservation efforts began. Introducing new generations of young Americans to Ronald Reagan and



inspiring them with his ideas plays a critical role in securing Reagan’s position in posterity and advancing the values he so cherished. Young America’s Foundation’s Reagan Ranch preservation and outreach efforts are making a difference. The Ranch is symbolic of Ronald Reagan’s love of freedom and love of country, and it is our mission to ensure that increasing numbers of young people are inspired by these very values. We look forward to our continued and vital work in reaching new audiences—in person and through the media—with the principles embodied by Ronald Reagan and so evident throughout his Rancho del Cielo. t

“Ronald Reagan’s Common Sense and Patriotism”

2007 calendar

Young America’s Foundation has distributed more than 7.5 million calendars promoting the “Reagan Record” since 1998. The 2007 Reagan Ranch calendar features the President’s “Common Sense and Patriotism.”

Young America’s Foundation • Libertas


R ancho del Cielo: Ronald Re M

any momentous events took place at the Reagan r anch throughout the years. Sever al of these events are listed here.

September 1, 1983 President Reagan learns of the downing of the Korean Air Lines Flight 007 November 13, 1974 Reagans purchase Rancho del Cielo

August 13, 1981 Economic Recovery Act tax cut signed into law

August 21, 1977 “NDR & RR” carved into Heart Rock

February 20, 1981 Ronald Reagan’s first visit as President

81 9 1 0’s 7 19 18

Young America’s Foundation • Libertas

August 24, 1985 President gives a National Radio Address

August 11, 1984 Unaware he was on the air, the President says, “I have signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes.”

August 29, 1983 President Reagan learns of the bombing of U.S. Marine base in Beirut, Lebanon

84 9 1 83 9 1

82 9 1

February 1, 1983 Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip visit

August 14, 1985 Vice President George H. W. Bush visits

8 19 85 9 1 November 26, 1985 Reagan gives a Thanksgiving Radio Address about the U. S. battle against espionage. He also asks Americans to, “Remember and give thanks that we live in the freest land God has placed on the earth.”

d Reagan’s R anch In The Sky 20 November 27, 1988 Reagans leave the Ranch for the last time during the presidency

September 5, 1987 President Reagan gives a National Radio Address

24, 1985 t gives a Radio

86 9 1

vember 26, 1985 agan gives a anksgiving Radio dress about the S. battle against ionage. He also s Americans to, member and e thanks that we in the freest d God has placed he earth.”

87 9 1

88 9 1

April 5, 1986 President Reagan is informed of the West Berlin disco bombing which killed two U.S. Soldiers and a Turkish woman

90 9 1

May 3, 1992 Mikhail and Raisa Gorbachev visit

Summer 2006 Young America’s Foundation opens the Reagan Ranch Center in downtown Santa Barbara, California


Summer 1995 Ronald Reagan makes his final visit to his beloved Rancho del Cielo

April 1993 Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and his wife Mila visit

February 5, 1991 Lady Margaret Thatcher visits

’s 0 0

April 21, 1998 Young America’s Foundation saves Rancho del Cielo

July 1993 Reagan addresses 15th National Conservative Student Conference

Young America’s Foundation • Libertas


The Ranch By Peggy Noonan An Excerpt From The Bestseller, When Character was King


eggy Noonan is among the most prolific writers of our time. Her gift for weaving words and phrases together led her to the White House where she served President Reagan as a speechwriter from 1984 to 1986. Noonan returned to the White House to help write the President’s 1989 farewell address. Her Ronald Reagan biography, When Character Was King, captures the spirit of this great American president, and we are honored to include a portion of this book’s chapter on Rancho del Cielo—“The Ranch.” Many have written of the Western White House, but few describe this historic presidential property with Noonan’s beautifully written observations and profound simplicity. We are grateful to Ms. Noonan for allowing us to reproduce her text and share with you this vivid description of Rancho del Cielo. ~Jessica Koebensky, Editor The Ranch Ronald Reagan’s ranch was the place he went for peace, physical movement and thoughtfulness. It was where he daydreamed, let his thoughts go where they wanted. The renter’s son who’d hop-scotched through Illinois had a place of his own rooted in the earth. In the last decades of his life it was his favorite place to be of anywhere on earth. It’s also where he decided his future, during those days in the midseventies when he had to decide whether to move forward or stay-put. . . . This is what it’s like. You leave the highway and go up Refugio Road, passing little lemon ranches and avocado ranches. You’re on a one-lane blacktop, you see California live oaks and scrub and grass and wildflowers and telephone poles. You pass little trailers, little avocado trees with their shiny light-green leaves. You pass a little stream with rocks and boulders. Now the blacktop is canopied by live oaks, but it’s still a narrow old one-lane beat-up road. . . . You ford a little stream, pass a few little houses and some more pickup trucks. None of it but the little ranches makes you think of California. Everything else makes you think of how you imagine West Virginia. . . . Suddenly you’re up high enough to see that you’re in a fabulous mountain range, you’re up going toward two thousand feet above sea level and suddenly you’re in the Santa Ynez Mountains, in a big rolling range. In late April the mountains are a beautiful lush green and if you look down one way you’re looking into a beautiful valley, and on the other side you look toward the light blue ocean, and the Channel Islands just beyond. . . .

You pass horses, Arabian and quarter, and a few Texas longhorns, and an old gray burro named Wendy, who lived here when the president did. Now there’s a wooden sign hanging from a wooden bar on a wooden fence. It reads RANCHO DEL CIELO, R. REAGAN. He built the fence. You can imagine the expectations of Gorbachev as he was driven up this road. He knew about capitalism and how capitalists and powerful men live in America. And the expectations of the queen of England, who knew something of how the famous in America lived. The exterior of the main ranch house features an overhang and patio, both constructed by President Reagan himself.

It’s like what a settler would have seen from these hills long ago, and you understand for the first time why the Spanish named everything they saw here for saints. That’s Saint Barbara below and Saint Monica beyond, near the place of the Angels.


Reagan later said that when he would ride in this area he would, inevitably, think of scripture. “It casts a spell. There’s such a sense of seclusion, and I suppose—I think of the scriptural line, ‘I look to the hills from whence cometh my strength.’” Judge William Clark told me Reagan called it “an open cathedral.” The ranch also made him think, irresistibly, of his oft-stated views on American exceptionalism, the idea that America was created in a way unlike other countries, deliberately and for an exceptional purpose. In a videotape he made about the ranch after his presidency he said, “I’ve always believed that there was some plan that put this continent here, to be found by people from every corner of the world who had the courage and the love of freedom enough to uproot themselves, leave family and friends and homeland, to come here and develop a whole new breed of people called American. You look at the beauty of it. God really did shed his grace on America, as the song says.”

And they saw: a shack. And they thought: This is how staff lives! This was nothing like his dacha, her castle. It is a little one story house with stucco and adobe walls. They are painted white. There’s a red tile roof. There’s a little patio; Reagan tore out an old aluminumenclosed porch and put in an overhang, tiled it beneath. Within the overhang there’s a little entry door with an Irish tile on it that says O’REGAN. And an official-looking sign that says ON THIS SITE IN 1897, NOTHING HAPPENED. When you open the door you enter a porch room. To the right there’s a hat stand with his favorite baseball cap, “United States Mounted Secret Service,” blue and gold. He wore it all the time. There’s a cowboy hat too, and Indian memorabilia. The room smells cool, like wood. There is a vinyl floor. On the wall an Indian blanket, and mounted near it the horns of Old Duke, his favorite bull. There’s a sombrero, Indian peace pipes, Indian portraits, a potbellied stove, which provided the only heat in the house when he bought it. His books are still on the shelves: Odyssey of a Friend by Whittaker Chambers, A Very Strange Society by Allen Drury, a first edition of Witness by Chambers, Poverty Is Where the

It’s a half hour trip up the road from the highway. You can’t go more than about twenty miles an hour most of the way. There is a point on the road—within range of mountains, the ocean, the fogbank, the Channel Islands, Santa Barbara— where you can see the coastline below running east and west. The sun rises on one end of the beach and sets on the other. You are stunned with the beauty of the place, and now you know why they called it Rancho del Cielo, ranch in the sky. It’s a section of land, 688 acres, right on the top of the mountain. You enter a gate and there is a dirt road, and as you drive along you hear rocks crackling and sticks snapping.


The wooden fence built by Ronald Reagan greets ranch visitors at the entrance to the property.

Money Is by Shirley Scheibla, Drury’s Advise and Consent, The Kennedy Promise by Henry Fairlie. Inside Football bears an inscription: “To Ronald Reagan, a great governor, George Allen.” Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry, The Book of the American West, edited by James Monaghan, four volumes of Arizona Highways, The Great Democracies by Winston Churchill. A book of Irish traditions, a history of U.S. Cavalry, a book about Indians and horses. Jeb Stuart: The Last Cavalier by Burke Davis, The Treasury of Modern Humor, edited by Martha Lupton, Practical Horse Breeding and Training, by Jack Widmer, a book called Only an Irish Boy by Horatio Alger. He read up here. He’d be out all day and come in at five, before dinner, and sit in his favorite chair in the porch room. The furniture is modest brown wicker, and scattered about are collections of things—little elephants, kachina dolls from the Hopi tribe of Arizona, little Indian spirits from the spirit world. There’s a painting on the wall called The Lame Horse—a cowboy walking next to a horse in the rain, holding the bridle. To the right there’s an eating area, a plain wooden table that seats six. For Thanksgiving they would move young Ron’s bumper pool table next to the wooden one to make enough room. Move deeper into the house. A chain of titles is framed on the wall. In August 1898, Jose Jesus Pico owned this land, in 1900 Jose Jesus Romero, in 1902 Belasano Robles, all Latino American ownership until the 1940s. . . . In the living room there’s a Sharps rifle, and other firearms in a firearm cabinet.

The President’s hat stand has its place near the entrance to the adobe ranch home.

The kitchen is small, with GE appliances, a GE stove circa 1974 and a refrigerator in the light mustard color GE called Harvest Gold. A small Formica sink area, a spice rack, a small little window overlooking the pond and a trailer. He built the pond, and built the dock that leads to the water. It looks like a little kitchen in Indiana in 1950. Turn from the kitchen and you see the famous jackalopes on the wall. You take a jackrabbit’s head and ears and glue on vicious looking fangs and glue little antelope antlers on the head, and you mount them on the wall and tell your city friends, your eastern friends, the tale of the jackalopes, which roamed the mountains terrorizing all with their legendary speed and ferocity. Reagan had two on the wall. He liked to tell the press about them and once The New York Times is said to have almost run a piece on their existence. Reagan staffers stopped them, sadly enough. In a tiny wet bar area there’s a framed copy of the front page of The New York Times for February 6, 1911, his birthday. It headlines the latest in the Mexican Revolution, a rebel victory near Ju rez. There’s a turn-of-the-century U.S. Cavalry recruitment poster, and a beer stein with U.S. Grant on one side and Robert E. Lee on the other. There’s a private family room that only family was allowed into. Years later, after the presidency, Ed Meese went into it for the first time and saw that a painting Meese and the staff had given him had the honored place on the wall. It was where they watched TV after dinner, Jeopardy!, and Murder, She Wrote. He would always try to stay awake through the latter, and almost always fell asleep twenty minutes in. There’s a longhorn steer hide on the wall. . . .

President Reagan’s favorite books fill the shelves inside the ranch home—from classic Westerns to books on public policy.

The master bedroom is small, yellow walled—bright soft yellow was his favorite color. A modest old bathroom with a shower; the shower head is a liberty bell. There’s a vanity for Mrs. Reagan, a small sink. There are a few religious



has a handsome antique bed and a Virgin of Guadalupe on the wall. The Gorbachevs, the queen, Mrs. Thatcher all used these rooms, but each stayed only for the day. There were never overnight guests at the ranch except for the Reagan children, and they were not often. . . . The stucco and adobe of the house hold whatever environment there is outside, and when it’s cool it holds the cool. But like old houses its windows aren’t big, and so it isn’t a bright house, and when you walk out and step past the porch and into the sun, its force can startle you. . . .

Clockwise from left: The d cor in the wet bar area adds to the Western theme of the home. The shower head is modeled after the Liberty Bell. Reagan’s Jackalopes, with faux fangs and antlers, often fool ranch visitors.

icons on the wall, delicate icons of the Virgin and Child; there are others scattered through the house, mostly gifts from Bill Wilson, who along with Judge Clark was always trying to convert Reagan to Catholicism. Reagan would listen politely and ask questions, but he’d already made his decision on that long ago. R O N A L D

The Reagans’ bedroom is about twelve by eighteen feet, big for this house. Their bed was two twin beds pushed together, the bed posts tied to each other by rubber bands. A patchwork quilt on the bed, a little table with a rotary dial phone, a Westinghouse transistor radio, and a music box that plays “California Here I Come.” It’s odd to stand in this room years later, with it empty and no one living here, and wind up the little box and hear it play its tinny song. It sounds so old. There’s a small walk-in closet that was also turned into the safe room, with armored walls, when he was president. This is where the Secret Service would have secured the president if he came under attack. A few old work shirts hang inside, riding britches, Stetsons, cowboy hats and cowboy boots; Nancy’s slacks and jeans and shirts. Her red robe and sun hats. Here’s his membership patch from the Rancheros, a local riding group. And here’s a beautiful silver spur with a small plaque. THIS WAS FLOWN ABOARD THE STS7 CHALLENGER, JUNE 18-24, 1983. PRESENTED TO RONALD REAGAN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. The Challenger, on its first flight.

His favorite horse when he was president was El Alamein, a white Arabian stallion, hard to control, given to him by President Portillo of Mexico before Reagan was elected president of the United States. His Secret Service men hated that horse. You had to be really good to ride him. Agent John Barletta would come up to the ranch a few days before the president visited and ride El Alamein to get the wildness out. Nancy’s favorite horse was a handsome sorrel quarter horse called No Strings. To get to the Tack Barn you walk past fences that Reagan made out of telephone poles, and up a few dozen graded wood and dirt steps. The Tack Barn is where he kept his saddles and spurs, the English saddles he favored and the western saddles Nancy used. . . . It was in the Tack Barn that Reagan would saddle his horse and Nancy’s. He didn’t like anyone else to do it, liked to do it himself. When he was done he’d ring the bell, an old railroad locomotive bell, to tell her to come up from the house, and they’d go riding. On the wall of the Tack Barn there’s a big map that shows all the trails on the land, trails that wind through meadow and brush, ridge and gully, and have names like Sunrise and

The people who came to this house always described it the same way: humble, basic, simple, plain, unpretentious. And then they’d always say: Like him. When he was president they had to add another little house on the property, a small stucco guest house—two bedrooms, two baths, and a small kitchen/sitting area. The ladies’ guest room looks like a 1970s teenager’s bedroom—nothing fancy, a wooden bed painted white. The gentlemen’s guest room


The main fireplace room provides a private retreat for the President and First Lady. Here they relaxed, read, and watched their favorite television programs.

Hanging Tree and Rock Main, Snake Lake Trail and Valley Trail. They crisscross the property. He cut a lot of them. All those vacations past, during the eighties, when you heard on the news, “The president cleared brush today,” that’s what he was doing. I was a writer at CBS then and after a few years I thought, Isn’t he done yet? How the heck much brush is there? And when you see it you realize: 688 acres. Snake Lake was where they put the snakes that had hatched in profusion when they were building things up in the early days. Dennis Le Blanc, who also worked with Reagan on the ranch, told me, “One year we transplanted over a hundred eighty snakes from the house pond to another pond because they’d hatched underneath the trailer I lived in next to the house. The snakes were going from the trailer to the pond, so we’d go into the pond and have to grab them out of the water. And I hate snakes! But he wouldn’t kill a thing. We’d put ‘em in a gunny-sack and take them to the other pond. . .” There’s a gas pump outside for the farm and ranch equipment, and for the Secret Service vehicles and jeeps. There are no gas stations nearby, and when Gorbachev saw it, he finally saw an opening. “Does every American have his own gas pump?” Farmers and ranchers do, Reagan said amiably. It’s hard to drive a tractor to the local gas station. The ranch was a place not only where he did hard physical work, but the place where he could see the results of his efforts. In other parts of his life it was hard to do that, but here he could see the fence go up sturdy and do what fences do. He liked his guns. He liked his horses. He liked his rails, his bells, his dogs and cattle. He was a movie star and he was born in Illinois but he was a westerner at heart. There was a small olive orchard.

The bedroom closet includes riding britches, Stetsons, cowboy boots, work shirts, and even a silver spur flown aboard the Challenger.

There were Secret Service shacks but he had them taken out, all but one, when he left the White House. He would ride the trails. When he was president he would ride up to the helicopter pad, where Marine One landed. The helicopter pad was twenty-six hundred feet high and you could see the ocean on one side and the ranges and towns on another. He would ride the trails up there, but when he left the presidency he told them to pull it all out, the concrete landing pad and the hangar. It’s empty now, the trappings of power are gone and the field is covered with wildflowers, which is the way he wanted it. t Source: Noonan, Peggy. When Character Was King. New York: The Penguin Group, 2001.

Sunshine yellow walls and a large window give the President and First Lady’s bedroom a warm glow.

About Peggy Noonan Peggy Noonan was a special assistant to President Ronald Reagan from 1984 to 1986 and then left Washington, D.C. for her native New York, where she completed her first book, the best-selling What I Saw at the Revolution. Since that time, her articles and essays have appeared in TIME, Newsweek, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Forbes, and many other publications. She is a columnist and contributing editor to The Wall Street Journal.























The above Reagan Ranch items are preserved at the Ranch and the Reagan Ranch Center. 1) Vintage railroad bell belonging to Mrs. Reagan’s father 2) The President’s wool felt cowboy hat 3) Western Saddle blanket 4) Silver buckle commemorating the City of Santa Barbara 5) Three-buckle field boots worn by the President for riding 6) Main ranch house clock 7) Jelly bean jar with the President’s favorite snack 8) Early California-style Mexican spurs 9) Inscription inside the President’s boots 10) License plate for the President’s blue Jeep 11) Rancheros Visitadores paperweight 12) American Indian design applied to a leather table in the Ranch house 13) Hopi Kachina ‘Buffalo’ doll gifted to the President 14) Rocking chair with 1776 motif 15) The First Lady’s cowboy boots 16) The President’s hand-tooled leather Bibles. 17) A jacket given to the President by the Secret Service 18) Hand-tooled leather box made by the Sisco Young America’s Foundation • Libertas leatherworkers 19) Elk antlers decorating the front patio overhang 20) Bronze plaque on the Ranch house main door


Preserving History: An Interview With Reagan Ranch Curator Marilyn Fisher By Jessica Koebensky, Editor

Libertas: How did you become interested in preservation and curating? My background is primarily in museum studies, and I have always had a love for American history. Growing up near Boston, I learned early American history at a young age and have always been fascinated with historic homes. I actually became interested in museum curatorial studies during my college years when I received my B.A. in museum studies and later my M.A. in history of American Western art. Of course, I never dreamed I would have the rare honor of preserving President Reagan’s historic ranch home.

Libertas: What would you consider a “typical” day at the Ranch? A typical day begins with a meeting with George Thompson, the Ranch manager, to inspect the property for any outstanding maintenance or preservation issues. If there has been a storm, we assess the clean up procedures. If it is a routine visit, we typically inspect the fences—built by President Reagan—to see if any require restoration or replacement. George keeps an eye on the condition of trails and roads and works on grading them when necessary. We discuss the needs of the horses and cattle on the Ranch and check the work of the gardeners.

Libertas: How did you first become involved with the Reagan Ranch? Actually, my work with Ronald Reagan began at the Reagan Presidential Library in 1991, but I have always had tremendous respect for Ronald Reagan. Working with both President and Mrs. Reagan and their 100,000 item presidential collection gave me great insight into the impact this man had on the American people.

In the main buildings, I routinely examine the collection of historic items on display and determine any preservation needs. There are so many different materials to be considered in preserving the Ranch collection. I pay close attention to precious materials, such as silver, that must be treated with care. I keep records and examine paper and other sensitive items to see how they are responding to the mountaintop climate. I then begin my scheduled cataloguing or restoration projects on site.

My first involvement with Rancho del Cielo occurred when Mrs. Reagan informed me that she would be sending several original historic items to the recently sold Ranch. She requested my help in preparing the items for shipping to the Ranch. I knew that the Ranch had been sold to Young America’s Foundation but had no way of knowing at the time that I would become involved in the Ranch preservation on a full time basis. In 1999, I was offered and accepted the distinctive position of curator of the Reagan Ranch. This was a change from my work at the Library, where I focused on preserving the Washington, D.C. aspect of Ronald Reagan.

Libertas: What is being done to protect the 688-acre Ranch from fires and climate-related damage? All historic properties have their own special needs. Time and weather promote a cycle of restoration and repair that is monitored on a regular basis. Ranches in general are a continuous preservation project of one kind or another, and Rancho del Cielo is no exception. Roads and trails require constant care, and trees and brush always need trimming. The Ranch’s location along the California coast and the hot summer winds increase the possibility of brush fire. Extreme

care is taken to protect the Ranch from natural dangers. The gardeners clear fast growing brush away from the home and outbuildings. We use a brush clearing service to do more extensive clearing along the trails. Our irrigation and fire suppression systems installed by the Foundation in 2000 are important safeguards against fire damage. Tree maintenance is constant. When a tree falls due to a storm, it is cut up with a chain saw and removed just as the President did when he was there. During rare snowstorms, tree limbs will snap and have to be removed. Winter rainstorms frequently cause damage to trees and swell seasonal streams. The Ranch property is kept graded to handle this sort of runoff flooding, but there is always road work cleanup to do after a storm. Ranch house preservation includes ensuring the wooden structure is preserved; all buildings are regularly checked and fumigated to defend against wood pests such as termites. The Ranch buildings are also equipped with inground termite prevention devices. To provide security for the Ranch, one of the first items that Young America’s Foundation installed was an extensive security system that safeguards the Ranch property against intruders. Libertas: What are some of the most interesting items at the Ranch that most people may not know about? Some interesting items on site at the Ranch include President Reagan’s personal artifacts. His favorite ball cap with “United States Mounted Secret Service” embroidered in gold across the front is in the main house along with his riding breeches. There are also volumes of books in his library with topics varying from U.S. government,

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pair of Reagan’s riding boots and the President’s Western saddle.

This sign adorns the wall inside the tack barn at Rancho del Cielo.

to Western American novels by Louis L’Amour and Larry McMurtry, to books signed by sports figures such as Vince Lombardi. There is an area by the bar where a cavalry poster hangs, reminding us of Ronald Reagan’s service in the mounted U. S. Cavalry Reserve during the 1930s. The Western American theme is consistent throughout the interior in the Western paintings, Hopi Kachina dolls, woven rugs, and Western design upholstery fabrics. Libertas: What Ranch-related items will be housed at the newly renovated Reagan Ranch Center? Select Ranch-related items will be housed in the Norma Zimdahl Education Center and Gallery on the 2nd floor of the Center. There will be the blue jeep that President Reagan enjoyed driving during his time at the Ranch. It is remembered as the vehicle used by the President to tour the Ranch with Mikhail Gorbachev during his 1992 visit. Other items on permanent display will include a stone United States Secret Service (USSS) trail marker, a pet headstone, firewood cut by Reagan, a section of his telephone pole fence work, the beige phone he used to make many of his official phone calls from the Ranch, a red ‘hot line’ phone used in the USSS command post at the Ranch, and a copy of his Bible from the master bedroom. The original tax cut table used at the Ranch to sign the 1981 Economic Recovery Act will be displayed at the Center for generations to come. Also, retired Secret Service agent and member of the Reagan Ranch Board of Governors John Barletta has generously gifted, for permanent display, many items from his personal collection of Reagan artifacts that were gifted to him by the President. Two of these items include a well-loved


Libertas: How will this new facility benefit the preservation of certain Reagan Ranch-related items? The Center will provide an opportunity to bring important Ranch-related items to a stable environment where they will be permanently preserved. Ranch paintings will be displayed in areas of controlled temperature, humidity, and light, ensuring that they’ll be enjoyed by the public for many years to come. The tax cut table is made of leather and wood, materials that are very sensitive to climate changes. Placing the table in the Ranch Center will protect its organic materials from the fluctuating climate changes at the Ranch. Libertas: How might preservation of a more modern property, like Rancho del Cielo, differ from that of older presidential homes, such as Mt. Vernon or Monticello? Rancho del Cielo is unique in that it is a presidential property that is completely intact, preserved as a time capsule from the post-gubernatorial period up to the post-presidential years. The furnishings in the home are original and date from the 1970s with additions from the

“Rancho del Cielo is unique in that it is a presidential property that is completely intact, preserved as a time capsule from the postgubernatorial period up to the post-presidential years.” presidential period. The most challenging part of preserving the main ranch house is the late 19th century California adobe structure. The adobe clay construction must be monitored to insure protection from excessive moisture. However, adobe artisans can be found locally in the Santa Barbara area if such restoration is needed. Other presidential homes have had the challenge of restoring or replicating original presidential artifacts that were lost over the years before formal preservation took place. It is fortunate for history that Rancho del Cielo’s

Ranch Curator Marilyn Fisher works to preserve Rancho del Cielo just as Ronald Reagan left it.

interior d cor is original and will remain completely intact. Libertas: Many friends have assisted with the preservation of this historic presidential property. Whom have you had the pleasure of working with over the years? In addition to Ron Robinson, Floyd Brown, Marc Short, and our staff, there are others who make my job as Ranch curator so rewarding. Our Reagan Ranch Board of Governors members support and help lead the Ranch and the Reagan Ranch Center. This is a group that includes Reagan administration members Judge Bill Clark, 75th Attorney General Ed Meese, Becky Norton Dunlop, Frank Donatelli, and many others whose wise counsel is essential to the success of Young America’s Foundation and our Reagan Ranch project. Libertas: What is your favorite part of working at Rancho del Cielo? My favorite part of preservation work at Rancho del Cielo is the man, Ronald Reagan. His handiwork is evident everywhere. You only have to walk down the driveway and into the front patio and all along the way you see his fence work, Lake Lucky, his patio stone work, the front porch room construction, and his cut firewood by the front door. It reconfirms that this is the Ranch that Reagan built. You sense that he has just stepped out and will be returning shortly. A walk through the Ranch is a personal experience and a way to get in touch with this great American leader. I am blessed to be able to walk that pathway in the course of my daily work, to tend to his personal artifacts, to share them with others, and at the end of the day, somehow sense that he is pleased with the way his ranch is being cared for. t

– Pass On Your Ideas –

Show Future Generations That Ronald Reagan Was One Of America’s Greatest Presidents: Build An Endowment For The Reagan Ranch By Kimberly Martin Begg, Director of Planned Giving


n 1998, thousands of Americans stepped forward to save Rancho del Cielo, so future generations could be inspired by Ronald Reagan’s life and ideas. Today, younger generations who never knew Ronald Reagan as their president learn about his extraordinary character and leadership, thanks to the generosity of those who make gifts to protect the Reagan Ranch every year. Every generation should have the opportunity to be inspired by Ronald Reagan! That’s why we must protect the Reagan Ranch with an endowment now. It could be the most important decision you make to pass on your ideas to future generations. At George Washington’s Mount Vernon and Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello, the size of their multimillion-dollar endowments tells future generations that George Washington and Thomas Jefferson are important to our heritage. Future generations will know that Ronald Reagan was important to you when you help provide for the longterm protection of Rancho del Cielo. America has a tradition of protecting the properties of important presidents, including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Ronald Reagan. Now, we have an opportunity to build an endowment for Rancho del Cielo that is comparable to that of Mount Vernon and Monticello. You

Endowing the Reagan Ranch preserves the 688-acre property for generations to come, ensuring that our country’s future leaders will know and appreciate Ronald Reagan’s lasting accomplishments.

can tell future generations that Ronald Reagan was one of America’s greatest presidents! This is the message we need to convey about Ronald Reagan now. It is up to us—those who knew Ronald Reagan as our president—to build the endowment to protect the Ranch. It is not a project we can ask future generations, who will observe what we do to determine Reagan’s importance, to start. We hope that every American who wants future generations to remember Ronald Reagan as one of our greatest presidents will help build the endowment for the Reagan Ranch. You can do this with an outright gift or a planned gift.

language to your will: I give, devise, and bequeath to Young America’s Foundation, tax identification number 23-7042029, 110 Elden Street, Herndon, Virginia 20170 (insert percentage, amount or nature of gift, or remainder of estate) to be used to support the Reagan Ranch in Santa Barbara County, California, and activities at the Reagan Ranch. Your gift will help preserve the Reagan Ranch, so future generations have the same opportunity you did to be inspired by Ronald Reagan’s ideas. For more information about building an endowment for the Reagan Ranch, please contact Ron Robinson, Kimberly Martin Begg, or any member of Young America’s Foundation’s team at 800-USA-1776. t

Please tell your attorney to add this Young America’s Foundation • Libertas


– About The Ranch –

Rancho del Cielo: Frequently Asked Questions By Marilyn Fisher, Ranch Curator When did Young America’s Foundation save the Ranch? Young America’s Foundation purchased Rancho del Cielo from President and Mrs. Reagan in the spring of 1998 when the President’s illness made it necessary for them to sell the Ranch. Mrs. Reagan first approached President Clinton’s administration and requested it purchase Ranch del Cielo for preservation as a presidential property. The administration refused. Mrs. Reagan then approached the California Assembly, which also refused to act. The Ranch was then put on the market, and the Board of Young America’s Foundation agreed to step in and save Reagan’s ranch. Young America’s Foundation seeks to preserve the Ranch as a presidential property as well as use it to pass on Ronald Reagan’s conservative principles to future generations. When did President Reagan purchase Rancho del Cielo? The Reagans purchased the Ranch in 1974, after their good friend, Bill Wilson, first showed them the property—known at the time as Tip Top Ranch. When did the President last visit the Ranch? Due to President Reagan’s fight with Alzheimer’s, his last trip to Rancho del Cielo was in the summer of 1995. Do Reagan family members and friends visit the Ranch? President Reagan’s son, Michael, has been actively involved with Young America’s Foundation since we saved the Ranch. He is a highly rated speaker at our events and takes a role in maintaining Rancho

The Reagan Ranch spans 688-acres and includes the main ranch house, the tack barn, riding trails, Lake Lucky, and many other features built and maintained by the President.

del Cielo. Michael, and his wife Colleen, as well as their children, Ashley and Cameron, visit the Ranch often. In addition, the Foundation is fortunate to have several of Ronald Reagan’s close friends and advisors serve on our Board of Governors and Board of Directors, including Judge Bill Clark and Attorney General Ed Meese. Frank Donatelli, who served as Reagan’s political director, is the chairman of the Reagan Ranch Board of Governors as well as a member of the Foundation’s Board of Directors. How did President Reagan get to the Ranch during his presidency? Reagan was driven up to the Ranch on Refugio Road both prior to and after the presidency. During the presidency, however, he was transported to the Ranch via helicopter. Air Force One would land at the military base, Point Mugu, where Marine One would take President and Mrs. Reagan to Rancho del Cielo. A motorcade would escort the President to Rancho del Cielo on Refugio Road during the few occasions when weather did not permit travel via helicopter. How often did Ronald Reagan visit the Ranch while president? Ronald Reagan spent 364 days of his eight years as president at Rancho del Cielo.

Michael Reagan and his daughter, Ashley, are frequent guests at the Ranch.


How many Secret Service agents were stationed at the Ranch? For security reasons, the exact number of

Young America’s Foundation • Libertas

Secret Service agents is not disclosed, but the estimate is 180 men in a troop. An estimated 60 Secret Service agents were on the Ranch at all times, rotating on three 8-hour shifts. The agents not on the shift would relax in Santa Barbara or watch a football game in the Secret Service command post. The majority of the agents stayed in local hotels in Santa Barbara and did not sleep at the Ranch. Approximately 30 agents were stationed in Santa Barbara at all times for security purposes when the President was not at the Ranch. Does anyone live on the Ranch today? Ranch manager George Thompson and his wife reside on the Ranch property. George cares for the Ranch animals and assists in maintaining the grounds. Is the Ranch open to the public? Prior to Young America’s Foundation saving the Ranch, it was not open to any visitors. Thousands of young Americans, Foundation supporters and others have visited Rancho del Cielo since its preservation efforts began. We would love to open the Ranch to the general public, but the county must first make significant improvements to the road leading up to the Ranch. Young America’s Foundation’s Reagan Ranch Center in downtown Santa Barbara, however, is open to the public. The Center includes classrooms, a library, Ranch-related items, a theater, and more. See pages 31-33 for more information.

– The Reagan Ranch Center –

Schoolhouse for Reaganism Shapes America’s Future By Clark Vandeventer, Director of Donor Relations


velyn Peterson was a great American. She served as a Women’s Army Corps (WAC) Officer in World War II and was a passionate supporter of Young America’s Foundation. She loved America and believed fully that Young America’s Foundation is the solution to the battle for the hearts and minds of young people. She was also a visionary. During a visit with Mrs. Peterson shortly before her passing, we sat in her home as she recalled the day Young America’s Foundation President Ron Robinson and Executive Director Floyd Brown first told her about the future Reagan Ranch Center. “They rolled out the plans that were hardly plans at all,” she commented. Mrs. Peterson felt that she had an opportunity to be there from the beginning of something great and gave the first gift to help establish the Reagan Ranch Center. “I was going to use that money to remodel and redecorate my house, but I decided to give the money instead to build something to protect the future of our country,” Mrs. Peterson said. With tears in her eyes, she said the day she gave that gift was the happiest day of her life. Mrs. Peterson’s dream of a permanent facility to pass on conservative ideas to young people—a “Schoolhouse for Reaganism”—is now a reality. For thousands of young people, now and for decades to come, the Conservative Movement starts here: at Young America’s Foundation and the Reagan Ranch Center. President Reagan said, “There is a flickering spark in all of us, which, if struck at just the right age, can light up the rest of our lives.” That is why Young America’s Foundation saved the Reagan Ranch, and that is

The Reagan Ranch Center is a “Schoolhouse for Reaganism” allowing Young America’s Foundation to reach thousands of young people with President Reagan’s values and ideas.

why the Reagan Ranch Center is so important. The Ranch and Ranch Center are the showrooms to share President Reagan’s ideas with future generations. Much more than history alone, Young America’s Foundation strikes the spark in the lives of young people, activating them for decades of conservative leadership for our country.

The Reagan Ranch Center provides Young America’s Foundation with tremendous facilities to pass on President Reagan’s ideas. The first floor Dorothy Donnelley Moller Outreach Center provides an open space for large conferences. The Norma Zimdahl Education Center and Gallery on the second floor features classrooms, a theater, and a gallery where students are able to not only learn about conservative ideas but also be surrounded by words and images that reinforce these ideas.

For thousands of young people now and for decades to come, the Conservative Movement starts here: at Young America’s Foundation The Reagan Ranch Operations Center, and the Reagan Ranch located on the third floor, is the engine of the entire Reagan Ranch Center and Center. The Reagan Ranch Center Immediately upon entering the David Louis Bartlett Visitors Center, Reagan Ranch Center guests meet the triumph of Ronald Reagan’s conservative ideas. There is no escaping the towering section of the Berlin Wall which stands in the Spencer L. Murfey, Jr. Grand Atrium.

its national outreach program. Student activities, Reagan Ranch visits, ongoing research, communications efforts, and leadership planning all take place in this nerve center for the Conservative Movement. The Roy & Dorothy Billings Conservative Vision for America Suite, the penthouse of the Reagan Ranch Center, is a planning and

Young America’s Foundation • Libertas


Reagan portraits and pictures adorn the walls on the Center’s third floor.

Classrooms provide venues to pass on Ronald Reagan’s values and ideas.

The Jefts Beede Conference Room hosts the Conservative Movement’s leaders.

The Reagan Ranch Center is one of the largest Conservative Movement facilities outside of Washington, D.C. The 22,000 square foot Center includes classrooms, a theater, a library, meeting rooms, Ranch-related exhibits, and much more.

Main building sponsors Al & Bette Moore cut the ribbon opening the Center for student programs on July 4, 2006.


Young America’s Foundation • Libertas

This two thousand-pound section of the Berlin Wall greets Reagan Ranch Center visitors.

– The Reagan Ranch Center – strategy area for the Young America’s Foundation team and also for student leaders and other conservative organizations. The Reagan Ranch Center is an asset for the entire Conservative Movement—groups from around the country use the Center to advance our shared cause. The penthouse also opens up unto a beautiful rooftop terrace, with stunning views of the Pacific Ocean and the Santa Ynez Mountains. This facility is incredible. Located in the heart of the Left Coast on the busiest street in Santa Barbara, adjacent to the much-traveled Highway 101, next door to the Santa Barbara train station, and just two short blocks from the beach, there could not be a more ideal location to advance the Conservative Movement. This high-traffic location is what the late Virginia Knott Bender suggested as a member of the Reagan Ranch Board of Governors. At Young America’s Foundation, however, we don’t measure our success by the location or grandeur of our facilities. We measure our success by the lives that are impacted. Holly Burwell was just a high school student when she attended her

first Young America’s Foundation conference. Her words speak volumes. “I have always been taught to measure a lifetime by the number of lives that have been changed because of it. Young America’s Foundation can add one more life to their count: mine.” With the Reagan Ranch Center, Young America’s Foundation has a tremendous opportunity to reach young people such as Holly, to ignite that spark, and to activate them for decades of conservative leadership.

“I have always been taught to measure a lifetime by the number of lives that have been changed because of it. Young America’s Foundation can add one more life to their count: mine.” This tremendous opportunity never could have been realized if not for the vision of the many great Americans who gave such important gifts to turn this vision into reality. In the early stages of development, the $1 million gifts from John and Virginia Engalitcheff as well as Lee and Helen Lovaas to establish the

Student programs in the Dorothy Moller Outreach Center inspire students with Ronald Reagan’s conservative values.

David Louis Bartlett Visitors Center and Norma Zimdahl to establish the Norma Zimdahl Education Center & Gallery came at pivotal moments in the success of this endeavor. Two years after acquiring the building that would become the Reagan Ranch Center, when progress was largely at a standstill, Al and Bette Moore stepped forward and became the main building sponsors of the Reagan Ranch Center with their total gifts exceeding $3 million. Al and Bette made this heartfelt decision while spending a weekend with more than 500 energetic young people at Young America’s Foundation’s West Coast Leadership Conference in Santa Barbara. Young America’s Foundation is also deeply indebted to Rich and Helen DeVos for their magnificent gift of $5 million, making the completion of the Reagan Ranch Center possible. It is impossible to measure the impact their gift will have on future generations and our country. That is really what Young America’s Foundation is all about: changing the lives of young people and saving the future of America. The Reagan Ranch Center will do just that, one life and one generation at a time. t

The Norma Zimdahl Education Center and Gallery includes a theater, providing a venue to hear and see Ronald Reagan. Young America’s Foundation • Libertas


Learn More About Ronald Reagan & His Ranch

Remembering Reagan is a captivating photographic journey through Ronald Reagan’s life and career. The book by Reagan advisors Charles Hobb and Peter Hannaford includes many images from the President’s days at Rancho del Cielo. (Publisher: Regnery Publishing, Inc., 1994)

Reagan advisor Peter Hannaford provides a fascinating portrait of the Western White House throughout his book, Ronald Reagan and His Ranch. (Publisher: Images from the Past, Inc., 2002)

In his book, Riding with Reagan, Secret Service Agent John Barletta shares personal memories about protecting the President at Rancho del Cielo. (Publisher: Citadel Press, 2005)

The July 2001 issue of Cowboys and Indians features an exclusive look inside the Reagan Ranch (pages 136-142).

“When I Saw My Ideas Passed On At The Reagan Ranch, I Knew I Had To Change My Will!”


onald Reagan knew that those who shape the minds of young people today will define our nation’s future tomorrow. That’s why, in his farewell address from the Oval Office, he challenged us: “We’ve got to do a better job of getting across that America is freedom— freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of enterprise. And freedom is special and rare. It’s fragile; it needs protection.” Will you protect America’s freedom by remembering Young America’s Foundation and the Reagan Ranch in your will?


egacy gifts have been essential to Young America’s Foundation’s success in reaching young people with conservative ideas for the last 37 years. To be a part of this fine tradition and protect America’s freedom, please share the following language with your attorney: “I give, devise, and bequeath to the Reagan Ranch, a project of Young America’s Foundation, tax identification number 23-7042029, 110 Elden Street, Herndon Virginia 20170 (insert percentage, amount or nature of gift, or remainder of estate) to be used for education purposes.” Ronald Reagan passed away after a long and productive life. We do not know the hour of our passing. Act now. Please contact Kimberly Martin Begg at 1-800-USA-1776 for more information. © Copyright 2006 Young America’s Foundation

National Headquarters F. M. Kirby Freedom Center 110 Elden Street Herndon, Virginia 20170 800-USA-1776 The Reagan Ranch 217 State Street Santa Barbara, California 93101 888-USA-1776


he Reagan Ranch Center in Santa Barbara, California enhances Young America’s Foundation’s ability to inspire future generations of young leaders with the principles and values President Reagan so cherished. The 22,000 square foot building includes classrooms, a theater, meeting rooms, a library of conservative resources, Young America’s Foundation’s Reagan Ranch offices, and more. The Reagan Ranch Center also includes state-of-the-art facilities in which to store and protect historic Reagan Ranch items that would otherwise deteriorate if left on the Ranch.

Young America’s Foundation Libertas magazine

Reagan Ranch Edition Vol. 27 • No. 3 National Headquarters F.M. Kirby Freedom Center 110 Elden Street Herndon, VA 20170 800-USA-1776



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