Libertas (Issue 40.2 - Fall 2019)

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FALL 2019

Inside: U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos’s Remarks at the Reagan Ranch Center

VOL. 40

NO. 2

September 23, 2019 Dear Colleagues,


t is most encouraging to read National Review’s take on the forthcoming leadership succession at Young America’s Foundation. National Review reported: “Great organizations with strong leaders often struggle with the problem of succession. So the news that Scott Walker will become the next president of Young America’s Foundation is welcome. The former Republican governor of Wisconsin will take over in 2021, following the retirement of Ron Robinson, whose tenure dates to 1977, when YAF had a worthy mission (defined by the Sharon Statement, drafted at the home of William F. Buckley Jr. in 1960) but also no income and a negative net worth. Today, its annual budget is $25 million, and its assets, which include the Reagan Ranch in California, top $70 million. Walker’s decision has political implications: He says he won’t run for governor again in 2022, as some conservatives had hoped he would. Yet it does mean that a key institution of the conservative movement will remain in good hands for years to come.”

Young America’s Foundation does indeed have a well-thought-out transition plan. The assets alluded to in the National Review editorial include President Reagan’s Western White House—Rancho del Cielo—and its two adjoining Moore Ranches, the Reagan Ranch Center in downtown Santa Barbara, our headquarters in Northern Virginia, and the William & Berniece Grewcock Capitol Hill Townhouse in Washington, D.C. More importantly, YAF has a legacy of being guided by great conservative leaders including Bill Buckley, Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan, Milton Friedman, Jeane Kirkpatrick, Russell Kirk, Frank Meyer, Newt Gingrich, and others. Together they helped YAF develop a cadre of emerging leaders who staff and lead the Conservative Movement. Some of those leaders include Marc Short, Katie Pavlich, Stephen Miller, Michelle Easton, Peter Schweizer, David Bossie, and John Bolton. Our assets and heritage ensure we employ our Movement’s great sites and rich tradition to introduce successive generations to freedom’s principles. It is befitting of this tradition that YAF also benefited from the involvement of Scott and Tonette Walker. Scott Walker admirably led Wisconsin for eight years as governor and rightly was hailed by National Review as a governor who “sets the standard for state leaders.” As Young America’s Foundation transitions its leadership, you should be assured our organization will be strengthened, our ability to achieve our mission will be enhanced, and one uncertainty—whether a succession would be properly completed—is eliminated. This suggests your involvement and commitment “will remain in good hands for years to come.”


Ron Robinson President

LIB E RTAS Fall 2019

Volume 40

Number 2

Special Feature 21

U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos’s Remarks at the Reagan Ranch Center


Shapiro, Knowles, Roy, and Campos-Duffy Address 800 at High School Conference at the Reagan Ranch

By Heidi Thom, Program Assistant


From Interns to National Reporters How YAF’s National Journalism Center Alumni Are Breaking Through in the Media

By Kelleigh Huber, Program Director, National Journalism Center


YAF’s Campus Lecture Program Provides Unmatched Student Experience

By Patrick X. Coyle, Vice President


Why Students Should Embrace Free Enterprise Over Socialism An Interview with Andy Puzder

By Raj Kannappan, Editor


Pence, Gingrich, Levin, and Laffer Headline Rawhide Circle Retreat in Washington, D.C.

By Kelleigh Huber, Program Director, National Journalism Center


Alumni Profile: Nicholas Hahn III

By Spencer Brown, Spokesman

On the Cover:

Also in This Issue:

President Donald Trump has appeared on negative covers of Time and Newsweek more than 50 times since 2015. For years, Young America’s Foundation President Ron Robinson has advised Foundation student audiences that they can identify mainstream media bias with ease by simply reviewing the covers editors select for their weekly publications. His popular presentation includes more than 150 cover images highlighting the critical depictions of conservatives versus the favorable and often iconic portrayals of liberals.

4 YAF Wins Early Victory in University of Minnesota

Lawsuit 5 YAF Student Activists Participate in White House Executive Order Signing 6 Walsh, Hawkins, and Kengor Headline Standing Up for Faith & Freedom Seminar 7 Second Lady Karen Pence Visits Reagan Ranch Center 8 Donatelli, Stewart, and Lenczowski Address Reagan Forum 9 Kimberly Begg and Nicole Hoplin Elected to YAF Board of Directors 10 Senator Blackburn Headlines Western Women’s Summit 43 Join YAF Leaders and Supporters on 2020 Norwegian Cruise

Libertas, the Latin word for liberty, is a publication of Young America’s Foundation which highlights the programs, events, students, staff, and supporters of the Foundation. You may contact Libertas and Young America’s Foundation by writing to: Young America’s Foundation, National Headquarters, 11480 Commerce Park Drive, Sixth Floor, Reston, Virginia 20191; calling 800-USA-1776; or visiting Editors: Raj Kannappan and Kelleigh Huber; Publisher: Ron Robinson; Publication Design: Jonathan Briggs; Assistant Editors: Jolie Ballantyne, Amy Brooker, Spencer Brown, Patrick Coyle, Kyle Ferrebee, Karalee Geis, Clare Hinshaw, Jessica Jensen, Haley Limo, Kevin McMahon, Chris Miranda, Emma Morris, Tom Robinson, Karl Stahlfeld, Heidi Thom, Mark Trammell, Kenny Xu; Washington, D.C. event photographers: David Keith and Bob Updegrove; California event photographer: Jacqueline Pilar. This document and all herein contents, images, stories, graphics, and design, fall unto copyright © 2005 to 2019 Young America’s Foundation, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. Any use of Libertas’ content without the written permission of Young America’s Foundation is prohibited.

Young America’s Foundation Board Of Directors Ron Robinson President of the Board Ronald Pearson Vice President of the Board Frank Donatelli Secretary and Treasurer of the Board Kimberly Begg T. Kenneth Cribb, Jr. Wynton C. Hall Nicole Hoplin Emily Jashinsky Kate Obenshain Keeler Peter Schweizer Thomas L. Phillips Director Emeritus

Reagan Ranch Board Of Governors Frank Donatelli Chairman Edwin Meese Co-Chairman Robert F. Agostinelli Governor George Allen Reagan Ranch Presidential Scholar Dr. Suzanne Becker Lisa M. Buestrin Robert Cummins George & Becky Norton Dunlop Richard Gaby & Barbara Van Andel-Gaby Robert Giuffra, Jr. Timothy S. Goeglein Michael W. Grebe Ambassador Patricia L. Herbold Eric & Nicole Hoplin Ann Knapheide Mark Larson Rebekah Mercer Al Moore Dennis & Nancy Moore Doug & Pat Perry Thomas L. Phillips Rear Admiral JJ Quinn Ruppert & Cheryl Reinstadler Richard & Jane Schwartz Lee Shannon Craig Shirley Owen & Bernadette Casey Smith Barbara S. Waddell Tonette Walker Jay Webber

National Journalism Center Board Of Governors T. Kenneth Cribb, Jr. Chairman Chris Bedford John Gizzi Emily Jashinsky Rich Lowry Alex Marlow The Honorable Alex Mooney Gabby Orr Katie Pavlich Ronald Pearson Kirby Wilbur Tom Winter Thomas L. Phillips Chairman Emeritus



YAF Wins Early Victory in University of Minnesota Lawsuit Young America’s Foundation student activists scored an important early victory in their fight for free speech at

the University of Minnesota. A federal judge ruled against the university’s motion to dismiss YAF’s case, giving students the opportunity to take their case to trial. At oral argument, the university denied discriminating against conservative students, but the court saw through the university’s attempt to avoid accountability. At trial, the University of Minnesota will have to answer for its censorship of conservative students and ideas. University of Minnesota administrators refused to allow New York Times bestselling author Ben Shapiro to speak on the university’s main campus in Minneapolis. Instead, they banished his lecture to a remote and significantly less

accessible area of campus—the school’s agricultural campus in St. Paul (affectionately known by students as the “cow campus”). Furthermore, internal emails uncovered through YAF’s Censorship Exposed! project revealed that top university administrators discussed limiting attendance at the lecture to 500 students. Now, YAF’s students will finally have their day in court. This case caught the attention of the White House, with President Donald Trump inviting more than a dozen YAF student activists from campuses across the country, including the University of Minnesota, to the White House for the signing of an executive order protecting students’ free speech rights on campus (see opposite page).

Ben Shapiro addresses students at the University of Minnesota as part of YAF’s Logan Family Advancing Freedom Lecture Series.


Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2019



YAF Student Activists and Leaders Join President Donald Trump at White House Executive Order Signing More than a dozen Young Americans for Freedom student activists, along with Young America’s Foundation Vice Presidents Patrick Coyle and Jessica Jensen, attended the signing of President Donald Trump’s campus free speech executive order at the White House. These leading student activists have courageously fought censorship on their campuses and won. Students represented universities across the country, including the University of Virginia; University of California, Berkeley; Whitworth University; California State University, Los Angeles; University of Wisconsin-Madison; University of Notre Dame; Grand Canyon University; University of Florida; University of Cincinnati; University of WisconsinMilwaukee; and Kennesaw State University. This important executive order is the culmination of YAF student activists fighting viewpoint-motivated censorship and elevating the issue of campus free speech in the national conversation. Last year, YAF won major First Amendment lawsuits against the University of California, Berkeley, and Kennesaw State University. After YAF beat Berkeley, the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board credited YAF for “A Free Speech Rebirth at Berkeley.”

New York Times bestselling author Ben Shapiro said, “Young America’s Foundation is on the front lines of the free speech battle.” The fight for free speech on campus continues. Young America’s Foundation recently won a free speech lawsuit against the University of Florida and is fighting for First Amendment rights in a lawsuit against the University of Minnesota (see opposite page). The President’s executive order bolsters YAF’s free speech efforts on campus, holding accountable school administrators who treat the campus as their personal fiefdom—selectively regulating conservative speech. Now, schools that violate students’ speech rights risk losing millions of dollars in federal research grants.

Student leaders attend President Trump’s signing of an executive order protecting campus free speech. (From left) Top YAF campus activists Jamie Hahn, Kevin McMahon, Kate Westa, Abby Streu, Sarah Long, Regina Barton, Maxwell Brandon, Lauren Sagvold, Daniel Weldon, Connor Brinton, William Paltz, Mark Kahanding, and Grant Strobl travel to the White House to continue their fight for First Amendment rights. Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2019




Walsh, Hawkins, and Kengor Headline Standing Up for Faith & Freedom Seminar More than 70 participants attended Young America’s Foundation’s seminar, Standing Up for Faith & Freedom: Reclaiming Your Catholic Campus from the Social Justice Warriors, at YAF’s national headquarters in Reston, Virginia. High school and college students representing 44 unique schools attended this one-of-a-kind program, and hundreds more participated in the seminar online through YAF’s livestream. Young America’s Foundation developed Standing Up for Faith & Freedom to advance opportunities for the Conservative Movement that had been overlooked by existing efforts. Decades of teaching young people how to identify and respond to issues specific to their campuses have demonstrated that students at Catholic schools need specialized training. This is because at many Catholic institutions, administrators and faculty use their influence over students to distort Catholic social teaching and advance a radical leftist agenda. Longtime Foundation supporters Ray and Susie Screbant sponsored this essential program to teach students attending Catholic schools that the conservative principles of freedom and human dignity are consistent with Catholic teaching. Foundation President Ron Robinson welcomed attendees to the seminar with remarks on his own experience as a YAF activist at Canisius College and a leader in the Conservative Movement. Daily Wire writer and speaker Matt Walsh addressed the common mistakes conservatives make in attempting to advance their ideas among a variety of audiences. He told the students, “Remember that Christianity is perfectly consistent with logic, reason, and science...Those are in our tool belt as believers in

Father Steve Davoren delivers a passionate address during the seminar at YAF’s national headquarters.

God, and so there’s no reason we can’t appeal to them.” Other speakers throughout the weekend included Nick Hahn, YAF alumnus and chief speechwriter for U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos (see page 40); Foundation Vice President Patrick Coyle; Father William Saunders, pastor of Our Lady of Hope Catholic Church in Potomac Falls, Virginia; Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America; Cathy Ruse, senior fellow for legal studies at the Family Research Council; Father Steve Davoren, pastor of St. Mel’s Parish in Woodland Hills, California; Dr. Frank Marlo, dean of academics at the Institute for World Politics; and Dr. Jake Jacobs, history instructor at Lourdes Academy. Dr. Paul Kengor, author and professor at Grove City College, delivered a passionate and informative lecture on how the Catholic Church fought communism. He explained, “Just because the Bible has some examples of people sharing things and taking care of one another doesn’t mean that they’re communists.” Participants left the program inspired, educated, and motivated to advance conservative ideas at their unique schools. Mary Ann Cortese, a student from Franciscan University of Steubenville, remarked, “This conference totally helped me to grab a hold of the connection between my faith and liberty and how to actively pursue both in the world today.”

Students from across the country participate in the one-of-a-kind YAF program focused on empowering and educating conservatives at Catholic schools.


Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2019



Second Lady Karen Pence and Charlotte Pence Read Latest Children’s Book to Students at the Reagan Ranch Center Second Lady of the United States Karen Pence and her daughter, Charlotte Pence, visited YAF’s Reagan Ranch Center to read their newest book, Marlon Bundo’s A Day in the Nation’s Capital (Regnery Kids). Written by Charlotte and illustrated by the Second Lady, the book explores the meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance and how the important sites of Washington, D.C., represent the freedoms that we have. The book is the Pences’ second children’s book about their real-life pet bunny, Marlon Bundo. YAF was also honored to host the Second Lady, Charlotte, and Marlon at our national headquarters in Reston, Virginia, in 2018 to share their first book, Marlon Second Lady Karen Pence and her daughter, Charlotte Pence, participate in a special event at the Reagan Ranch Center. Bundo’s A Day in the Life of the Vice President. While introducing their new book at the Reagan Ranch Center, Charlotte commented that she “wanted to write something that talked about the values we have in America and the history of those values.” Throughout the book, Marlon Bundo learns all about the freedoms and values we hold dear in America, from the work of the military to the freedom of speech and freedom of religion. The 200 attendees at this special program included 65 students from Santa Barbara’s local Providence School. Students from kindergarten through second grade had a front-row seat to the special program and were even able to ask some questions of the Students from the Providence School receive a copy of Marlon Bundo’s A Day in the Nation’s Capital. Second Lady and Charlotte. Questions ranged from how the BOTUS (Bunny of the sponsored this program, which aired nationwide on C-SPAN’s United States) became famous to what it was like to live in BookTV. the Second Family’s home at the U.S. Naval Observatory in Each student left with a better understanding of our Washington, D.C. freedoms, a signed copy of the Pences’ book, and bunny treats YAF supporters Bob and Margie Niehaus of Santa Barbara for the road. Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2019




Donatelli, Stewart, and Lenczowski Address Capacity Audience of Capitol Hill Interns at YAF’s Reagan Forum Young America’s Foundation’s strengthened presence on Capitol Hill resulted in one of the most successful Ronald Reagan Forums for interns. Each summer, thousands of students descend on Washington, D.C., to participate in internships on Capitol Hill. These young people are eager to hear principled discussions and strengthen their knowledge of public policy issues. To educate these students with conservative ideas and introduce them to YAF’s resources, the Foundation sponsors the annual Ronald Reagan Forum. This year, more than 150 interns gathered for the standing-room-only event, held in the U.S. Capitol on the 15th anniversary of President Reagan’s passing. Reagan Ranch Board of Governors Chairman Frank Donatelli moderated an informative and timely panel focused on the dangers of socialism. Panelists included U.S. Representative Chris Stewart, founder of the House AntiSocialism Caucus, and Dr. John Lenczowski, founder and president of the Institute of World Politics. Representative Stewart offered practical advice for students to take back their college campuses from those who promote socialism over freedom. He shared that, while he expected to fight against socialism as a young Air Force pilot, he did not

Reagan Ranch Board of Governors Chairman Frank Donatelli welcomes interns to YAF’s Ronald Reagan Forum on Capitol Hill.

expect to be fighting it in the halls of Congress. He urged students to educate their peers on how socialism takes away one’s fundamental rights. Lenczowski discussed the philosophical roots of socialism, arguing that socialists are the best examples of oligarchs and reminding students that “the two greatest paths to poverty are socialism and the breakup of the family.” Interns left the Reagan Forum with a powerful charge from Donatelli, who served as a top aide to President Ronald Reagan: “Just as America led the world against socialism in the 20th century, it is our duty to do so again.” All attendees received information on YAF’s upcoming student programs and a copy of the Foundation’s iconic poster featuring Ronald Reagan.

Representative Chris Stewart advises interns on how to advance freedom over socialism on campus.


Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2019



Kimberly Begg and Nicole Hoplin Elected to Young America’s Foundation Board of Directors Two longtime Young America’s Foundation leaders were elected to serve on the Foundation’s Board of Directors. Kimberly Martin Begg, Esq., has been active in the Conservative Movement since she attended her first Young America’s Foundation conference as a student at Rutgers University. She served on the Foundation’s staff for nearly 15 years, operating as vice president, general counsel, and director of planned giving. Begg is an expert in planned giving and protecting donor intent. Currently, she serves as the head of school at Good Shepherd School, a Montessori and Classical school located in Purcellville, Virginia, that is rooted in the Catholic tradition and serves children in preschool through eighth grade. She also serves on the Advisory Board of the Clare Boothe Luce Center for Conservative Women and the Washington, D.C., Board of Regents of Thomas Aquinas College. Begg is a member of the District of Columbia bar. She earned her Juris Doctor in 2002 from George Mason

Nicole Hoplin

Kimberly Begg

University School of Law and her Bachelor of Arts in 1998 from Rutgers University. She lives in Herndon, Virginia, with her husband, Ian, and their five children. Nicole Hoplin dedicated many years as a vice president at Young America’s Foundation, managing YAF’s worldwide cruise program and building and developing relationships with more than 200 supporters to identify their philanthropic priorities and connect them with programs that aligned most with those interests. Hoplin co-authored Funding Fathers: The Unsung Heroes of the Conservative Movement (Regnery Publishing) with Young America’s Foundation President Ron Robinson. The book shares the stories of ten prominent entrepreneurs who made the most important philanthropic gifts to advance free enterprise and liberty. She is also the co-author of Ten Secrets of Successful Giving, a publication designed to share advice with donors who seek to maximize their impact through their charitable giving. As co-founder and president of Hoplin Jackson Charitable Advisors, Hoplin shows the company’s clients how the same business best practices that create wealth can also be used when giving it away. An expert in philanthropy, she helps clients create more impact with their charitable giving and, in so doing, makes giving away wealth as joyful and fulfilling as creating it. Hoplin acquired a Master in Public Policy degree with an expertise in nonprofit management and leadership summa cum laude from the University of Minnesota and a Bachelor of Arts degree from St. Olaf College. She also serves on the Reagan Ranch Board of Governors. Hoplin and her husband, Eric, are raising their three boys in Oakton, Virginia. Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2019




Senator Marsha Blackburn Headlines Clare Boothe Luce Center for Conservative Women’s Annual Western Women’s Summit Young America’s Foundation was delighted to host the Clare Boothe Luce Center for Conservative Women’s (CBL) annual Western Women’s Summit at the Reagan Ranch and Reagan Ranch Center. CBL works to provide a conservative woman’s point-ofview on current policy issues that affect her life, country, and faith—a perspective that is often ignored or dismissed within academia and by the media. CBL’s materials, programs, and initiatives stress the importance of moral values, strength of character, academic excellence, integrity, and a strong work ethic. The Western Women’s Summit brought together rising female student activists to discuss the critical issues facing the country. The program featured key conservative female leaders, including acclaimed attorney Cleta Mitchell; Students for Life President Kristan Hawkins; CBL President Michelle Easton; media relations expert Rachel Semmel; author, Young America’s Foundation Director, and CBL Director Kate Obenshain Keeler; Regnery Publishing President and CBL Director Marji Ross; and Tipping Point host Liz Wheeler. Senator Marsha Blackburn, who was previously recognized as CBL’s 2016 “Woman of the Year,” delivered the keynote

Senator Marsha Blackburn addresses Western Women’s Summit attendees at the Reagan Ranch Center.

address during the dinner banquet, challenging the attendees to become leaders in the Conservative Movement. The Senator argued, “I will tell you that freedom and liberty have been enhanced by conservative women having been involved in that fight.” The following day, students enjoyed a tour of the Reagan Ranch, Ronald Reagan’s Western White House, where they heard from Barbara Riggs, a retired United States Secret Service agent who protected President Reagan at Rancho del Cielo. Agent Riggs regaled the students with stories of her time at the Ranch and detailed her experiences as the sixth woman ever hired by the Secret Service. The program concluded with an afternoon of activism training and breakout discussions. Young America’s Foundation is pleased to welcome likeminded organizations to the Reagan Ranch and Reagan Ranch Center to strengthen our cause for future generations.

Female student activists of the Clare Boothe Luce Center for Conservative Women participate in a tour of the Reagan Ranch.


Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2019

During a special conference session in the Hay Barn at the Reagan Ranch, high school students listen intently as Rear Admiral JJ Quinn discusses President Ronald Reagan’s legacy.

Shapiro, Knowles, Roy, and Campos-Duffy Address 800 at High School Conference at the Reagan Ranch By Heidi Thom, Program Assistant


n June, Young America’s Foundation hosted the High School Conference at the Reagan Ranch, drawing more than 800 participants and demonstrating the incredible growth of YAF’s high school programs. Students represented 209 schools and 28 states, with 70 percent of participants attending their first Foundation conference. Additionally, more than 300,000 viewers participated in the four-day conference via YAF’s Virtual Pass program and online livestream. The conference, graciously sponsored through a lead gift from Jamie and Marcia Constance and generous gifts from

additional supporters, launched with an evening interview with actress Kristy Swanson, who spoke about her unique experience as a conservative in Hollywood. Swanson urged students to speak up about their values, describing the climate in Hollywood: “There are so many in Hollywood that are conservative, but you just don’t know it.” New York Times bestselling author and Daily Wire Editorin-Chief Ben Shapiro—YAF’s most requested speaker—then delivered an energizing and informative speech to the eager audience, addressing how conservatives should engage in our culture. He noted, “You need to stay open-minded to people Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2019


Fox News contributor and frequent Young America’s Foundation speaker Rachel Campos-Duffy inspires the young leaders.

who disagree with you, so long as they are openminded to you.” Following his remarks, Shapiro took photos with attendees, which were framed and given to students at the conclusion of the conference. The next day, students visited President Ronald Reagan’s beloved Rancho del Cielo, taking jeep tours on the trails he created and touring the property’s historic ranch buildings. While at the Ranch, students participated in a special session with Reagan Ranch Board of Governors member Rear Admiral JJ Quinn, who spoke about his service as the Naval Aide to President Reagan and how the Reagan Ranch preserves the President’s values. Jack Duffy, YAF chapter leader at Newman Catholic High School in Wisconsin, reflected on his visit to the Ranch: “I have a new takeaway every time I go to the Ranch. The values that can be seen throughout the property show how Ronald Reagan was a true conservative, all the way down to the little details in his life. It is those little details that are so impactful.” Later in the day, students visited the Reagan Ranch Center, YAF’s “Schoolhouse for Reaganism,” in downtown Santa Barbara, where they learned about the evils of communism from historian and professor Dr. Paul Kengor of Grove City College. Addressing the virtues of a free society, Kengor stated, “There is nothing more basic, sacrosanct, in natural law and biblical law, than the right to own property.” Students also heard from Brian Brenberg, executive vice president at The King’s College in New York City, about how to effectively advocate 12

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Student Isahi Minero enjoys greeting the Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles.

Foundation President Ron Robinson meets students following his speech on media bias.

One America News host Liz Wheeler meets student Hannah Chou.

Representative Chip Roy encourages students to advance conservative ideas among their peers at school.

for free enterprise. “We have the obligation to tell stories that help people see the possibility of a market economy,” urged Brenberg. Fox News contributor Rachel Campos-Duffy then discussed how conservative students can effectively engage in the media, using the recent attacks on Covington Catholic High School student activists as an example. She argued, “People are going to attack you, and that’s part of being a conservative in this environment. But what’s the alternative—that we all just roll over… No way. I’m not giving my country away to them.” Economic historian Dr. Burt Folsom, the Foundation’s longest-serving faculty member, delivered an engaging talk on the historical failures of government subsidies. He also spoke from personal experience, noting, “I got to live my dream because, by and large, a free market society is what I grew up in.” Students then heard from Foundation President Ron Robinson, the Family Research Council’s Ken Blackwell, and the Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles. Knowles, a much-anticipated speaker among students, spoke on the threat of leftism during the Wendy P. McCaw Reagan Ranch Roundtable luncheon, which was held in conjunction with the conference and also attended by Foundation supporters and friends. He described the stark difference between leftists embracing pride month and conservatives embracing values such as temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness, and humility. “Those virtues don’t strut around in parades, but they are the only way Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2019


to make a nation that would do our Founders proud,” Knowles argued. Following the luncheon, Fox News’s Todd Starnes interviewed several students for the Todd Starnes Show and discussed the importance of religious freedom. “It’s time for every gun-toting, bible-clinging, deplorable American to take a thunderous stand for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” he exclaimed to roaring applause. The final day of the conference featured Lynn Vincent and Sara Vladic, authors of Indianapolis, a book that tells the true story of the sinking of the USS Indianapolis near the end of World War II. Vladic noted, “We are forever indebted to the men and women who make sacrifices like these for our freedom.” Representatives from Grove City College, Hillsdale College, College of the Ozarks, and the United States Military Academy then headlined a panel on choosing a conservative college, providing valuable advice to students considering their post-high school education. Students enjoyed individual breakout sessions with the panelists to learn more about each institution. NFL Super Bowl Champion Burgess Owens followed, telling students the truth about the victim mentality advocated by the Left: “There are people who think you owe them because of what other people did hundreds of years ago.” U.S. Representative Chip Roy discussed the fight for border security funding in Congress and encouraged students to keep up the good fight on campus, stating, “The challenge for all those who love liberty, limited government, and freedom is winning hearts and minds.” The conference concluded with a passionate lecture by Liz Wheeler, host of One America News’s Tipping Point, who offered advice on how students can engage in meaningful conservative activism at their schools. She told the students, “The best way to fight back against conservative speakers getting barred from campuses is to get involved with YAF because when they get involved in these fights, they win.” High school students left this conference with a newfound appreciation for America and a stronger understanding of President Reagan’s legacy. Victoria Gruen from Signum Crucis Academy reflected on her memorable experience: “I love how focused and inspired I am to go out and promote my conservative values because of this conference.” 14

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Hundreds of high school students from around the country visit Ronald Reagan’s Western White House, Rancho del Cielo.

Ben Shapiro takes a photo with students Catherine and Maximilian Nunes.

NFL Super Bowl Champion Burgess Owens addresses students at YAF’s High School Conference at the Reagan Ranch.

(From left) Students Caroline Dodson, Molly Doolittle, and Natalie Duda tour the Tack Barn at the Reagan Ranch.

Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2019



A L U M N I :






From Interns to National Reporters

How YAF’s National Journalism Center Alumni Are Breaking Through in the Media —————————————————————————————————————————

By Kelleigh Huber, Program Director, National Journalism Center —————————————————————————————————————————


resident Donald Trump tweets, and reporters turn their heads to the sound of the alert. The dynamic of the newsroom has changed. Now, reporters keep their eyes and ears open for these alerts, attempting to anticipate the next tweet from the White House. While many reporters are quick to attack the President’s policies and statements through the lens of their own ideological bias, others promote fact-based journalism, leading them to find great success in their profession. This is what YAF’s National

Journalism Center strives to do— develop journalists who practice responsible, accurate, and balanced reporting and advocate for those values in newsrooms nationwide. More than 2,300 alumni have graduated from NJC’s program, staffing newsrooms and communication shops across the country today. Many NJC alumni, however, choose to remain in Washington, D.C., uncovering and telling stories of consequence from the White House, Congress, and other centers of influence in the nation’s capital.

One of these alumni is Gabby Orr. Orr first became involved with Young America’s Foundation in 2012 as a student at Oregon State University, when she attended YAF’s National Conservative Student Conference. After her NJC internship, Orr transferred to The George Washington University and participated in local media internships at Fox News and the Heritage Foundation’s Daily Signal. Orr’s first job out of college was at the Washington Examiner, where she admits she lucked out, having been assigned to cover Donald Trump’s

The National Journalism Center Young America’s Foundation’s National Journalism Center (NJC) is the premier journalism training program in Washington, D.C., combining hands-on media internships with educational sessions dedicated to promoting truthseeking journalism. Founded by M. Stanton Evans in 1977, NJC has provided aspiring journalists with the opportunity to learn the principles and practices of responsible reporting. NJC’s 12-week internship program gives interns the tools and experiences to combat liberal bias in the mainstream media. Interns are matched with media outlets that reflect their


Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2019

interests and experiences, including the Washington Times, Fox News, C-SPAN, WMAL, the Santa Barbara News-Press, the Federalist, Roll Call, One America News, the Washington Examiner, and others. These placements help young journalists develop practical journalism skills and a better understanding of media, society, and public policy and how the three intersect in Washington, D.C., and across the country. To learn more about the National Journalism Center, please contact Program Director Kelleigh Huber at 800-USA-1776.


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Presidential campaign in the summer of 2015. Orr did not expect this assignment to launch her career. But, in fact, this opportunity helped her secure the coveted role of White House correspondent at the Examiner. In the fall of 2018, Orr transitioned to a White House reporter role at Politico. Today she attends press briefings at the White House, monitors President Trump’s twitter feed, and travels on Air Force One, reporting on White House news for audiences around the country and world. National Journalism Center Board of Governors member and Newsmax White House Correspondent John Gizzi remarked proudly, “It is uplifting to find an increasing number of NJC graduates as up-and-coming correspondents themselves. Gabby Orr, for example, who came to a presentation of mine while an NJC intern, now wears a pass from Politico at briefings at the White House.” Orr is not the only national reporter who launched her career through the National Journalism Center program. Katie Watson, currently a White House reporter for, began her journalism career during college, working on Biola University’s student newspaper, The Chimes. She then joined NJC’s summer 2010 class and worked as a reporting and web intern at the Washington Times. Following her time in Washington, D.C., Watson received an opportunity to pursue an advanced placement internship through NJC at the Santa Barbara News-Press, in Santa Barbara, California, during the summer of 2011. After just one month of interning for the paper, the staff approached her about joining their team full-time as a general assignment reporter. These opportunities put Watson on the path to success, leading her to, based in Alexandria, Virginia, and bringing her back to






Gabby Orr joins the Washington Examiner’s White House team in 2016.

the nation’s capital. Watson worked with as an investigative reporter and continued to work on the online news organization’s investigative team when she transitioned to the Daily Caller. In 2017, Watson moved to the CBS News team, where she now covers the White House. Melissa Quinn, a 2012 NJC

graduate, also chose to make Washington, D.C., her home, pursuing reporting at the Washington Examiner. After graduating from the University of Florida, Quinn moved to Washington to participate in the NJC program, where she was placed at the Daily Caller. Prior to her NJC internship, Quinn interned with Fox News. Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2019



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Katie Watson receives her National Journalism Center diploma from NJC Academic Director Stephen Bird in 2010.

Orr participates in a Fox News interview about President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee.


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Quinn made the decision to build her career in Washington, first reporting for the Alexandria Times. She then held jobs at both Red Alert Politics and the Daily Signal before moving to the breaking news desk at the Washington Examiner. She honed her reporting skills and soon worked her way into a Supreme Court and White House reporter role at the Examiner, covering the President as well as prominent decisions made by the nation’s highest court. Today, she reports exclusively on the Supreme Court. “My internship with NJC gave me the opportunity to work in a real newsroom in D.C., where I was treated as a real reporter rather than just an intern. This taught me to work on tight deadlines and gain a grasp of complex topics quickly, skills that have served me very well as a reporter covering the Supreme Court,” Quinn says. Griffin Connolly is yet another example of the success of the NJC program. Connolly joined the National Journalism Center in 2017 after graduating from Boston College. He spent his 12 weeks with NJC interning at Roll Call, where he interviewed prominent congressmen on Capitol Hill and reported on bills that came to the floor of Congress. At the conclusion of that summer, Connolly accepted a full-time offer from Roll Call, where he

Watson reports live for CBS.


A L U M N I :






White House beat] give me confidence that the legacy of the National Journalism Center is a mighty one and that quality journalism will live on and grow in the highest of places in the 21st century,” says Gizzi. National Journalism Center alumni are also working in the newsrooms of Blaze TV, the Daily Caller, the Federalist, and other organizations, covering the White House and Congress and providing much-needed balance against the biased coverage of President Trump.

“I owe the early successes of my career almost entirely to the National Journalism Center.” Griffin Connolly asks a question of a speaker during his National Journalism Center internship in 2017.

works today as a congressional reporter. Reflecting on his NJC experience, Connolly says, “I owe the early successes of my career almost entirely to the National Journalism Center for taking a chance on a fledgling sports writer and convincing the kind people at Roll Call, a historic Capitol Hill institution, to let him intern there.

Melissa Quinn appears frequently on Fox News.

Two years later, I’m still at Roll Call, continuing to learn and grow as a fulltime congressional reporter. It’s been the opportunity of a lifetime.” National Journalism Center alumni have, indeed, established themselves as reliable, fair, and accurate reporters in the nation’s capital. “[The NJC alumni working on the

— Griffin Connolly

NJC Director Elizabeth Donatelli added, “We are thrilled to see our alumni in such prominent reporting positions, where they continue to promote the mission of the National Journalism Center and produce truthseeking journalism.”

Connolly and fellow National Journalism Center intern Kyle Stewart participate in their NJC internship placement at Roll Call. Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2019


"Visiting the Reagan Ranch changed my life. Thank you!" Joseph Ballard University of Alabama


Young America’s Foundation is the largest youth outreach organization in the Conservative Movement and the only group that uses the power of the Reagan Ranch to shape future generations. The Foundation is the exclusive owner and operator of the Reagan Ranch, having worked with Ronald Reagan and the Reagan family since 1962 to advance freedom. Today, Young America’s Foundation hosts conferences and seminars at the Reagan Ranch to inspire young people and policy makers with President Reagan’s freedom philosophy of limited government, free enterprise, and a strong national defense. To receive a free Estate Planning Guide or to learn about the exciting benefits of membership in Young America's Foundation's Ranch In The Sky Legacy Society, please call Mark Trammell, Acting General Counsel, at 1-800-USA-1776 or visit NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS 11480 COMMERCE PARK DRIVE | SIXTH FLOOR | RESTON, VIRGINIA 20191 REAGAN RANCH CENTER 217 STATE STREET | SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA 93101




New York Times bestselling author Ben Shapiro receives a standing ovation during his lecture at Grand Canyon University, part of YAF’s Fred Allen Lecture Series.

YAF’s Campus Lecture Program Provides Unmatched Student Experience By Patrick X. Coyle, Vice President


oung America’s Foundation achieved a record year of campus activism during the 2018-2019 academic year, with a larger number and higher quality of events than any other organization in the Conservative Movement. Indeed, each year YAF invests more on sponsoring campus lectures than do all other conservative organizations combined. The growing campus lecture program has allowed YAF to reach millions of young people—many for the first time— with conservative ideas. The photo series depicted in the following pages showcases a selection of the students and campuses influenced by YAF’s campus lecture program during the previous academic year. YAF student activists worked around the clock to host some of the Foundation’s most prominent and influential conservative speakers, including Ben Shapiro, Michael Knowles, Rachel Campos-Duffy, Steven Crowder, Dr. Walter Williams, Dr. Christina Hoff Sommers, and other leaders. Before YAF pioneered the model of partnering with highYoung America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2019





Steve Forbes speaks to a standing-room-only audience at Kennesaw State University as part of YAF’s Logan Family Advancing Freedom Lecture Series.

Journalist John Stossel engages with a capacity audience during his lecture at Texas Tech University, part of YAF’s Ken & Janice Shengold Advancing Freedom Lecture Series.

profile conservative leaders to reach young people, conservative youth organizations focused primarily on sponsoring academics and intellectuals. These leaders articulated conservative ideas as effectively as anyone, but this approach did 26

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not reach sufficient numbers of students to have a significant impact. The Foundation introduced the idea of using speakers with a national reputation as a means to ensure a large




Daily Wire commentators Michael Knowles and Andrew Klavan join students on stage following their lecture at Texas A&M University, part of the Foundation’s Robert & Patricia Herbold Lecture Series.

Michael Knowles addresses students at the University of Notre Dame through the Robert & Patricia Herbold Lecture Series.

audience. These are speakers that students, the local campus community, and even professors want to hear. Students want to hear from policy makers, celebrities, and newsmakers, rather than obscure academics. The large audiences these

speakers generate show the college community that students are eager to hear conservative ideas. They provide our cause with energy and excitement. Over decades, the Foundation perfected the approach Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2019





Students cheer comedian Steven Crowder’s remarks at the University of Michigan.

Recent White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer speaks to a packed lecture hall at the University of California, Berkeley, through the Ken & Janice Shengold Advancing Freedom Lecture Series.

of attracting standing-room-only student audiences, but recently YAF has strengthened the campus lecture program by reaching even more students through live streaming key events. The Foundation’s campus activism, combined with 28

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high-quality streaming to influence a large online audience, is a major breakthrough for our cause. YAF’s campus lectures have drawn recognition from Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, the New




YAF student activists meet with Dr. Christina Hoff Sommers following her lecture at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, part of the Robert & Patricia Herbold Lecture Series.

Students at the University of Michigan fill an auditorium to hear a lecture from Ben Shapiro, part of the Fred Allen Lecture Series.

York Times, and many other media outlets. In fact, the New York Times described Young America’s Foundation as “the conservative force” behind the spread of freedom’s principles on college campuses.

Conservative leaders regularly contact the Foundation to speak because they know doing so will help them reach larger audiences and build their careers. Students expect that when they host a prominent YAF speaker, their event will be Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2019





Steps to Host a Breakthrough YAF Lecture on Your Campus! Visit or call YAF at 1-800-USA-1776 to get started today. Young America’s Foundation’s dedicated team is ready to walk you through each step of the process. #1 Learn How Your School’s Bureaucracy Works #2 Select an Appropriate Speaker #3 Solicit Your School for Funds

#4 Invite Your Speaker #5 Plan Your Event #6 Host Your Speaker #7 Maximize Your Impact

Students line up for blocks to hear Ben Shapiro’s lecture at the University of Southern California, part of YAF’s Fred Allen Lecture Series.

streamed to an even larger national audience. William F. Buckley, Jr., the founder of Young Americans for Freedom, recognized the importance of YAF’s campus lectures: On the matter of your lecture series, these are experiences of infinite importance. As recently as last night, a 42-year-old affluent influential conservative told an audience of 400 people that his orientation came from hearing such a talk (yes, by me) at Cornell when he was a sophomore. So I do hope that your important Foundation will be able to continue to support such appearances in the years ahead. To ensure the success of YAF’s nationally-recognized lecture program, the Foundation team works closely with conservative students on campuses across the country. YAF provides a range of opportunities for young people to learn how to host a successful campus lecture, including student conferences, seminars, and activism initiatives. In some cases, the Foundation sends staff weeks before an event to assist with advertising on the ground and engage administrators who dodge scheduled meetings. The Foundation team also guides student activists through 30

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legal obstacles that may be foisted upon them by educational institutions. It is this aggressive approach to defending students’ First Amendment rights that has resulted in numerous free speech victories for the Foundation, including wins against the University of California, Berkeley; University of Florida; Kennesaw State University; and California State University, Los Angeles. Connor Brinton, YAF chapter leader at Grand Canyon University, reflected on his recent experience hosting a campus lecture: “GCU YAF’s lecture featuring Ben Shapiro was wildly successful. We had more than 1,800 students and community members in attendance, with thousands more joining us online from around the world. Young America’s Foundation’s refusal to back down in the face of adversity from our campus administration was the key to making all of this possible. Our chapter is incredibly thankful to those at the Foundation for their hard work in making this event possible.” Young America’s Foundation stands ready to assist students across the country who wish to host a YAF speaker on their campus and make an immediate impact. Students should visit or call YAF at 1-800-USA-1776 to speak with a Young America’s Foundation team member and get started today!


SPECIAL NOTE: 2020 is the last year we are offering this weekend retreat with the Reaganauts who launched the “Save the Ranch” effort in 1998



are cordially invited to an exclusive weekend getaway at Ronald Reagan’s mountaintop home, Rancho del Cielo, in Santa Barbara, California. You will be joined by an intimate group of six other couples from around the country for a weekend experience hosted by Young America’s Foundation President Ron Robinson and his wife, Michelle Easton.

2020 retreat dates March 20 to 22 May 15 to 17 June 26 to 28 September 18 to 20 October 23 to 25


you arrive in Santa Barbara, your every need will be met based on an all-inclusive price, including: • Complimentary transportation to the Biltmore Four Seasons Resort (from Santa Barbara airport). • Welcome luncheon featuring a notable conservative leader. • Two-night, five-star accommodations at the historic, oceanfront Biltmore Four Seasons Resort. • VIP visit experience at Ronald Reagan’s “Western White House,” Rancho del Cielo. • Behind-the-scenes tour of the Reagan Ranch Center and Exhibit Gallery. • All meals, including two luncheons, two receptions, two dinners, and a full breakfast. • Trolley tour of historic, downtown Santa Barbara, including the 19th century Santa Barbara Mission.

A-  : $2,795   (excluding airline travel) S  L Seven     Reservations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Reserve your space TODAY. Please contact JASON BARBOUR at (336) 286-1701 or at



Why Students Should Embrace Free Enterprise Over Socialism An Interview with Andy Puzder By Raj Kannappan, Editor

Andy Puzder signs copies of his book, The Capitalist Comeback, following his remarks at the June High School Conference at the Reagan Ranch in 2018.


ince its founding, Young America’s Foundation has excelled in building and developing partnerships with hundreds of the most accomplished and articulate conservative leaders to inspire young people with the ideas of individual freedom, limited government, free enterprise, traditional values, and a strong national defense. 32

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In particular, YAF has identified and promoted the most talented free enterprise speakers. These include leaders such as Nobel Prizewinning economists Dr. Milton Friedman, Dr. Vernon Smith, and Dr. James Buchanan; intellectuals Dr. Walter Williams, Dr. Arthur Laffer, and Dr. Thomas Sowell; and a wide range of business leaders. Andy Puzder is one of today’s outspoken YAF business leaders. He influences students with his forceful and engaging style in support of the free enterprise system that has delivered prosperity to billions of people. Puzder is the former CEO of CKE Restaurant Holdings, Inc., which owns, operates, and franchises popular restaurant brands Carl’s Jr., Hardee’s, Green Burrito, and Red Burrito. Known as a turnaround king for guiding both Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s out of financial turmoil before fusing the two fast-food businesses, he is credited with growing CKE into the mega-corporation it is today. Puzder served as an economic advisor

to Donald Trump in 2016, and in 2018, he authored his second book, The Capitalist Comeback: The Trump Boom and the Left’s Plot to Stop It. He is a prolific author on economic and legal issues in publications such as the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, the Washington Post, the Hill, the Orange County Register, RealClearPolitics, and CNBC. Puzder is also a frequent lecturer on economics, business, and public policy for YAF’s Center for Entrepreneurship & Free Enterprise. He has addressed the Foundation’s student audiences at conferences and campuses around the country, with students routinely rating Puzder one of YAF’s top free enterprise speakers. We are pleased to partner with Andy Puzder and offer this exclusive interview. Libertas: Where did you grow up? What was that like? ————————————————————

Puzder: I grew up outside of Cleveland, Ohio, in Chagrin Falls. It was a working-class area. Everybody was working class. My dad was a World War II combat vet. My three brothers, sister, and I didn’t have affluent childhoods, but it was good. My dad worked, and my mother took care of us. My parents were married for an incredible 67 years. Libertas: At Young America’s Foundation, we see how important experiences during a person’s youth can be. What was a formative experience for you? ————————————————————

Puzder: My dad was a car salesman in Cleveland, and he took me to deliver a car to a man named George Humphrey in 1960. I was about ten. We drove up to this magnificent property. There was a long driveway, and as we pulled in, there was this beautiful white house. The sun was setting, the lawn was perfectly manicured, and my dad kept driving. I asked him why he didn’t stop. He said we had just passed the guest house. This was like Downton Abbey in my mind. I had never seen that kind of affluence. I asked my dad what

Puzder makes the case for free enterprise over socialism in a presentation at Davidson College.

Mr. Humphrey did to live like this. It turned out he was a lawyer who owned a business. I dreamed that I could be a lawyer, too. It was really important I didn’t instead think that Mr. Humphrey was a greedy, evil guy who was too wealthy. Libertas: You graduated from Cleveland State University with your bachelor’s degree. What did you take away from your time on campus? ————————————————————

Puzder: I actually started out attending Kent State University in Ohio, one semester after the Kent State shootings. I ran out of money, and my family couldn’t cover the costs. So I played in a band to get through college. I took time off to pursue becoming a professional musician. I eventually got a job managing a music store in Cleveland Heights and got married. I applied to Case Western Reserve University and Cleveland State, and it turned out I didn’t have enough money to go to Case Western, so I finished up at Cleveland State.

Libertas: Many YAF students consider attending law school. How did you make the decision to attend law school at Washington University in St. Louis?

Libertas: What influence did running CKE Restaurants have on your economic views?


Puzder: When I took over in the early 2000s, the company was near bankruptcy. My first five, six, seven years, we were focused on saving the company. Then, I focused on growing it. When the real estate bubble burst in 2007, that got me thinking about government policies and how they would affect our business. I soon saw the negative impact of the Obama administration’s heavy-handed regulatory policies. I used to go on Neil Cavuto’s show on Fox News and discuss business issues with him. He then asked me if I would speak on air about other national issues. I said sure, without thinking about how big of a deal that would be. Then, one day, Cavuto takes the audience back from a commercial break and opens with, “Andy Puzder has a message he’d like to convey to President Obama.” I was caught a bit off guard but

Puzder: I was confident I wanted to pursue law. I was always a believer in the American system of government and our Constitution, and I thought law school was my chance at making an impact. Libertas: How did you move from the legal profession to running a major business? ————————————————————

Puzder: My father always wanted to have his own car dealership, to own something. That was appealing to me. I eventually became much more involved in business as an attorney. I represented people who were wealthy and had interests in businesses. As a lawyer, I needed to know as much about my clients’ businesses as they did. Through my legal work and clients, I later got the opportunity to lead CKE Restaurants.


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basically said, “Mr. President, speaking on behalf of American businesses, we don’t need to be stimulated. We don’t need to be subsidized. We just need the government to leave us alone.” After this interview, I never did get a response from President Obama. But I started getting many more requests for media appearances. It seems a CEO willing to speak up is more of a rarity than I thought. I also started to write opinion pieces for a number of publications on business, economics, and public policy. Libertas: How did you get involved with Young America’s Foundation? ————————————————————

Puzder: I used to live in Santa Barbara and would attend events at YAF’s Reagan Ranch Center. When my book, The Capitalist Comeback, came out in 2018, YAF invited me to speak at the High School Conference at the Reagan Ranch.

That was a great experience, and the students were so engaged. Libertas: You also visit campuses around the country and speak to students on behalf of YAF. Why is this so important to you? ————————————————————

Puzder: I think we’re at a critical point in our history. My three older kids—ages 48, 44, and 40—basically got the same education that I got—good history, civics, economics, and so on. I also have three younger sons—ages 26, 23, and 21. But I had to teach them all of this at home. The education system across the country has collapsed. Students aren’t taught American history. They’re taught anti-American history. They aren’t taught about the failures of socialism. In 1991, with the fall of the Soviet Union, all of us who were capitalists

Puzder addresses students at YAF’s 40th annual National Conservative Student Conference in 2018.


Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2019

breathed a sigh of relief. The joke at the time was that the only place you could find a socialist was at the faculty lounge at Harvard. But now, socialists are expanding to other colleges and even elementary schools. It’s so important to communicate to young Americans that they live in the best economic system in the world—the best for the poor and underprivileged. It’s a system that inspires and empowers. Libertas: How do you effectively reach young people with the message of free enterprise? ————————————————————

Puzder: We have to start off with something personal. Tell a compelling story. Then give the facts—the history and opportunities of free enterprise, the rise of wealth wherever capitalism is adopted and the corresponding reduction in poverty across the globe, and so on.

Libertas: What advice would you share with students today who are entering the workforce or considering their economic future? ————————————————————

Puzder: Students should ask questions. What is their motivation? It most likely involves bettering their lives—in effect, to profit. They should ask how they can profit in a free market society. They’ll find that the answer is meeting the needs of other people. That’s the only way to succeed. This is how and why free enterprise has created such abundance in our society while socialism has created nothing but poverty and want in societies like Venezuela, Cuba, and North Korea.

Washington Post every day to see what the other side is arguing. RealClearPolitics is a good source that I refer to each morning because it presents both sides of every issue. Students should also read anything written by other YAF leaders, including Steve Forbes, Dr. Art Laffer, and Steve Moore. They have a good understanding of the economy—what works and what does not. Of course, I would encourage students to read my own book, now republished as The Trump Boom. Libertas: Following your successful legal and business careers, what more would you like to accomplish? ————————————————————

Libertas: What do you recommend students read? ————————————————————

Puzder: The Wall Street Journal is a great source. Students should read sources that the Left criticizes. They should also read the

Puzder: I’d like to spread the word about free enterprise. My view is that we need to get our ideas into society. Once they’re out there, good ideas are hard to kill. It’s our job to get them out calmly, rationally, and collectively.

Libertas: What message would you like to communicate to the supporters of Young America’s Foundation who make our work possible? ———————————————————

Puzder: Please keep supporting YAF, and support good conservative leaders. Also voice your opinions in your communities. Many young people today grew up under President Obama, constantly hearing about income inequality and other big government rhetoric. Today, President Trump has a bully pulpit to advance conservative ideas and policies. Major tax cuts and deregulation can help us achieve prosperity like we saw during President Ronald Reagan’s years in office. We will have a stronger and freer America.

This interview has been edited and condensed.

YAF student activists meet with Puzder following his campus lecture at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2019



Pence, Gingrich, Levin, and Laffer Headline Rawhide Circle Retreat in Washington, D.C. By Kelleigh Huber, Program Director, National Journalism Center

Vice President Mike Pence and Second Lady Karen Pence greet YAF supporters and friends during the Rawhide Circle Retreat reception hosted at the Vice President’s Residence in Washington, D.C.


Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2019


oung America’s Foundation held its largest-ever annual Rawhide Circle Retreat, welcoming top supporters nationwide to Washington, D.C. The three-day event included a briefing by senior Trump administration officials at the White House, a special reception at the Vice President’s residence, and remarks from conservative leaders at the Trump International Hotel and Union Station. The retreat began with a tour of YAF’s new Capitol Hill Townhouse, hosted by President Ron Robinson and Capitol Hill Outreach Director Karalee Geis. Speaker Newt Gingrich—a longtime Foundation ally—welcomed Rawhide Circle members at the opening reception at the Trump International Hotel. The Speaker highlighted YAF’s many decades of success and the work the Foundation is doing to educate and inspire students nationwide. Robinson also welcomed the group, recognizing VIPs in attendance, including Foundation alumnus


and Citizens United President David Bossie; alumna Leah free speech work, citing legal victories at Kennesaw State Campos; and Congressmen Sean Duffy, Tom McClintock, University and the University of California, Berkeley. and Patrick McHenry, who offered brief remarks about the YAF then honored 75th U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese III with the Lifetime Achievement Award during the Rawhide importance of YAF and their personal involvement in the Circle Retreat luncheon. General Meese serves as co-chairman Foundation’s programs. of the Reagan Ranch Board of Governors and has been a key The following morning featured Congressman Alex leader in YAF’s efforts to protect and Mooney, who discussed his previous preserve the Reagan Ranch. role as executive director of YAF’s “Young America’s Foundation Popular talk radio host and National Journalism Center and his #1 New York Times bestselling current work in the U.S. House of has been the key foundation author Mark Levin headlined Representatives. the luncheon—a fitting speaker, Foundation alumna, bestselling on college campuses and considering his role as chief of staff author, and Townhall Editor Katie elsewhere since I was a young to the Attorney General during the Pavlich spoke next on the bias Reagan administration. Levin praised in media. She also discussed her man a long, long time ago.” not only the professional work ethic background with YAF, including her of General Meese, but also his strong days as a student activist and her — Mark Levin faith, impeccable character, and the visit to the Reagan Ranch. Pavlich (Continued on page 39) underscored the importance of YAF’s

(From left) Mark Levin, Julie Strauss Levin, Ron Robinson, Michelle Easton, Attorney General Edwin Meese, and Ursula Meese gather after the Rawhide Circle Retreat luncheon honoring General Meese. Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2019



Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway addresses YAF’s Rawhide Circle Retreat during a special White House briefing.

Senator Rand Paul headlines the opening dinner banquet at the Trump International Hotel.


Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2019

Chief of Staff to the Vice President Marc Short shares insights from his leadership role at the White House.


(Continued from page 37) support of his wife, Ursula. Levin lauded YAF’s work, noting, “Young America’s Foundation has been the key foundation on college campuses and elsewhere since I was a young man a long, long time ago.” The program continued with a special reception hosted by the Vice President and Second Lady at the Vice President’s Residence at the U.S. Naval Observatory. Both Vice President Mike Pence and Second Lady Karen Pence spoke to Foundation supporters and guests about their high regard for YAF, particularly the work reinforced by President Donald Trump in his recent executive order protecting campus free speech (see page 5). The Vice President remarked: We are just such great admirers of Young America’s Foundation. Thank you for what all of you do... It’s what we have to do to win the next generation... Today, YAF is active on 2,000 campuses across the United States...reaching students with the conservative principles of individual liberty and freedom.

Vice President Pence meets with top YAF student activists (from left) Sarah Long, Kate Westa, and Maxwell Brandon during the Rawhide Circle Retreat.

Senator Rand Paul then addressed guests at a dinner at the Trump International Hotel and shared his appreciation for the Foundation’s mission and history. “YAF and Ronald Reagan are always connected for me,” explained the Senator, who also provided insights on Congress and current legislation facing the Senate. The final day of the retreat began with an inspiring panel featuring four of YAF’s top student activists: Kate Westa from the University of Michigan, Sarah Long from the University of Florida, Jack Duffy from Newman Catholic High School (Wisconsin), and Maxwell Brandon from the University of Southern California. Rawhide Circle Retreat attendees then participated in an exclusive briefing at the White House featuring YAF alumnus and Chief of Staff to the Vice President Marc Short, longtime Foundation ally and Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway, Director of Strategic Communications Mercedes Schlapp, and Domestic Policy Advisor Joe Grogan. Short shared that this gathering was a homecoming week for himself and his wife, Kristen. The Shorts are closely tied to the YAF family, both having served on the Foundation’s staff at the national headquarters and at Rancho del Cielo. Short also discussed the President’s many successes, highlighting the economy, court appointments, and work to protect the unborn. Renowned economist Dr. Arthur Laffer headlined the closing dinner banquet at Washington’s iconic Union Station, discussing the five pillars of prosperity: sound money, less regulation, lower taxes, less spending, and free trade. Laffer thanked the supporters for investing in YAF, noting, “We’re changing the hearts and minds of people.” Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2019




Nicholas Hahn III Director of Speechwriting, U.S. Department of Education By Spencer Brown, Spokesman

He says his time at DePaul, the largest Catholic university in the country, was formative. There, he battled the Left in the classroom, on the quad, and in the chapel—and he won. “YAF changed my life,” says Hahn. “When I encountered the Left as a freshman, I was preparing to transfer to a so-called ‘conservative’ college or to pack up and move home. But my friends at Young America’s Foundation convinced me to stay on my campus, fight, and win.” With YAF’s guidance and support, Hahn and his conservative club hosted several campus lectures at DePaul, featuring speakers such as the Ultimate Warrior, David Horowitz, Robert Spencer, Dr. Paul Kengor, Michael Novak, George Weigel, Phyllis Schlafly, and Natan Sharansky. Through these programs, Hahn helped to expose thousands of students to conservative ideas. As Young America’s Foundation Vice President Patrick Coyle, who worked closely with Hahn on campus, noted, “Nick Hahn has always advanced the freedom philosophy. On a hostile college campus such as DePaul, he managed to host numerous speakers to ensure his classmates heard conservative principles.” Hahn was also named a Phillips Foundation Ronald Reagan College Leaders Scholar and a 2006-2007 Top Ten Campus Conservative Activist by Young America’s Foundation. Since graduating from DePaul in 2009, Hahn has gone on to achieve great professional success. He interned in the personal office of Donald Rumsfeld, edited, served on the editorial board of the Detroit News, and recently led the opinion section of the Hill.

“YAF changed my life. When I encountered the Left as a freshman, I was preparing to transfer to a Nick Hahn greets 79th U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft as a student attendee at YAF’s Midwest Regional Conference in 2007.


hroughout its history, Young America’s Foundation has helped to launch and develop the careers of countless students from across the country, transforming campus activists into conservative leaders. YAF alumni today hold key roles at the highest levels of their respective fields, from the halls of the White House and congressional offices to the boardrooms of Fortune 500 companies. Nicholas Hahn is one such YAF alumnus. Hahn is currently the man behind Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos’s bully pulpit, serving as the director of speechwriting at the U.S. Department of Education. According to Hahn, it seems like just yesterday that he was interning at Young America’s Foundation as a Sarah T. Hermann Intern Scholar during his undergraduate years at DePaul University. 40

Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2019

so-called ‘conservative’ college or to pack up and move home. But my friends at Young America’s Foundation convinced me to stay on my campus, fight, and win.”

Hahn’s accomplished career in journalism—which included regular bylines in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and the Chicago Tribune—was recognized when he was named in the Red Alert Politics “30 Under 30” list. When Hahn was hired in July 2017 to craft speeches for perhaps the highest-profile member of President Donald Trump’s administration, Secretary DeVos, audiences across the country, including those often hostile to conservative ideas, took notice.

Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos and Hahn, Secretary DeVos’s chief speechwriter, visit the Reagan Ranch.

Hahn advises YAF chapter leaders during the Foundation’s Activism Training Seminar at the Reagan Ranch Center. Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2019


(From left) U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Hahn, and Joyce Rumsfeld visit YAF’s Reagan Ranch Center in 2011.

“Her rhetoric was more fiery than it’s been since she most complaints about the state of speech in education.” assumed her post, as she talked about a ‘fight,’ a ‘struggle,’ and More recently, Hahn penned Secretary DeVos’s speech being on the ‘front lines,’” NPR reported in July 2017. on education freedom that she delivered to students and When Secretary DeVos planned to deliver significant supporters at YAF’s Reagan Ranch Center (see page 21). remarks on due process and campus sexual misconduct, As chief speechwriter, Hahn has worked with Secretary she relied on Hahn to help communicate her ideas. The DeVos to shape her conservative message into one that is Washington Post published principled and accessible. He an editorial stating that the has helped the Secretary find her Secretary’s “remarks on campus voice in public life as one of a “I would not be where I am sex assault were right on target.” mother and a grandmother who, National Review writers for more than 30 years, has fought today had it not been for Young praised Secretary DeVos, for students of all ages to have the calling her embattled 2017 same freedom as her own family. America’s Foundation. YAF keynote address at Harvard Coyle remarked on Hahn’s made me a better student and University’s Kennedy School growth, “It is no surprise that “probably her best speech Nick’s determination and a better person.” to date.” They added that dedication to America’s founding she “spoke thoughtfully—at principles have taken him to times, even eloquently— key positions through which he about how school choice empowers families.” The speech influences people all across the country.” was interrupted by leftist protestors, but that did not deter As he looks ahead, Hahn is committed to helping advance Secretary DeVos or Hahn. the Trump administration’s education freedom agenda and The Secretary’s speeches continue to draw rave reviews. plans to remain an influential foot soldier of the Conservative For instance, she delivered bold remarks on free speech Movement. at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, which “I would not be where I am today had it not been for Young Foundation Director Emily Jashinsky wrote in the Washington America’s Foundation,” Hahn concludes. “YAF made me a Examiner were “sophisticated, and far more interesting than better student and a better person.” 42

Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2019

Speakers will include: Y O U N G

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Young America’s Foundation | Libertas magazine |


Fall 2019 Volume 40 • Number 2

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oung America’s Foundation student activists from Santa Monica College meet with U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos following her remarks at the Reagan Ranch Center in Santa Barbara, California. (Pictured from left: Rashad-Malik Harris, Secretary DeVos, Jack Burger, and Devin Majors.)

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