New Guard November -December 1963

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I C e P m ^ W ^ e ^ Editor Pafriofic


Dear Sir: While attending USC this summer I became acquainted with T H E N E W GUARD. I t appears to be a forthright, patriotic magazine. I t is therefore hoped that room may be found in its pages for the story of a hobby that has, in part, taken up the fight against the major enemies of freedom in the world. I am referring to the amateur radio fraternity and to ACARN—The Anti-Communist Amateur Radio Network. ACARN is a group of "hams" devoted to the preservation of freedom under God; dedicated to ultimate victory through courage and understanding. Our immediate goals are two-fold, as follows: 1) Educating the American radio amateur to the ways the Soviets are using our hobby as an effective weapon. 2) Promoting a positive program of Pro-Americanism on the amateur frequencies. Easy as this may seem, many problems have arisen. For example, a few weeks ago a sizeable percentage of our group carefully filed a lengthy petition with the Federal Communications Commission in which we asked permission to play our National Anthem over the air at the beginning and end of each broadcast day. Much to our sorrow, this petition was flatly denied. This is even more disheartening in light of the fact that, as was pointed out on the floor of Congress by Rep. Frank Bow of Ohio, 160 commercial broadcast stations possessing the right to play our National Anthem have, instead, played "Hail to the Chief." ACARN has some support. A few days ago in an interview with Senator Barry Goldwater of Arizona (himself an amateur radio operator of many years standing) I asked what he thought of ACARN. His reply: "From what iVe heard, I think it's a very good thing!" Nevertheless, this is only a meager beginning. More people must hear about ACARN. The group must find supportparticularly among the amateur radio clubs on college and high school campuses. This is the goal of the Scholastic Division of ACARN. We are not composed of "Radicals." ACARN is merely a group with a common purpose: the use of our hobby to help preserve our Republic. We need the help of all Americans. If further information is desired, please contact either myself or Fred Huntley, W6RNC, P. O. Box 558, Berkeley, California. Lowell Ponte, WA60RS ACARN National Chairman 2



Dear Sir: I have a question for conservatives in relation to recent problems in South Viet Nam. Quo vadis? Where are you going? Not so long ago the Republican Congressional Newsletter attacked our aid program to that country as a waste. We were angry that, in spite of all our millions of aid dollars, there was seemingly no end to or forceful carrying out of the war. On top of that, we were under constant attack by Madame Nhu and the Viet Namese press. Conservatives rightly asked just how long this sort of thing was to last. Then suddenly the Diem regime was toppled, and just as suddenly the R. C. Newsletter decided that we had forsaken a strongly anti-Communist regime for a military dictatorship. Suddenly, while conservative U.S. News and World Report said that the war was being prosecuted more vigorously now. T H E N E W GUARD came out with an editorial on Madame Nhu, speaking almost sorrowfully about the "freely-elected, anti-Communist" government that we (unproven) toppled. Why don't we get our stories straight? Again I ask—quo vadis? Ken Howard San Diego State College San Diego, Calif. A more detailed analysis is forthcoming in a future issue of T H E N E W GUARD. —Editors Warped

Eisenhower Administration as a Special Assistant to the President. Your sins of omission are almost as considerable. You almost wholly ignore Rockefeller's constructive conservative legislation in New York and use secondary sources to describe his views on domestic and foreign policy. Why did you forget to mention such advisers as Dr. Henry Kissinger, Dr. Edward Teller, Martin McKneally and even former YAF muck-a-muck Douglas Caddy? I suggest it was because you were interested only in venting your spleen. You have a different point of view from Rockefeller. He views conservatism as more broadly encompassing than do you. Attack him on that basis; don't try to smear him as a New Dealer and Liberal. Bruce K. Chapman Publisher Advance Magazine International


Dear Sir: Mrs. Widener's proposal and the ensuing discussion about a "Young International for Freedom" reminded me of a similar proposal two years ago. I n the December 1961 issue of T H E N E W GUARD you reported a "Declaration of Common Purpose" between YAF and the Free Asian Youth Alliance to, among other things, "establish a world-wide organization to abolish Communism." Has any further action come from this? I think T H E N E W GUARD'S readers would like to hear FAYA's views on recent events in Viet Nam and Cambodia. How about it? Dennis J. Hopper Royal Oak, Michigan T H E N E W GUARD is looking into the possibility of running such a report. -Editors


Dear Sir: Mr. Tomlinson and his cohort have presented, in their New Deal Profile of Nelson Rockefeller, a remarkable and flimsy fabric of guilts-by-association, half-truths, distortions and omissions. Attacking Rockefeller for the Open Skies and Atoms-for-Peace plans merely reflects the extent of your archconservative bias. These and other aspects of the Rockefeller record, are proposals adopted by the Eisenhower Administration and if T H E N E W GUARD wants to label the last GOP Administration "New Deal," then at least the reader can readily grasp how warped is your perspective. But attacking Rockefeller, for example, for hiring a non-policy making press secretary who had the misfortune previously to serve under a Democrat, is an absurdity. Assailing the eminent historian Malcom Moos and using spotty selective quotes to do so, is pure smear. His major work is not his Grammer of American Politics but The Republicans, the finest history of the GOP yet written, completed just before he joined the

The N e w G u a r d The Magazine of Young Americans for Freedom, Inc. Acting Editor: Antoni E. GoUan Managing Editor: Donald J. Lambro Contributing Editors: Carol D . Bauman, Lee Edwards, William Schulz, Alan Ryskind, Kenneth E. Thompson, Ken Tomlinson, Gary Russell, Fred J. Eckert The New Guard is published monthly by Young Americans for Freedom, Inc., in Washington, D. C. Copyright 1963 in the U.S.A. by Young Americans for Freedom, Inc. All correspondence, manuscripts, circulation orders and changes of address should be sent to: The New Guard 514 C Street, N.E. Washington, D. C. 20003 Phone: 546-3355 Rates: $4 a year. The editors welcome unsolicited manuscripts but request the enclosure of a self-addressed return envelope. Opinions expressed in signed articles do not necessarily represent the views of the editors or of Young Americans for Freedom, Inc.


Special ^efttft

The Dozen Dilemmas of LBJ by

John F. Kennedy knew that he was in increasingly serious political trouble in the early fall of 1963, and so he took a fence-mending trip to Texas in late November to help solve one of his problems—Southern disaffection. I n Dallas, i n the midst of a highly successful tour, he was foully assassinated b y a left-wing extremist who had lived i n the Soviet Union for 31 months and boasted openly of his Marxism. His successor, L y n d o n B. Johnson, must attempt to solve the same prickly problems—without the advantage of the late President's beguiling charm and personal magnetism. To w i n the Presidential election of 1964, i n fact, M r . Johnson w i l l have to perform the greatest juggling act since W . C. Fields. For example: C i v i l rights. After a visit to the W h i t e House, M a r t i n Luther K i n g announced that demonstrations w o u l d begin again at the conclusion of the official mourning for the late President. Little respite here for M r . Johnson. Next year he w i l l probably be able to get a civil rights b i l l through the Congress but i n modified form. I n so doing, he w i l l demonstrate that he is not an ultra-militant to the South, whose firm support he needs i n 1964. He w i l l also reveal that he remains "soft** on civil rights, at least i n the eyes of Negroes and white liberals whose firm support he also needs i n 1964. This basic dilemma of a divided Democratic Party w i l l confront President Johnson i n almost every area of domestic and foreign policy. Spending. M r . Johnson w i l l probably push a tax cut through the Congress early next year — despite an expanding economy (due to reach a $600 billion G N P i n 1964) w h i c h apparently does not need the sort of consumer tax relief contained i n this legislation. But unemployment (now approaching almost 6%) w i l l still be w i t h us. The national debt may well be set at a permanent ceiling of $300 billion for the first time i n U.S. history. The next annual Federal budget w i l l almost surely top $100 billion for the very first time. American manufacturers w i l l continue to struggle i n the w o r l d market because of aging machinery and a tax structure w h i c h NOVEMBER-DECEA^ER


Ben Stoker

does not permit adequate plant modernization. The President w i l l be able to point to a tax cut but w i l l not be able, or allowed, to pass over a continuing trend toward inflation and too many people out of work. The contradictory course here is a familiar Democratic one: cutting taxes and increasing spending. Foreign aid. The public has had i t w i t h respect to "mutual security" i n w h i c h the " m u t u a l " is all ours and the "security" is the other fellow's. M r . Johnson can talk about reform, stream-lining and reappraisals all he wants, but he is commited to a foreign-aid program at a time when the mood of the taxpayer is firmly set against continuing payoffs to friends, enemies or alleged neutrals. Cuba. President Johnson was supposedly one of the "hawks" during the Cuban invasion of 1961. But he must be very careful i n his handling of the situation: if he is too firm, he w i l l repudiate the policies of his predecessor; ff he is too accommodating, he w i l l contradict the mood of the nation w h i c h is to " d o " something about Fidel Castro. Welfare. The many programs of the New Frontier—medicare, federal aid to education, the Youth Conservation Corps, area redevelopment and so forth—are IOU*s which Johnson must try to cash i n . But the public was against them i n 1963 and promises to be similarly negative i n 1964. However, the liberal chieftains of the Democratic Party and the memory of the " m a r t y r " President require that M r . Johnson at least attempt to transform them into laws. I n almost every instance, there is considerable danger f o r P r e s i d e n t Johnson i n implementing the N e w Frontier because i t was, beyond any reasonable doubt, John Kennedy and not his program w h i c h was loved. Will Not


The magnitude of the task before President Johnson becomes even more awesome when you consider such voting groups as Roman Catholics, young people and union members. M r . Johnson has no emotional commitment from R.C.'s as d i d JFK. A Roman Catholic on the ticket as vice president w i l l certainly help but w i l l not

w i n 85% of the Catholic vote (Kennedy's share i n 1960). President Johnson has never had any demonstrable appeal to young people i n the 18-30 bracket. H e is old, looks old and acts old. Finally, how enthusiastic can labor be about a man who voted for the Taft-Hartley Law? I n other words, Lyndon B. Johnson can be beat i n 1964 and Senator Barry Goldwater of Arizona is the right man for the job. Senator Goldwater s stock has not significantly risen or fallen, despite what the New York Times has been saying. His national support has remained strong and constant. Among the professionals and rank and file of both Parties he is still viewed as the front-runner for the GOP Presidential nomination. But while his strength has remained constant, Johnson's has fallen considerably. Take, for i n stance, Johnson's status i n the urban areas of the nation; certainly a great deal weaker than his predecessor. H o w about his ability to carry the northern states such as Pennsylvania and Illinois? Again, southern-bom Johnson w i l l most likely do poorly i n these areas. The South? Obviously it is open to profound question. But Senator Goldwater is the only one w h o can seriously contest this territory, appeal to Democrats and Republicans, take positions which are warmly received by Southerners, and provide a real and formidable challenge against President Johnson. Commented one weekly: " I n the weeks and months to come, i t w i l l be apparent to most Southerners that Lyndon Johnson is a captive of his own ideology and of the same northern Liberals who fashioned the Kennedy image." I n a w o r d , this is exactly what can and w i l l defeat President Johnson i n the South i n 1964. One other major dilemma besets Lyndon Johnson. Can he command the following and work force which Kennedy so skillfully used? Hardly. He w i l l be supported by the Democratic rank and file, but not w i t h the enthusiasm which the young eloquent John F. Kennedy demanded and received. Goldwater can. His following is real, active, capable, and w i l l i n g to do the work which must be done, if the conservative movement is to elect the best hope of the Republican Party: Barry Goldwater. 3


consider Young




great importance to the future of our

and the


country/' — Senator




oneself g r o p i n g a b o u t f o r the r i g h t


a n d must u n i t e , grasp our n a t i o n s

w o r d s to express the feelings of this n a t i o n as they

need a n d p r o c e e d to p r o v e t h a t the ideals

surely m u s t be at this p a r t i c u l a r m o m e n t i n his-

w h i c h an A m e r i c a n President lives can

t o r y . Perhaps n o one has b e t t e r p l a c e d this entire

over the bestiality w h i c h , b l i g h t i n g our h i s t o r y ,

t r a g e d y w i t h i n context t h a n Senator B a r r y G o l d -

has taken the lives of Presidents.


He writes:



t r a g e d y t h a t struck d o w n our President

no m a n

w a t c h i n g us n o w take t w i s t e d

c o m f o r t f r o m our p l i g h t a n d our p a i n .

Let all

has struck also at the heart of our n a t i o n . I t was

m e n w a t c h i n g us n o w k n o w t h a t A m e r i c a

a v i l e act.

A m e r i c a s s p i r i t w i l l expiate this c r i m e , w i l l rise

I t embodied everything that America


is against a n d against w h i c h a l l Americans s h o u l d

f r o m p r a y e r f u l knees a n d w i l l face again i n n e w

be u n i t e d .

resolve a n d resolute k n o w l e d g e the f u t u r e .

" O u r conscience as people w h o believe i n an o r d e r l y a n d h u m a n e society has been deeply flicted.

"Free m e n i n w a r a n d , as w e have just seen,


i n peace d a i l y face the v i o l e n t t r u t h t h a t freedom's

O u r d e d i c a t i o n as such a n a t i o n is n o w our

o n l y i n s t r u m e n t of response to this grave

price o f t e n is p a i d b y a free man's l i f e i n a w o r l d


w h e r e v i o l e n t d a r k forces r o a m a n d stalk.


t e r r i b l e c r i m e . W e m u s t k n o w a n d w e m u s t show

can stand the o r d e a l a n d s u r m o u n t this testing of







u n i t e d a n d t r u e to its f a i t h .

actions n o w , t h o u g h this h o r r i d undone,

w e can





w i l l a n d perseverance because of the fiber of t h e i r






L e t t h a t fiber u n r a v e l a n d a l l w o u l d be

lost. T h i s m u s t n o t h a p p e n . W e w i l l k n i t together

to a w a t c h f u l , w o n d e r i n g

the n a t i o n a n d its w i l l n o w .

w o r l d t h a t this b r u t a l i t y is n o t our w a y a n d w i l l

" T h e President is dead.

never be our w a y .

is before a l l our eyes.

" W e cannot salve this deep w o u n d b y i n f l i c t -

That terrible epitaph

Before some of our eyes

also there is the e p i t a p h of a m a n w i t h w h o m w e

i n g m o r e or deeper ones u p o n ourselves. W e can-

long worked and knew well.

n o t do honor to an honorable

shadows our m e m o r y of those times, f o r n o dis-



N o disagreement

struck d o w n b y recourse to dishonor, distrust or

agreement or agreement makes us more or less


brothers i n loss at such a t i m e . "

Mansfield on YAF

THE NEW GUARD The Magazine of Young Americans for Freedom, Inc. November-December,


Table of

Q u i t e f r a n k l y . Y o u n g Americans received

state c h a i r m a n , J i m D u l l e n t y , f r o m one field,

Coming Anti-Goldwater Cry

George F . H o b a r t D o n a l d J. L a m b r o








Senator floor


of the


earlier this year o n " f r i g h t p e d d l e r s , " sent oflF a letter t o his U . S.

Senator i n q u i r i n g w h e t h e r

Letters to the^ Editor





p a t r i o t i c organizations


. A n t o n i E . GoUan

Editor's Corner Books Y A F Roundup



M a j o r i t y L e a d e r of the U n i t e d States Senate.

f r i g h t e n i n g speech m a d e o n the


Convention a n d Rally


for instance, a c o m p l i m e n t a r y letter to M o n t a n a Y A F ' s


Who Is Lee Harvey O s w a l d ?

for Freedom

praise f r o m some of the

segments of the A m e r i c a n p o h t i c a l complex.

• V o l . I l l , N o . 12






C a l i f o r n i a was

i m p u g n i n g the



l o y a l t y of

as Elks, the A m e r i c a n



the D . A . R . , or, f o r t h a t m a t t e r . Y o u n g Americans






defense of Senator K u c h e l , assuring our state c h a i r m a n


Senator M a n s f i e l d q u i c k l y rushed

t h a t " Y o u n g Americans f o r F r e e d o m


do n o t f a l l i n t o THE




work I f has been doing to be of

A n t o n i E . GoUan w r i t e s searchingly a b o u t the role of Y A F after 1964 a n d finds i t w i l l be a





p r o m i n e n t one—page 6 . . . George F . water

H o b a r t examines the






this category, n o r do any of the other groups w h i c h y o u

poHtics a n d finds i t f r a n t i c a l l y searching


straws—page 7 . . .


the c o n t r a r y , " he a d d e d , "a h e a l t h y , constructive

o p p o s i t i o n is b o t h desirable sentative

D o n a l d J. L a m b r o traces the l i f e of L e e H a r -

a n d necessary i n repre-

vey O s w a l d , a n d finds i t fits the t y p i c a l pat-

g o v e r n m e n t . . ."

t e r n of L e f t - w i n g fanatics a n d t h e i r idolatries

Senator M a n s f i e l d c o n c l u d e d : " I have h e a r d n o t h i n g a b o u t the Y o u n g Americans f o r F r e e d o m w h i c h w o u l d indicate people

t h a t t h e y are

anything but patriotic young

w i t h a genuine


w i t h C o m m u n i s m o n page 9 . . . | X K e n T h o m p s o n returns to the pages of T H E N E W G U A R D t o p i c k apart A d l a i E . Stevenson's

i n the w e l l - b e i n g of

latest exercise i n t e d i u m : Looking

t h e i r n a t i o n . I have every reason t o believe t h a t t h e y

one m a n said so m u c h a n d m e a n t so l i t t l e ; o n page 11 . . .

Behind the Coup


evidence of incompetence i n the deposed Bosch

s u r p r i s i n g s o u r c e - t h e l i b e r a l Washington I n a l e n g t h y article last m o n t h . Post

suggests a





See page 17 . . .

I t was t h a t i n f o r m a t i o n w h i c h l e d t o the coup, p r e -

Dominican elements

emergence of a C o m m u n i s t

Perhaps m o r e


d i p l o m a c y is the b e h a v i o r


John B a r t l o w M a r t i n .

the s i t u a t i o n . " fact, "Bosch was s u r r o u n d e d b y p o w e r f u l p r o -



" w e r e stronger t h a n ever." Bosch "seemed t o be i g n o r -

t o students of A m e r i c a n




Seagrave w r i t e s t h a t the

be f r u i t l e s s to ask the U n i t e d States to intercede


the Reds.







m i n i c a n a n t i - C o m m u n i s t s " d e c i d e d also t h a t i t w o u l d

Castro advisers, n o t a b l y A t t o r n e y General L u i s M o r e n o a

Fort again


economy was f a i l i n g r a p i d l y a n d pro-Castro



Y A F Round-up


v e n t i n g the Seagrave


t i v e a c t i v i t y c o n t i n u i n g at breakneck speed.


deposed. Bosch,


. . . The

sweeps across the n a t i o n , s h o w i n g conserva-

w o u l d have o c c u r r e d this year h a d n o t Bosch b e e n Under




Seagrave's article, w r i t t e n after talks w i t h Americans,



stafiFer S t e r l i n g

Seagrave r e p o r t e d the u n t o l d story b e h i n d the turning

N E W G U A R D presents f u l l coverage o n

YAF's 2 n d A n n u a l C o n v e n t i o n a n d 3 r d A n -

r e g i m e i n the D o m i n i c a n R e p u b l i c has come f r o m



a n d comes to the conclusion t h a t seldom has

w i l l c o n t i n u e to do so."



A n aide o n the stajff of U . S.



John B a r t l o w M a r t i n h a d b l u r t e d o u t t h a t the U n i t e d

dictator." A g r o u p of D o m i n i c a n business leaders, n o t i n g the

States k n e w a l l about the pro-Castro p l o t a n d


g r o w i n g R e d s t r e n g t h a n d Bosch's weakness, t u r n e d t o

Bosch's p l a y i n g along w i t h i t , b u t c o u l d a n d w o u l d do


n o t h i n g 'because i t is a c o n s t i t u t i o n a l l y elected gov-

Raphael M o r e l Tineo,

the s t r o n g l y a n t i - T r u j i l l o

a n d anti-Castro secret police chief.

M o r e l agreed to

oversee u n d e r c o v e r intelHgence w o r k , subsequently disc o v e r i n g a scheme b y w h i c h the newest A m e r i c a n auto-

ernment.' " N o m a t t e r t h a t Bosch, after ascending to p o w e r , h a d h i m s e l f r e w r i t t e n the D o m i n i c a n c o n s t i t u t i o n .

m a t i c rifles w o u l d be sold t o a shady D o m i n i c a n g r o u p :

T h a t is the story, a p p e a r i n g i n a p r o m i n e n t l i b e r a l

" H e h a d already t u r n e d u p some i n c r i m i n a t i n g e v i -

paper, of w h a t n e a r l y h a p p e n e d i n the D o m i n i c a n Re-

dence of conspiracy congressional unearthed


o n the p a r t of some c a b i n e t a n d T h e n C o l . Morel's spy n e t w o r k

startling news:

A Communist,


p u b l i c , a n d h o w t h a t disaster was a v o i d e d b y the coup d'etat. A n d w h a t n o w of Bosch h i m s e l f a n d his o w n D o m i n i -

c o u p was p l a n n e d f o r D e c e m b e r . T h e target date h a d

can R e v o l u t i o n a r y Party?

already b e e n set.


" I n his hands w e r e tape recordings of secret meetings

H e n d r i x , 1963

W e l l , syndicated


P u l i t z e r P r i z e - w i n n e r f o r interna-

t i o n a l r e p o r t i n g i n t h e Miami


reports t h a t " a n

i n w h i c h the D e c e m b e r p l o t was discussed. T h e tapes

open alliance b e t w e e n

revealed t h a t Bosch h a d b e e n p l a y i n g r i g h t i n t o the

t i o n a r y P a r t y a n d the pro-Castro June 14 m o v e m e n t is

Reds' hands. T h e D e c e m b e r p l o t was based, he l e a r n e d ,


u p o n t h e f a c t t h a t the economy w o u l d be so w e a k b y

s t i r r i n g a g i t a t i o n against the p r o v i s i o n a l c i v i l i a n j u n t a


w h i c h has r u l e d the D o m i n i c a n R e p u b l i c since its a r m e d








T h e a i m w o u l d be t o combine forces f o r

forces ousted the g o v e r n m e n t of Juan Bosch."



the l e f t i s t D o m i n i c a n





Y A F : '64 and After By Antoni E. Gollan

Young Americans for Freedom is viewed as an "Ideological Vanguard" for the Conservative Establishment of the future. I f i t seems Y o u n g A m e r i c a n s f o r F r e e d o m is older t h a n a mere


years, the reason is t h a t Y A F has become s o m e t h i n g of an i n s t i t u t i o n . A l m o s t at t h e start its ranks s w e l l e d , so eager was the g r o w i n g n u m b e r of y o u n g conservatives f o r a v e h i c l e — w h i c h o n l y demonstrates h o w sorely YAF



B u t n o w , a f r i e n d l y observer of Y A F has said, s h o u l d 1964 m a r k the e l e c t i o n of a conservative t o the W h i t e House, Y A F w i l l become obsolete and conservative y o u t h a c t i v i t y m u s t find other avenues, i.e., one guesses, the Y o u n g Republicans

and Young Democrats.

After having helped to nominate and elect a conservative president, he continues, Y A F w i l l have achieved its purpose; i t w i l l be able to sink into history, proud of the four-year role i t played. That is a horrible thought; one can only say our observer doesn t know us well. Ideological V a n g u a r d YAF represents part of what every political movement of substance requires: an ideological vanguard. The Young Republican National Federation's reaffirmation of the principles of freedom is but one prominent example of what a favorable climate of opinion can produce. But nowhere else has the need for Y A F been demonstrated more convincingly than i n a survey whose lesults recently were published i n "National Review. The survey, sponsored by Educational Reviewer, Inc., explored the political attitudes of the students at twelve diverse American colleges and universities: Sarah Lawrence, W i l liams, Yale, Marquette, Boston U n i versity, Indiana, South Carolina, H o w ard, Reed, Davidson, Brandeis and Stanford. A questionnaire included 50 or so questions dealing w i t h attitudes on philosophy and politics, covering present views of students and measuring the degree to w h i c h those views have changed during their schooling. 6

Among the items mentioned were socialization of industries, socialized medicine, various forms of Federal i n trusion, wage and price controls, unilateral disarmament, recognition of Red China, w o r l d government, surrender to Communism and allowing Communists to teach i n colleges. The survey discovered that of all students tested, "nearly seventy per cent report that significant change has taken place i n their political beliefs since entering college. I n all but two of the colleges tested, that change has been i n a liberal direction." Not remarkably, students who became more left-wing d i d so "chiefly because of the liberal viewpoint of the average American faculty member. More than two-fifths of those whose positions have evolved list as a p r i mary agent i n the change lectures and/or assigned reading courses.'" Take Reed, the small coed liberal arts college i n Portland, Oregon: "Oneseventh of the student body is *defiitely i n favor' of total socialism, a proportion twice as large as that of any other college polled." Wonder how that happened? Choose


Or take Sarah Lawrence, the W o m en's college i n Bronxville, or Brandeis. A t Sarah Lawrence, the girls are evenly divided between surrender or physical resistance i n any ultimate confrontation w i t h the Soviets. A t Brandeis 49% chose surrender. A t Reed, 60%.

Those are b u t the more radical examples of how our generation is being educated. A majority of American college students, the report concludes, "tends to favor an increase i n the p u b lic sector at the expense of the private sector." Interestingly, the "well-shod young conservative" theory takes a nose-dive, for "students from poorer backgrounds tend to be more anti-Communist than students from wealthier backgrounds." W e l l , we never claimed to be i n the majority. I t was, i n fact, because we were i n the minority that Y A F was born. But there is reason for optimism, despite the best efforts of those who interpret academic freedom as free license for leftist indoctrination i n the classrooms. A t bottom, young people, whatever they may believe their political persuasion to be, value intensely their own individual freedom. The task is to demonstrate how best they may preserve i t . Y A F ' s Need Greater America needs Young Americans for Freedom now just as surely as i t did three years ago, and w i l l just as surely twenty years from today. W e are young, and we enjoy, all of us, the exultation of youth, b u t i n our marrows we are fiercely dedicated to the principles of freedom. A n d our purpose? I t is as W i l l i a m F. Buckley wrote three years ago: " A new organization was born last week and just possibly i t w i l l influence the political future of this country, as why should i t not, considering that its membership is young, intelligent, articulate and determined, its principles enduring, its aim to translate these principles into political action i n a world which has lost its moorings and is looking about for them desperately." W h a t need for Y A F w i t h a conservative i n the White House? That is like questioning, after we land a man on the moon, the need for airplanes. THE



"SHcphMMeHctf" U fte Chaffed

Coming Anti-Goldwater By George F. Hobart A l a r m e d b y the s u r g i n g p o p u l a r i t y of Senator B a r r y G o l d w a t e r , l i b e r a l p u b l i c i s t s have b e g u n to p u l l o u t a l l the stops.

T h e w o r d seems t o be

sandbag G o l d w a t e r at a l l costs—even i f this involves c o n t r a d i c t o r y assertions b y his enemies a n d a d i s r e g a r d of the f a c t u a l r e c o r d . T h u s the A m e r i c a n people are n o w b e i n g t o l d t h a t G o l d w a t e r is s i m u l taneously ( 1 ) too "extreme," too f a r f r o m the m a i n s t r e a m of A m e r i c a n t h o u g h t , a n d ( 2 ) m o d e r a t i n g his o p i n i o n s , d i s a v o w i n g stands he has taken previously. Liberal Contradiction Never m i n d that the two accusations contradict one another. The point is that both, if they can be driven home, reflect discredit on Goldwater. A n d therefore both are serviceable i n the holy cause of blackening his name. As i t happens, the two lines of liberal attack are not only mutually contradictory; they are both untrue. Senator Goldwater has never been an "extremist" of any sort, and there is every evidence that his views are far closer to those of the nation at large than are the leftist excesses of people like N e w Frontier guru Arthur Schlesinger Jr. A prominent example of the other approach is a recent issue of The New Republic, w h i c h attacks Goldwater for allegedly running out on previous positions, building its case around the Senator's views on the income tax. George Hobart is a well known polemecist of the right wing whose articles have appeared in National Review, Advance and T H E N E W G U A R D .

'Position' Never Taken Citing a recent Goldwater statement that the graduated income tax ought to be subjected to a "complete study," The New Republic says, " H e has moved from repeal to a study group." This is a flat accusation that Goldwater, once an advocate of repealing the income tax, now realizes such an "extreme" position is untenable. Oddly enough. The New Republic does not cite any instance i n w h i c h NOVEMBER-DECEMBER


Goldwater has advocated repealing the income tax—and for a very good reason. He has never done so. He has maintained that the highly progressive rates are confiscatory, a curb on inceptive and a hindrance to i n vestment, and that they bring i n comparatively little revenue. That was his position i n The Conscience of a Conservative, and i t is his position today. I t is, moreover, a position toward which the N e w Frontier has been moving i n its taxcut proposal—suggesting Goldwater's view on the inequity of the graduated rates may be a good deal nearer "the mainstream" than his opponents care to admit. Leftwing Tactics The New Republic must certainly know very well Goldwater's actual position. I t quotes from the very chapter of his book i n which he explains his views i n detail. Nevertheless, i t has put into print the falsehood that he has changed his views from "repeal" to a "study group." That kind of performance from what is supposed to be an "intellect u a l " journal is a sad augury of the shoddy tactics the left intends to use against Goldwater. Then came the episode of the Goldwater "speech" — which Goldwater never delivered.' Pundits attempting to prove Goldwater is faithlessly abandoning conservatism went into raptures over a lengthy address he i n serted i n the Congressional Record, one paragraph of which contained some barbed comments about the "radical r i g h t . "


There was an immediate flowering of columns and editorials, proclaiming that Goldwater had r u n out on conservatism. But a little research once again proves the falseness of the charge. The speech i n question was not delivered by Goldwater, but by one Gerald J. Skeffins of the Opinion Research Corporation—an extended, and favorable, survey of the conservative position generally, w i t h a single paragraph of execration for "extremists." Goldwater inserted the speech i n the record, and somehow the Senate clerk who transcribed the material dropped Skebbins' name. A reading of the transcript, which included reference to Skebbins' own professional employment, clearly indicates that the author could not have been Goldwater himself. Look for


Thus the great hue and cry about Goldwater's drift from Conservatism was based on nothing whatever. But liberaldom is out to discredit the senator, and i t believes the line that he has "changed his views" can be effective toward this end. W e may expect to see a great deal more of i t i n the months ahead. But the Arizonan is not vulnerable on this score. As the noted Associated Press writer Jack Bell, no conservative but a close observer of the senator, put i t . "Senator Barry Goldwater may be tacking a bit into the political winds, but he is holding closely to his conservative course as a front runner for the 1964 GOP presidential nomination . . . i n most cases the substance of what he is saying bears a remarkable resemblance to what he has said before." Mr, Hobart wrote this article prior to the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Its message is, however, just as meaningful. 7

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The iitah Whp )J(uf<fefe4 Hennedif

Who Is Lee Harvey Oswald? A re-examination of the patchwork background and strange fanaticism which drove Lee Oswald to fire the shots which struck down the 35th President of the United States. By Donald J . Lambro Lee Harvey Oswald, 24, idolater of Fidel Castro, Marxist follower, member of the Communist-dominated Fair Play for Cuba Committee, was the embodiment of everything conservatives have so strongly opposed for so many years. Since Friday, November 22, 1963, Government investigators have been piecing together the bits and fragments of a life that curiously follows the pattern of the disgruntled Leftist, the Marxist Communist. A n d the evidence is enough to have convicted Oswald ten times over. Commented Time: "Though he never got his day i n court, and though he denied any guilt, there could be little doubt of Oswald's g u i l t . " But who was Lee Harvey Oswald? W h o was this man who assassinated the President of the United States and w i t h i n 48 hours died of a gun shot w o u n d i n the stomach at the same hospital where his v i c t i m had died? Oswald was born i n New Orleans, October 18, 1939. He first came into public view i n the Soviet Union i n 1959, where he attempted to turn i n his American passport, renounce his American citizenship, and asked to be granted f u l l Soviet citizenship. He told American embassy officials that he was a Marxist, and that he planned to tell Soviet officials everything he had learned while he was a radar operator during his three-year enlistment i n the Marines. The American embassy temporarily dissuaded h i m f r o m turning in his passport. On November 2, 1959, Oswald signed an affidavit: " I affirm that my allegiance is to the Soviet Socialist Republic." A v o w e d Marxist I t was during the same year that Oswald was interviewed i n the Soviet NOVEMBER-DECEMBER


Union by UPI's Aline Mosby. Oswald had this to say. " f m a Marxist. I became interested about the age of 15. A n old lady handed me a pamphlet about saving the Rosenbergs. I still remember the pamphlet about the Rosenbergs. I don't know w h y . Then we moved to N o r t h Dakota and I discovered one book i n the library. Das KapitaL It was what I ' d been looking for. I t was like a very religious man opening the Bible for the first time. " I started to study Marxist economic theories. I could see the i m poverishment of the masses before my own eyes i n my own mother. I thought the worker's life could be better. I found some Marxist books on dusty shelves i n the N e w Orleans library and continued to indoctrinate myself for five years. "I've been waiting to do i t [go to the Soviet Union] for two years, saving my money, just waiting until I got out of the Marine Corps, like waiting to get out of prison. For two years I've had it i n my m i n d not to form attachments because I knew I was going away. "Capitalism has passed its peak. Capitalism w i l l disappear as feudalism disappeared. "I've seen poor niggers, being a Southern boy, and that was a lesson. People hate because they're told to hate, like school kids. It's the fashion to hate people i n the United States. I n the Marine Corps I observed the American military i n foreign countries, what Russians w o u l d call m i l i tary imperialism. I was w i t h the occupation forces i n Japan, and occupation of a country is imperialistic." The Soviet Union never granted Oswald's request for citizenship, b u t he was told that he could remain for five years as an alien resident. D u r i n g his 33-month stay i n the Soviet Union, Oswald was employed as a factory worker i n Minsk, where he married

hospital pharmacist Marina kova. They had one child. Marine



I t was during his stay i n the Soviet Union that Oswald was given an u n desirable discharge from the Marine Corps Reserve. He was twice courtmartialed while serving w i t h the M a rines i n Japan; once for violating a regulation requiring the registration of privately owned firearms, and for using provocative words to a noncommissioned officer. While i n Minsk, Oswald wrote to the then Secretary of the Navy John Connally asking that the judgment passed by his discharge be reversed. After reciting his version of the facts in his case, he said, " I shall employ all means to right this gross mistake or injustice to a bona-fide U . S. citizen and ex-serviceman." I t was i n February, 1962, when Oswald decided to return to the United States. He wrote the American Embassy asking for a passport to this country. I n Washington, Senator John Tower, Republican of Texas, made public a letter he received from Oswald from Minsk i n Russia early i n 1962 seeking the aid of the Senator i n getting permission to return to the United States. Donald J. Lambro is a 22-year-old graduate of Boston University, where he was chapter chairman. A reporter for the Boston Traveler, he served as a vice-chairman for the state chapter. He is now managing editor of T H E NEW


The Senator's staff routinely forwarded the letter to the State Department which i n turn called the Senator's office to say that they had a file on a Lee Harvey Oswald and that on November 2, 1959, he had sworn allegiance to Russia. 9

The State Department told Senator Tower's aides at that time, February 1, 1962, that Oswald had requested that his American citizenship be revoked. The request was made at the time he swore to the affidavit. State Dept. Cooperation Embassy and State Department officials reviewed his case, and decided that since he had not been granted Soviet citizenship to renew his passport to the U n i t e d States and loan him $435.71 to pay for his return trip. There is no record that Oswald paid back the government that amount. Oswald returned to the United States i n June 1962, w i t h his wife Marina, and their four-month-old baby. Going f r o m job to job, Oswald drifted around the Dallas-Fort W o r t h area looking for work, collecting unemployment compensation, and making several attempts for another passport for Europe, this time as a photographer. A passport was issued to him on June 25. I t was i n A p r i l of this year that Oswald went to N e w Orleans looking for work. D u r i n g this time he became chairman of the N e w Orleans chapter of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, a pro-Castro organization cited as a Communist front organization by the Senate Internal Security Committee. (See T H E N E W G U A R D , May, 1961). On August 2 1 , 1963, Oswald appeared on radio station W D S U i n N e w Orleans, at w h i c h time he identified h i m self as chairman of the N e w Orleans

Chapter of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee. On September 28, he traveled to Mexico, visiting the Soviet and Cuban consulates there, i n an attempt to obtain a visa to the Soviet Union. Visa privileges were denied. The events leading u p to the tragic day have been thoroughly chronicled by the news media. Oswald's preparation for the assassination has been traced i n minute detail by Government investigators. But the m i n d of the man who committed this murder w i l l continue to raise questions i n most of our minds. W h a t led h i m to do it? Fanatic Red He was, undoubtedly, a tormented, Marxist fanatic. Police found a n u m ber of books on Soviet and Chinese communism, plus a photograph of Oswald showing, i n the background, copies of The Worker ( U . S. Communist party publication) and The Militant (a publication of the Socialist Workers party, a Trotskyite organizat i o n ) . Police also found considerable material dealing w i t h the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, and a large number of copies of The Worker among his belongings. Letters were also found written to h i m on the stationery of the Communist Party of America. One of these letters, according to United Press International, was f r o m a high Communist party official i n N e w York City and was dated less than a month prior to the assassination. The letter praised Oswald for his "past services" to the party.

The evidence w h i c h has been accumulated against Oswald more than adequately proves beyond a reasonable doubt that he assassinated John F. Kennedy. The list of evidence is endless, almost as endless as the speculation on Oswald's motives for assassinating the President. Perhaps the columnists have looked too deeply into the m i n d of Lee Harvey Oswald, hoping for some complex and profound individual. He was what his life was: an example of L e f t - w i n g fanatacism. A n d his entire life was influenced by the lunatic L e f t i n America. They fed into h i m all of the hate that he spoke so bitterly about i n that interview i n Russia w i t h the U P I correspondent. A n d his idolatry of Fidel Castro was certainly another prime motivation to lead h i m to do the terrible act he so carefully planned. " W e are prepared," Castro said recently, "to fight" the United States He added that the American leaders "should think that if they are aiding terrorist plans to eliminate Cuban leaders, they themselves w i l l not be safe." Enough incentive to motivate a Lee Harvey Oswald to murder? Possibly. But certainly it also takes a fanaticism and b l i n d hatred that is born only of the dogmatic and thought-controlled Communist element, which, even now, is working i n this hemisphere, this country, influencing all the other Lee Harvey Oswalds.

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bound m y neck and mouth w i t h a coarse towel, taking care to leave m y nose free so that I could breathe. . . This is the efficient method devised by the People's Republic for beating men on the soles of their feet until they faint. Escape Craciunas fainted, screamed, almost despaired, occasionally suspected the onset of madness, b u t never broke down and "confessed," for four years. Taken to a hospital i n order that his captors might learn precisely how much more punishment he could endure, he escaped. For three more years he lived a shadow life, running in the dark, l i v i n g i n attics, cupboards, haystacks, cellars and barns, moving furtively f r o m point to point on the map where he could find shelter w i t h people who could be trusted. Frantically he tried to raise money for his escape from exile groups which believed he was dead or, if alive, a brainwashed agent provocateur. Then he slowly made his way across the Hungarian border, through Hungary, and to freedom i n Austria.

"On the other hand, our adversaries had eliminated the notion of harmony from their dictionary as i f i t had been created f r o m pure fantasy. They proclaimed the struggle of opposites as the fundamental law of the Universe. They studied the rules w i t h diabolical insistence and applied them mercilessly. I n this respect they were superior to us, and destroyed us without compunction. . . . "


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Waterproof, 1 3 " x 2 0 " inscribed with photo & credo only 5 / $ l William Lindberg, Box 241, O l y m p i a , Washington

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" W h e r e Is the W e s t ? ' ' His story is filled w i t h memorable incidents: the deathbed confession of a cell-mate who had been spying on him for months; the explanation to the abbess of a convent of basic Marxism-Leninism—by the Patriarch of the Roumanian Orthodox Church; the great surge of hope throughout Roumania at the time of the Hungarian Revolution, and then the cries of "Where is the U N ? Where is the West?" More important. The Lost Footsteps is valuable reading for anyone who wishes to understand the conflict we are i n . Hopefully, the American reader w i l l share Craciunas' i n sight, and see the warning implicit in i t : "We, the victims of C o m m u n i s m believers i n the ethics of h a r m o n y followed the ideas of peaceful coexistence, respecting men who held different conceptions and interests. . . . W e had studied the laws of the struggle of opposites only superficially: at the decisive moment when social struggle was imposed on us and became inevitable, we d i d not know h o w to apply them. 12






roR uiorid

. . . a new 12" long-playing album recorded on-the- ^ spot at the giant Madison Square Garden rally held by ^ Young Americans for Freedom last March 7. Featuring , addresses by:


S e n . Barry Qoldwater ^^^^^ John Tower Brent Bozell

. . . this u n i q u e r e c o r d i n g p r ovi d e s that " Y o u A r e T h e r e " feeling for resurgent conservatism's most spectacular success: y o u ' l l j o i n the 18,000 conservatives who p a c k e d the G a r d e n to hear truly m e m o r a b l e speeches and give Senator G o l d w a t e r p r o b a b l y the wildest ovation j. on r e c o r d ! Young Amencans For Freedom, Inc. But, whether you were 514 C Street, N.E. there or not — it m a k e s no Washington 2, D.C. d i f f e r e n c e . T h i s is something that every conservative Gentlemen: s h o u l d own — a p e r m a n e n t Please send me copies of the 12" longr e c o r d of a r e a l l y unforgetploying high fidelity recording of the highlights table' e ve n i n g.

ORDERYOUR C O P Y NOW! You may order your copy(s) of this 12" long-playing album for only $2.50 each, postpaid. (For all orders of 5 records or more, only $2:30. per record.) Our supply is limited, and the demand has been great — so, act now — it is too latel Fill out and mail the handy coupon today.


of the YAF Rally for World Freedom at $2.50 per copy, postpaid.


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) t




Time to Join



- more than e v e r before our N A T I O N

needs a n d d e s e r v e s

d y n a m i c political activity on the

part of its future l e a d e r s -

T H E SHARON STATEMEHT ''Adopted in Conference at Sharon, necticut, September 9-11, 1960."


I N T H I S T I M E of moral a n d poliUcal crisis, it is the responsibility of the youth of America to affirm certain eternal truths.


as y o u n g c o n s e r v a t i v e s , believe:

That foremost among the transcendent values is the individual's use of his God-given free will, whence derives his right to be free from the restrictions of arbitrary force; That liberty is indivisible, a n d that political freedom cannot long exist without economic freedom; That the purposes of government are to protect these freedoms through the preservation of internal order, the provision of national defense, and the administration of justice; That when government ventures beyond these rightful functions, it accumulates power which tends to diminish order and liberty; That the Constitution of the United States is the best arrangement yet devised for empowering government to fulfill its proper role, while restraining it from the concentration a n d abuse of power;

A newly organized committee of Indiana University YAF discuss the role of Youth for Goldwater on the I.U. campus. Left to right: Tom Graham, Randy Tobias, Sue Chasteen, Jim Roberts, and Bill Emerson, President of I.U. YAF.

Each YAF member receives monthly a copy of:

That the genius of the Constitution—the division of powers—is summed up in the clause which reserves primacy to the several states, or to the people, in those spheres not specifically delegated to the Federal Government; That the market economy, allocating resources by the free play of supply a n d demand, is the single economic system compatible with the requirements of personal freedom a n d constitutional government, a n d that it is at the same time the most productive supplier of h u m a n needs; That when government interferes with the work of the market economy, it tends to reduce the m o r a l a n d physical strength of the nation; that when it takes from one m a n to bestow on another, it diminishes the incentive of the first, the integrity of the second, a n d the moral autonomy of both; That we will be free only so long as the national sovereignty of the United States is secure; that history shows periods of freedom are rare, a n d can exist only when free citizens concertedly defend their rights against all enemies; That the forces of international C o m m u n i s m are, at present, the greatest single threat to these liberties; That the United States should stress victory over, rather than coexistence with, this menace; and That American foreign policy must be judged by this criterion: does it serve the just interests of the United States?

Sen. Barry Goldwater

Wm. F. Buckley, Jr.

Cong. John Ashbrook of Ohio

Dr. Enrique Llaca

YAF's 3rd Annual National Awards Rally

"Conservatives are the real advocates of the people." — Senator Tower

Senator Strom Thurmond and friends. 14

The 3rd Annual National Awards Rally of Young Americans for Freedom, held on Saturday, November 9, in Fort Lauderdale's Yankee Stadium w i l l go down i n history as Florida's first major conservative youth rally. More than 6,000 people heard Senators John Tower of Texas and Strom Thurmond of South Carolina, former Senator W i l l i a m F. Knowland of California and Representatives W i l liam C. Cramer and E d w a r d J. Gurney, both of Florida. Also giving major addresses were D r . Enrique Llaca, Cuban freedom fighter, and Richard Stratton, president of Boys Nation. Awards for outstanding service to conservatism were presented to Jack Gore, editor of the Fort Lauderdale News, R i c h a r d S t r a t t o n , Senator Tower, and W i l l i a m Knowland.

Cong. Bill Cramer of Florida

Band music, fireworks, patriotic speeches, and youthful enthusiasm went into YAF's Awards Rally. YAFers from all over the nation came to hear some of the leading conservative spokesmen i n government, business and journalism. Red, white and blue bunting covered the great stadium as giant searchlights followed speaker after speaker from the dugout to the platform, escorted by pretty "Goldwater Girls" stepping to lively martial music. The highlight of the evening came when Senators John Tower and Strom Thurmond made probably the most stirring speeches of their careers. The young audience waved signs and flags. Giant fireworks exploded across the sky at the introduction of each speaker. Floridians said there had never been anything like i t i n the state. L o cal newspapers gave the event f u l l front page coverage the next day and radio and T V covered it nationally. THE



YAF's 1963 National Convention

"The chair gate. . . . "

reconizes the dele— Robert E. Bauman

Congressman John Ashbrook gave the major address at a poolside awards banquet where Bob Bauman presented awards to the outstanding chapters and state organizations i n the country. Awards were presented to Florida Y A F , Chairman Randal C. Teague; Indiana Y A F Chairman T o m Huston; and N e w Hampshire Y A F , Chairman T o m Phillips. Chapters receiving awards were Portland, Oregon Y A F , Chairman Ceorge Burgess; Vulcan Y A F , Chairman Judy Whorton; and Staten Island Y A F , Chairman Ken M o t t . The convention was highlighted by formal and informal parties at poolside, w i t h Youth For Goldwater and other state organizations also holding small gatherings.

The 1963 National Convention of Young Americans for Freedom was held i n Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on November 8, 9, and 10, at the Gait Ocean M i l e Hotel. Sparked by a b r i l liant keynote address b y W i l l i a m F. Buckley, Jr., the three-day convention wound up w i t h a hard-hitting address by Congressman D o n Bruce at the Installation Banquet. The entire convention, attended by almost 400 delegates, alternates, and guests, was the largest meeting of Y A F members i n the history of the organization. A proclamation from the city of Fort Lauderdale by Mayor M . R. Young officially named November 8th, 9th, and 10th as "Young Americans For Freedom Weekend." Y A F Panel Discussions explored: " M o b i l i z i n g Youth For The '64 Campaign," moderated by Y A F Director M a r i l y n Manion and featuring W i l liam A. Rusher, F. Clifton W h i t e , D . E. " B u z " Lukens, and John M . L u p ton; and "Issues Of The '64 Campaign," moderated by Y A F Director Alan MacKay and featuring Congressmen E d w a r d J. Gurney, John Ashbrook, W i l l i a m Brock, and Mrs. Francis Salmon.

f How he can scarify!

-William F. Buckley, Jr.

Infield at Yankee Stadium, Ft. Lauderdale

Mr. Chairman, Mr. Chairman, point of order. . . .

Susan Trimble doffs her YAF hat. .

y/l'}U 2x4 Hatimal Cmmtim

Bob Bauman Re-elected National Cha


Y A F delegates proposed and passed resolutions: (1) urging Senator Barry Goldwater to declare himself a candidate for the 1964 Republican presidential nomination. The resolution praised the Senator as "a constitutional conservative . . . who would fulfill the hopes and aspirations of conservatives" by restoring "sound constitutional government and vigorous foreign policy for our government."

Directors: Jameson G. Campaigne, Jr., cago, Illinois.


Lammot Copeland, Jr., Wilmington, Delaware.

(2) opposing the sale of wheat to Russia, and asking that the government ban such sales or gifts of commodities to our potential and proven enemies.

Richard Derham, New York City, New York. Donald J. Devine, Brooklyn, N . Y. Fulton Lewis, I I I , Bethesda, Maryland.

(3) opposing civil rights legislation which would interfere w i t h an individual's liberties i n order to favor any race, class or group of individuals.

Alan MacKay, Brookline, Mass. M a r i l y n Manion, South Bend, I n diana.


N e w l y elected officers include: Regional Chairmen: Middle AfZan^ic—William Boerum, Staten Island, N . Y. New England—DsLiiiel Carmen, Boston, Mass. Plains States-Fred Coldren, Topeka, Kansas.



Far West—Jack Cox, San Jose, California. Rocky Mountain—]simes Dullenty, Missoula, Montana. Midwest—Tom Huston, Bloomington, Indiana. Southwest—Charles L e f t w i c h , Houston, Texas. Sowf/i-Randal Teague, St. Petersburg, Florida.

The 2nd National Convention of Young Americans for Freedom elected Georgetown law student Robert E. Bauman National Chairman for a second term. Bauman, a Marylander and a graduate of Georgetown's School of Foreign Service, w i l l complete his law studies i n January 1964. Bob was present at the historic 1960 meeting in Chicago w h i c h planned the Y A F founding Sharon Conference that September. He was elected to the National Board of Directors i n September, 1961, during which time he served as YAF's liaison w i t h Congress. I n 1960 he was organizing chairman of Youth for Nixon, which soon grew to over 800 college Nixon clubs. He was elected National Chairman of Y A F on September 28, 1962 at YAF's first annual national convention i n New York City.

T o m Phillips, Hanover, N e w H a m p shire.

(4) urging the reinstatement of Otto Otepka, former chief of security evaluations for the State Department.

Donald B. Shafto, Ridge wood, N e w Jersey.

(5) approving a positive anti- Communist action program.

Roger Steggerda, gan.

(6) opposing federal takeover of national parks and land already held by states or individuals.

Detroit, M i c h i -

A. M . ( B u d ) Wandling, Levittown, Pennsylvania.

(7) rapping the National Student Association.

Richard Wilson, Atlanta, Georgia.




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Rep. Cunningham Defends Y A F Cunningham Defends


Rep. Glenn Cunningham of Nebraska, a member of YAF's Advisory Board, came to the defense of Y A F when he answered a letter from Robert Danze, President of the Omaha Central Labor Union, A F L CIO, attacking h i m for being on the advisory board which also includes more than 40 other members of Congress.

water, once nominated, can w i n i n 1964. "Since 1932 this country has not had the choice to show what it thinks of the Roosevelt revolution of that year," Meyer said. "Candidates of both parties have not given voters the chance to express their disapproval of people i n their nation and of enemies abroad."

YAF After Hours A resolution opposing compulsory women's hours and "other regulations governing personal activities and other sectors of the individual's private l i f e " was passed recently by the executive board of Colorado University Y A F . The resolution states that although "some students may wish to delegate to the University the right to regulate their lives, this by no means empowers the University administration, or any other organization to regulate the lives of a l l . "



Replied Rep. Cunningham: "Young Americans for Freedom is a fine patriotic outfit . . . having as its goal certain Constitutional principles. W e are all aware of the efforts by a certain small, private, self-appointed group in Washington to try and destroy YAF. Possibly you have been contacted by this research group (Group Research, Inc.) because the content of your letter indicates quite clearly it came from them. . .

Clearwater YAF Hits Wheat Deal and Cuba The Clearwater, Florida chapter heard Armando Perez, executive secretary of the Triple A, the Central Committee of the National Democratic Front, at a recent meeting. Perez called for action by the Organization of American States to free his countrymen and end the "subversive efforts which flow from Communist Cuba to other L a t i n Amer-

can countries." Chapter President W i l l i a m S. Neville urged Y A F members to study the recent report of the Special Subcommittee on Cuba and Subversion i n the Western H e m i sphere. U.S. Rep. Bill Cramer is committee vice chairman.

Sen. Thurmond at Vulcan YAF Senator Strom Thurmond of South C a r o l i n a addressed a p p r o x i m a t e l y 2,500 students at H o w a r d College recently, at the invitation from Judy Whorton, Executive Sec. of Alabama YAF, and Pres. of the Vulcan Chapter. Speaking at the H o w a r d College Convocation, Sen. Thurmond was i n troduced by College President D r . Leslie S. Wright, and Y A F was given f u l l credit for the entire program. Thurmond gave a rousing speech, charging that the recently established Dolicy of selling wheat to Russia "is ike putting a weapon i n their h a n d ; " that the Communists were waging continuous warfare, "whether i t be political, social, psychological or m i l i tary." Then, accompanied by Judy Wharton and two other Y A F members, Thurmond boarded a plane provided by Y A F and proceeded to Greenville, S. C. where he was greeted by photographers, newsmen, and television cameras. The Senator introduced his Y A F friends, and then told newsmen of the importance of Y A F for "the cause of freedom."

Kansas YAF Hears Coldren and Meyer Kansas Y A F recently held its second annual state convention i n Topeka, w i t h F r e d C o l d r e n , state chairman and YAF's Plains States Chairman giving the keynote address. National Review's senior editor, Frank Meyer, addressed a dinner held the next day. About 200 members attended from all over the state to hear Coldren issue a call for Russian withdrawal of troops " f r o m all captive nations before the two nations meet again at a conference table." M r . Meyer's talk, "1964, Year of Decision: W h y Barry Goldwater Can W i n , " expressed his profound belief that Senator GoldNOVEMBER-DECEMBER


L. to R., Dean Finscher, Sen. Thurmond, Judy Whorton, and Dr. Wright. 17

YAF in Office Electing conservatives to public office: this is what Young Americans for Freedom is all about. Here are four public officials—young, articulate, and all members of Y A F . Raymond J. Kahoun of Chicago is a state representative i n the Illinois Legislature. Ray is 25 years old, a graduate of the LFniversity of Chicago, and is now the youngest member of the 73rd General Assembly. Robert F. Hatch of Springfield, I l l i nois is the youngest member of the State Senate. Running as a conserva-


tive Secretary and the occupation of new state offices i n the Ritter Building, in Huntington. State Chairman John Jones has recently announced the formation of a new Y A F chapter at Marshall U n i versity. The new Y A F state offices are located i n the heart of the city, w i t h plenty of space for expansion.

Vofer Education Connecticut Y A F has just rolled off the presses a handsome and comprehensive brochure detailing Senator Goldwater's positions on most of the major issues confronting voters today. Conn. Y A F is going all out i n its campaign to educate every voter as to Barry Goldwater's position on the issues. They w i l l mail a brochure to every voter i n the state. For copies, write Conn. Y A F , 658 Yalesville Rd. Cheshire, Conn.




John T. Alden was elected chairman of the Vermont chapter of Y A F . Other officers of the newly organized state chapter include: Mrs. H . Peter Dresser, Vice-Chairman; L . H . Bott u m . Recording Chairman; Dannell L u i n e t t i , Corresponding Secretary; and Ted Bird, Treasurer. Whalen


tive, this 28-year-old Northwestern U . L a w School graduate w o n overwhelmingly by advocating strict fiscal responsibility i n State government. Brian B. Whalen, former Illinois Y A F State Chairman, helped organize Y A F members i n Cook County, 111. last year which succeeded i n electing Richard Ogilvie as Sheriff. Brian was appointed as SheriflF Ogilvie's A d ministrative Assistant. John H . Connolly, 27 years old, graduate of Michigan State University, is a state representative from the second largest district i n Illinois. He won election over twelve other candidates through vigorous campaigning and a persistent advocacy of conservative politics. Campaigning 15 to 18 hours a day, John is proof positive that candidates running on conservative platforms can be elected —even i n Chicago!

West Virginia


West Virginia Y A F has gotten off to a roaring start w i t h the appointment of Richard A. D i e h l as Execu18

either consciously or unconsciously, furthering the cause of communism i n the United States," Burgess said. The House committee "is the one agency of the U.S. government that can expose and thereby destroy the effectiveness of the domestic Communist party," he said. The result? W i l k i n son went on to appear at Portland State College and ultra-liberal Reed College, but was refused the use of Washington Masonic Temple. Wilkinson, by the way, has worked f u l l time w i t h various communist front organizations, was active during the San Francisco riots against the House Committee hearings there i n 1960, and served a one year sentence for contempt of Congress.

Georgia Tech YAF After considerable debate by the Georgia Tech Student Council, a charter was granted to Y A F members to begin organizational work on campus. Since then, the campus newspaper. The Technique, has literally been besieged w i t h letters explaining the conservative position on practically every issue i n existence. Tech Y A F has made conservatism the mainstream of political activity on campus. Pleaded one liberal columnist i n Technique: "One thing lacking on our cam3US is an organization to express the iberal views of some Tech students." Didn't anyone tell h i m about the faculty?

We/come Bux-Monf YAF The Bux-Mont Chapter of Y A F was recently organized in Doylestown, Pennsylvania. Elected officers are: C h a i r m a n , Joseph B o z z u t o ; V i c e Chairman, Lois Couillard; and Executive Secretary, Joy Bilharz. State Chairman Bud W a n d l i n g and State Treasurer Bill Duff are planning several new chapters i n the Keystone state.

YAF Protests Anti-HCUA Director Wilkinson George Burgess, Portland Chairman of Y A F and recently appointed Assistant Regional Chairman i n Oregon and Washington, protested the appearance i n Portland of Frank W i l kinson, executive director of the Communist front. National Committee To Abolish the Un-American Activities Committee. "Those who listen to and approve of Wilkinson s views on H C U A are,

Reef and Circuses Wherever the Moscow Circus went, Y A F members were there, picketing, protesting, reminding Americans of what they were supporting by attending performances. I n Texas, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Connecticut, D e l aware, Wisconsin. YAF members picketed along w i t h members of the Hungarian Freedom Fighters Association. The Red circus tour is the latest brain-child of the U.S. Cultural Exchange program. One sign read: " W e get circuses. The Russians get Laos, Cuba and Hungary."

Philbrick at Beech Grove Beech Grove (Indiana) Y A F joined w i t h local veterans and civic groups in presenting a speech b y one of America's foremost anti-Communists, Herbert Philbrick, a member of YAF's national advisory board, former F B I agent and author of the best-seller " I L e d Three Lives." THE



And Staten Island Too

YAF Around The Nation The 1963 Annual Report of Kansas Y A F has been praised by conservatives throughout the state . . . Indianapolis, Ind. Y A F staged giant rally in early November featuring U . S . Reps. E d Foreman and Don Bruce; Foreman is on a 12,000-mile cross country trip on Goldwater's behalf, and Bruce has recently announced that he intends to work for Barry right through '64 . . . Iowa State Y A F has recently put out a new publication entitled Conservative View . . . Middle Atlantic Regional Chairman Bill Boerum presented Ken Mott, president of Staten Island Y A F with a plaque at a recent meeting because of the group's selection by the National Office as the outstanding chapter of the year . . . Minnesota U n i versity Y A F exposed and ousted liberal chairman of Young Democrats by disclosing that he is not a registered student . . . F o r d Wayne, Ind. Y A F heard D r . Federico Rodriquez, Foreman former Cuban professor, warn Americans "to wake up and face the menace of communism or face the same fate that C u b a d i d . " . . . Geoffrey Hammond, member of Y A F , has been named college chairman of the Indiana Draft Goldwater Committee . . . Sharon Statement printed in full in recent issue of Baltimore Sun . . . Middlesex-Monmouth County Y A F in N . J. has announced opposition to the Governor Hughes' $750 miUion bond issue; they demand government economy and an end to wasteful spending programs . . . National Field Director F r e d Coldren continues on his whirlwind tour of the nation; has given over 41 major speeches, visited 21 colleges, 6 high schols, and logged over 29,000 miles . . . Liberal Metro Commissioner Hughlan Long of Miami recently decided to observe U . S . Day and said Y A F , which fought for official recognition of U . S . Day, has "an impressive roster Floridians on its board of advisors." . . . U . S . D a y was also observed at a rally in Savannah by Georgia Y A F . . . Bergen County Y A F in N . J. is selling candy marked "Goldwater in '64" as a fund raising project . . . Barbara DeMeo was elected President of Alberta Magnus College Y A F in Conn. . . . Jon Mack of Chattanooga has been elected state chairman of Tennessee Y A F . . . St. Petersfci^A burg Times ran a three-page spread on Florida Y A F and ^% ^ % ^ ^

chairman Randy Teague . . . Alabama U . and Howard College Y A F are putting out a 16-page magazine called The Conservative Tide . . . Hooray, hooray, M I T has finally formed a Y A F chapter; today M I T , tomorrow Brandeis! . . . Y A F members (200 strong) turned out to picket Governor Rockefeller during his latest trip to Miami; their chants made T V and radio news broadcasts; " W e want Barry" . . . Clearwater Y A F passed strongly worded resolution opposing wheat sale to Soviets . . . Staten Island Coldren Y A F works hard at campaigning for conservative office seekers; their efforts helped elect conservative Robert Connor as the first Republican from Staten Island to serve on the N . Y . City Council . . .






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Rounding out two years of potent political action Staten Island ( N . Y . ) YAF has just elected a new slate of officers for the coming year. Kenneth M o t t is president; Francis Tagliaferro, V.P.; John Sciacca, Treas.; and Margaret Stanley, Sec. Staten Island reports that its Second Annual "Spring S w i n g " was a great success attended by more than 150. N e w officers were installed at the same time. For those interested i n how one of national YAF's most active chapters operates, Staten Island Y A F has just published " T w o Year Report" w h i c h is available f r o m P.O. Box 303, Staten Island 1, N e w York.






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