New Guard September 1964

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S P O N S O R S OF T H E CONSERVATIVE Rep. J o h n M . A s h b r o o k W m . F. B u c k l e y , J r . James Burnham John Chamberlain G e n . M a r k W . C l a r k , U S A , Ret. Sen. C a r l Curtis John Dos Passos Sen. Barry G o l d w a t e r Dr. E r n e s t v a n d e n H a a g Henry Hailitt Dr. W i l l H e r b e r g Dr. H o w a r d E. K e r s h n e r J a m e s Jackson Kilpatrick Dr. R u s s e l l K i r k Irene C o r b a l l y Kuhn

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Victor Lasky Rev. C h a r l e s W e s l e y Lov»^ry, D . D . Sir A r n o l d Lunn F r a n k S. M e y e r Dr. T h o m a s M o l n a r Dr. G e r h a r t N i e m e y e r Rev. S t a n l e y P a r r y , C . S . C . Dr. S t e f a n P o s s o n y A d m . Arthur W . Radford, U S N , Ret. R a b b i B e n j a m i n Schultz Ralph de Toledano Sen. John G . Tower J a m e s L. W i c k Dr. G a r r y W i l l s

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This Month . . .

THE NEW GUARD The Magazine of Young Americans for Freedom, Inc. Editor: Carol D. Bauman Managing Editor: Donald J. Lambro Associate Editors: Ben Stoker, Allan Ryskind Contributing Editors: T. A. Quinn, Jameson G. Campaigne, Jr. Kenneth E. Thompson, Ken Tomlinson, Gary Russell, Fred J. Eckert, Alfred S. Regnery, Terry Catchpole Robert M . Schuchman CONTENTS

September, 1964 • Vol. I V , No. 9



The "Peace" Mongers Anthony Bouscaren How to Revive Apathetic U. . Terry Catchpole Stop NSA! Tom Huston

8 10 11

Take the Offensive? LBJ—Master of Deceit

Dick Derham Donald J. Lambro

13 15

Bob Bauman Milton Friedman

17 17

Should Freedom

BOOKS Most Maligned

Man in History Man's Liberty

O n the Side of Individual Choice . . The Editors Y A F Roundup Y A F Around The Nation

20 21 26

INSIDE THIS I S S U E . . . a i F * It's back to college! A n d if you go back to your campus without an armful of N E W G U A R D S you're just not with it. Look what we've got inside: Professor Anthony Bouscaren of Le Moyne College tells us a great deal about those "peace" mongers you'll see creeping around campus whispering about the bomb, oops, shhhhh. . . . BBT* Human Events writer Terry Catchpole thinks back to basket weaving at Miami U . and tells how to raise hell on your campus. . . . H F " Tom Huston, National Vice Chairman, instructs every able-bodied, freedom loving individual to fight NSA! P I T National Board member Dick Derham returns to our pages with some interesting ideas on guerrilla warfare. . . . Donald Lambro gives us a few reasons why L B J should be sacked in November. . . . National Chairman Robert E. Bauman reviews Eugene Lyons biography on Herbert Hoover. . . . Professor Milton Friedman of the University of Chicago reviews a brave new work. . . . The editors examine a recent book by Senator Goldwater. . . . A n d Y A F Roundup and Y A F Around the Nation simply explodes with activity. . . . The New Guard is published monthly by Young Americans for Freedom, inc.. in Washinaton. D. C. Copyright 1964 in the U.S.A. by Young Americans for Freedom. Inc. A l l correspondence, manuscripts, circulation orders and changes of address should be sent to: The New Guard. 514 C Street, N.E.. Washington. D. C. 20002. Phone: 546-3355. Rates: $4 a year. The editors welcome unsolicited manuscripts but request the enclosure of a self-addressed return envelope. Opinions expressed in signed articles do not necessarily represent the views of the editors or of Young Americans for Freedom. Inc. SEPTEMBER 1964

• One man, one vote. You know how the libs like that one now. You know, the Supreme Court re-apportionment decisions, Democracy, Equality and all. Never mind if it's a hopelessly abstract goal, one man, one vote, and that's it. Well now, fellows, there's this other group, the United Nations; you know. Brotherhood of Man, the Last Best Hope and all. Well, they have this thing, the General Assembly. A n d you know what? Togo (pop. 1.5 million and the good old U.S. (pop. 192 million) both have—oh my God—one vote. One man, one vote in the U.N.? Are you an extremist or something? • The New York Times, Aug. 5, 1964—"A Chinese Communist diplomatic attache who defected to the United States on May 26 said yesterday that Communist China was determined to take over the Congo as the first step in a conquest of Africa." The New York Times, Aug. 5, 1964—WASHINGTON—"Officials here gloomily watched the deterioration of the situation in the Congo today without much idea of what to do about i t . " • Five plus five equals three—LBJ is having difficulty lately explaining away discrepancies in his personal finances, which makes us wonder just how much arithmetic he learned in that little Texas schoolhouse. Cabinet members paraded before the Democratic Platform Committee boasting of the great savings the Johnson Administration is making possible for the American taxpayer. Yet, Johnson asked for, and got, another increase in the public debt limit this year. The debt limit (which is really meaningless, since it is always being raised), jumped from $315 billion to $324 billion. This is saving money? • More on the spending front: I n the nation's metropolitan daiUes, square-jawed, hip-shooting Secretary of Defense McNamara has been roundly praised for his crackerjack fiscal methods. L B J gave him special recognition for his budget-tightening in Defense spending. But the Government Accounting Office failed to get the message. Instead, the G A O released a report detailing a total of $486,928,073 which has been wasted by McNamara's whiz kids in the Pentagon. Comptroller General Joseph Campbell Usted a dozen or so examples of errors and miscalculations, each more incredible than the next. Typical was an instance in which the Army paid a Miami firm $321,854 for the very same parts that the firm had purchased from an Army surplus outfit for $71,959. Cost to the taxpayers: $249,895. • Despite the President's eloquent predictions for the success of his "War on Poverty," Republicans were pointing out that the less than one billion dollars to be spent under the newly enacted Poverty bill is roughly what New York City spends on poverty every year. 5

Those TV Debates LBJ, who is generally pictured as the crack politician, blundered into two political mistakes last month which could well cost him his sharpshooter's badge. First, he released an accounting of his personal finances so obviously contrived that even the most partisan Democrat would have to admit it made the President look a bit silly—like a child caught with jam on his face who denies he's been into the cupboard. Then, he directed Senate Democratic leaders to defeat legislation suspending "equal time" FCC regulations, which would have made possible nationally televised debates between the two presidential candidates. The move made him look ( 1 ) obviously scared of a debate with Sen. Goldwater, and ( 2 ) like a man who nervously takes a side exit rather than face the truth at the front door. The voters, usually most perceptive about political sneakiness, must regard LBJ's weasel-hke efforts as a bit dishonest for a man who is asking for their confidence for another term in office. I f he had but honestly said he did not wish to debate Sen. Goldwater, we could have at least admired his sincerity.

The World Debt Now we not only have to worry about the burgeoning U.S. national debt, but woe of woes, the United Nations has money troubles, too! We thought we had solved that problem, when, in

1963, at the urging of the liberals, the Congress okayed a $100 million U.S. loan to the world body, just to sustain the "peace-keeping" operation in the Congo. But Secretary General U Thant is again financially embarrassed, and guess why? Another 2 million dollars, he claims, is needed to carry on "peace-keeping" on Cyprus. "It's such a small amount," the same liberals will cry, "we can't afford lo let the U . N . down." But the real reason the U . N . is suffering budget blues is that 52 nations in the U . N . owe varying amounts for their share of running the world body. I f the Senate had adopted an amendment to the foreign aid bill offered by Sen. Jack Miller of Iowa last month, the U.S. might have given 51 of those nations the push they needed to pay up—and bail the U . N . out of its monetary difficulties. For 51 out of 52 nations owing the U . N . money are also recipients of U.S. economic aid; and the Miller amendment would have withheld further U.S. economic aid to nations which owed money to the U . N . for one year. The following are a few examples of the delinquent nations getting our dollars: Nation

U.S. Aid Given Amount Owed U.N.

Mexico Yugoslavia United Arab Republic France Panama

$817,000,000 2,510,000

$1,000,000 330,000

807,000,000 9,445,000 110,000,000

330,000 16,000,000 43,000

For some reason, the same liberals who were so concerned about saving the U . N . last year, voted down the Miller amendment, which is also aimed at saving the U . N .

Common Sense and Backlash "Backlash" is an ugly word. The newspapers invented it, the Democrats are using it to explain growing support for Sen. Goldwater, and some Negro leaders are exploiting its effect on their fellow Negroes. Notice we referred to the word backlash. Its meaning is one of greatest significance to the modern liberal, for it represents to him all that is evil in American conservatism. It's time there was some common sense used about the word and its meaning. Did uncontrolled Negro rioting create a climate of discontent among whites, thereby causing them suddenly to swing to Sen. Goldwater? Did passage of the civil rights act change the minds of hordes of Democrats about supporting their party in 1964? Does anyone really have the answers to these questions? No survey to date has succeeded in relating the effect of Negro rioting, or of the civil rights bill, on the electorate. The reason is simply that although a 6



voter may name the candidate he supports, it would be a rare polling method which could ascertain the myriad of motives which brought the voter to that decision. "Backlash" is a particularly ugly word because it casts doubt on all those who support Sen. Goldwater. Are those who drive around in cars bearing "Goldwater in '64" bumper stickers to be accused of hating Negroes? Is everyone who proudly wears a Goldwater-Miller button a white supremist? Hardly. A n d yet, that is what the word conveys. We're all for eliminating it from the context of political debate.

Fiscal Facts V The present Administration is spending Federal funds faster by $2 million a day than President Kennedy, and faster by $50 million a day than President Eisenhower! V The L B J deficit for fiscal 1964 is greater than in any one of the three previous years under President Kennedy. The last time the Federal budget had a surplus was in 1960, the last year of the Eisenhower A d ministration. V Approximately $1 out of every $10 in Federal taxes is spent to pay the interest on the national debt. V The Consumer Price Index rose by two-tenths of one percent to a new high in June, the Labor Department reports. This means that the market basket of goods which had cost the shopper $10 in the 1957-59 base period now costs him $10.80.

Another Korea? Speculation is mounting in Washington about the time i t will take the Administration to recognize that the U.S. is engaged in a real war with North Viet Nam. Most conservatives applauded Johnson's decision to launch a counterattack on North Viet Namese bases after their attack on U.S. vessels off the coast of Viet Nam in international waters. But now that the headlines have begun to die down, we are left in suspense about U.S. resolve to bring the conflict to some conclusion. The South Vietnamese, says their Ambassador to the U.S., M r . Rau, are disheartened and sick to death of this protracted war. The peasants, who must live daily with the problem of Viet Cong raids and weekly shifts in power over their villages, are understandably cowed. Buddhists continue to attack the present regime, and Catholics have never really recovered from the treatment accorded the Diem family. Dependents of American civilian and military personnel continue to live in Saigon, dangerously exposed to enemy attack on all sides. A n d the Administration's policies, except for one brief moment of decision, continue to fluctuate. SEPTEMBER












ISSUE: Alliance


Poverty Dictatorship

The question remains: does the U.S. intend to preserve the freedom of South Viet Nam; or does it intend to continue the see-saw game with the enemy which has been going on, at considerable human and financial expense? As the parent of one downed and captured U.S. pilot remarked, " I think we ought to stop letting ourselves be pushed around."

Dov\^n With States The Center for the Stuay of Democratic Institutions (Fund for the Republic) [See New Guard, August 1963] has now leveled a blast at the restraints on the national government inherent in the checks and balances of the federal-state system. With lead articles by LeRoy Collins and Orville Freeman, the Center's latest publication, "The Mazes of Modern Government" assails advocates of the federal system as seeking a "haven of refuge for special interests" and tells us that only by federal action can the vital reforms they advocate take place. To be sure, the states are not to be abolished by the Fund's planners; we are assured they have their roles as administrators of federally-conceived, federallyfinanced, and federally-enacted programs. But the idea that the states can more accurately reflect the will of its constituents is dismissed abruptly as a myth. The founding fathers, we are told, were pragmatists who, in adopting a written constitution of limited powers, intended that the basic fabric of the government which they created might be molded at the whim of the planners of future generations. The founding fathers, we reply, set forth their views with unmistakable clarity. For a statement of the arguments favoring the role of independent state governments and their function in serving democracy, we suggest a re-examination of the Federalist Papers. I n one sense, however, the Fund planners are certainly right. The reforms they advocate will not be passed into law through governments—but not because the state governments do not reflect the wishes of the people; rather it is precisely because the state governments are more responsive to the general will of their citizens that the Fund Planners cannot hope to secure the adoption of their programs except by increased centralization. 7

The 'Peace'


Colleges reopen, a n d the ''peace'' mongers a r e back with their y e a r l y hallucinations. Professor Bouscaren lets us k n o w something about them a s w e l l a s w h o runs their devious organizations . • . by Anthony T . Bouscaren


he number and size of the peace and pacifist organizations is not easy to ascertain. There are groups within groups. Even the larger organizations are hazy as to membership, which may fluctuate with the rise and fall of international tension. One group, the Women's Strike for Peace, claims it has no formal membership; the American Friends Service Committee estimates its membership at 100,000 while the Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy (SANE) claims 75,000.

lateral suspension of nuclear tests by the United States. This is part of the group's belief that if the United States gives a good example through unilateral concessions the Soviets will follow suit. Turn Toward Peace also urges internationalization of the Panama Canal, and inviting the Soviet Union to plug in to our Arctic warning system. Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy The Committee for a Sane Nuclear

Turn Toward Peace A group called Turn Toward Peace is the largest single force in the peacepacifist movement. Organizations cooperating with it include the Friends, SANE, the American Veterans Committee (long active in leftist causes in this country), the Committee for Nonviolent Action, the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, and the Catholic Worker (whose pacifism was once criticized by the Vatican). Turn Toward Peace is headed by Socialist Norman Thomas and Robert W. Gilmore, former executive secretary of Friends. Located at 112 East 19th St., New York, it describes itself as "a joint national effort, through national peace, church, labor, and public affairs organizations, to suggest and build support for alternatives to the threat of war as a central thrust of American foreign policy." Turn Toward Peace, like so many other similar organizations, appears to be well-financed. In a typical full page advertisement in the New York Times, it urges "a new national policy, a turn toward peace, to be achieved concretely by a program of American Initiatives leading to a climate in which negotiation for general and complete disarmament will be both more possible and fruitful." Among the specific steps proposed is a uni8

Spock, Steve Allen, Robert Ryan, and Harry Belafonte. Dr. Homer Jack, executive director of SANE and a Protestant clergyman long associated with leftist and pacifist causes, provides the rationale of the crusade: "A mmority cause always tries to become a majority cause by associating itself with the Madison Avenue symbol of success. The way to do it is to bring into the movement people who are symbolic of success in the greater society." In addition to exploiting Dr. Spock's emotional hold on many mothers, and Steve Allen's appeal to millions of T V viewers, SANE has made a major effort to sell the thesis of Columbia's Seymour Melman that this country possesses an "overkill" of nuclear weapons. In this connection a major effort is under way to sell businessmen on the virtues and values of disarmament. On June 24, 1963, a full page ad appeared in the Wall Street Journal, entitled "Why Business Leaders Want a Nuclear Test Ban Treaty." Signed by William L. Clayton, Philip Klutznick, Joseph L. Block and others, it called a test ban treaty "an experiment in trust which, if it produces sufficient mutual confidence, could eventually lead to disarmament in careful stages." Women Strike for Peace

Policy is another well-heeled pacifist group with a penchant to full page ads in the New York Times. Its headquarters is located at 17 East 45th St., a few steps from Manhattan's famous avenue of the Hard Sell. Its leaders include Norman Thomas, Norman Cousins, Erich Fromm, H . Stuart Hughes, Martin Luther King, and Walter Reuther. They ardently believe that accommodation with Communist dictators is not surrender, but sanity. They have been quite successful in attracting big names to their support, including Dr. Benjamin

One of the better publicized and financed of the "peace" crusades is the Women Strike for Peace Group, headed by Mrs. Dagmar Wilson, of Washington, D.C. Her hero is Bertrand Russell, leading British "ban-thebomb" and "Better Red than Dead" advocate. According to Mrs. Wilson, she, her husband Christopher (an aide at the British Embassy) and some friends were talking about the brief jailing of Russell and other British "ban-the-bomb" leaders in September, 1961. Mrs. Wilson was indignant: " I THE


realized this was a man who had worked all his life for peace and no one listened. Finally he had to resort to civil disobedience. This shocked me. I felt like chartering a plane and going over to picket the jail. I thought it was a disgrace. He was speaking for humanity. I called a few friends and the next thing I knew we had this women's movement." Women Strike for Peace, which claims to be spontaneous and without organization, comes up with some very well organized and publicized affairs. On November 1, 1961, Mrs. Wilson succeeded in getting 50,000 women in sixty cities to demonstrate for disarmament, against resumption of atmospheric testing by the United States, and for peace in general. Today there are some 130 "contacts" in forty states at the beck and call of Mrs. Wilson. When she flashes the magic words "Christmas Island," these women stand ready to write their Congressmen, picket stores selling war toys, come to Washington to parade in front of the White House, man tables at public libraries, line up peace petitions, attend discussion groups on fallout, hand out leaflets at supermarkets urging a ban on fresh milk for one week after each U.S. atmospheric test, or even fly to Geneva to tell the test ban delegates about the danger of Strontium 90.*

Ruth Meyers of Roselyn, N.Y., a supporter of WSP, invoked the 5th Amendment about past and present membership in the Communist Party.

Bronx, N.Y. "took the 5th" when asked about current membership in the Communist Party, and the relation of the party to WSP.

Mrs. Lyla Hoffman of Great Neck, L.I., also invoked the 5th Amendment in connection with past Communist affiliations; she was a WSP leader in her area. Mrs. Sylvia Contente, of Bronx, N.Y. invoked the 5th Amendment both with respect to past Communist affiliations and present membership in WSP; so did Miss Rose Clinton, of New York City. Mrs. Iris Freed of Larchmont, N.Y., also actively supporting WSP, refused to deny under oath alleged past and present membership in the Communist Party. Mrs. Anna Mackenzie, of Westport, Conn., also active in WSP, refused to answer questions about alleged Communist affiliations, although she did not invoke the 5th Amendment.

Peace-Mongers in Politics

Miss Elizabeth Moss of New York, long active in Communist-dominated "peace movements", and also in the WSP, invoked the 5th Amendment with respect to some of her past Communist affiliations, and to alleged present membership in the Communist Party. Mrs. Miriam Chesman of

In 1962 a Harvard professor named H . Stuart Hughes ran for the U.S. Senate as an independent; his campaign was based on the peace issue, and his criticisms were largely concentrated on U.S. foreign policy and the U.S. defense posture. He made quite a splash and gained nation-wide prominence (or notoriety) with support from leftist students, intellectuals and disenchanted Democrats, plus funds from the Committee of One Thousand (located in Chicago) and the Council for abolishing War. Although he got on the ballot thanks to a petition bearing the signatures of 125,000 voters (of which 117,000 were validated), less than half this number actually voted for him, and he won but 2.4% of the total vote in Massachusetts, suggesting that the "peace-at-any-pricers" lack popular support. Later, Professor Hughes denounced the U.S. Quarantine of Cuba as a needless provocation of the U.S.S.R. (New York Times, Oct. 24, 1962, John H . Fenton.)

Communist Penetration In December, 1962, a committee of the United States Congress, investigating Communist influence in various "peace" groups, found evidence of such influence within the Women Strike for Peace (WSP). A number of witnesses invoked the 5th Amendment when asked questions about their relationship to the Communist Party and Women Strike for Peace. Mrs. Blanche Posner, of Scarsdale, N.Y., coordinator of WSP in New York City, repeatedly refused to deny under oath her activities in behalf of WSP and her relations with, or membership in, the Communist Party. Mrs. * Early in September, 1963, the Federal Radiation Council sharply downgraded the dangers of radioactive fallout. It claimed that all radiation from fallout since the first atom explosions 15 years ago had no more cumulative effect on an individual than a routine chest X-ray and only a tenth to a hundredth the effect of a fluoroscope picture. SEPTEMBER



How to Revive Apathetic A d e a d l y Infection called student a p a t h y has a grip on A m e r i c a n colleges. Here is a d v i c e on h o w to jar your school out of it by Terry Catchpole As this issue of The New Guard is being read across the country, hundreds of thousands of new students are coming into the country's colleges as freshmen. I n a "presidential year" such as this, there should be an above-average interest in politics on college campuses; this interest should be compounded this year with the conservative-liberal debate. This is the way it surely "should" be, but most likely won't be. For a college community suffers, even more than the community at large, from the dread disease known as apathy. To the outside observer it would seem that the young conservatives' most imposing obstacle would be liberal students and professors; but this is patently not so. For without, there are certain ways of dispelling, first, the creation of an atmosphere at least in part, the atmosphere of of political awareness on a college political indifference which dominates campus, neither liberal nor conservamost campuses. tive student political groups can gain much. Apathetic Hotbed First, let me give a few personal notes, as some examples I will draw on will be from personal experience. I was chairman of Y A F at the University of Miami, which as everyone knows specializes in water-skiing and basket-weaving. There we were fighting not only the usual collegiate apathy, but also a shangri-la atmosphere which was not even conducive to studying, much less politics—as a result we fondly referred to U M as a "hotbed of apathy."

Apathy grows out of many things, far too many and much too involved even to try to analyze; it is not restricted, by any means, to the college campus—it is only more frustrating there—but spreads itself to society as a whole: the 38 people who watched and did nothing while a young woman was attacked and killed on a dark New York street, did not "want to get involved"—this is apathy at its most sickening height (or depth). It certainly would be worthwhile to examine the root causes of this feeling or lack of feeling, and no doubt many sociologists, high up in their ivory towers, are doing just that. But, we, here in this article and in Young Americans for Freedom are now engaged in a vital political campaign; our job now, as it has always been with Y A F , is political action. And 10

But there are ways. First there comes the necessity of making your existence, as a Y A F chapter, known generally. This will be done through usual channels such as speakers, debates, picketing, newspaper, etc. But, becoming known and making a significant impression on the student's psyche are two different things. The general aim in dispelling this indifference—at the same time promoting YAF—is to bring the "message" of conservatism and the purpose of Y A F down to a level where the average student can relate directly to them. A debate or newspaper article on the Administration's policy in Viet Nam or the low parity ratio for farmers would be beyond the grasp of the mundane mind of most students, simply because they are convinced (however wrongly) that it bears no relation to them.


On the other hand, for a local Y A F chapter to sponsor a debate on a campus issue such as NSA, a school building program, civil rights on the campus would attract much more attention. I f your chapter puts out a conservative newspaper, each edition should have at least one article on some campus issue. If this is done, and the positions taken in these editorials all determined, sometimes controversial, more people will read the paper, if only, at first, for this one item. Once the students start reading the paper, they will come to read more and more of the articles; from a basic interest in campus events the readership will come to, hopefully, have an interest, even God forbid!, an opinion, on the national and international issues. From this base a Y A F chapter can gain a respect and a following— not necessarily ideological—and can make the necessary indent on student thinking. But there is one other major obstacle standing in the way of any serious political group before they can have major influence at a university or college. Namely those abominations, so misnamed, "student governments." Politics V . 'Student' Government The average student at the average college thinks that in some way his student government is out protecting his interest while he would just as soon go to the beach or bar, thank you. He does not really care about the student government—a fact reinforced by the low turnout at student elections at most schools—but it does get all the headlines and makes all the noise, so it must be doing something. This lack of interest on the part of the average student at the average college is usually fully reciprocated by the glorious few who rule the government, and care little for any of the students except, of course, themselves. A t the University of Miami a letter was uncovered from two student leaders in the school government, to the President of the University, outlining the reasons for and functions of the government: "In the first place," they wrote, "and the most important place, it functions to provide training ground for those within the student body who might be contemplating positions of public leadership or service after graduation." Continued on page 19 THE


You, Too, Can STOP NSA! Words of W i s d o m from a n experienced w a r r i o r in the battle against c a m p u s


by the National Student Association by Tom Huston In this era of the minute-made crisis, only the university community retains the degree of leisurely tranquility that once characterized America. A n occasional panty raid which exceeds the bounds of propriety established by Dr. Kinsey may prompt the Dean of Students Office to be stormed by a battalion of little old mothers in tennis shoes, but crises of this magnitude are rare, and the well-established . AAUP pattern of living prevails without frequent deviation. On the campus during the past four years the tranquility of decades has been shattered by a new type of student who appears to be totally out of the mainstream of academic life: the activist. Typical of the chaos which he has caused was the incident reported recently in a small Eastern, Catholic, girls' school where an apprentice silversmith from the Fine Arts Department barged hastily into the country club atmosphere of a dormitory T V room and nearly caused Ben Casey to commit malpractice with the startling warning to the awed viewers that "NSA IS COMING!" Fortunately a commercial arrived so that the interested few could inquire " N . S. WHO?" while the more sophisticated dismissed the whole affair as a right-wing plot perpetrated by an extremist opposed not only to fluoridation and vivisection, but to the practice of medicine as well. To achieve the desired goal of either securing the withdrawal of their school from NSA or defeating any attempt to have their school affiliate with the Association, these students have a wide range of tactical plans from which to choose. During the past three years dozens of schools have withdrawn or rejected membership, the opponents of NSA at each institution adopting a strategy designed to meet the unique situation on their campus. Although it is difficult to outline any master plan which is guaranteed to work at every school, it is possible, and perhaps SEPTEMBER


valuable, to suggest certain tactics which have worked well on many campuses.

hoc committees to fight NSA. Some of these have been known as STOPNSA (Students to Oppose Participation in NSA). Others have preferred to call themselves BOO (Better Off Out). In every case the purpose has been identical: to unite all factions of the campus—liberals and conservatives, independents and Greeks—in a concerted drive to keep NSA off the campus.

I. Study NSA The first rule for success is to KNOW YOUR ENEMY. This means that to fight NSA it is imperative to know what NSA is, what it does, what it costs, what its policies are, who its supporters are, how it works, why it is strongly supported by some and strongly opposed by others. The first step is to secure a copy of the current NSA Codification of Policy. Next, copies of the NSA Report published by Y A F should be purchased and carefully read. Articles on NSA which have appeared recently in The NEW GUARD should be re-examined, and the editorials, news-stories and other items of interest from campus newspapers which have been reprinted should be studied. Lack of preparation and inadequate grasp of the facts have lost many NSA battles. NSA officers who hop-scotch from one school to another putting down revolts are well prepared, and one cannot expect to make a case against NSA unless he is able to expose the misrepresentations, half-truths, and vague generalities which invariably accompany a presentation by an NSA officer or supporter. n. A United Front Generally an opponent of NSA is going to end up fighting the campus student government establishment. NSA is great at brainwashing student government leaders and convincing them that, with NSA's help, their administration will be the greatest thing to happen on the campus since Kinsey legitimatized sex. Fortunately there are always a few student government people who envision their role as one of service to the campus community, not one of passing resolutions bemoaning the inadequate toilet facilities available to Lumpa tribesmen. These are powerful allies whose support should be carefully solicited. It has proved quite helpful on many campuses to organize bipartisan ad

Personalities and campus political divisions must be subordinated to the immediate task of defeating NSA, and this appears best done if the campaign is not conducted publicly by a single organization. There are always going to be groups of individuals who are in the forefront such as Y A F or the Young Republicans, but it is necessary to remember that you are not establishing an eating club, and all who share your immediate purpose must be invited to join in the campaign. III. Democracy Once the ad hoc committee is organized and its leaders fully informed, consideration should be given to the type of campaign to be waged. A campus referendum is generally the most desirable means of defeating NSA, for the student body in its collective wisdom is far more receptive to the arguments against NSA on the basis of its misrepresentation of student opinion than may be the Student Senate, whose members frequently take the matter of accurate representation quite lightly. Also, the student body more easily recognizes the general worthlessness of an organization which cannot contribute tangible benefits to the member school in return for its membership dues. They are not so easily impressed by the prospect of a few of 11

You, Too, Can STOP NSA! W o r d s of W i s d o m from a n experienced w a r r i o r in the battle a g a i n s t c a m p u s domination by the National Student Association by Tom Huston In this era of the minute-made crisis, only the university community retains the degree of leisurely tranquility that once characterized America. An occasional panty raid which exceeds the bounds of propriety established by Dr. Kinsey may prompt the Dean of Students Office to be stormed by a battalion of little old mothers in tennis shoes, but crises of this magnitude are rare, and the well-established . AAUP pattern of living prevails without frequent deviation. On the campus during the past four years the tranquility of decades has been shattered by a new type of student who appears to be totally out of the mainstream of academic life: the activist. Typical of the chaos which he has caused was the incident reported recently in a small Eastern, Catholic, girls' school where an apprentice silversmith from the Fine Arts Department barged hastily into the country club atmosphere of a dormitory T V room and nearly caused Ben Casey to commit malpractice with the startling warning to the awed viewers that "NSA IS COMING!" Fortunately a commercial arrived so that the interested few could inquire " N . S. WHO?" while the more sophisticated dismissed the whole affair as a right-wing plot perpetrated by an extremist opposed not only to fluoridation and vivisection, but to the practice of medicine as well. To achieve the desired goal of either securing the withdrawal of their school from NSA or defeating any attempt to have their school affiliate with the Association, these students have a wide range of tactical plans from which to choose. During the past three years dozens of schools have withdrawn or rejected membership, the opponents of NSA at each institution adopting a strategy designed to meet the unique situation on their campus. Although it is difficult to outline any master plan which is guaranteed to work at every school, it is possible, and perhaps SEPTEMBER


valuable, to suggest certain tactics which have worked well on many campuses.

hoc committees to fight NSA. Some of these have been known as STOPNSA (Students to Oppose Participation in NSA). Others have preferred to call themselves BOO (Better Off Out). In every case the purpose has been identical: to unite all factions of the campus—liberals and conservatives, independents and Greeks—in a concerted drive to keep NSA off the campus.

I. Study NSA The first rule for success is to KNOW YOUR ENEMY. This means that to fight NSA it is imperative to know what NSA is, what it does, what it costs, what its policies are, who its supporters are, how it works, why it is strongly supported by some and strongly opposed by others. The first step is to secure a copy of the current NSA Codification of Policy. Next, copies of the NSA Report published by Y A F should be purchased and carefully read. Articles on NSA which have appeared recently in The NEW GUARD should be re-examined, and the editorials, news-stories and other items of interest from campus newspapers which have been reprinted should be studied. Lack of preparation and inadequate grasp of the facts have lost many NSA battles. NSA officers who hop-scotch from one school to another putting down revolts are well prepared, and one cannot expect to make a case against NSA unless he is able to expose the misrepresentations, half-truths, and vague generalities which invariably accompany a presentation by an NSA officer or supporter. n. A United Front Generally an opponent of NSA is going to end up fighting the campus student government establishment. NSA is great at brainwashing student government leaders and convincing them that, with NSA's help, their administration will be the greatest thing to happen on the campus since Kinsey legitimatized sex. Fortunately there are always a few student government people who envision their role as one of service to the campus community, not one of passing resolutions bemoaning the inadequate toilet facilities available to Lumpa tribesmen. These are powerful allies whose support should be carefully solicited. It has proved quite helpful on many campuses to organize bipartisan ad

Personalities and campus political divisions must be subordinated to the immediate task of defeating NSA, and this appears best done if the campaign is not conducted publicly by a single organization. There are always going to be groups of individuals who are in the forefront such as Y A F or the Young Republicans, but it is necessary to remember that you are not establishing an eating club, and all who share your immediate purpose must be invited to join in the campaign. III. Democracy Once the ad hoc committee is organized and its leaders fully informed, consideration should be given to the type of campaign to be waged. A campus referendum is generally the most desirable means of defeating NSA, for the student body in its collective wisdom is far more receptive to the arguments against NSA on the basis of its misrepresentation of student opinion than may be the Student Senate, whose members frequently take the matter of accurate representation quite lightly. Also, the student body more easily recognizes the general worthlessness of an organization which cannot contribute tangible benefits to the member school in return for its membership dues. They are not so easily impressed by the prospect of a few of n

The Coal Is To Defeat NSA . . . the student government honchos taking a two week vacation at student body expense at an NSA Congress in the summer. It may be, however, impossible to get a referendum. It is one of the great wonders of contemporary liberalism that it can constantly harp about democracy while at the same time it insists on excluding the people from.,any participation in the formation of public policy. Almost invariably the proponents of NSA will arrange for an NSA national or regional officer to address the Student Senate. Opponents of the Association should insist that a spokesman for their side be given an equal opportunity to state their case. Whenever possible a national leader in the anti-NSA effort should be brought in, so that the case against NSA may be argued as strongly, convincingly, and articulately as the case for it. Members of the Student Senate who are anti-NSA oriented should be carefully briefed on the issues so that they may ask pertinent and revealing questions, argue persuasively in the debate, and guarantee that no rash decision is made because of a presiding officer who thinks he's employed by the Nickle Plate. National Committee

STOP N S A Students To Oppose Participation in the National Student Association 3763 N. Broadway—^Indianapolis Indiana MATERIALS AVAILABLE FOR ANTI-NSA C A M P A I G N S

• NSA Report—still the most complete source of information on the nature of NSA $1.00 per copy • NSA codification of Policy— the resolutions adopted by the National Student Congresses—$1.50 per copy • Reprints of editorials, news stories, and other important items concerning NSA IF NSA is an issue on your campus, or could become an issue, contact the STOP NSA office. Any information about the activities of NSA on your campus should be sent to STOP NSA. 12

IV. Do Not Exaggerate If the question is to be decided by the Student Senate, each member of that body should be given a copy of the NSA Report and other pertinent materials. These materials should be carefully selected so as not to alienate rather than convince. It is necessary to understand the temperament of the campus politician and deal with him accordingly. I f the issue is to go to the student body in a referendum, various materials should be printed up in mass quantities and

distributed. These should include a list of the extreme positions taken by the NSA Congress and a leaflet comparing the high cost of membership to the minimal benefits received by the school. A statement of the anti-Greek nature of the Association, with emphasis on the openly hostile attitude of national fraternity and sorority leaders, should be made available to local Greek chapter leaders. Care should be exercised to represent accurately and fairly NSA's position. NSA is so bad that nothing need be exaggerated. The battle will be lost immediately if the moderates become convinced that the anti-NSA drive is merely being used as an opportunity for a lot of right-wing nuts to pop off. Primary emphasis should be put on the point that NSA has no business taking any political position, let alone one so radical that it totally misrepresents the American student community. Secondary emphasis should be put on the specific stands that have been taken. The goal is to defeat NSA, not debate the merits of the respective political questions suggested by the NSA Codification of Policy. One of the major issues in any campaign against NSA is the ineffectiveness of its student government programming. Its officers love to talk of the extensive international program the Association conducts, and no subject is as dear to the heart of an NSA bureaucrat as the participation of that organization in the civil rights

movement. It is always a moment of great chagrin, however, to these people when they are confronted with the simple question, "What practical assistance can NSA render to our campus?" After an extensive dissertation on the importance of the school becoming a part of the "international student community" through the agency of NSA, the answer always boils down to the rather unsatisfying assertion that the NSA Student Government Service has over 64 "how-to-do-it" pamphlets available to student government leaders. What goes unsaid is that these particular items are so theoretical that they are practically useless. The question of cost is one any responsible student leader is concerned about, and most objective Student Senators will be responsive to a discussion of the amount of money expended in relation to the amount of services made available to the school. This matter should be emphasized as strongly, perhaps even more strongly, than the political complexion of NSA.

V. Stop-NSA In every case the opposition is at a decided disadvantage, but hard work, careful preparation, and responsible zeal are the elements of success which have led to the rejection of NSA by over 50 schools in the past two years. The conviction that the fight is worth making coupled with the determination to carry it on faithfully to completion is all that one needs. To make the task a bit easier, a few tools and a little free advice are available from the National STOP-NSA Committee which was organized at the conclusion of the 17th National Student Congress held last month at the University of Minnesota. For the valiant who wish to enter the campaign against NSA, the facilities of the national committee are available to render whatever assistance is possible. A l l inquiries should be addressed to the committee at 3763 North Broadway, Indianapolis, Indiana. THE


Should Freedom Take the Offensive ? The cautious use of guerrilla techniques in selected a r e a s of the Communist w o r l d could put the Free World on the offensive by Richard Derham Guerrilla warfare, an ancient yet always modern art, constitutes the most significant military challenge of the sixties. I n 1950 our virtual nuclear monopoly did not prevent a limited ground war in Korea where American men were directly involved; far less will a missile stockpile act to deter subUmited and proxy wars. Since the Korean gamble failed, since the United States demonstrated what previously had been in doubt: that it possessed the will, as well as the ability to halt a limited aggression, the Communists have not resorted to another ground war. They have not needed to, for in their bag of tricks they found another tactic which fit their needs and at which they were adept practitioners. Guerrilla warfare has always been the preferred form of combat when the opposition possesses the military power to crush a more conventional effort. By following guerrilla principles, a small force can stalemate a regular force of up to twenty times its number. In South Viet-Nam the United States is, for the first time, actively involved in such a war. And herein lies the importance of the current struggle. Just as a failure to defend Korea would have led to an increased use of limited war by the Communists, so a failure here can be expected to encourage potential guerrillas around the world and thus to lead to the proliferation of this type of conflict. Guerrillas are by definition the underdogs in the beginning stages of any conflict but this is not to say that they do not have significant tactical advantages over the regular troops they oppose. Our powerful modern weapons systems are too ponderous to be brought into action against the elusive guerrilla—just as an elephant gun cannot be effectively employed against a mouse. It is a war in which we must use, and use almost exclusively, the oldest weapon of all, the infantryman. Attack . . . Retreat And even the infantryman must learn new tactics. His difficulty will lie in "finding and fixing" the guerrilla. Operating in small units able to live off the land and to dissolve into SEPTEMBER


the citizenry on short notice, guerrillas have been able to eliminate much of the logistical tail which is the most vulnerable element of any army. At the same time, their flexibility is greater so that they can retain the initiative and launch attacks on villages throughout the countryside wherever they are able to gain a temporary superiority. The opposing army, on the contrary, moves in larger, more easily observed units, and must be responsible for the protection of the entire countryside. In any military situation it is rare that there are enough men both for an adequate defense and for a strong offense. The problems are multiplied when the opposition has no front lines or home bases to defend and can fol-

low Mao's command "When the enemy advances, retreat; when the enemy retreats, attack." A buildup of troops in one area may well clear that area of guerrillas, but only by moving them to another area where they will operate until free to return to their former bases. Typically a guerrilla force will grow gradually from small beginnings. First it will merely harass government outposts and assassinate key officials while its political agents do their work among the people, playing upon their grievances. Then, having proven its ability to engage in violence against the government and elude countermeasures, it will begin to expand its program. As the government's inability to pacify the area becomes more evident, respect for the guerrillas will increase among the local populace and the civilians will give the insurgents more support. Growing guerrilla activity will force the regular army to concentrate for defense in towns, thus leaving the countryside to the guerrillas. Since a common characteristic of peasants the world over is their desire to be left alone by government, and their willingness to accept whoever has established his ability to govern, increasing numbers will pay taxes and supply food to the guerrillas when denied protection by the central government. For the government the situation could not be more serious, for it will not then be long before the guerrillas are strong enough to form regular units and meet the government forces in conventional battles. Minds of Men As demonstrated in Greece and Malaya, the guerrilla threat may be countered, even at a late stage. I f the connection between the guerrillas and the populace can be cut, the government's job is largely done. For, again quoting Mao, "the people are like water and the army is like fish." To survive, the guerrillas need a source of recruits and supplies, and most importantly of military intelligence. But if the water does not provide nourishment, the fish must die. Trite as it may seem, a guerrilla war is really a war "for the hearts and minds of men" and on that battlefield will the outcome be determined. 13


guerrilla war must take

But just as there is no strictly military solution, there is no complete political answer. Whenever faced with a problem beyond his understanding the Liberal falls back on his panacea: democratic reforms. But in fighting a guerrilla conflict mere governmental reforms, even if they could be effectuated in the middle of a war, would provide no rallying point for the peasants—who still outnumber the intelligentsia in most countries. Political measures must, be fused with military measures to produce a unified plan of attack. It is this interrelationship between military and political measures that provides the key to an understanding of South Viet Nam, where we have been having continued successes in local military actions, while gradual deterioration has been continuing throughout the country. Our "kill ratio" is regularly favorable, yet the Viet Cong is able to find replacements, only a small proportion of whom come from beyond South Viet Nam's borders, albeit those who do have special training and for the leadership cadre. Areas have been reclaimed from Communist control and pacified while other areas are seeing an increase of Communist activity. And there are growing indications that the Viet Cong may be about to initiate a major offensive, possibly at the end of the current rainy season. Morale Problems It has been frequently noted that the problem is basically one of morale, that it was low morale which caused the French defeat a decade ago. Good morale effects the citizenry too. For when they feel victory is possible, they will become more reluctant to support the other side. Serious damage was done to Viet Namese morale by Secretary McNamara's suggestions, a few months ago, that we would bring our troops home. Recent actions may have dispelled the lingering concern, but speeches calling for complete withdrawal by leading members of the Democratic Party cannot set at ease doubts about what will happen after the election.

doubted. Then tactical matters can be resolved, as they should be, by the military. Hope to Succeed We should not forget that any body of military tactics is itself neutral. Guerrilla warfare is a two-edged sword which can be used either by the Communists or against them. In fact, conditions for a successful guerrilla campaign against the Communists are to be found more widely in countries dominated by Communists than in the nations of the Free World. That the essential element, a receptive local populace, exists behind the Iron, Bamboo, or Sugar curtains is clearly demonstrated by the streams of refugees to the West. Only one thing is needed: belief in a chance for success. With United States aid, any doubts would be easily dispelled. The extent of the American commitment would be negligible. No U.S. troops would be needed beyond, perhaps, a few for training guerrilla leaders on our own soil, as we now train Indonesians. It would be sufficient for the U.S. to give logistical assistance to the insurgents by making available radios, mimeograph machines, medical supplies, and weapons and ammunition. One more item of assistance would be required. In order to make success possible outside intervention would have to be prevented. In some areas of the world, such as Cuba, a U.S. declaration that no Soviet aid would be tolerated should have a salubrious effect on the localization of the conflict. In other areas guerrilla action could not be so easily limited. The world changes and, a few years from now, offensive activities might be advisable where today they are dangerous. But for the moment a policy of encouraging guerrilla action in, say, Poland or East Germany would be questionable.


In areas so central to its defensive interests, the Soviet Union would find it difficult to tolerate an independent government. Thus insurgent activities would run an exceptionally high risk of escalation, one higher than we should be willing to accept. The Soviet world has a periphery, an area where it can accept local defeats rather than run the risk of escalation. It is in these areas that we may profit. Cuba comes first to mind. Captured from the West by guerrilla tactics, its location would make Soviet assistance difficult, thus strengthening the effect of our protective shield. The clear indication of local support, the likelihood of tacit approval by the O.A.S., and the large reserve of potential guerrillas in the many refugees who have reached our shores, makes chances of success great. A t the same time, while a defeat in Cuba would be a severe setback to Communist plans for conquest in this hemisphere, it would constitute no danger to the Communist heartland and would result in a correspondingly small likelihood of escalation. Refugee Guerrillas North Viet Nam, and even North Korea, are potential battlefields for Western-supported guerrillas. Again refugees could form the guerrilla nucleus. Here our shield would be less than total and we would probably have to accept interference by China to the extent of logistical support and perhaps even military advisers. Escalation beyond that could probably be avoided. While the Korean War showed that China will not tolerate American troops on her border, the guerrillas would be indigenous forces. So long as we made clear our willingness to accept a weakly defended "neutral," though anti-Communist, (Continued on page 19)

One military expert recently suggested a committment of American field forces to carry out certain types of operations. Others have suggested offensive operations against North Viet Nam. A third way might be to follow the pattern which brought peace to Korea: elect a President whose dedication to victory cannot be 14



y\fhy America Can't More Years of

Stand Four Johnson

by Donald J . Lambro

very four years one party gets together to inform the nation why it cannot afford to endure another four more years of the administration in power. This time it is the RepubHcan Party's turn, and it is doing its best to get the message out. The message is a true one and the reasons are as endless as are the incessant problems facing mankind. The Johnson Administration rode in on the wake of the best public relations job the nation's mass media could provide, i.e., victories are magnified, defeats are played down or even phased out. The truth is, that its short-lived policies, both domestic and foreign, could not ensure a more disastrous future for this nation and for the Free World. "Why shouldn't we keep a Johnson Administration in the White House," the political neophyte will ask? What is one to answer? What barrage of reasons does one give to and representation for their rights. disarm the enemy, refocus his thought The Johnson Administration sends in patterns, to make him, indeed, underFulbright—full-scale war almost exstand? Tell him this: plodes. The Johnson Administration has South Viet Nam—The Communists not dealt with the problems facing resorted to psychological warfare in the free world effectively, has not South Viet Nam during early August, kept the peace as he has claimed, has handing out leaflets saying Viet Cong not contained Communism, has not guerrillas would fire only on governeven furthered freedom in the world. ment units accompanied by U.S. miliFreedom is dying throughout the tary advisors. More U.S. "advisors" world, and the Johnson Administrawere killed this week. In Washington tion is not putting up a fight. Conthe Defense Department announced sider these areas: recently that Red China had moved a number of Russian-built M I G jet Cyprus—This crisis was at its worst fighters into North Viet Nam. Besince the tense and bloodied island cause of the absolute vacancy of any became a republic. Greek Cypriot kind of strong U.S. position toward President Makarios asked direct aid a goal of victory, the Viet Cong from Communist Russia. Actual war grow bolder, attack American bases between Greece and Turkey would and ships. And strong rumors persist perhaps destroy the North American throughout Washington of an AdTreaty Alliance since both are memministration trial balloon on a "settlebers. This crisis grows progressively ment" in Viet Nam with some sort worse; Greek Cypriots agitate to reof Harriman-type coalition-neutralist move all Turkish people from the government. island; Reds permeate the Greejc government; Turkey merely wishes proRepublic of the Congo—Commutection for its people on the island nist-backed rebels captured the coun-




try's third largest city, Stanleyville, and as of early August were in control of about one-fifth of the nation. The Administration sent four Air Force cargo planes and 40 paratroopers, apparently to guard our nationals and perhaps to be ready to get them away safely. Meanwhile, G. Mennen Williams insists that Red China does not really covet the Congo, though, he adds, there is some evidence that they have a hand in this. Hmmmmmmm. Chile—A dispatch to the Washington Daily News recently stated that the military might trigger a revolution if Castro's friend, Salvador Allende, was elected President this month. Bolivia—T/ie New York Times reported in a dispatch from La Paz early last month that "relations between the United States and President Victor Paz Estenssoro, who recently began a new 4-year term, are just short of an open quarrel." Malaysia-Indonesia—Border incidents continue; uneasy quiet in Singapore after bitter fighting between Malay and Chinese residents. More shooting on Israel-Syria border; Northern Rhodesia "holy war" continues despite arrest of one leader; Whites in Southern Rhodesia threatened to declare independence from Britain to prevent native control of the government; border disputes caused more shooting between Ethiopia and Somalia; same situation continues between Algeria and Morocco; communist-backed rebels and Portuguese troops continued to kill each other in Angola; there were more incidents on the India-Pakistan border; new royalist guerrilla activity is reported in Yemen; other unrest reported in Uruguay, Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Equator. The slogan for the Johnson campaign is "Peace, Preparedness, and Prosperity." I contend that Johnson has done nothing to insure the peace, is living with the delusion that the 15

defense policies we are now following are leading us toward greater preparedness and that his domestic policies insure prosperity. Let us look at the first two words in that slogan— "Peace and Preparedness." Then let us examine the Johnsonian delusions on "Prosperity." Peace-Keeping Today our Nation faces no greater challenge than "Peace through Preparedness." I f we cannot remain strong enough and skillful enough to keep peace in the world, the prosperity of our Nation will avail us little at all. We must understand one simple fact: that this Nation and the entire free world risk war in our time unless free men remain strong enough to keep the peace. The Johnson Administration is making an abysmal mess of the situation. Our enemies are being misjudged by the Administration. Our own destiny is being mistrusted. Our Nation's power is being misused, or not being used by this same Administration. In what areas has the Johnson Administration failed in the defense of peace and freedom? Here are a few areas:

that strength may only provoke enemy. Was it strength that was sponsible for the attacks on our stroyer in the Gulf of Tonkin? was it the enemy's doubt of strength and our will to use it?

the redeOr our

Twisted Foreign Policy: The policies of the Johnson Administration have become so involved, so twisted with diplomatic red tape that the enemy might well have wondered if we would accept their attacks at sea on the same basis that we have been accepting their attacks on land.

a lack of leadership, a weak handling of foreign policy, a do-nothing Secretary of State and a mis-directed Secretary of Defense, who both spend more time doing the political bidding for the Johnson Administration than running their respective departments, have led this once-powerful nation down the road to weakness and indecision: 1. A weakening and disuse of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. 2. A total lack of leadership and bold direction for the European powers, who are now turning to the leadership and decisiveness, though

Manned Bomber Depletion: This Administration, which inherited the mightiest arsenal for the defense of freedom ever created on earth, has so depleted it that we face the prospect of going into the decade of the 1970's without a single new manned bomber. The Public Relations Defense Gimmick: The Johnson Administration has cruelly used the public relations gimmick of parading versions of a single reconnaissance aircraft before the public and representing them as a whole series of new weapon systems. U.S.

Nuclear Delivery Decline:

Under our present defense leadership, with its utter disregard for new weapons, our deliverable nuclear capacity may be cut down by 90 percent in the next decade. On War Mongering: To insist on strength is not warmongering. I t is peace-mongering— the only kind that has ever worked in the entire history of the world. On Whether Strength Provokes Enemy: The Johnson Administration fears 16

Lack of Winning Strategy: Almost all Americans supported the President's action in response to the PT boat attacks off the coast of Viet Nam. But it must be strongly pointed out and emphasized that it was just that, a response—an incident, not a program or a new policy; a tactical reaction, not a new winning strategy. America cannot let this one action (defense against the PT boat attacks) obscure a multitude of other needed actions. The Johnson Administration seems forever to be making crisis decisions in the middle of the night—the crisis decision for supposedly isolated outbreaks of fire. Actually communism remains a global, not an isolated threat, and we face it as such or risk, in some uniformed response to a supposedly isolated crisis, the misstep that could bring us closer to the nuclear war we all want to avoid. A Run-down The Johnson Administration has done nothing to solve these complex problems facing the Free World. Here are some outstanding examples where

often misdirected policies, of Gen. Charles DeGaulle. 3. A complete willingness on the part of the Administration to deal with the Communists wherever ^hey might be: Wheat to the Soviet Union (and eventually to Cuba via Soviet ships and harbors); Further trade agreements with Communist countries, buying goods that several European powers will not even buy because of faulty workmanship and poor production. 4. A n inability on the part of this nation to provide bold imaginative leadership in countries around the world through our embassies. 5. Our willingness to bow before socialist-communist dictators such as Sukarno of Indonesia, Prince Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia; our continuance to support them economically. 6. The complete paralysis of our CIA and State Department to recognize the problem in the Congo, Angola, the Buddhist and student riots in Viet Nam for what they are: Communist-run. 7. The eagerness of this Adminis(Continued on page 18) THE


BOOKS Most Maligned By Bob Bauman Some few years ago this writer was busily taking notes in a college class of U.S. history when the lecturing professor reached the Hoover administration. The professor, a PhD. in American history from Harvard, launched into a liberal diatribe which contained almost every cliche ever invented by the Left to describe Herbert Clark Hoover and his service in the presidency. Distortions and outright falsehoods fogged the classroom and I could see that my fellow students were nodding in knowing agreement—after all, had not their parents told them the same gory tales of this wicked man. Hoover?

Man in History

count of Hoover's Quaker boyhood in Iowa and his being orphaned at an early age. It traces his career from a common miner to one of the leading mine experts in the world. It portrays his government service as Food Ad-

Herbert Hoover, by Eugene Lyons, Doubleday & Co., Inc. $5.95. It was at this point that I read several books on Hoover, including John T. Flynn's famous Roosevelt Myth. Armed with the facts I challenged my prof at the next class and amazingly was allowed "equal time" in defense of Hoover. Herbert Hoover, A Biography, by Eugene Lyons proves that in theory the subject of the book needs no defense. Only the demands of political demagogues of the New Deal, Fair Deal, and other leftist deals have made it a requirement for all astute conservatives to be able to defend and explain Herbert Hoover. Lyons' book will make this task immeasureably easier, especially for the young conservative who is studying our 31st President for the first time. Lyons, senior editor of Reader's Digest, also authored another work on Hoover 16 years ago entitled Our Unknown Ex-President. His latest work is far more than a re-write of this former book and is well worth reading. It begins with a touching acSEPTEMBER 1964

ministrator for Wilson, Secretary of Commerce for Harding and Coolidge and finally his term as President. It ends with a factual and fair assessment of Herbert Hoover vastly dif-

ferent from the cheap carping of leftwingers such as Sen. Hubert Humphrey who as late as 1960 was comparing a possible Nixon victory to a return to Hooverism and depression. Truly, Herbert Hoover is possibly the most maligned man in American history, certainly with the least justification. All the ills of the Great Depression are laid to him while the quack nostrums of Roosevelt are in turn hailed as our economic salvation. But Hoover has attained a rare satisfaction granted to few men of his time. He has outlived many of his detractors and has become in the true sense an American elder statesman who has witnessed his own vindication by time and events. This is graphically demonstrated by Eugene Lyons in his biography of this great American. Says the author "The hallmark of his personality and career is integrity." Every young conservative should read this book both as an armament against the calumny of the Liberals and as an example after which to pattern our own lives.

M a n ' s Liberty by Milton Friedman


he increasing number and range of books and articles dealing with the philosophical foundations of a free society are an impressive sign of the vigor of the shift in the intellectual tides away from the ritualistic statism that has tried to arrogate to itself the ancient and honorable label of liberalism. Dwight Murphey's Emergent Man is one of the most interesting that has come to my attention. It is profound and wideEmergent Man, by Dwight D. Murphey, Denver, Colorado. ranging. A true liberal, Mr. Murphey

recognizes, as many of this persuasion do not, that economic liberalism— free enterprise and free trade—while an essential cornerstone of a free society, is largely a means, or an application in a special area of more general principles, and that many of the basic issues—indeed the most important—are not economic at all, but ethical and moral. His book is devoted mostly to these other issues. Murphey is thoughtful and philosophical. Yet what gives his book its special flavor is that it is also highly emotional, personal, and introspective. He is clearly writing about the things that are vital to him, that are his life17

blood. Here is no dry-as-dust brief of a lawyer—^which is what Murphey is in "real life." Here is a passionate human document seeking to appeal to other men's hearts as well as to their minds. A t times, this feature makes for long-windedness, and sometimes the belaboring of the obvious, but it also gives it a rather unique appeal. Written by a young man trying to get his basic values and ideas straight, I suspect it will appeal especially to other young men in a like position, particularly to those of an independent cast of mind who must think things through for themselves, as Murphey so clearly has.

that would just about bedazzle and benumb any politician—but not a word about the rising cost of living. Perhaps it is taken as a matter of course under Johnson Administration policies. The Federal employment under the Johnson Administration increased during the last month. The executive branch payroll stood at 2,481,494 in June, compared with 2,478,868 the previous month. This was reported early last month by the congressional Joint Committee on Reduction of Nonessential Federal Expenditures.

tration to neutralize those areas where the Communists are engaged in infiltration and open offensive actions.

There have been more bank failures thus far this year than in all of last year. The closing of the Frontier Bank in Covelo, California, on July 31, marked the fifth bank failure this year and the third due in the past thirty days. There were only two bank failures in all of last year, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation reported.

8. The eagerness of the Johnson Administration to reach conciliations with the Communists rather than tell them to their faces that they can't have their way, that they must make concessions to us and to the Free World, that they are violating the rights of people now enslaved who should be free.

The United States gold supply declined by $70 million i n June. The Federal Reserve Board reported last week that U.S. gold reserves—$12 billion required by law for backing our currency—was down to $15.62 billion as of June 30, compared with $15.83 billion at the same time one year ago.

We need to understand that a devotion to preparedness is a devotion to peace.

Prosperity? The Johnson Administration is content obviously with the

Master of Deceit (Continued from page 16)

We need, still further, to understand that those who would disarm us unilaterally, risk tempting our enemies to war, just as they have before every other war of this century.

throttle them, give them less per bushel, and cost them more in taxes to keep the overproduction in storage. The Manpower Retraining Act is an abomination—now training men for jobs which will not be in existence even three to four years from now. Unemployment is not less, but more, since 1960. And poverty, unemployment, slums, housing, and transportation problems all remain—though billions are being spent on grandiose plans to alleviate them. These, then, are just a few of the reasons why America cannot stand the next four years with a Johnson Administration.

mak« a

•GRASSROOTS" CONTRIBUTION of I I (or more) and r«c«tv« a


"64 2)ro,,/w




Made with 23-K


Sand contribution with stamped, salf-addressad • n v a l o p a to:

''GOLDWATER IN '64 CLUB 1211 Chestnut S i Chaltanoogo, Tenn.

All funds r a i s e d by this a d a r e c o m m i n e d to the G o l d w a t e r for P r e s i d e n t C o m m i t t e e . I n q u i r e h o w this o n d o t h e r c l u b s a r e using wholesalequanfitiesoflfiese 23-K l a b e l pins to r a i s e s u b s t a n t i a l funds. W e hillbillies o r e working h e r e a n d hope y o u a r e working there!

"Mother is a prostitute." "Father is an alcoholic." Child is a "schizophrenic." Your sense of decency will be outraged when you read these and other eye-opening items found in children's public school records, as reported in—

What About Poverty? Now, what about the Johnson claim to "prosperity"? What is the domestic climate under the Johnson Administration?

THE BRANDED CHILD By Edward J. Van Allen (Winner, E . Meadow, N.Y. school-records lawsuit)

The cost of living has climbed within the last month to 108 percent of the 1957-59 base period. Under the Johnson Administration the cost of living has reached the highest in our history. In the past year, the cost of living has jumped 1.3 percent. Since the beginning of the present Administration, three and one half years ago, it has risen 3.9 percent. The Johnson Administration frequently issues ali sorts of onwardand-upwardness economic statistics 18

status quo. Our rate of economic growth has declined rapidly over the past four years, and there is no evidence that the Johnson Administration will change this. European countries are rapidly expanding their industry, seeking new trade, their consumers are becoming more affluent. A discontent is evidenced in almost all areas of our economy. \s are sick to death of restrictive government agricultural policies which

T H E BRANDED CHILD challenges, on legal grounds,-^ the right of school psychologists, guidance counselors, and teachers to invade family privacy by using children as captive guinea pigs through secret testing devices. "Mr. Van Allen writes with passion . . . To clap the tag of 'schizophrenic' upon some bewildered boy, without grounds, can be truly wicked."—Russell Kirk, in National Review. $4, at your dealer's, or from

Reportorial Press P.O. Box 472 Madison Square Station New York, N.Y. 10010


It would not be wild speculation to guess that this attitude is dominant with the great majority of student "political" leaders across the nation. As a result, while the "leaders" scamper about promoting themselves, the so-called "student" government turns up to be little more than a patsy for the school administration. Thus the biggest detriment of the school government, is that it dupes the student into thinking it really cares about him. There is another detriment, too, one which pertains even more directly to Y A F and other serious political organizations. That is that the student government, in its own trivial way, pre-empts the political field on the campus, and forces those other political groups

into the background. By simply appearing to be busy, the student government grabs the headlines, and YAF et al are lucky if they can get a notice of a forthcoming meeting into the school newspaper. The best solution to the problem is quite simple, to abolish the student government, if it is worthless and useless. (Let it be pointed out, in all fairness, that some colleges have extremely effective student governments, which do take an interest in the rights of the students and some which also take an interest in national and international affairs. But, unfortunately, very few). And the easiest way to dump an ineffective government is to get a campus-wide referendum, asking the student body the question: yes or no, do you want a student government? I f this cannot be obtained, you can run candidates for all your officers whose sole platform is to abolish their position if elected; this form of "protest vote" can, or should, be as effective as a referendum. As voting procedures differ from campus to campus, no one plan of action can be put forth here; but, at least I hope, that a good argument has been put forth here as to how the typical, do-nothing (thank you, Mr. Truman) student government acts to the detriment of the student body in general and serious SEPTEMBER


political groups, such as Y A F , in particular. Center Stage Many universities, notably Columbia and Princeton, have had their student governments dumped, for various reasons, by the students themselves. It is a hard and difficult task, agreed, because most college administrations like a student government as a front for their own activities. But, it is a worthwhile and, no matter what the result, rewarding task. Even if the abolition campaign fails, it may force the student "leaders" out of their syndrome of megalomania and wake them up sufficiently enough so that their government actually does something. With the student government out of the way, these other, serious groups can take over center stage on the political front and begin to build their sphere of influence. Then the important debate on the important issues can have meaning and the national student body will come to be educated in the nuances of real politic. No one can argue against the vital importance of this debate and its end result, which we rightly should expect to be a more enlightened and intelligent electorate. But, there are certain steps to be taken, starting with those which I have outlined. The only persons that can carry them through are now sitting on college campuses around the country—it's in your hands now, baby.

Clearly the latter suggestions are not meant to be effectuated tomorrow, though the time is certainly ripe for action in Cuba. Sophistication is called for in the employment of offensive guerrilla operations, balancing risks of escalation under changing world conditions against the likelihood of victory. We must approach the subject with caution and with the realization that success will not come overnight. Any guerrilla war must take time, but i f we have the strategic patience of the Communists, we can achieve some significant results.

GOLDWATER VICTORY LIGHTERS in gold & true blue W H Y NOT VICTORY on reverse side— $1.50 each Fund-Raiser Prices: 1 - 9 d o z — $ 1 4 . 4 0 per d o z . 10 doz a n d u p — $ 1 2 . 0 0 per doz. Write to: Victory


6 7 0 7 E. A l m e r i

Guerrilla W a r f a r e (Continued from page 14) state on the order of Austria, it is likely that China would accept the reality of a local defeat rather than take the risks of escalation. An overt military invasion would clearly lead to a major war, but the slow growth of local forces would probably not. Even mainland China might be considered. At best, the eventual liberation of at least southern China might be our goal.

Scottsdale, Price




Promote B a r r y e v e r y time y o u m a i l a letter by using G O L D W A T E R S T A M P S on a l l of your correspondence! Each g o l d stomp ( 1 " x 1V2") f e a t u r e s B a r r y ' s picture a n d c a m p a i g n s l o g a n . M i l l i o n s b e i n g u s e d . Put B a r r y o n Y O U R m o i l ! 100 G O L D W A T E R S T A M P S F O R O N L Y O N E D O L L A R (300 s t a m p s f o r t w o d o l l a r s ! ) f r o m : G o l d w a t e r S t a m p s , D e p t . E, Box 99, W a s h i n g t o n , D. C . I m m e d i a t e d e livery, postage-paid.

Emergent M A N A powerful a n d positive statement of the vitalistic philosophy of liberty, written by a young Denver l a w y e r with deep intellectual roots in the writings of Rand, Mises, Friedm a n a n d Jose O r t e g a . A n elegant affirmation of the meaning of h u m a n freedom. Send order to: Emergent M a n $2.45 1900 Security Life Bidg. 3 8 9 pp. Denver, Colorado 8 0 2 0 2 Pb. 19

It would not be wild speculation to guess that this attitude is dominant with the great majority of student "political" leaders across the nation. As a result, while the "leaders" scamper about promoting themselves, the so-called "student" government turns up to be little more than a patsy for the school administration. Thus the biggest detriment of the school government, is that it dupes the student into thinking it really cares about him. There is another detriment, too, one which pertains even more directly to Y A F and other serious political organizations. That is that the student government, in its own trivial way, pre-empts the political field on the campus, and forces those other political groups

into the background. By simply appearing to be busy, the student government grabs the headlines, and Y A F et al are lucky if they can get a notice of a forthcoming meeting into the school newspaper. The best solution to the problem is quite simple, to abolish the student government, if it is worthless and useless. (Let it be pointed out, in all fairness, that some colleges have extremely effective student governments, which do take an interest in the rights of the students and some which also take an interest in national and international affairs. But, unfortunately, very few). And the easiest way to dump an ineffective government is to get a campus-wide referendum, asking the student body the question: yes or no, do you want a student government? I f this cannot be obtained, you can run candidates for all your officers whose sole platform is to abolish their position if elected; this form of "protest vote" can, or should, be as effective as a referendum. As voting procedures differ from campus to campus, no one plan of action can be put forth here; but, at least I hope, that a good argument has been put forth here as to how the typical, do-nothing (thank you, Mr. Truman) student government acts to the detriment of the student body in general and serious SEPTEMBER 1964

political groups, such as Y A F , in particular. Center Stage Many universities, notably Columbia and Princeton, have had their student governments dumped, for various reasons, by the students themselves. It is a hard and difficult task, agreed, because most college administrations like a student government as a front for their own activities. But, it is a worthwhile and, no matter what the result, rewarding task. Even if the abolition campaign fails, it may force the student "leaders" out of their syndrome of megalomania and wake them up sufficiently enough so that their government actually does something. With the student government out of the way, these other, serious groups can take over center stage on the political front and begin to build their sphere of influence. Then the importanlt debate on the important issues can have meaning and the national student body will come to be educated in the nuances of real politic. No one can argue against the vital importance of this debate and its end result, which we rightly should expect to be a more enlightened and intelligent electorate. But, there are certain steps to be taken, starting with those which I have outlined. The only persons that can carry them through are now sitting on college campuses around the country—it's in your hands now, baby.

Clearly the latter suggestions are not meant to be effectuated tomorrow, though the time is certainly ripe for action in Cuba. Sophistication is called for in the employment of offensive guerrilla operations, balancing risks of escalation under changing world conditions against the likelihood of victory. We must approach the subject with caution and with the realization that success will not come overnight. Any guerrilla war must take time, but i f we have the strategic patience of the Communists, we can achieve some significant results.


^ I ^ J

I W H Y NOT I VICTORY reverse side—

$1.50 e a c h Fund-Raiser Prices: 1 - 9 d o z — $ 1 4 . 4 0 per d o z .

10 doz a n d up—^$12.00 per doz. Write to: Victory


6 7 0 7 E. A l m e r i

Guerrilla W a r f a r e (Continued from page 14) state on the order of Austria, it is likely that China would accept the reality of a local defeat rather than take the risks of escalation. An overt military invasion would clearly lead to a major war, but the slow growth of local forces would probably not. Even mainland China might be considered. At best, the eventual liberation of at least southern China might be our goal.

Scottsdale, Price




Promote B a r r y e v e r y time y o u m o i l a letter by u s i n g G O L D W A T E R S T A M P S o n a l l of your correspondencel Each gold stomp ( V x 11/2^0 f e a t u r e s B a r r y ' s picture a n d c a m p a i g n s l o g a n . Millions b e i n g u s e d . Put B a r r y on Y O U R m o i l l 100 G O L D W A T E R S T A M P S F O R O N L Y O N E D O L L A R (300 s t o m p s f o r t w o d o l l o r s l ) f r o m : G o l d w a t e r S t o m p s , Dept. E, Box 9 9 , W a s h i n g t o n , D. C . I m m e d i a t e d e livery, postage-paid.

Emergent M A N A powerful a n d positive statement of the vitalistic philosophy of liberty, written by a young Denver l a w y e r with deep intellectual roots in the writings of R a n d , Mises, Friedm a n a n d Jose O r t e g a . A n elegant affirmation of the meaning of h u m a n freedom. Send order to: Emergent M a n $2.45 1900 Security Life BIdg. 3 8 9 pp. Denver, Colorado 8 0 2 0 2 Pb. 19

On fhe Side of Individual Where I Stand


the news stands, "Where I Stand" will be serialized by more than 25 metropolitan daily newspapers.

by Sen. Barry Goldwater McGraw-Hill Book Co., 75c

The Whole Story

The book offers no "glamour treatment." It marks a shift from the usual method of building up the candi"This will not be an engagement of personalities. It date's "image" in an election-year biography. Despite will be an engagement of principles.*'—Sen. Barry the obvious public relations advantages to be gained with Goldwater, Phoenix, Ariz. Jan. 3, 1964. a presidential candidate who is not only a Senator, a businessman, and an author, but also a jet pilot, an When Barry Goldwater announced his intention to athlete, a photographer, a "ham" radio operator, an exseek the Republican presidential nomination early this plorer, and a linguist, Barry Goldwater and his camyear, he pledged to campaign on the issues, for he said paign managers have determined to stick to his early the response of millions of Americans to his political pledge to campaign "on the issues." stands had convinced him that this was the year for those To those who have followed Sen. Goldwater's progress beliefs to have their hearing. through his early days in the fight for the nomination, "A choice, not an echo," was and read his campaign speeches, the theme of his pre-convention the book will offer nothing campaign, and now his camstartling. It is essentially a paign against Lyndon Johnson compilation of all that he has is earmarked to provide that said on every important issue, choice. It promises to bring to including a 28-page section dethe attention of the American voted to every issue from Southpeople, as perhaps never before east Asia to Foreign Aid, and the deep philosophical differfrom civil rights to TVA. Inences between the two political cluded are the Senator's muchparties. publicized acceptance speech given in San Francisco, and his On Record remarks before the GOP platform committee. One chapter is The obvious function of devoted to defense and peace; "Where I Stand," which goes and another important chapter on sale Sept. 8 in both paperis devoted to the principles of backs and hardcover edition, is Constitutional government which to provide each voter with an form the basis of his views on opportunity to study the harddomestic issues. core positions which have been taken by the GOP presidential The Economy candidate. No nominee for President of either political Chapter Five covers the subparty has ever spoken out o n ' ject closest to every voter—the so many issues, or taken such definitive stands on the economy. Entitled "Economics of Freedom," it attacks the most controversial issues of his day, as has Sen. Barry Johnson Administration on a broad range of fiscal issues, Goldwater. This determination to etch out his position and discusses the dangers of our ever-growing national is a sharp deviation from the ordinary candidate—who debt. Goldwater decries the folly of trying to buy Federal often attempts to straddle issues, or at least to avoid solutions to every social problem, and the consequences offending any voting blocs. Sen. Goldwater has always of a continuation of "planned deficits" combined with taken positions based on his lifelong principles, regardFederal suffocation of free enterprise. less of the possible political consequences. In Sen. Goldwater's own words, " I would seek a greater role for the Federal government in removing reThrough more than 800 syndicated newspaper colstrictions rather than imposing new ones—at every level umns, in two previous books, and in innumerable of the economy. I stand on the side of individual respeeches, television appearances, and public statements. sponsibility and individual choice and creativity. I stand Sen. Goldwater has reached millions of Americans with against the gray sameness of growing government, against his message of individual liberty and victory over comthe conformity of collectivism—regardless of excuses." munism. Now that he is the presidential nominee of the Republican Party, every voter can and should, through For the American voter who is interested in the true reading "Where I Stand," learn what kind of leadership story of where Sen. Goldwater stands, "Where I Stand" he offers the United States. Besides its availability on is the answer. v . 20



Activity Speeds up as Election Nears




The Southern Region of Y A F held its Second Annual Southern Y A F Political Action Conference in Atlanta on August 29 for the purpose of coordinating activities in the region for the elections and current academic year. The Conference was attended by 100 state and chapter leaders from throughout the region. Robert Bauman, National Chairman; Tom Huston, National Vice Chairman; Tom Phillips, Membership Chairman, and Richard Allen, Midwest Executive Director of YAF, addressed the Conference on "the future of Y A F , " "organizing to win," "stopNSA" activities, membership, and organization. Randal Teague presided over the Conference and presented the annual report on regional activities and projects. He also spoke to the Conference on campaign techniques and the position of Y A F in the region. A panel of state chairmen addressed the afternoon session. Richard Wilson, National Board Member, moderated the panel discussion. Subjects discussed by the panel were money raising by William Neville of Florida, press relations by David Lowrence of Mississippi, campus organization by John Patton of North Carolina, special activities by Judith Whorton of Alabama, and membership and organization by Jon Mack of Tennessee. There was a general session for discussion concerning precinct organization, congressional races, press probSEPTEMBER 1964

lems, the dope on LBJ, strength of YAF in the region, state and chapter problems, and other vital subjects. Goldwater-Miller campaign materials were in abundance at the Conference.



Memphis, Tennessee continues to be a hotbed of Y A F activity, and the monthly list of activities seems almost endless. Last month, Memphis Y A F showed three films: "Katanga", "Operation Abolition", and "Prisoners of War in Communist Hands." Greater Memphis Y A F has distributed Human Events Goldwater Supplements, attended the Republican County Convention, the Southwestern-at-Memphis Mock Convention, and the Republican State Convention in Nashville. Y A F material was distributed everywhere. Demonstrations for Barry were also enthusiastic and well-planned. They worked hard in distributing the Captive Nations Resolution, and have also distributed quantities of literature for the Liberty Amendment. Greater Memphis Y A F is working closely with the State Goldwater for President Committee, polling precincts, and staffing the office. They have also been quite active in several lesser campaigns involving conservative candidates for Congress.




Much of YAF's activity in the state of Vermont has been centered around

the campaign of one young, articulate candidate for the Republican nomination for governor. Roger MacBride is a strong conservative running against two "liberal" Republicans for the nomination. Early in the year, Mr. MacBride received the New England Regional Y A F Award of the Year for the most outstanding young conservative in the state of Vermont. Saint Michael's College Y A F has traveled frequently to Barre, Vermont to campaign for MacBride. Their demonstration for him, which took place during the election of delegates for the Republican National Convention, not only helped MacBride's campaign, but served to acquaint a great many other people with the nature and purposes of YAF.



M I T Y A F on the banks of the Charles River in Boston Massachusetts has been one of the most outspoken Y A F chapters in the state since its formation late last fall. The chapter played a large part in the New Eng-


Promote B a r r y e v e r y time y o u m a i l a letter b y u s i n g G O L D W A T E R S T A M P S on o i l of your c o r r e s p o n d e n c e l E a c h g o l d s t o m p ( 1 " x Wl") f e a t u r e s B a r r y ' s picture a n d c a m p a i g n s l o g a n . M i l l i o n s b e i n g u s e d . Put B a r r y on Y O U R m a i l ! 100 G O L D W A T E R S T A M P S F O R O N L Y O N E D O L L A R (300 s t o m p s for t w o d o l l a r s ! ) f r o m : G o l d w a t e r S t a m p s , Dept. E, Box 99, W a s h i n g t o n , D. C . I m m e d i a t e d e livery, postage-paid.


land Young Republican Mock Nominating Convention as part of the M I T delegation (the third largest, after Wellesely and Harvard). M I T YAF members made up the nucleus of the "Texas delegation," which nominated Senator Goldwater, and they worked closely with Jim Dobbs of the national Goldwater headquarters in coordinating all the pro-Goldwater delegations' activities. Most recently they sponsored a lecture by Professor Ernesto Blanco of MIT's Mechanical Engineering Dept., and formerly Director of Research in Castro's first cabinet, on "The Truth About Cuba and Our Foreign Policy." Later the film "Operation Abolition" was shown to a large audience, including the usual hecklers. M I T Y A F leaders Dave Nolan and Mike Leavitt have also organized and directed the college's Youth for Goldwater organization. Y A F members now hold almost all of the major positions in the college's Young Republican Chapter. Their motto? "Today M.I.T., tomorrow Brandeis."



Washington YAF inaugurated a statewide speakers program and by the looks of the way invitations came in it seems to have been a great success. Among those on the speakers program, which was presented before civic clubs. Chambers of Commerce, and other public organizations, was National Board Member Richard Derham. Dick will be entering his third year at Columbia Law School this fall. Ken Kardong, a pre-medicine major at the University of Washington, was past president of the U . of W. New Conservatives and served as a delegate to the National Y A F Convention in New York in 1962. Ken also participated in a speaking tour for Y A F in the summer of 1963. And Jim Gwartney, Washington chairman of YAF, a member of ISI, and Pi Kappa Delta National Speech



M a i l to: N E W G U A R D Subscription Service 514 C Street, N.E., W a s h i n g t o n , D. C . 2 0 0 2


S u b s c r i p t i o n R a t e s in the U n i t e d S t a t e s a n d C a n a d a : 1 y e a r , $ 4 . 0 0 . Free s u b s c r i p t i o n e n v e l o p e s w i l l b e sent to y o u upon request.





National Vice Chairman Tom Huston announced the formation of a national Stop NSA Committee (Students to Oppose Participation in the National Student Association) during late August at the 17th National Student Congress at the University of Minnesota. Huston made the announcement at the end of the week long meeting at a press conference, where he declared that NSA had been "captured by the radical student left." He accused the national union of students, which claims to represent over 1,000,000 college and university students of "spewing forth extremist policy statements which so pollute the mainstream of American student thinking that responsible students cannot continue to support or tolerate NSA." Huston, a student at Indiana University School of Law, is serving as National Chairman of the committee with mid-West Executive Director Richard Allen serving as National Director. Huston claimed that an ultra-leftist group known as Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) was being financed by the Industrial Union Department of the AFL-CIO and was working with NSA national officers to secure the passage of policy statements "so radical that even self-respecting liberals are appalled at their audacity." He cited recent decisions by the delegates to the Minneapolis meeting to endorse the seating of the Missis-


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j To s u b s c r i b e m a i l this f o r m w i t h y o u r I ($4.00) p a y m e n t , a n d c h e c k : • new I subscription • renew my present I subscription.

Honorary. These are just a few of the many young people who toured the state this summer bringing the message of conservatism to the public. The same kind of program was instituted for the summer in numerous states throughout the nation.



If y o u ' r e m o v i n g let us k n o w five w e e k s before changing your address. Place m a g a z i n e a d d r e s s l a b e l h e r e , print y o u r n e w a d d r e s s b e l o w . If y o u h a v e a question about your subscription place your m a g a z i n e a d d r e s s l a b e l h e r e a n d c l i p this f o r m to y o u r letter. (Please







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I DO NOT CHOOSE T O BE A C O M M O N MAN. I t is m y r i g h t t o be u n c o m m o n . . . i f I c a n . • I seek o p p o r t u n i t y . . . not security. I d o not w i s h t o be a kept citizen, h u m b l e d a n d d u l l e d by h a v i n g the state look after me. I w a n t t o t a k e the c a l c u l a t e d risk; to d r e a m a n d to b u i l d , to fail a t u l to succeed. • I refuse to b a r t e r i n c e n tive for a d o l e . I prefer t h e c h a l l e n g e s o f life to the g u a r a n t e e d e x i s t e n c e ; t h e t h r i l l o f f u l f i l l m e n t to the stale c a l m o f U t o p i a . • I w i l l not t r a d e f r e e d o m for b e n e f i c e n c e n o r m y d i g n i t y for a h a n d o u t . I w i l l n e v e r c o w e r before a n y m a s t e r n o r b e n d t o a n y t h r e a t . I t is m y h e r i t a g e t o s t a n d e r e c t , p r o u d a n d u n a f r a i d ; t o t h i n k a n d act f o r m y self; e n j o y t h e benefits o f m y c r e a t i o n s a n d t o face t h e w o r l d b o l d l y a n d say, this I h a v e d o n e . • A l l this is w h a t i t m e a n s t o be an A m e r i c a n .


addr< city

sippi Freedom Party at the Democratic National Convention, to participate in labor union organizing efforts among migratory workers, and to support financially a student political activist group in the South as evidence of the "unequivocal determination of the radical student left to use the prestige, finances, and personnel of NSA to achieve its own political goals." Huston was also highly critical of a policy statement adopted by the group supporting the dissemination by NSA of birth control information among migratory workers and opposing the right of fraternity and sorority members freely to choose their own members. Though headed by Huston, the committee will be directed by Richard Allen of Indianapolis, Indiana, a Republican candidate for the Indiana State House of Representatives. The new committee hopes to convince at least 75 schools to withdraw from NSA during the next year.



C o p i e s suitable for f r a m i n g $ 1 . 0 0 e a . or 1 0 x 1 2 b e a u t i f u l l y l a m i n a t e d lifetime plaque $7.50 ea. Americreed Inc., P. O . B o x 1 9 2 1 , D a l l a s 2 1 , T e x a s



Y A F members man J. C. Booth





Texas Y A F sponsored what was probably the most successful project in its entire history when it ran a booth at the National Junior Chamber of Commerce convention in Dallas, June 22 through 25. During the four day exhibit, 4,000 copies of None Dare Call It Treason and 1,000 copies of A Choice Not An Echo were distributed free along with YAF literature. Altogether, almost 20,000 pieces of literature were given away. Texas Y A F conducted a presidential preference poll during the conclave and Senator Barry Goldwater received 53% of the total vote cast! Tapes by Senators Goldwater and Tower, Ronald Reagan, William F. Buckley, Jr., and Rep. Donald Bruce were played through red, white and blue telephones. Models from Neiman Marcus, Dept. Store and "Miss Dallas" were among those who helped staff the Y A F booth. Preparations for the project were handled by Regional Chairman Charles H . Leftwich, Jr., and the Irving, Texas, Y A F Chapter.

YAF Leaders Assume Campaign Posts During the Goldwater presidential campaign many Y A F leaders will hold influential positions on the local, state and national levels. A t the Republican National Committee in Washington Lee Edwards, former editor of the N E W GUARD, and a founder of Y A F ,

has been named Deputy Director of Public Relations with responsibility for all press relations. Carol Bauman, N E W G U A R D editor, and George McDonnell, former national board member and Michigan chairman, are both serving in the press division of the National Committee. Mary Ann Ford, Young Republican National Committeewoman from Nevada and a Y A F member is a special assistant in the Public Relations Division of the GOP National Committee. Lammot Copeland, Jr., national Y A F treasurer, is SEPTEMBER


serving as special aide to Vice Presidential candidate William Miller of New York who also has as a staff member Fulton Lewis I I I , a member of YAF's national board.


and the


Last month Y A F was honored by the Voice of America with an invitation to appear on a recorded series on political youth groups in the United States. National Chairman Bob Bauman, interviewed by a staff member of the VOA, explained the reasons for YAF's formation, its history and its goals. The interview will be condensed and re-recorded with dubbed-in translation in many languages for broadcast all over the world, including the Iron Curtain countries. It is entirely possible that YAF will shortly be heard around the world in more than 30 foreign tongues.

Lukens Staten

Guest Island

of YAF

Last month the Staten Island Y A F Chapter heard the chairman of the Young Republican National Federation, Buz Lukens, charge President Johnson with "political chicanery and shallowness" on the issue of civil rights. Lukens, a forceful, articulate Ohioan, declared that "Senator Goldwater will do more for the colored man than Johnson," who he said had shown little interest in championing civil rights until he found it politically expedient. The New York chapter also heard David D. Smith, GOP candidate for Congress from the 16th Congressional District, regretting what he called the "apathy of older persons," told the group that it represented the future of the nation and "your interest in politics will make this country great." Middle Atlantic Regional Y A F Chairman Bill Boerum also addressed the group and predicted that the Arizonan would carry Staten Island by a greater margin than Nixon.


Fairfield County Y A F in Connecticut continues to operate their unique information center in local towns every Saturday through what they call "Project Gutter." Y A F operates out of parking space, the meter always filled with nickels, passing out Y A F literature and signing up new members like mad. This way, they don't block city sidewalks, and merchants and on-beat policemen are kept happy while Y A F members continue their work. Fairfield County Chairman Louise M . Sciubba has accepted an invitation to a place on the Executive Board of the Norwalk Goldwater Committee. During August the Chapter viewed "Operation Abolition" and saw "A Choice, Not An Echo." At upcoming meetings, "The Welfare State," "My Latvia," and "Communism On The Map," will be shown. In late August the chapter heard Oscar Gonzales Suarez. Mr. Gonzales, a prominent New York criminal lawyer, and New York Puerto Rican leader, was former President of the Bar Association in Puerto Rico and is now vice president of the Association of lawyers of criminal courts in New York.



Milwaukee Y A F and Youth for Goldwater sponsored the nation's first celebration of the nomination of Senator Barry Goldwater for President on July 16, 1964. It was estimated that several hundred persons attended this huge outdoor rally held at Lambrecht Farms in Brookfield, Wisconsin, a suburb of Milwaukee. The main event of the evening was Senator Goldwater's acceptance speech at the Republican convention which was piped to the crowd through loudspeakers attached to a nearby television set. Following this were speeches by local dignitaries, campaign songs, and Dixieland music from a sound truck decorated with patriotic colors and a four by ten foot photograph of Senator Goldwater. A


Promote B a r r y e v e r y time y o u m a i l a letter by u s i n g G O L D W A T E R S T A M P S on a i l of your c o r r e s p o n d e n c e ! E a c h g o l d s t a m p ( T ' x iV2") f e a t u r e s B a r r y ' s picture a n d c a m p a i g n s l o g a n . M i l l i o n s b e i n g u s e d . Put B a r r y on Y O U R m o i l ! TOO G O L D W A T E R S T A M P S F O R O N L Y O N E D O L L A R (300 s t a m p s for t w o d o l l a r s ! ) f r o m : G o l d w a t e r S t a m p s , Dept. E, Box 9 9 , W a s h i n g t o n , D. C . I m m e d i a t e d e livery, postage-paid.



car caravan then proceeded through downtown Milwaukee. At the monthly meeting of the Milwaukee Grover Cleveland Chapter on August 2, 1964, the annual election of officers for 1964-65 took place. Edward Treick was elected president. Other officers are John Gurda, vicepresident; Jan Kuetemeyer, secretary; James Rjtke, treasurer; and Robert Seymour, membership chairman. YAF sponsored a booth at the 1964 Wisconsin State Fair in early August. The first paperback edition of Portrait of an Arizonan by Edwin McDowell and Y A F literature was distributed; six eight foot pictures of the Y A F emblem and Senator Barry Goldwater decorated the booth.


B r e n t B o z e l l , author, debater,

lecturer, attorney and co-author of McCarthy and His Enemies with Wm. F . Buckley Jr., could be debating on your college or university campus. Why not arrange




Y A F Chapter

sponsor a debate with Mr. Bozell soon. Author and noted lecturer on the Supreme Court, and well-known for his brilliant debating talents, Mr. Bozell is one of those unusual public figures who speak as well as they write. Y o u r Y A F C h a p t e r can also write now for openings in the Spring schedules of our other speakers: William A. Rusher, publisher of National Review; William Rickenbacker, editor and author; Ralph de Toledano, columnist and author of The Winning Side; Dr. Ernest van

den Haag, author of Passion and






brilliant and lively author and editor; Dr.

Thomas Molnar whose book

Decline of the Intellectual gain

in reputation


continues to




abroad; Dr. Anthony T . Bouscaren, author, commentator and lecturer; and Dr. Russell Kirk, Writer, Editor, Lecturer, Professor of Politics—the only American

to hold the highest

arts degree,

doctor of letters, St. Andrews University, Scotland.


further information


CATHERINE B A B C O C K , Inc. 528 Southside Road Virginia Beach, Virginia




Two members of Tennessee Y A F have announced for seats in the Tennessee General Assembly. Mrs. Fowler Hollabaugh has been one of the most active young ladies in Nashville in PTA, Church, and civic programs. Mr. John Curtis, an electrical contractor, also of Nashville, was an unsuccessful seeker of a seat on the Chattanooga City council in 1963. Curtis is a past president of the Hamilton County Young Republicans (named YR club of the year in 1963) and is almost singlehandedly responsible for the remarkable upsurge of G.O.P. strength in his area.










in 1984"


25^ e a c h any 5 — $ 1 . 0 0 Quantity Discounts Available All Proceeds Go To The Cause COMMITTEE O F O N E Box 4 2 1 , Morristown, N e w Jersey





News from North Carolina Y A F : Frank Lynch, Atlanta businessman, and John Patton, North Carolina state chairman, will be touring the state, speaking at Asheville, Charlotte, Salisbury, and recently formed chapters in Winston-Salem and Rocky Mount. A later tour of all other communities will be made by Willard Preussel, Vice Chairman, and Mr. Patton. A membership and publicity drive will take place on 25 colleges during registration this fall. A Fall meeting of conservative college leaders throughout the state is scheduled to plan strategy to fight liberalism on college campuses. Young conservatives such as Buz Lukens, Bob Bauman, Tom Huston, Marilyn Manion, Randy Teague, and Fred Coldren will make appearances. A special fraternity-sorority social program will be devised to channel interest and enthusiasm among their members. Fraternities and sororities will be a major consideration in this program and Y A F will assist them in fighting off liberal attacks calling for their abolition.


GOLDWATER RUBBER STAMPS for home, club or office. Do your part by making every letter a Goldwater endorsement. Other styles available. Only $1.00 each, prepaid. Qty discount avail. WILLIS STAMP COMPANY 1462 Green Berry Road Jefferson City, Missouri T H E NEW GUARD . . . now reaches well over 25,000 young conservatives. For

ad rates, write: Advertising Department The New Guard 514 C Street, N.E. Washington, D.C.



Thanks A special note of thanks must be extended to Don Pemberton, New York state chairman, and his lovely wife Gladys for the excellent job they did in coordinating the New York Y A F plane which flew out to San Francisco for the G.O.P. Convention with 116 Y A F members. It was a happy and jubilant trip out and a memorable experience for all who attended. The Pembertons worked extremely hard on the chartered plane, but due to an illness in the family they were unable to go along.



Illinois Y A F is really ready for action now, with a fully equipped office in the Board of Trade Building in Chicago and a part time secretary. Nate Gordon, state chairman, is devoting full time to Y A F activities, and will travel the state organizing new chapters, co-ordinating activities, and setting up fund raising luncheons. Look for big things in Illinois. "Convention Prevues" was the title of the program Illinois Y A F recently presented in Glencoe, 111. The Goldwaters brought down the house with their "Folk Songs To Bug The Liberals," and their records were much in demand. The featured speaker was William A. Rusher, publisher of National Review. Dick Allen, YAF's Midwest Executive Director, spoke at the first meeting of Illinois YAF's Goldwater Victory Team, which had 1000 people attending and 20 high schools represented. Dick and Nate have arranged

FOR mi

ABOVE A R E T H E NEW officers for Philadelphia County Y A F . Left to Right: Lee Phillips, Exec. Sec; Bruce Alexy, Delegate at Large; John Lamothe, Chairman; Jay Parker, Treasurer; Joe Schall, Rec. Sec. The new chapter is just getting under way, but already shows promise for being a real spearheading force for young conservatism in Philadelphia County. a tour of Illinois to organize Goldwater Victory Teams throughout the state. The second meeting of the Goldwater Victory Team was held several days after the Republican Convention and was combined with a Victory Celebration. Bill Boerum, Middle Atlantic States Regional Chairman, told the group about the history of Y A F and the important part Y A F has played in the Goldwater campaign.




Probably the largest Y A F meeting ever held on a college campus took place recently in Seibert Hall on the Howard College Campus in Birmingham, Alabama and was sponsored by the Howard Y A F Chapter.

John Stormer, author of None Dare Call It Treason, spoke to a capacity crowd of 4,500. Stormer's book, which has sold more than two million copies, has been extremely critical of U.S. foreign policy. Charging that the United States has "taken one retreat after another all over the world," Stormer called this year's presidential election "very crucial." Judy Whorton, president of Howard Y A F and Truman Norred worked on the project together. Thousands left the hall with Y A F literature and with a better understanding of our tragic foreign policy. It will go down as one of the most memorable Y A F projects of the year.

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Y A F Around



The Nation

New Y A F Chapters: Rocky Mount Y A F , North Carolina; Thomas Jefferson Y A F , Oregon; Winston-Salem Y A F , North Carolina; Joel T. Broyhill Y A F , Virginia; San Luis Obispo Y A F , California; University of Wisconsin Y A F , Wisconsin; University of Cincinnatti Y A F , Ohio; Atchison YAF, Kansas; Greater Cleveland Y A F , Ohio; Atchison Benton County YAF, Tennessee; Fairfield County Y A F , Connecticut; San Jose Y A F , California; Central Pennsylvania Council YAF, Pennsylvania; Cobb County Y A F , Georgia; Northwest Chicago Y A F , Illinois; Ojai Valley YAF, California; Rockland County YAF, California, New Rockland County Y A F , New York; Lompoc Valley Y A F , California; St. Charles YAF, Missouri; Conservative YAF, Ohio; Beloit Y A F , Wisconsin; Maury County YAF, Tennessee; Douglas McArthur Y A F , New York; Temple University Y A F , Pennsylvania; New Orleans Y A F , Louisiana; San Francisco YAF, California; Greater Dayton Y A F , Ohio. Edna E. Brinkman Y A F , Illinois; and new chapter applications are streamRandal Teague ing into the National Office at an increasingly rapid rate each month. . . .Frank Lynch of Atlanta, Georgia, has been appointed Regional Field Director for the Southern Region. . . . Southern Region activities: Advertisements about Y A F will be placed in prominent college newspapers this Fall throughout the region; Southern regional speakers brochures have been printed and features ten prominent speakers who have agreed to address groups under Y A F sponsorship; Regional office in Atlanta now in full time operation; Board Director Richard Wilson has recently made tour of North Carolina; Regional Chairman Randal Teague is making tour of the region for seven consecutive weekends prior to the national elections. . . . Benton County YAF officers in Camden, Tenn. are: Ricky Poehlein, Chairman; Hugh Stowe, Vice Chairman; Ken Yager, Corresponding Secretary; Mary Anderson, Recording Secretary; and Linda Lynch, Treasurer. . . . The Central Du Page County Y A F chapter and Wisconsin Y A F has ordered over 26,000 copies of the Chicago Tribune's 12-page booklet, "Why We Are for Goldwater." . . . Putnam County Y A F in N.Y. is strongly promoting bestseller. None Dare Call It Treason . . . Gulf Coast Y A F in Mississippi is now mapping plans for the coming campaign . . . Dayton, Ohio YAF's president Dick Cunningham took a sampling poll and found, surprisingly, that a number of people did not recognize the Bill of Rights when they saw it, nor did several know what the Bill of Rights was . . . In a recent speech National Chairman Tom Huston has called Jim Linen, IV for the passage of House Resolutions 14 and 15 which would create a Congressional Committee to study the plight of former free nations now captives of Communism . . . Y A F organizing chapter in Newark, Ohio . . . Y A F organizing in Aurora, 111. . . . Y A F member and president of the Chicago Conservatives Club Jim Linen spoke before the New Trier chapter in Glencoe, 111. . . . Y A F organizing in Maury County, Columbia, Tenn. . . .





OU MAY purchase any of these top 10 conservative books from Young Americans for Freedom at from 10 to 20 percent less than its retail price. All of the books offered are listed in the coupon below with bookstore prices and the lower rates to which you are entitled as a reader of


Because the cost of billing you (bookkeeping and clerical work) would prohibit offering you these low costs, your check must accompany the order. You may order direct from us, as shown below. Mail to T H E NEW G U A R D Book Department 514 C Street, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20002 Please send me a copy of each book I have checked off below: • Meyer: What Is Conservatism? (retail price $2.75) PRICE: $2.50 • Goldwater: Why Not Victory? (retail price .60) PRICE: .35 • Hoover: Masters Of Deceit (retail price .50) PRICE: .45 • Hazlitt: Economics In One Lesson. (retail price .50) PRICE: .45 • Buckley: Up From Liberalism, (retail price .75) PRICE: .65 • Buckley: God And Man At Yale (retail price $2.00) PRICE: $1.60 • Bastiat: The Law (retail price $1.00) PRICE: .85 • Eastman: Reflections On The Failures of Socialism, (retail price $1.25) PRICE: $1.10 • Hayek: The Road To Serfdom (retail price $1.50) PRICE: $1.45 • Goldwater: Conscience of A Conservative (retail price .60) PRICE: .35 TOTAL: My check for this amount is enclosed. Name (PLEASE PRINT)












S. E.

3, D. C .

To The Readers of The New Guard: HUMAN EVENTS has come a long way since i t s early and humble beginning i n 1944 when i t s founder, Frank C. Hanighen, started with 127 subscribers using his bedroom as an office and a portable typewriter as his equipment. Since then i t has grown to a 16-page weekly newspaper with a circulation of over 130,000 - the largest national conservative publication i n the United States. Young Americans for Freedom has also come a long way since i t s quiet beginning i n September 1960 at Sharon, Connecticut. YAF members are now found on over 700 campuses. I t organized the largest p o l i t i c a l r a l l y ever held i n Madison Square Garden. Over 1 million conservative and anti-communist pieces of literature have been distributed over the past year. The road toward these and i t s other remarkable achievements, to be sure, has been enormously d i f f i c u l t . The growing pains which this young conservative organization experienced were compounded of a l l the obstacles any organization meets when pursuing a p o l i t i c a l philosophy which had been eclipsed by the forces of contemporary American Liberalism. YAF has grown despite the attacks; and despite the almost overpowering obs t a c l e s , their positions have withstood the assaults of the far L e f t . HUMAN EVENTS wishes to commend what i s the most refreshing p o l i t i c a l organization to be born into the world of youth during the past forty years. I t s message and i t s work i s desperately needed. The job i t has to do i s enormous i n scope. The task i t faces i n the supremely important sphere with youth i s one which has discouraged most older folks who recognize the c r i t i c a l problems facing America. The kind of leadership which Young Americans for Freedom offers young people e v e r 3 7 w h e r e i n c i v i c a f f a i r s i s a genuine source of encouragement to millions of Old Americans for Freedom. The question now a r i s e s , w i l l we help them grow, or w i l l we let them down - perhaps forgetting that young people become tomorrow's leaders and administrators? Young Americans for Freedom deserves the support of every individual who cherishes liberty, reveres the proven principles of history, and sees freedom of the individual as a most sacred component i n our forward march to a better world. A l l who cherish the strengthening of our Federal Republic and value the principles of our enterprise system have a stake i n this organization. Therefore, HUMAN EVENTS pledges to Young Americans for Freedom our continued support. We would be proud to have you join us i n this salute of confidence. Sincerely,

JLW:ch P.S.

College students may secure HUMAN EVENTS at the special student rate of $5 (regular subscription rate i s $12.50 per year) for the college year.

A r e Y o n A M e m b e r of Y A F ?


WASHINGTON REPORT Wojhingfon 3, 0 . C.

I f n o t , t h e n jon^'re n o t r e c e i v i n g t h e s e t h r e e i m p o r t a n t m o n t h l y pnb» l i c a t i o n s w h i c h n o w go to w e l l o v e r 2 5 , 0 0 0 m e m b e r s of Y o u n g A m e r i c a n s for F r e e d o m . T H E NEW G U A R D is the official national monthly publication of Young Americans for Freedom, now reaching over 600 college campuses. Its lively writing and incisive and punctuating articles have made it a conservative favorite from coast to coast. T H E WASHINGTON R E P O R T is the official report and Congressional digest, which contains facts, figures and important inside information on key legislative matters before Congress. R E P O R T ON T H E L E F T is the newest Y A F publication, now being brilliantly edited by William Schulz, writer and researcher for Fulton Lewis, Jr., and delivers, in a straightforward, no-nonsense style, key facts on Communist and Left-wing activity in America. It has become a favorite with leading observers in Washington as well as with young people throughout the Nation. But that's not all you get with your membership in Young Americans for Freedom. Why not find out more about this organization for conservative youth now? Use the handy application form on this page. You can't really consider yourself a member of the young conservative movement unless you're a member of Y A F . So, do it today!

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Application for Membership Young 514


For Freedom, Inc.

C Street, N.E.


2, D.C.

1 w i s h to a p p l y f o r m e m b e r s h i p . official


I u n d e r s t a n d that a s part of my m e m b e r s h i p

the N E W G U A R D .

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my membership



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the N E W G U A R D — $ 4 . 0 0 interested

in k n o w i n g

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(40 years a year.




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Membership for Married Couples $7.50 • Asso1 d o n o t w i s h to j o i n . 1 w o u l d like t o s u b s c r i b e to c o n t r i b u t i o n in






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