Inside: Young America’s Foundation’s Digital Growth Brings Conservative Ideas to Millions
VOL. 41
NO. 1
April 27, 2020
Dear Colleagues,
have had the great honor of serving as the president of Young America’s Foundation for the past 43 years. Although the Foundation Board renewed my status every year…there have been no term limits here! Like the ubiquitous Farmers Insurance ad claims, “We’ve seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything!” The Foundation’s experience—coupled with our unique and most impactful programs at the Reagan Ranch—ensures that financial supporters get the maximum possible benefit from each gift you give YAF. 2020 is an extraordinary year given the coronavirus pandemic. High schools and colleges across the country were shut down, and our aggressive set of March and April campus events were cancelled or rescheduled until the 2020-2021 academic year. During this time, your Young America’s Foundation has found fresh ways to convey our ideas and principles to student audiences. With your generous help, YAF sponsors the most campus lectures of any conservative organization. Our conferences include the largest total number of attendees in any given year. Nevertheless, YAF has not been the number one source of conservative tweets or fleeting memes. Still, our digital presence is strong, and YAF’s YouTube channel, YouTube.com/YAFTV, has an unmatched conservative youth following. Why? Because our YouTube viewers can watch YAF’s campus programs in their entirety. YouTube is the site which most comprehensively transmits our ideas as a complete presentation, not just a short-lived tweet. YAF has an unparalleled treasure trove of great material to deliver online because we have the most complete set of student programs. All this is to say, your team at Young America’s Foundation continues to aggressively advance your conservative principles, even in the new “shut-in” environment forced upon us all. This issue of Libertas reports on some of our programs from before the “social distancing” days, and you will also read about the growth of YAF’s innovative and far-reaching digital efforts. I think you will be pleased to discover the case for freedom is still being made before impressionable student audiences, and your Young America’s Foundation continues to lead that charge. Please stay healthy and engaged with our expansive programs.
Ron Robinson President
LIB E RTAS Spring 2020
Volume 41
Number 1
Bevin, Hemingway, and Hudson Headline Fall College Retreat at the Reagan Ranch By Madison Habersetzer, Program Officer
Expanding Freedom for All: An Interview with the Honorable Marsha Blackburn By Karalee Geis, Capitol Hill Outreach Director
Schweizer, Blackburn, Laffer, and Green Inspire More Than 450 at Nashville Freedom Conference By Breana Marsh, Program Assistant
Young America’s Foundation’s Digital Growth Brings Conservative Ideas to Millions By Spencer Brown, Spokesman
Alumni Profile: An Interview with Amanda Robbins By Kara Zupkus, Program Assistant for Public Relations
On the Cover:
Also in This Issue:
Daily Wire Editor-inChief Ben Shapiro, the #1 requested speaker in America, speaks at Loyola Marymount University in 2019 as part of Young America’s Foundation’s Fred Allen Lecture Series. Through YAF’s exponential growth across digital platforms, including YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, millions of Americans have the opportunity to virtually attend the Foundation’s exclusive campus lectures featuring Shapiro and other conservative leaders, participate in YAF’s life-changing student conferences, and gain access to the best ideas the Conservative Movement offers.
Senator and Mrs. Paul Headline Wendy P. McCaw Reagan Ranch Roundtable Luncheon
Duffy Leads Youth Efforts as National High School Chairman of Young Americans for Freedom
YAF Hosts Author and Alumnus Jerome Hudson at William & Berniece Grewcock Capitol Hill Townhouse
YAF Activists Gather for Chapter Training Seminar and March for Life
President’s Club Supporters Enjoy a Weekend in Santa Barbara
35 Join YAF Leaders and Supporters on 2021 Cruise:
Rome to Athens
Libertas, the Latin word for liberty, is a publication of Young America’s Foundation which highlights the programs, events, students, staff, and supporters of the Foundation. You may contact Libertas and Young America’s Foundation by writing to: Young America’s Foundation, National Headquarters, 11480 Commerce Park Drive, Sixth Floor, Reston, Virginia 20191; calling 800-USA-1776; or visiting yaf.org. Editor: Raj Kannappan; Publisher: Ron Robinson; Publication Design: Jonathan Briggs; Assistant Editors: Jolie Ballantyne, Kathryn Beale, Victor Bernson, Spencer Brown, Patrick X. Coyle, Karalee Geis, Taylor Hathorn, Clare Hinshaw, Jessica Jensen, Haley Limo, Breana Marsh, Kevin McMahon, Chris Miranda, Karl Stahlfeld, Kara Zupkus; Washington, D.C., event photographers: David Keith and Bob Updegrove; California event photographer: Jacqueline Pilar. This document and all herein contents, images, stories, graphics, and design, fall unto copyright © 2005 to 2020 Young America’s Foundation, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. Any use of Libertas’ content without the written permission of Young America’s Foundation is prohibited.
Young America’s Foundation Board Of Directors Ron Robinson President of the Board Ronald Pearson Vice President of the Board Frank Donatelli Secretary and Treasurer of the Board Kimberly Begg T. Kenneth Cribb, Jr. Wynton C. Hall Nicole Hoplin Emily Jashinsky Kate Obenshain Keeler Peter Schweizer Thomas L. Phillips Director Emeritus
Reagan Ranch Board Of Governors Frank Donatelli Chairman Edwin Meese Co-Chairman Robert F. Agostinelli Governor George Allen Reagan Ranch Presidential Scholar Dr. Suzanne Becker Lisa M. Buestrin Robert Cummins George & Becky Norton Dunlop Richard Gaby & Barbara Van Andel-Gaby Robert Giuffra, Jr. Timothy S. Goeglein Michael W. Grebe Ambassador Patricia L. Herbold Eric & Nicole Hoplin Ann Knapheide Mark Larson Rebekah Mercer Al Moore Dennis & Nancy Moore Doug & Pat Perry Thomas L. Phillips Rear Admiral JJ Quinn Ruppert & Cheryl Reinstadler Richard & Jane Schwartz Lee Shannon Craig Shirley Owen & Bernadette Casey Smith Barbara S. Waddell Tonette Walker Jay Webber
National Journalism Center Board Of Governors T. Kenneth Cribb, Jr. Chairman Chris Bedford John Gizzi Emily Jashinsky Rich Lowry Alex Marlow The Honorable Alex Mooney Gabby Orr Katie Pavlich Ronald Pearson Kirby Wilbur Tom Winter Thomas L. Phillips Chairman Emeritus
Senator Rand Paul and Kelley Paul Headline Wendy P. McCaw Reagan Ranch Roundtable Luncheon Young America’s Foundation welcomed longtime ally Senator Rand Paul and his wife, Kelley Paul, to the Wendy P. McCaw Reagan Ranch Roundtable luncheon to discuss their new book, The Case Against Socialism. Reagan Ranch Board of Governors member Mark Larson emceed the program, which was coordinated by Senator Paul’s deputy chief of staff and Foundation alumnus Sergio Gor. Senator Paul opened the program at the Reagan Ranch Center by underscoring Ronald Reagan’s efforts to make the case for free enterprise in the 1950s, well before he became President. “Unfortunately, there is a whole new generation who doesn’t know that or remember that,” Paul noted, explaining why he and his wife decided to write their book. The Pauls’ book focuses on the dark history of socialism and the danger of Americans forgetting the atrocities of the 20th century’s deadliest ideology. Senator Paul noted that recent polling shows more than half of young people have a favorable view of socialism. He argued, “Every generation must renew its zeal for liberty.” Kelley Paul highlighted her contributions to the book, which include debunking leftists’ arguments for reshaping America in the mold of Scandinavia. She stated, “Those
(Above) Senator and Mrs. Paul sign copies of their book for Young America’s Foundation students, supporters, and friends. (Right) Students from Santa Barbara attend the program and receive signed copies of the Pauls’ new book.
Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Spring 2020
Senator Rand Paul and his wife, Kelley Paul, speak about their new book, The Case Against Socialism, at YAF’s Wendy P. McCaw Reagan Ranch Roundtable luncheon.
countries...don’t have wealth taxes. They have low corporate taxes.” She also noted that the economic history of Scandinavian countries strengthens the case for free enterprise, not socialism. For instance, financially successful people fled these countries in the 1970s and 1980s due to high taxation. Senator Paul then described what makes America great: citizens left alone by their government to exercise their Godgiven liberties. He argued that organizations like Young America’s Foundation will continue to preserve this greatness by exposing young people to the Left’s lies about socialism. After delivering remarks, the Pauls answered questions from the audience as well as thousands of online viewers participating via YAF’s Virtual Pass program. Each attendee left with a better understanding of socialism and a signed copy of the Pauls’ book. Following their visit to the Reagan Ranch Center, the Pauls also spoke at YAF’s national headquarters in Reston, Virginia, addressing local students, supporters, and friends.
Jack Duffy Leads Youth Efforts as National High School Chairman of Young Americans for Freedom Young America’s Foundation broke new ground in its work to reach high school students, selecting student activist Jack Duffy as the inaugural national high school chairman of Young Americans for Freedom. In this role, Duffy serves as a peer mentor to Young Americans for Freedom high school activists, helping them advance the ideas of individual freedom, a strong national defense, free enterprise, and traditional values at schools nationwide. Duffy began his involvement with the Foundation during his freshman year of high school. As a student at Wausau East High School in Wisconsin, he currently guides YAF chapters and leaders at high schools nationwide. Duffy is no stranger to political correctness run amok or administrative attempts to silence conservatives. At the school he previously attended, his own YAF chapter was disbanded by school administrators after members organized YAF’s iconic 9/11: Never Forget Project to honor the individuals murdered by radical Islamists on September 11, 2001. The successful event brought together students, first responders, and faith leaders, yet administrators labeled the meaningful remembrance “alt-right” and “Islamophobic.” Since facing this administrative overreach, Duffy has
Duffy attends his first Young America’s Foundation conference at the Reagan Ranch in October 2016.
Jack Duffy addresses students at YAF’s 2019 National High School Leadership Conference just outside the nation’s capital.
done more to mobilize young conservatives, helping to launch YAF chapters at five other schools in his community and organizing YAF activism projects with his peers at offcampus venues. Duffy’s leadership is a continuation of his family’s work with Young America’s Foundation. His parents— Congressman Sean Duffy and Fox News Contributor Rachel Campos-Duffy—are frequent speakers at YAF programs. His aunt, Leah Campos, attended YAF programs and interned at the Foundation’s national headquarters during her time in college. As national high school chairman of Young Americans for Freedom, Duffy plays a key role at the Foundation’s student conferences, in the media, and online.
Duffy meets leading Foundation speaker and Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro at the June 2018 High School Conference at the Reagan Ranch. Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Spring 2020
YAF Hosts Author and Alumnus Jerome Hudson at William & Berniece Grewcock Capitol Hill Townhouse Young America’s Foundation hosted an evening reception and booksigning featuring author, Breitbart
Entertainment Editor, and YAF alumnus Jerome Hudson at its William & Berniece Grewcock Capitol Hill Townhouse in Washington, D.C. Hudson discussed his new book, 50 Things They Don’t Want You to Know. Foundation President Ron Robinson opened the program with remarks about Hudson’s involvement with YAF and his presentation at YAF’s Fall College Retreat (see page 10). Taylor Hathorn, the Foundation’s director of alumni relations, introduced Hudson, highlighting his contributions to YAF and the Conservative Movement. Hathorn also thanked the many guests in attendance, including alumni of the Foundation and YAF’s National Journalism Center, supporters, conservative allies, and Breitbart staff. “Young America’s Foundation means the world to me,” remarked Hudson, who recalled his involvement with YAF as a student at Florida State University. He described the impact
Foundation President Ron Robinson meets with Hudson during the reception.
Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Spring 2020
Jerome Hudson, Breitbart entertainment editor and YAF alumnus, discusses his first book during a reception and booksigning at YAF’s William & Berniece Grewcock Capitol Hill Townhouse.
YAF’s student conferences had on him while he was in college, sharing that these programs shaped his development as a conservative thinker. He also emphasized the importance of YAF’s work to keep fact-based learning accessible to students, especially on college campuses. Hudson has been mentored and influenced by Young America’s Foundation Board of Directors members Wynton Hall and Peter Schweizer. During the reception, Hudson discussed his journey writing his first book, which delivers much-needed facts and analysis on key topics such as immigration and climate change that the mainstream media and schools fail to provide. “Although it was the hardest thing I have ever done, writing this book was so important to me,” Hudson noted. “I wanted to put facts into the hands of people around the country and the world. I wanted to have them think and decide for themselves what to believe about the world we live in and the information the establishment chooses to provide.” The evening concluded with Hudson addressing questions from the audience and signing copies of his book for attendees.
YAF Activists Gather for Chapter Training Seminar and March for Life More than 120 Young Americans for Freedom student activists participated in Young America’s Foundation’s
annual Chapter Training Seminar near Washington, D.C. Young Americans for Freedom National Chairman Grant Strobl urges students to Students representing 38 colleges and universities boldly advance their core values and beliefs. traveled from 25 states and the District of Columbia for assisted the GMU YAF chapter in promoting the club. Guided the three-day seminar. Made possible by a lead gift from by Foundation staff, activists practiced effective marketing an anonymous supporter, the program provided essential techniques and learned how to handle opposition when GMU training and education for members of YAF campus chapters administrators called campus police and threatened YAF staff to advance conservative ideas among their peers. with littering charges for distributing flyers outside of the Kyle Ferrebee, director of Young Americans for Freedom university’s “free speech zone.” chapter services, opened the seminar by discussing the Attendees also participated in the annual March for Life on fundamental ideas and approaches that YAF leaders can the National Mall, where they joined tens of thousands to defend use to inspire their peers. Young America’s Foundation Vice the rights of the unborn. President Donald Trump became the President Patrick Coyle followed, providing valuable insights first President to address the gathering in person, noting, on how students can bring prominent conservative leaders to their schools through YAF’s premier campus lecture program. We are protecting pro-life students’ rights to free speech Students then heard stirring remarks from Bay Buchanan, on college campuses. And if universities want federal 37th Treasurer of the United States, who remarked, “If you taxpayer dollars, then they must uphold your First want to be a leader, you have to practice it. You need to get out Amendment right to speak your mind. there, talk, and feel the pressure against you.” Many seminar attendees enjoyed a reception with fellow Other speakers throughout the weekend included pro-life student activists at YAF’s William & Berniece Grewcock Foundation President Ron Robinson; author and Grove Capitol Hill Townhouse following the March. City College professor Dr. Paul Kengor; Alliance Defending YAF student leaders left the program energized to grow their Freedom Senior Counsel Tyson Langhofer; YAF Spokesman chapters and advance conservative ideas on campus. Olivia Spencer Brown; Young Americans for Freedom National Thompson from Utah State University remarked, “I have so Chairman Grant Strobl; and YAF Program Assistant for Public much more courage to share my conservative convictions, Relations Kara Zupkus. because now I know and have met students who are fighting for Additionally, students gained hands-on experience these principles all across America.” at nearby George Mason University (GMU), where they
YAF’s Chapter Training Seminar included on-the-ground activism, as students took part in the annual March for Life on the National Mall. Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Spring 2020
President’s Club Supporters Enjoy a Weekend in Santa Barbara Each year, Young America’s Foundation hosts a special weekend retreat to recognize loyal President’s Club supporters and share the impact their generosity has on young people nationwide. Journalist Mollie Hemingway (left) signs a copy of her book, Justice on Trial, The most recent President’s Club weekend, for Reagan Ranch Board of Governors members Dennis and Nancy Moore. held in Santa Barbara, coincided with the Fall th College Retreat at the Reagan Ranch and the 30 from YAF student activists and staff. YAF Director of anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Attendees had the Development Jason Barbour moderated a panel on campus opportunity to interact with college students from across the activism featuring current students and Foundation alumni, country, hear from conservative leaders, and tour President including Maxwell Brandon from the University of Southern Reagan’s ranch (see page 10). California, Kate Westa from the University of Michigan, YAF President’s Club supporters observed a number of student Development Officer Haley Limo, and YAF alumna Caroline sessions that took place at the start of the program, including Corazza. lectures by Robert Spencer, director of Jihad Watch; Jorge The weekend also included a special visit to Rancho del Galicia, a young Venezuelan freedom fighter; and Jerome Cielo, offering supporters an intimate tour of the Western Hudson, YAF alumnus and Breitbart entertainment editor. White House. Supporters then attended a dinner banquet and To conclude the program, President’s Club members booksigning featuring Mollie Hemingway, senior editor at returned to the Reagan Ranch Center for a rooftop reception the Federalist and co-author of the New York Times bestseller and dinner featuring Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin, who Justice on Trial: The Kavanaugh Confirmation and the Future discussed the importance of courageously and selflessly of the Supreme Court. fighting for American exceptionalism. The following day, President’s Club supporters heard
(From left) YAF student activists Kate Westa and Maxwell Brandon and Foundation Development Officer Haley Limo participate in a panel on campus activism during President’s Club weekend.
Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Spring 2020
Learn the Truth About Our Nation’s Great Entrepreneurs Read how private enterprise beats out government subsidies time after time The Myth of the Robber Barons describes the role of key entrepreneurs in the incredible economic growth of the United States from 1850 to 1910. This breakthrough book contrasts “market” entrepreneurs and “political” entrepreneurs and clearly shows the superiority of those who do not depend on government subsidies. It concludes by highlighting common history textbook bias and exposing authors who misread business history. Get your copy now by calling Young America’s Foundation at 800-USA-1776.
“Revises in important ways many misperceptions that historians have imposed upon the record.” — FORREST MCDONALD
“Perhaps the best, most readable, entertaining and informative business history ever written.” — LAWRENCE REED, PRESIDENT EMERITUS FOUNDATION FOR ECONOMIC EDUCATION
“Provocative and cogent…” — JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY
“This book is the perfect supplement to most standard economic and business history textbooks…” — DR. LARRY SCHWEIKART, BEST-SELLING AUTHOR
Dr. Burt Folsom is a popular speaker at Young America’s Foundation’s programs nationwide. He is available to speak at your event or on your campus as part of our Free Enterprise Lecture Series. Please call Raj Kannappan at 800-USA-1776 or visit www.yaf.org for more information.
Get your copy today! Available through Amazon.com or by calling 800-USA-1776. Reagan Ranch Center, 217 State Street, Santa Barbara, California 93101, 888-USA-1776
© Copyright 2020 Young America’s Foundation
11480 |Commerce Park Drive, 14National YoungHeadquarters, America’s Foundation Libertas | Summer 2014 Sixth Floor, Reston, Virginia 20191, 800-USA-1776
Bevin, Hemingway, and Hudson Headline Fall College Retreat at the Reagan Ranch By Madison Habersetzer, Program Officer
Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin speaks at the closing dinner banquet during YAF’s annual Fall College Retreat and President’s Club weekend in Santa Barbara, California.
hannon Hennessy, a University of Southern California Young America’s Foundation activist, remarked after attending YAF’s annual Fall College Retreat at the Reagan Ranch,
While I made a pact with myself to always speak up about my values, I must admit that I have rarely felt comfortable doing so. My visit to the Reagan Ranch was the burst of motivation I needed to keep going.
Like Shannon, hundreds of students were inspired to strengthen their beliefs and advance conservatism on campus after meeting like-minded peers from across the country, walking in President Ronald Reagan’s footsteps at Rancho del Cielo, and learning from articulate conservative leaders during the weekend program. The Fall College Retreat commemorated the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, bringing together more than 400 participants from 25 states, three countries, and 64 schools to sharpen their activism skills and celebrate freedom. The program was held in conjunction with the Foundation’s annual President’s Club weekend for supporters (see page 8). Robert Spencer, director of Jihad Watch, kicked off the weekend at the Reagan Ranch Center—YAF’s “Schoolhouse for Reaganism”—by educating the audience on the dangers of radical Islam and the organizations advancing this threat. He cited, for instance, the Muslim Brotherhood, which “is dedicated, in its own words…to eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house.” Jorge Galicia, a rising Venezuelan activist, then spoke about the economic collapse in his country. He recounted his happy childhood growing up in Venezuela—which was previously one of the wealthiest countries in the world—before socialist policies devastated the nation during his teenage years. He recalled, “One day, I was a student just like you. Then suddenly, I was hiding as if I were some kind of criminal.” He shared his deeply personal story of fighting for freedom while living under a socialist dictatorship before fleeing to the United (Continued on page 12) 10
Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Spring 2020
Students Shawna Weber (left) and Liberty Barry (right) receive autographed copies of Foundation alumnus and Breitbart Entertainment Editor Jerome Hudson’s new book, 50 Things They Don’t Want You to Know.
Daily Wire commentator Elisha Krauss addresses Foundation students and supporters in Santa Barbara.
West Virginia University student Kathryn Brooks (left) and Kennesaw State University student Stephen Omorogbe (right) explore Ronald Reagan’s Western White House during the Fall College Retreat.
Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Spring 2020
(Continued from page 10) States to encourage young people to resist the false promises of socialism. YAF alumnus and Breitbart Entertainment Editor Jerome Hudson wrapped up the afternoon by delivering a heartening talk about his first book—50 Things They Don’t Want You to Know (see page 6)—which educated attendees on how conservatives can win against the Left’s misinformation campaign. Following his remarks, Hudson participated in a booksigning.
“This conference enlightened me in ways I never thought possible. I had the opportunity to meet amazing young leaders and fellow conservatives, continue to examine and build upon my beliefs, and explore the place where President Ronald Reagan lived.” — shAwnA weber college oF lAKe countY
Students and supporters reconvened for the opening dinner banquet featuring Mollie Hemingway, senior editor at the Federalist and co-author of the New York Times bestseller Justice on Trial: The Kavanaugh Confirmation and the Future of the Supreme Court. Hemingway discussed the nomination and hard-earned confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Highlighting the stories of key witnesses interviewed in her book, Hemingway examined the unfounded allegations against Kavanaugh, took questions from the audience, and concluded the evening by autographing copies of her book for all guests. Students began the following morning with Daily Wire contributor Elisha Krauss, who discussed the nature of true feminism and lamented the state of cultural discourse today. She noted that it is now controversial to say such truths as, “Men can’t have babies,” continuing, “Honestly, as a woman, I find it more offensive when a man tells me that he can be me—a woman.” Unitek Learning Chief Financial Officer George Harbison then exposed the inherent evil nature—and inevitable failure—of socialist ideology with a sobering presentation entitled “The Victims of Socialism.” Students then joined Foundation supporters at the (Continued on page 14) 12
Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Spring 2020
Venezuelan activist Jorge Galicia (front row, left) meets with students following his remarks on his fight for freedom in his country.
Participating in a rite of passage for young conservatives, college students from around the country visit the Reagan Ranch during the Fall College Retreat to learn the values and principles of President Ronald Reagan.
Historian Dr. Jake Jacobs educates young people about the proper role of government in a free society.
Student Daniel Barron from California State University, Los Angeles, enjoys a speaker session during the conference.
Journalist Mollie Hemingway discusses her book, Justice on Trial, during her first address at YAF’s Reagan Ranch Center.
Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Spring 2020
(Continued from page 12) Reagan Ranch Center for a luncheon featuring author and history instructor Dr. Jake Jacobs, who delivered a riveting talk about American exceptionalism and the case for recognizing God, not government, as the author of freedom. He encouraged students to “fight for the flame of freedom in America,” arguing, “It’s our calling. It’s our job.” Following the luncheon, students enjoyed the unique experience of exploring Rancho del Cielo, including touring the adobe ranch home and tack barn on the property, riding the trails in open-air Jeeps, and learning about President Reagan’s life and lasting accomplishments as they walked in his footsteps. The weekend concluded with a memorable dinner banquet emceed by Foundation Vice President and Director of the Reagan Ranch Andrew Coffin and featuring Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin. Coffin welcomed students and supporters with a video depicting Reagan’s famous speech at the Brandenburg Gate calling on the Soviet Union to tear down the Berlin Wall. Coffin also recognized key YAF student leaders in attendance and highlighted the projects organized by student activists on campuses nationwide as part of the Foundation’s Freedom
Week initiative. The initiative commemorates the fall of the Berlin Wall and honors U.S. military veterans in conjunction with Veterans Day. Bevin delivered inspiring remarks about America as the land of opportunity. He noted, “Every generation since the founding of this nation has put some modern-day version of their lives, fortune, and sacred honor on the line.” Bevin encouraged each conference attendee to courageously and selflessly do the same. Fall College Retreat participants left Santa Barbara motivated to boldly advance their shared values and beliefs on their campuses and in their communities. Student Shawna Weber from the College of Lake County noted, This conference enlightened me in ways I never thought possible. I had the opportunity to meet amazing young leaders and fellow conservatives, continue to examine and build upon my beliefs, and explore the place where President Ronald Reagan lived. Young America’s Foundation is grateful to Bob and Margie Niehaus and an anonymous supporter whose lead gifts made this life-changing program possible.
(From left) Students Emma Schaller, AJ Castle, Maggie Hine, and Keilah Smith tour the historic adobe home at Rancho del Cielo.
Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Spring 2020
Expanding Freedom for All: An Interview with the Honorable Marsha Blackburn
By Karalee Geis, Capitol Hill Outreach Director
Senator Marsha Blackburn addresses students at YAF’s Nashville Freedom Conference in early 2020.
YAF’s William & Berniece Grewcock Capitol Hill Townhouse Since its founding more than 50 years ago, Young America’s Foundation has worked with hundreds of the most accomplished and articulate conservative leaders to inspire young people with the ideas of individual freedom, a strong national defense, free enterprise, and traditional values. In particular, YAF has partnered with the most talented White House and Congressional leaders. These include President Ronald Reagan; Vice Presidents Mike Pence and Dick Cheney; Attorneys General Edwin Meese III, John Ashcroft, and Jeff Sessions; Secretaries Jack Kemp, Donald Rumsfeld, Caspar Weinberger, Betsy DeVos, and Ben Carson; Ambassadors Jeane Kirkpatrick and John Bolton; White House officials Marc Short, Mark Meadows, Kellyanne Conway, and Tony Snow; and numerous members of the United States Congress. Today, YAF’s William & Berniece Grewcock Capitol Hill Townhouse is the home of the Foundation’s work to advance conservative ideas in Washington, D.C. The 3,600 square-foot facility—located just steps from U.S. Capitol and congressional office buildings—provides an ideal meeting location for YAF students, alumni, supporters, and allies in Congress and the White House to gather for intimate dinners, receptions, and discussions. To learn more about Young America’s Foundation’s efforts in the nation’s capital, please contact Capitol Hill Outreach Director Karalee Geis at 800-USA-1776 or kgeis@yaf.org.
Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Spring 2020
Senator Marsha Blackburn is one of today’s leading members of Congress who partners with Young America’s Foundation to influence young people with her message of greater freedom for all. Blackburn has been involved with the Foundation since 2016, when, as a U.S. Representative serving Tennessee’s 7th Congressional District, she participated in YAF’s annual Reagan Forum on Capitol Hill. More recently, she visited the Reagan Ranch Center to deliver remarks at the Clare Boothe Luce Center for Conservative Women’s annual Western Women’s Summit, addressed students at YAF’s 41st annual National Conservative Student Conference in 2019, and spoke at the Foundation’s Nashville Freedom Conference in early 2020 (see page 20). Blackburn’s important work in the U.S. Senate will influence the country for years to come. As a member of the Senate committees on the judiciary; veterans’ affairs; commerce, science, and transportation; and armed services, she devotes her time to confirming conservative federal judges, protecting free speech on campus, strengthening national security, and
decreasing government overreach. Blackburn grew up in a small town in Mississippi and was an active conservative at her alma mater, Mississippi State University. She credits her passion for conservatism to her role models and a supportive community. YAF is honored to work with Senator Marsha Blackburn and present this interview with a rising leader in the United States Senate. Libertas: How did you become a conservative? ————————————————————
Tennessee played such a significant role in the passage of the 19th Amendment and women getting the right to vote. Suffragists and women across our state were active in that effort. They fought a 75-year battle and won. I also always liked Jeane Kirkpatrick. I liked her feistiness and her ability to
Blackburn: I was first involved as a volunteer in Tennessee and then was asked to lead conservative efforts and built a really good network. We were trying to recruit someone for a state senate seat, and everybody said, “You should do this, Marsha.” So I ended up running and won a seven-person primary race and moved forward from there.
“The Americans who support YAF are investing
Libertas: Which leaders have most inspired you?
in the leaders who are
Blackburn: A number of local leaders provided inspiration to me. I am inspired by women who handle those ordinary tasks that are important every day and turn them into something extraordinary. Whether it is for their families or their communities, they give so much to defend the cause of freedom.
going to be there for the next 40 years. That is a worthy cause.” — SENATOR MARSHA BLACKBURN
Official White House Photo
Blackburn: I became a conservative by growing up in a conservative family. It was a given that I would participate in our church life and civic life. My parents were involved in the community, so I grew up understanding that getting involved was important. As I went to college, I had the opportunity to defend my values and beliefs. That is really where I strengthened what I was taught growing up.
Libertas: How did you first enter the public policy arena?
President Donald Trump gives Blackburn the signing pen for her work in passing the Women’s Suffrage Centennial Commemorative Coin Act. Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Spring 2020
Official White House Photo
Treasury Department to issue coins in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of women securing the right to vote. Libertas: What differences have you found between the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives? ————————————————————
Blackburn: The House has a “roughand-tumble” feature to it, with lots of bills that are messaging bills. People file many bills but know they’re not going to go anywhere. They use them as messaging tools. In the Senate, the focus is more on what is going to be signed into law. Libertas: What is it like serving as a freshman senator on the Senate Judiciary Committee? ————————————————————
Vice President Mike Pence presents Blackburn with the Golden Gavel Award, given to a freshman senator who presides over the Senate floor for at least 100 hours during a session.
represent her views as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. Margaret Thatcher was someone I saw figure out how to best get things done and then push herself forward. I was thrilled when I had the opportunity to meet her. Libertas: What is the most rewarding part of serving the people of Tennessee? ————————————————————
Blackburn: The most rewarding part is solving problems for Tennesseans. People are very frustrated with the federal government. They don’t like it when they make a phone call and they’re told to pick a language and choose a number, and then it’s an hour or two before somebody gets on the line to actually answer their call. The unresponsiveness of the federal government is incredibly frustrating. People will try to work with a federal
Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Spring 2020
agency and can’t get an answer. Then they come to my office and ask, “Can you help me with this?” Libertas: Which legislative accomplishments are you most proud of? ————————————————————
Blackburn: When I served in the state senate, halting the state income tax was something that was incredibly significant. When I was in the U.S. House of Representatives, I was able to pass the SOFTWARE Act, which improved healthcare technology access and delivery, and the Rural Broadband Act, which was a significant effort in expanding internet access for Americans. Earlier this year, I passed legislation and had signed into law the Women’s Suffrage Centennial Commemorative Coin Act, which directs the U.S.
Blackburn: My very first conversation with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, after I was elected, centered on my going to the Judiciary Committee. I am enjoying the experience. Chairman Lindsey Graham is very effective. I appreciate that he is focused on filling out the federal bench. I love serving on this committee, whether we’re dealing with judicial vacancies, immigration issues, or technology issues. Libertas: What do you want your legacy in Congress to be? ————————————————————
Blackburn: I focus on five things: faith, family, freedom, hope, and opportunity. Every vote that I take is something that is going to expand, not contract, freedom. Libertas: Why is it so important for you to engage with young people through Young America’s Foundation? ————————————————————
Blackburn: Oh my goodness! In many cases, young people are just beginning to form their opinions, and it is important that they know where we stand and the issues we are working on. It is important
George Mason University YAF chapter members (from left) Alexander Carroll, Kitty Fields, Chris Victory, Ashley Zecca, and Lucia Tozzi meet with Blackburn at the Foundation’s 2020 Freedom Conference in Nashville.
for them to develop a real love for participating in this process. Libertas: We were excited to see you introduce the Campus Free Speech Resolution in 2019. What do you hope to achieve with that?
have such enormously high income taxes, and it is so difficult to live in those environments. These artists are choosing to make Nashville their permanent home because we have no state income tax, a low business tax structure, and safe communities.
Blackburn: What we would like to do is get that enacted and then actually send the message to colleges that we’ve got our eye on them and that they have to provide a level playing field for ideas.
Libertas: What do you enjoy doing outside of your work in the U.S. Senate? ————————————————————
Blackburn: I love to cook. I love to garden. I spend time with my two grandsons. I’m a big reader. I also love to write.
Libertas: YAF’s work promoting conservative ideas among young people is made possible entirely through the generosity of individuals. What would you say to these supporters? ————————————————————
Blackburn: Thank you for what you’re doing. The Americans who support YAF are investing in the leaders who are going to be there for the next 40 years. That is a worthy cause.
This interview has been edited for clarity.
Libertas: You previously served as executive director of the Tennessee Film, Entertainment, and Music Commission. What did that entail? ————————————————————
Blackburn: I enjoyed doing that. I was involved with the analog to digital transition of the entertainment industry. With my marketing business, I had done a lot of work on the periphery of the music industry. While serving on the governor’s cabinet, I helped to modernize film, entertainment, and music technology. That was a good move. We did about four billion dollars of economic investment during that time. There are so many artists today moving from places like California and New York because those states
Blackburn speaks at YAF’s annual Reagan Forum on Capitol Hill in 2016. Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Spring 2020
Schweizer, Blackburn, Laffer, and Green Inspire More Than 450 at Nashville Freedom Conference
Hundreds of students from around the country gather at YAF’s Nashville Freedom Conference to learn the freedom philosophy from leading conservatives.
By Breana Marsh, Program Assistant
oung America’s Foundation’s 2020 Freedom Conference was the perfect way to launch the new year. More than 450 students, alumni, and supporters gathered in Nashville, Tennessee, to hear from leading conservatives, including a United States Senator, New York Times bestselling author, Presidential Medal of Freedom-winning economist, and other top advocates of freedom. Students representing more than 150 colleges and high schools attended this one-of-a-kind conference in person, and thousands more participated online through YAF’s livestream on Facebook and YouTube. This timely program was made possible through the generosity of Reagan Ranch Board of Governors members Richard and Jane Schwartz and their family foundation, the Schiewetz Foundation. Conference Director Jolie Ballantyne kicked off the program by welcoming attendees, and students Devin Majors and Kitty Fields sang a beautiful rendition of the National Anthem. Young America’s Foundation director, alumnus, and #1 New York Times bestselling author Peter Schweizer headlined the opening dinner banquet. He enlightened the audience—which also included local YAF alumni and loyal supporters—on corruption in the public policy arena and how leaders need to be held accountable for their actions. “The only way you can deal with corruption is by limiting its power,” Schweizer argued before concluding and taking questions. Each attendee received a copy of his new book, Profiles in Corruption. The following morning, students enjoyed learning (Continued on page 23)
Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Spring 2020
Todd Starnes (back row, center), host of the Todd Starnes Show, meets with students at the Foundation’s conference in the Music City.
Renowned economist Dr. Arthur Laffer educates attendees on common-sense economic policies.
Students Kitty Fields and Devin Majors sing the National Anthem to open the Nashville Freedom Conference.
One America News Network host Liz Wheeler makes an impassioned case for the right to life.
Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Spring 2020
Businessman Andy Puzder speaks on the opportunities this nation provides to all citizens to achieve the American dream.
“There isn’t another country in the history of the world where a working-class kid like me could have aspired to the level of success that I achieved. That only happened because I was born in the United States.” — AndY PuZder
Student Khina Subedi meets with Senator Marsha Blackburn following the senator’s remarks.
YAF alumnus, Board of Directors member, and #1 New York Times bestselling author Peter Schweizer signs a copy of his book for YAF activist Arthur Laffer, grandson of Dr. Arthur Laffer.
Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Spring 2020
Jay Allen from the University of Pennsylvania enjoys participating in the Nashville Freedom Conference.
Congressman Mark Green underscores the importance of adhering to strong moral values in our work to advance freedom.
(Continued from page 20) the case for free enterprise over socialism from longtime CEO of CKE Restaurant Holdings, Inc., Andy Puzder. “I lived the American dream,” Puzder shared. “There isn’t another country in the history of the world where a working-class kid like me could have aspired to the level of success that I achieved. That only happened because I was born in the United States.” Tennessee Congressman Mark Green then delivered passionate remarks in his first appearance at a Foundation program, reminding students of the need to maintain a strong moral foundation. “To get freedom, you have to have virtue. To have virtue, you have to have faith,” he stated. The students, who boldly advance conservative principles in challenging campus environments, appreciated the congressman’s inspirational talk, giving him a standing ovation. One America News Network host Liz Wheeler defended the rights of the unborn and armed students with strong arguments to take back to their schools. “Roe v. Wade is [very] close to being overturned,” Wheeler noted as she called for conservatives to defend the right to life. Wheeler debunked the myth that life does not start at conception and discussed the particular immorality of lateterm abortions. She dispelled the notion of the “need” for abortion and left the young audience well-informed and motivated to stand up for life. Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett then introduced U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn, who delivered her first public speech after President Donald Trump’s acquittal on impeachment charges. Blackburn discussed the importance of policies that encourage economic growth, produce greater employment, and reduce Americans’ dependence on the government. She implored students to become strong leaders, even in the face of adversity. Following her remarks, Blackburn took photos with hundreds of attendees. Leading economist and longtime YAF ally Dr. Arthur Laffer then spoke about the virtues of the free market economic system. “People respond to incentives, and economics is all about incentives,” Laffer said as he used a grade-based redistribution example to drive his point home with students. He also addressed the importance of limited government, noting, “All taxes are bad!” The program concluded with an encouraging speech from radio host Todd Starnes. “We must not be bullied, we must not be silent, and we must not bow down,” Starnes proclaimed, calling on young people to fight for their conservative beliefs and America’s future—a statement which brought students to their feet in applause. The conference participants returned to their campuses eager to advance freedom among their peers. Donald Hall from Vanderbilt University remarked, “My ability to stand for free market principles and American excellence has been greatly enhanced by my attendance at this conference.” Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Spring 2020
Young America’s Foundation’s Digital Growth Brings Conservative Ideas to Millions By Spencer Brown, Spokesman
2019 Digital Media Highlights ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
4 million
166.3 million Facebook Video Views
638 million Facebook Impressions
YAF.org Website Views
1.3 million
119 million
327.6 million
4.4 million
YAF Virtual Pass Participants Total YAF Video Views YAF.org
Twitter Impressions
Twitter Engagements Twitter.com/YAF (@YAF)
82.5 million
71.2 million
3.6 million
5.8 million
Instagram Impressions
Instagram Engagements Instagram.com/YAF (@YAF_)
YouTube Views
YouTube Hours Watched YouTube.com/YAFTV
hen Young America’s Foundation first pursued social media outreach in the mid-2000s, few could have imagined how important this means of communication would be for conservative students less than two decades later. At that time, tabling, flyering, passing out leaflets, hosting in-person campus lectures, and writing op-eds for campus newspapers were the main avenues for young conservatives to share their message. College campuses and high schools largely advanced leftist ideas, as they do now, but YAF student activists relied primarily on traditional media and word of mouth to communicate their ideas. Today, the twin challenges of reaching more young people with conservative ideas and doing so in a persuasive,
Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Spring 2020
New York Times bestselling author Ben Shapiro speaks at the University of California, Berkeley, in 2017, drawing millions of online viewers to his Young America’s Foundation-sponsored lecture.
YouTube Viewership ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 115,000,000 110,000,000 100,000,000 95,000,000 90,000,000
The viewership of YAFTV, Young America’s Foundation’s YouTube channel, increased by more than 87,000 percent between 2009 and 2019, from roughly 81,000 to 71 million views.
85,000,000 80,000,000 75,000,000 70,000,000 65,000,000 60,000,000 55,000,000 50,000,000 45,000,000 40,000,000 35,000,000 30,000,000 25,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000
*As of mid-April
compelling way have only grown greater. However, as leftist administrators and faculty members disparage conservative ideas—and become increasingly willing to prevent those ideas from even being heard—digital media has become an indispensable means of advancing our cause. Young America’s Foundation has seized this opportunity, building an online operation that leads the Conservative Movement and influences the widest audiences in its history with the timeless ideas of individual freedom, a strong national defense, free enterprise, and traditional values. The Pew Research Center recently found that nearly all high school and college students spend upwards of three hours each day on their smartphones. YAF’s digital expansion, which includes YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other emerging services, allows
the Foundation to reach young people on their personal devices 24/7. In fact, many students today consume content produced by YAF as part of their daily routine, allowing them to hear and absorb a perspective that is absent in their classrooms. This form of engagement with youth audiences allows the Foundation to more effectively gather information from students, rapidly respond to the challenges that unfold on campuses, and offer conservative students a way to amplify their voices to millions of Americans outside of their schools. YAF’s online offerings also provide millions of viewers— who might otherwise not be able to participate—access to the Foundation’s student programs, including exclusive campus lectures and life-changing conferences. In 2019, YAF’s videos—featuring conservative leaders Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Spring 2020
Brian Brenberg, executive vice president at The King’s College, makes the case for individualism through YAF’s Truth Straight Up video series.
The livestream of YAF President-Elect Governor Scott Walker’s 2019 campus lecture at Stanford University attracts thousands of viewers from across the country.
The Foundation’s Virtual Pass program allows tens of thousands of students to virtually attend the June 2019 High School Conference at the Reagan Ranch.
addressing topics ranging from the case for free enterprise to the right to life—garnered more than 327 million views on YouTube, Facebook, and other platforms. The Foundation’s Facebook and Twitter accounts drew more than 757 million impressions. In addition, YAF Virtual Pass, our interactive virtual classroom, attracted 1.3 million views. YAF’s digital presence has grown so dramatically that more people viewed the Foundation’s student programs online in 2019 than in all previous years combined. A strong indicator of this upward trend is the viewership of YAFTV— the Foundation’s YouTube channel—which increased by more than 87,000 percent between 2009 and 2019, from roughly 81,000 to 71 million views. Viewers can access YAFTV at YouTube.com/YAFTV. This growth has led to significant tangible benefits for the
Conservative Movement. For instance, the Foundation has seen a meaningful increase in the number of students who have joined YAF after being influenced by Daily Wire Editorin-Chief and New York Times bestselling author Ben Shapiro. The Foundation has worked closely with Shapiro since 2013, bringing his fast-talking, no-nonsense conservatism to nearly 60 campuses through the Fred Allen Lecture Series and numerous YAF conferences and seminars. Shapiro’s reach, however, extends beyond the lecture halls, as tens of millions watch his YAF speeches online. In 2017, YAF sponsored Shapiro to speak at the University of California, Berkeley. In addition to the student audience of hundreds that was present in UC Berkeley’s Zellerbach Hall, YAF’s livestream of the event reached more than 350,000 viewers live. The event was the #1 trending
Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Spring 2020
Through its exclusive Virtual Pass program, YAF offers remote attendees the opportunity to participate in the 2018 Wendy P. McCaw Reagan Ranch Roundtable featuring New York Times bestselling author and journalist Sharyl Attkisson.
YAF uses Twitter to announce the successful signing of a contract with Grand Canyon University for Ben Shapiro’s campus lecture in 2019, following the university’s attempts to cancel the Foundation-sponsored event.
Economist Dr. Walter Williams makes a compelling case for limited government through YAF’s Truth Straight Up video series.
topic on Twitter in the San Francisco Bay Area. Within days of the event, millions of viewers had tuned in to watch Shapiro’s speech. The Foundation’s ability to attract and engage young conservatives is why Shapiro remarked, “Speaking for YAF is one of the great honors of my life.” The growing viewership of Shapiro’s YAF-sponsored events has resulted in dramatically increasing demand from students to start YAF chapters at their schools, attend Foundation conferences, and become conservative activists. Through its digital operation, YAF is also able to monitor the atmosphere at, and actions of, schools in ways that were not possible before. The Foundation now responds in real time to attempts to censor the speech of conservative students or limit the activities of Young Americans for Freedom chapters.
Whenever campus administrators dishonestly tout their support for the First Amendment while simultaneously blocking YAF lectures from proceeding or obstructing YAF activism projects, the Foundation instantly broadcasts its objections to millions of Americans via its digital platforms. This draws immediate attention to the often-unconstitutional actions of campus bureaucrats, leading to a faster and more favorable resolution of campus controversies. Digital media also allows the Foundation to make and break news faster than any traditional media outlet could— without having to rely on biased reporters to get stories out. From administrative obstruction of YAF campus lectures to the threats of violence against YAF chapter members, the Foundation is able to quickly show Americans what it is like to be a young conservative on campus today. Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Spring 2020
On Twitter, Vice President Mike Pence invites online viewers to hear his remarks at the Foundation’s annual National Conservative Student Conference in 2017.
YAF sponsors Daily Wire commentator Michael Knowles to speak at the University of Notre Dame in 2019, drawing more than one million views following the university’s decision to cover up iconic Christopher Columbus murals.
More than 5.5 million Americans learn about leftist bias on campus through the Foundation’s video footage capturing a racial attack against white students at the University of Virginia.
Recently, for example, YAF obtained video footage of a student at the University of Virginia declaring that there were “too many white people” present in the campus multicultural student center. YAF’s digital team shared the video—a case study in the damaging effects of leftist indoctrination on the topic of diversity—which quickly went viral, being viewed more than 5.5 million times. Even mainstream and international news outlets such as CBS and the BBC were forced to cover the incident. In addition to employing mainstream digital media platforms, the Foundation recently launched an exclusive service—YAF Virtual Pass—which allows young people to participate in the Foundation’s programs from anywhere in the world. Virtual Pass participants have the ability to watch
YAF conference sessions live or on demand. They can ask questions of speakers and hear live answers, and they receive vital resources and tools to bring conservative ideas to their peers. Instead of reaching hundreds of students at each conference, YAF now reaches tens of thousands through Virtual Pass. While full-length lectures and conferences are critical to providing a more complete education to young people, students also face a need for quick assistance when advocating for conservative ideas and challenging the hypocrisy of the Left. YAF is meeting this need with a new online video series, Truth Straight Up. Comprised of one to two-minute lessons, Truth Straight Up provides students with easily digestible conservative viewpoints on the key issues facing society today.
Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Spring 2020
Senator Rand Paul’s remarks at YAF’s Wendy P. McCaw Reagan Ranch Roundtable in 2019 are made available to online participants through the Foundation’s Virtual Pass program.
Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway thanks students on Twitter for attending her session at YAF’s 39th annual National Conservative Student Conference.
New York Times bestselling author and longtime YAF ally Dinesh D’Souza participates in the Foundation’s Truth Straight Up video series.
These videos feature the Foundation’s leading speakers, including Ben Shapiro, who dissects safe spaces; blogger and podcast host Allie Stuckey, who explains the conservative roots of women’s rights; One America News Network host Liz Wheeler, who shares advice for debating leftists; radio host and commentator Dana Loesch, who debunks antiSecond Amendment talking points; Michael Reagan, who discusses why his father, Ronald Reagan, loved freedom so much; and many others. In one year, this video series has drawn more than seven million views. Whether it is amplifying the tireless work of YAF’s student activists or holding campus leftists accountable for their actions, Young America’s Foundation’s digital operation is an essential tool for passing on conservative ideas to the next generation.
The Foundation’s campus activism, combined with highquality digital offerings to influence a large online audience, is a major breakthrough for our cause. It is partly due to this growing influence that YAF’s programs have drawn recognition from traditional media outlets, including the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, New York Times, and many others. In fact, the Times described Young America’s Foundation as “the conservative force” behind the spread of freedom’s principles on college campuses. Contrary to claims from leftist leaders about the rising popularity of socialism among young people, this exponential growth in demand for Young America’s Foundation’s programs and resources demonstrates that students are more eager and willing to hear conservative ideas than ever before. Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Spring 2020
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An Interview with Amanda Robbins
Associate Director, White House Office of Public Liaison By Kara Zupkus, Program Assistant for Public Relations
s part of its mission of inspiring increasing numbers of young Americans with the ideas of individual freedom, a strong national defense, free enterprise, and traditional values, Young America’s Foundation places great value on effectively preparing the future leaders of the country. Amanda Robbins—a rising star within the Conservative Movement—is a YAF alumna who exemplifies this mission. Since 2018, Robbins has served as associate director of the White House Office of Public Liaison, playing an instrumental role in managing the line of communication between the White House and the American people. Robbins, a native of Vero Beach, Florida, became involved with Young America’s Foundation through the recommendation of Linda and Mel Teetz, who are longtime Foundation supporters. Linda Teetz remarks about Robbins, Amanda was showing leadership skills when she was in high school. Because of her activism, the conservative organization of Indian River County, Florida—in which I am very involved—presented Amanda with its Leadership Award and a college scholarship in 2012. It was then that Mel and I asked and sponsored Amanda to attend YAF’s National Conservative Student Conference in Washington, D.C. Amanda is an outstanding example of someone who has learned the principles of conservatism through her association with YAF, family, and friends and has the ability to convey those ideas to others with grace and brilliance.
As associate director of the White House Office of Public Liaison, Amanda Robbins plays a key role in strengthening the Trump administration’s relationships with faith leaders across America.
“YAF empowers student leaders on campus, calls out the other side, and provides space for conservatives to encourage each other and continue defending their values.” — AMANDA ROBBINS
Robbins began participating in Foundation programs prior to entering The George Washington University (GWU), where she earned a bachelor of science degree in political science. She served on the executive board of the GWU YAF chapter and was elected co-chair of the organization, leading activism initiatives such as the 9/11: Never Forget Project, Cemetery of the Innocents, and Freedom Week. She attended numerous Foundation conferences and training seminars and played a key role in bringing conservative leaders, including Ben Shapiro, Phyllis Schlafly, Senator Rick Santorum, Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Spring 2020
Action for America. She went on to serve as a project coordinator and confidential assistant to the deputy director in the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) before joining the White House Office of Public Liaison in her current role. Young America’s Foundation appreciates Amanda Robbins’ service in the Trump administration and is pleased to present this interview.
Robbins meets with Senator Rick Santorum during the Foundation’s 34th annual National Conservative Student Conference in 2012.
Congressman Sean Duffy, and Sonnie Johnson, to speak at GWU. She was also involved with the GWU YAF chapter’s efforts to challenge the university’s mandatory diversity training policy. After graduating from GWU in 2016, Amanda started her career as a government relations assistant and program coordinator at Heritage
Libertas: How did you first learn about Young America’s Foundation? ——————————————
Robbins: I heard about Young America’s Foundation through Linda Teetz, a loyal YAF supporter. She was involved with conservative causes in my hometown of Vero Beach, Florida, and spoke very highly of YAF while I was in high school. She encouraged and supported me to attend YAF’s National Conservative Student Conference in 2012. I am so grateful for that.
Libertas: What did you take away from your first National Conservative Student Conference? ————————————————————
Robbins: My first experience with YAF was a wonderful opportunity for me to hear from conservative speakers and meet like-minded peers. Attending the National Conservative Student Conference the summer before my freshman year at GWU was helpful in preparing me with best practices for defending conservative values on a college campus. Libertas: What were some of your favorite experiences from your time as a leader with The George Washington University YAF chapter? ————————————————————
Robbins: One of my favorite experiences was coming together with my fellow YAF chapter members one early morning to organize YAF’s 9/11: Never Forget Project and commemorate the lives lost on September 11, 2001. It was moving to place the flags in the ground and see how impactful it was for the students walking by. Another memorable experience was standing up for conservative values and free speech on a Fox & Friends segment, after another group on campus publicly called for our YAF chapter to be defunded. Libertas: Which YAF speaker or program most influenced you? ————————————————————
Robbins: Bay Buchanan. She is a fearless woman and a strong defender of the unborn, and she is willing to talk about the tough issues. Libertas: Do you keep in touch with students you met through Young America’s Foundation? ———————————————————— Robbins appears on Fox News in 2015 to defend The George Washington University YAF chapter against campus leftists’ calls for the club to be defunded.
Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Spring 2020
Robbins: Absolutely. In fact, many of my close friends are YAF alumni. There is nothing quite like the network of YAF
now in the Office of Public Liaison. Our office serves as the front door to the White House. In my role as associate director, I have the opportunity to manage our relationships with faith leaders across the country, plan and execute events, and communicate policy issues that affect the faith community. My dad is a pastor, so it is a special experience that is close to my heart to work as an advocate and voice for the faith community. Libertas: Who do you admire most in the Conservative Movement today and why? ———————————————————— (From left) Tory Belsky, Young Americans for Freedom National Chairman Grant Strobl, and Robbins participate in YAF’s 37th annual National Conservative Student Conference in 2015.
alumni in Washington, D.C., and across the country. Libertas: It seems increasingly challenging to be a conservative on a college campus. What advice would you give to today’s student activists? ————————————————————
Robbins: Stand strong on your foundational conservative beliefs. These are tried-and-tested “north star” values. Don’t be afraid to push back on the other side. The free exchange of ideas is what has made our country a beacon of hope. Libertas: How did Young America’s Foundation prepare you for your career in the Conservative Movement? ————————————————————
Robbins: I started working at Heritage Action, the grassroots arm of the Heritage Foundation, while in college and continued working there after graduation. The transition was a natural fit due to my involvement with YAF. YAF allowed me to gain experience promoting conservative values on
campus, and at Heritage Action, I helped advance the mission of defending conservative principles in Congress. In my current role at the White House, I have also used many skills that I learned from my time with YAF, such as building relationships, planning events, and effectively communicating conservative ideas to broad audiences.
Robbins: We have incredible leaders in the Trump administration. One whom I admire is Acting OMB Director Russ Vought. Having had the opportunity to work under his leadership at Heritage Action and later at the OMB, I saw
Libertas: How did your involvement in the Trump administration come about? What does your work entail on a day-to-day basis? —————————————
Robbins: I had the opportunity to follow my boss from the Heritage Foundation to the White House, working at the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) first and
Robbins (left) and fellow YAF chapter leader Shannon Bell (right) organize the Foundation’s Freedom Week initiative at The George Washington University by building and tearing down a mock Berlin Wall. Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Spring 2020
firsthand how Russ has stood true to his conservative values and his desire to help our country move towards a more sustainable fiscal path. In the face of intense questioning about the core tenets of his faith during his confirmation hearings, he unwaveringly defended his faith with truth and grace. I’m grateful for how he has mentored me and encouraged my professional growth. America is in good hands with Russ Vought. Libertas: What do you enjoy doing in your free time? ————————————————————
Robbins: I love any chance to get outside, especially spending time reading my Bible on my balcony with a cold-brew coffee. I am also an avid meal-prepper and plant mom. Libertas: How can conservatives better reach young people? ————————————————————
Robbins (front row, second from left) hosts a White House briefing in 2019 for faith leaders from across the country.
Robbins: Conservatives can reach out to younger generations through great organizations like YAF. YAF empowers student leaders on campus, calls out the other side, and provides space for conservatives to encourage each other and continue defending their values. Libertas: What advice can you share with students who aspire to work in the White House? ————————————————————
Robbins: Go the extra mile each day. Be willing to put in time outside of the nine-to-five workday. Help with projects and read up on issues that are important to you. “Manage up” by making sure to pay attention to your boss and office’s priorities. Anticipate their needs and be ten steps ahead of those items.
This interview has been edited for clarity. Robbins (second from right) participates in YAF’s A Time for Choosing conference at the Reagan Ranch in 2014 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Ronald Reagan’s influential speech.
Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Spring 2020
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obby Jindal, 55th Governor of Louisiana, addresses Young America’s Foundation supporters and friends during a dinner at the National World War II Museum in New Orleans.