Vol. 19, Issue 04 2021
Many small firms, one giant network: Working together to help small firms grow. Becoming an architect is the dream of many within the design profession, and for those people, all of their effort is focused on learning the ins and outs of the craft, from conceptual planning to technical detailing to construction administration. While becoming a licensed architect requires a great deal of knowledge and understanding of the built environment, rarely is the focus on a greater understanding of business in and of itself. The 2020 Firm Survey Report, conducted by the AIA, showed that approximately 27% of firms are sole proprietors. With over a quarter of the workforce performing all
business tasks independently, without staff members, it puts a tremendous burden of accountability on these firm owners because, without them behind the wheel, there is no one else to steer the ship. Between the overwhelming responsibility of sole proprietorship and a profession that traditionally has a limited focus on business practice, many young professionals turn away from operating their own firms. However, a modified business model focused on collaboration and work-sharing could help those seeking firm ownership, with opportunities to navigate the uncharted waters of their gaps in expertise.
Above: Graphic representation of estimated firm and industry size, per the Firm Survey Report 2020 by the AIA .