YAF CONNECTION 中英双语特刊 2018

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CONNECTION The American Institute of Architects

Young Architects Forum | Official Architecture & Design Journal

美国建筑师协会 青年建筑师论坛 | 官方建筑与设计评论

This special issue is an editorial selection of the international coverage in AIA Young Architects Forum CONNECTION Journal 2017-2018. The articles includes reporting from the Practice Innovation Lab of AIA National Young Architects Forum. AIA YAF CONNECTION 中英文双语特刊 这个中文版专注于建筑业的创新业务模式。 我们将报告美国建筑师协会青年建筑师论坛 YAF 主办的实践创新实验室(Practice Innovation Lab), 并遵循该事件引发的对话。我们还将介绍 新兴建筑师在建筑专业实践中如何创新的故事。

中英双语特刊 - 2018



The American Institute of Architects Young Architects Forum AIA YAF CONNECTION Journal Editorial Team Editor-in-chief Senior Editor - International Senior Editor Senior Editor Contribing Journalist Contribing Journalist Contribing Journalist Contribing Journalist Contribing Journalist

Yu-Ngok Lo, AIA Vikki Lew, AIA Ian Merker, AIA Nicholas Banks, AIA Gabriela Baierle-Atwood, AIA Kate Thuesen, AIA Jessica N. Deaver, Assoc. AIA Sharon Turek, AIAS Jason Adams, Assoc. AIA

AIA Young Architects Forum Chair Lawrence Fabbroni, AIA Vice-Chair Lora Teagarden, AIA Immediate Past Chair Evelyn Lee, AIA Public relation Director Stephen Parker, AIA Communication Director Yu-Ngok Lo, AIA Community Director Abigail R. Brown, AIA Knowledge Director Ryan McEnroe, AIA Public Relation A.J. Sustaita, AIA AIA Strategic Council Jack Morgan, AIA AIA College of Fellows John Castellana, FAIA AIA Communication Milan Jordan, Assoc. AIA

The American Institute of Architects

1735 New York Ave, NW Washington, DC 20006-5292

P 800-AIA-3837 www.aia.org

CONNECTION 美国建筑师协会 青年建筑师论坛 官方季刊。 本出版物是由美国建筑师协会专门青年建筑师论坛 (AIA Young Architects Forum) 成员的志愿者努力创建。 版权所有2018年由美国建筑师协会。 本出版物中所表达的观点仅为作者的观点,而非美国建筑师协会的观点。个别文章的版权属于作者。 所有图像权限均由作者获得或版权所有。

封面故事: WEEKEND HOUSE © Corey Gaffer 摄影 由Snow Kreilich Architects 提供,请从 第18页开始参阅此项 目。





重新定义“目标”- 创新实践实验室


2018 美国建筑师协会建筑公司荣誉奖 SNOW KREILICH ARCHITECTS






美国建筑师协会香港分会 青年建筑师专业组






中英双语特刊 2018

Special Bilingual Issue

编辑团队 盧雨岳, AIA

是YNL Architects, Inc. 公司的负责人。他是AIA青年建筑师论坛委员会的通 讯总监,也是YAF出版物CONNECTION的总编辑。他是2016年AIA国家杰出 青年建筑师奖的获奖者, 2016 BD+C 杂志 40 Under 40 的获奖者, 2015 AIA California Council 杰出青年建筑师奖的获奖者以及 2015 ENR California 杂 志 20 Under 40 的获奖者。他在2018更获 LOUISE BLANCHARD BETHUNE FELLOWSHIP 和AIA PRESIDENTIAL CITATION。


在旧金山开始了她的建筑事业,并于2006年开始在国际上执 业。她的建筑经验多元化,包括 超高层, 综合用途 总体规划 .医疗保健,大学,住宅,金融机构。 2016 - 17年,她在 AIA Hong Kong 香港理事会担任秘书长。


是位于加利福尼亚州萨克拉门托的Rainforth Grau Architects 的建筑师,专长是教育部门。他是AIA Central Valley的电影 策展人和前YAF区域主任。







是马萨诸塞州波士顿Arrowstreet的建筑师。她目前担任AIA 马萨诸塞州和NCARB的建筑师许可顾问。Atwood藉着作 为波士顿建筑师协会及其新兴专业人士网络 - BosNOMA和 MakeTANK委员会的成员,来持续地参与业界。

毕业于休斯顿大学建筑与设计研究院,并拥有德州大学奥斯 汀分校广播电视电影科学学士学位。她曾在德克萨斯州和纽 约州的电影和电视行业写剧本,拍摄和导演。Deaver最近被 发表在文学期刊The New Engagement上。

是[STRANG] Design 有限责任公司的负责人和合伙人。他毕业 于科罗拉多大学博尔德分校,是AIA,IALD和都市与土地协会 的活跃成员。Adams目前在AIA劳德代尔堡理事会和AIA佛罗 里达/加勒比海理事会担任AIA Associate 区域主任。

是位于德克萨斯州休斯顿的Corgan教育工作室的建筑师。 他是AIA休斯顿实习生和助理网络的主席,在那里他鼓励当 地会员沿着获得执照的道路前进。他是YAF CONNECTION 的贡献者已有四年多了。

他是爱荷华州得梅因市DLR的建筑师和合伙人,在幼稚园到 十二年纪,和高等教育行业拥有丰富的经验。她拥有爱荷华 州立大学的学士学位。Thuesen目前担任代表中央州地区的 YAF区域主任。

是Cal Poly San Luis Obispo的四年级学生,正完成建筑学 士学位。除了参与当地的AIAS分会外,她还是AIACC通信 顾问委员会的学生和加州海岸代表。她目前正在结束201718学年,并在加利福尼亚州洛杉矶与ZGF Architects进行 合作实习。



欢迎! 很高兴你们来到美国建筑师协会 (AIA) 青年建筑师论坛 (YAF) 的官方刊物CONNECTION. 我是盧雨岳, 2017-2018的主编辑. CONNECTION由几页的会员通讯演变成一本全美性的期刊已有大约七 年多. 我们的焦点是把青年建筑师有关的热门话题分享给读者. 把CONNECTION带到AIA海外的读者一直是我们团队的心愿. CONNECTION 中文版是我们托展海外的第一步. 希望透过CONNECTION 我们可以和海外的会员建立一个互动的关系. 希望海外的朋友可以 继续关注我们, 更希望你们能分享本地有关青年建筑师的人与事. 特别鸣谢我们的海外编辑廖咏琪 她不但是我们在海外的重要成员, 她也为我们的中文版不遗余力. 她负责翻译, 和内容审查, 也负责 把我们的期刊推广至AIA海外会员. 我想藉此机会感谢整个CONNECTION团队多年来的努力. 也希望未来 的主编辑会继续把CONNECTION传播到世界各地, 更加感谢读者的支 持. 希望你们对我们分享的故事感兴趣. 请继续支持我们! 中文版收录的文章只是 CONNECTION 期刊的一小部分, 欢迎读者到 issuu.com/youngarchitectsforum 浏览我们其他文章和版本. 如果 有任何意见或建议, 请不要犹豫与我们联系. ■

A warm welcome to CONNECTION, the official journal of the Young Architects Forum of The American Institute of Architects. I am Yu-Ngok Lo, AIA, 2017-2018 editor-in-chief of the journal. It has been almost seven years since CONNECTION grew from a modest member newsletter of a few pages to a full-fledged journal. Our focus is to share with our readers the issues most imminent and relevant to the emerging generation of architects. It has been our goal to share CONNECTION with our overseas readers. This special bilingual issue is a modest first step. We aim to, via CONNECTION, establish an interactive relation with our overseas readers, and hope you will continue to follow our publication. We also encourage you to share stories about young architects of your locations. Special thanks to our overseas editor, Vikki Lew, AIA. In addition to being an overseas contributor to the CONNECTION editorial board, she has been instrumental in managing the translation, editorial work, and overseas distribution of this special issue. I would like to take this chance to express my most sincere thanks to the editorial boards of CONNECTION over the years. We hope the upcoming editor-in-chief will carry on the overseas mission. I would also like to thank our readers. Whether you are young architects or experienced architecture, please continue to support us. The articles curated in this issue are only a small selection of CONNECTION Journal. We encourage readers to visit issuu.com/youngarchitectsforum and explore our other articles and past issues. If you have any thoughts or feedback, please don’t hesitate to contact CONNECTION. ■

盧雨岳, AIA 是YNL Architects, Inc. 公司的负责 人。他是AIA青年建筑师论坛委员会的通 讯总监,也是YAF出版物CONNECTION的 总编辑。 盧雨岳是2016年AIA国家杰出 青年建筑师奖的获奖者, 2016 BD+C 杂 志 40 Under 40 的获奖者, 2015 AIA California Council 杰出青年建筑师奖 的获奖者以及 2015 ENR California 杂 志 20 Under 40 的获奖者。他在2018更获 LOUISE BLANCHARD BETHUNE FELLOWSHIP 和AIA PRESIDENTIAL CITATION。


美国建筑师协会 | 青年建筑师论坛 | 官方建筑设计评论 | 中英双语特刊



INNOVATION: PROGRESS OR DISRUPTION? 建筑業越来越催向国傺化, AIA美国建筑师協会 会員 的業務亦遍 及世界各地, 自過去二十年来, AIA 分会成立, 於上海 (2012),香 港 (1997),日本 (2006),英国,欧洲 (1996),加拿大 (2017), 运 有各地自發組織活动的建紧築師会員. 代表美国以外 建筑师会員 的 AIA 国傺区会(AIA International Region),為協会最具發 展力区会。

The architectural profession is increasingly global. AIA Architects are now practicing around the world. In the last twenty years, AIA chapters have been established in Shanghai (2012), Hong Kong (1997), Japan (2006) , UK, Europe (1996), Canada (2017). There are also unassigned members who self-organized in other parts of the world. AIA International Region, which represents all AIA Architects outside of the United States, is the fastest growing region of the Institute.

在 这专业背景下, AIA YAF CONNECTION 编委会非常荣幸地推出这 册中文双语特刊. 这系列文章包括多方面维度, 透过这论坛, 我们 希望与我们的中文读者 分享AIA 建筑师们的 专业 思维及观点, 其次, 我们希望打破语言障碍, 与同业之间就卓越设计, 技术研 究, 政策及实践, 进行更充实、更有意义的交流. CONNECTION 的 出版,並非為求谋利, 编委会的 AIA建筑师们於这集子的文章選 写参与,全是義務性質的。

Against this professional context, it is with great honor our AIA YAF Connection editorial board is launching this special Chinese bilingual issue. The series of articles present. Our objectives are twofold. First, we hope to introduce to our Chinese readers of the myriad ways AIA Architects creating a positive impact in the world. Second, it is a modest attempt to break down the language barrier to establish a meaningful dialogue with our fellow architects. The CONNECTION Journal is a non-profit publication. All AIA Architects on the editorial board are serving on volunteering basis.

本系列的文章,源自過去兩年的出原装出版,采访科目匀经过 CONNECTION编委会精心挑选, 涵盖了海外执业 AIA 年轻建筑师的 个案, 获奖项目鉴赏, 价值观探讨, 领导力分享, 新一代建筑师职 业发展, 采访对象包括个人从业者, 著名公司, 资深院士 (FAIA), 新技术先行者尝试, 新进策略, AIA 海外分会活动. 趋势前瞻, 形 式有采访面谈, 也有专业评论. 无论在世界哪个地方执业, 我们相信 AIA 的價值觀影響力,包括 優異设计, 技术 研究, 專業精神, 创新理念, 政策实践,真 才實學, 不断学习的精神, 其在全球建築業受尊重的地位, 是 实至名归的。■

The articles is only a sampler of the broad spectrum of subjects covered in our international coverage in last two years. Subjects include individual practitioners, firms, AIA chapter program. Format includes interview and review. The respect of our Institute is built on the values of design excellence, knowledge, competence, innovation, practice, continual improvement. These values we as architects all share and cherish, regardless where we are in the world. ■

Vikki Lew, AIA

在旧金山开始了她的建筑事业,并于2006 年开始在国际上执业。她的建筑经验多 元化,包括 超高层, 综合用途 总体规 划 .医疗保健,大学,住宅,金融机构。 2016 - 17年,她在 AIA Hong Kong 香港 理事会担任秘书长。






YAF 资源指南 YAF CONNECTION团队正在寻找团队成员加入编辑委员会。虽然 我们欢迎所有条款的技能,但我们目前的需求是特约记者。职位描 述如下: 特约记者:每期至少发表(3)篇文章。与外部特约记者协调内容 并确保他们遵守既定的截止日期。必须能够在远程环境中工作,能 够平衡出版期限和就业。能够参加季度启动电话会议,并有可能进 行中间更新呼叫。 熟练掌握Adobe Creative Suite(Photoshop,Illustrator,InD esign)和Google产品。申请人善于Adobe CC者优先考虑。请提 供以前工作的示例页面或链接。

YAF 知识网 奖励,公告,播客,博客,YAF CONNECTION 和其他有价值 的YAF内容的知识资源! AIA 院士 查看College of Fellows的互惠时事通讯,了解更多有关正在 发生的事情的信息。

该 职 位 即 时 可 用 , 承 诺 期 限 为 一 年 , 2 0 1 8 年 余 下 两 期 YA F CONNECTION将根据需求和业绩在年底重新评估。


如有兴趣,请联系YAF通讯总监(YAF CONNECTION主编/创意总 监),盧雨岳 yungoklo@hotmail.com 获取更多信息。

不要再让他们离开循环了。 很容易。 更新您的AIA会员资 料,并在“您的知识社区”下添加年轻建筑师论坛。 • 登录到您的AIA帐户 • 按 “Add a Knowledge Community” 键 • 从下拉菜单中选择Young Architects Forum并保存! 新闻,评论,活动, 文章,项目,摄影 您是否有想要与我们的读者分享的内容? 请联系我们的主编盧 雨岳 yungoklo@hotmail.com 及在Twitter上关注我们 @yungoklo。


美国建筑师协会 | 青年建筑师论坛 | 官方建筑设计评论 | 中英双语特刊







Evelyn M. Lee, AIA

Laura Weiss, Assoc. AIA

Illya Azaroff, AIA

Jeff Pastva, AIA

leads workplace strategy at Newmark Knight Frank. She combines her business and architecture background to seamlessly integrate workplace experience with organizational culture and operational strategy. Lee was the 2017 chair of the Young Architects Forum Advisory Committee of the AIA.

is the principal of +LAB Architect PLLC. & Associate Professor at NYCCT (CUNY). He holds an MArch & BArch from Pratt Institute and a BS in Geography & BSAS in Architecture from University of Nebraska Lincoln. In 2014 he received the AIANYS Presidents Citation and the AIA National Young Architects Award.

is a project architect at Bright Common, treasurer of AIA Pennsylvania, and editor in chief of the College of Fellows Newsletter. He was also the 2015-16 editor-inchief of CONNECTION.

美国建筑师协会(以下称“协会”)旗下的青年建筑师论坛(以下称“论坛”) 一直以来都在坚持不懈地推动下一批时代先锋的发展。建筑行业的快速进步不仅 呼唤着我们在设计与构造建筑物时采取新方法,更要求我们采取新思维。

The AIA Young Architects Forum has always been relentless in advancing the next generation of leaders. The fast-evolving pace of our practice not only calls for new ways to design and build, but also new ways of working.

正如创新者或企业家一样,建筑师需要洞察时代走向,把握创新脉搏。然而,商 学院灌输的策略及颠覆式创新的模式并不能直接应用于建筑行业之中。以为这项 职业和社会带来更高的价值为出发点,青年建筑师论坛在今秋正式成立了创新实 践实验室(PIL) ,旨在探索建筑师们应如何创新行业的工作方式。

Architects need to be more nimble and creative, not unlike innovators or entrepreneurs. However, the strategies and disruptive innovations taught at business schools are not directly applicable to architecture. With the drive to add value to our profession and the society we serve, the YAF launched the Practice Innovation Lab (PIL) in the fall to explore how architects could innovate the way we practice.

盧雨岳(YL):请简要介绍一下创新实践实验室(以下称“实验室”)。是什么促 使了它的成立?其愿景又是什么? Evelyn Lee (EL):坦白地讲,促使实验室成立的很大一部分原因在于建筑师们自 己想要寻找新的方式,为其客户创造价值。如果“实验室”的发展方向与青年建 筑师论坛的不一致,或者相互之间的对话不符合要求,我相信协会的成员会阻止 我的。 但他们并没有阻止我,我觉得这是因为“实验室”的成立是在正确时机下做出的 正确选择。论坛一直以来都专注于实践中的领导力,但现在也有很多青年建筑师 和成长起来的专业人员,他们以自己独特的方式做出了让人称赞的业绩,对传统 的从业模式提出了挑战。 我认为这种对话正是未来行业领导者所需要的。 我们的最终目标是创建一种关注行业未来及面临挑战的活动,激励参与者,促进 对话交流。并提供平台,让它能够一直延续下去。 YL: 您希望此次活动的参与者能从中学到什么? EL: 我希望经过此次活动,参与者能够就改善行业实践的潜在途径有新的想法及 思考。此次活动之后,我更希望我们彼此之间能够相互支持,并且能够找到会议 场所,举办相似的行业创新方面的交流会、研讨会等活动。 YL:请简要介绍一下协调员、演讲者以及参与者的筛选流程。协会采取了哪些标 准?


is an innovation strategist, facilitator, and coach. After a decade as an Associate Partner at IDEO she held leadership roles in a range of private and social sector enterprises. Weiss is currently a senior innovation advisor at Slalom and an adjunct professor at the California College of the Arts in San Francisco.

CONNECTION American Institute of Architects | Young Architects Forum

Yu-Ngok Lo (YL): Tell us a bit about the Practice Innovation Lab. What drove the creation of this event? What are the goals? Evelyn Lee (EL): I'm going to be honest here and say that a large part of the PIL is driven by a personal interest for architects to find new ways to bring value to their clients. I was hopeful that the members of the committee and staff would tell me to stop where it headed in a direction that the YAF should not be focusing on or a conversation that we should not be having. But they didn't stop me, and I think it's because it was the right thing to do at the right time. The YAF has always focused on leadership in practice, but there are a lot of young architects and emerging professionals out there who are doing some amazing things with their practices that are really challenging traditional practice models. That's the conversation that I believe the future leaders of the profession should be having. Ultimately, the goal of the Practice Innovation Lab was to create an event focused on the future of practice, challenge and inspire participants, and

我认为建筑系的教育实际上教导我们成为战 略思想家,甚至是创新者。但是,我认为他 们可以在灌输企业家精神方面可以做得更 多。

EL:之前我曾对自己的职业未来感到迷茫,就在领英上闲逛,并由此结识了 Laura (Weiss),到现在已经认识有一段时间了。我发现她的职业轨迹非常有 趣:很久做过建筑师,随后辞职,在IDEO 和Taproot基金会这样的公司中主管某 项业务。作为战略委员会的实际领导者,她为整个活动带来了非常显著的影响。 她能够在日程中抽出时间投入到实验室这项活动中,我非常感激。

give the conversation a jump start as well as a platform for it to continue into the future.

我们一直在寻找与众不同的建筑师,以及与本行业有关的有趣的演讲者。作为 Ted的常客,James就其他行业曾为大众贡献了许多让人开怀而又引人思考的演 讲。作为一位交互式设计师,他基本上没有给建筑师们做过演讲,尽管他的工作 也与建筑行业有关。我们认为,这是一个非常好的机会,可以给大家展示一种比 较新颖的设计实践, 而且更多的建筑师应该将其与自己的工作结合起来。

EL: I hoped that the participants left with new ideas and thoughts on how they can go and potentially evolve their practices. The event brought together a lot of like-minded individuals, going forward I would like to find a way to maintain the network we created and find venues to host similar talks, charrettes, and the like on practice innovation.

Susan Chin是我的一位好友,同时也是一位老客户。作为 Design Trust for Public Space 的执行总监,她在开发和改造纽约一些位置极佳的公共区域中 提供了指导,这些区域包括五区农场(Five Borough Farm)、市中心改造 (Making Midtown)、高架桥下(Under the Elevated)以及安居公寓(Laying the Groundwork)。 协会提供了一个非常有趣的机会,让大家可以和建筑行业中具有创新意识的同 行进行交流,他们在提供设计方案时,总是能够找到不同的方法。我第一次 见到LuminAID 的Andrea Sreshta 时,她正在和自己的合伙人Anna Stork 宣 传“Shark Tank” 项目。两位才俊是哥伦比亚大学建筑系的毕业生,她们以自 己独特的方式,给世界带来了深刻的改变。在协会成员Gregory Kearley 的帮 助下,Inscape Publico 在开展公司业务的同时,还成功创建了一个非盈利性组 织;来自RED Office的协会伙伴Katheryn Meairs在开发自己项目时,从客户的 角度分享了自己的观点。 邀请的每一位演讲者都是为了在团队准备项目宣传的间隙,给他们带来灵感。 YL:要将这些提议付诸实践,下一步该怎么做?或者说这一活动如何可能扭转建 筑行业的传统模式? EL: 我们一开始就没有计划要将这些提议立马付诸实践。我们期望的最佳结果是 从业者可能会反思自己在”实验室”的经历,并考虑自己在实践中应该怎么做才 能与快速发展的经济保持同步。

YL: What are some of the things you hope participants can get out of this event?

YL: Tell us a bit about the moderator, speakers, and participant-selection process. What are some of the criteria the committee had in mind? EL: Moderator - I've known Laura Weiss, Assoc. AIA for a while now, having found her on LinkedIn when I was personally looking for what was next in my professional developments. I found her career path quite intriguing, having been an architect herself who left the profession quite a while ago, only to end up leading business practices in companies like IDEO and the Taproot Foundation. She's made an incredible impact as a director at large on the Strategic Council, and I was incredibly grateful that she had time on her schedule to contribute to the Practice Innovation Lab. Speakers - We were searching for architects who were doing something different, as well as interesting speakers that were adjacent to our field. As a Ted fellow, James Patten had given a lot of really engaging and provocative presentations outside of the profession. But as an interactive designer, he had very little time in front of an audience of architects – although his designs interact with the built environment. We thought this would be a great opportunity to showcase a relatively new type of design practice that more architects should be engaging with and building collaboration.


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出乎意料的是,一些团队竟然将自己的想法发展到更高水平。我们没想到的是, 有些团队将他们的想法提升到了一个新的水平。其中的一个团队JAMB,以及一名 参赛者Jason Winters名下的Kelzo集团,在Charrette Venture Group举办的年 度建筑商业实践竞赛中入围决赛。其他人也一直在寻找方法,希望在各自的地区 能够将这种对话一种延续下去。一些非实验室成员也联系了我们,想了解在自己 州要发起类似的活动需要怎么做。 YL:总体来说,一直到现今社会,建筑行业也并没有太多创新(就从业模式而 言)。您觉得这是为什么?学术界“战略思考”的缺失是否是其中的部分原因? EL:我认为建筑系的教育实际上教导我们成为战略思想家,甚至是创新者。但 是,我认为他们可以在灌输企业家精神方面可以做得更多。目前的行业实践代表 着一种文化,一种落后于周围世界发展的文化。我们所有的创新都体现在设计过 程中,并以瑰丽的建筑展现出来。但我们对于建筑行业历史上最具预测性之一的 经济周期感到身怀重任。我们的命运与客户息息相关,但我们却发现有的公司在 经济稍显不景气时就辞退员工,甚至关门大吉。 然而这种情况也正得以改善。我们发现越来越多的建筑学院与商学院合作,或者 在设计方面拓展其他领域,让建筑师们能够创造更多的价值。 关于为何在近十年以来创新才层出不穷,我认为这是上次经济衰退带来的必然结 果。建筑公司需要通过提供额外的或是不同的服务,探索创造利润的新途径,以 此留住人才并支付用人成本。


CONNECTION American Institute of Architects | Young Architects Forum

Susan Chin, FAIA, Hon. ASLA is a friend of mine and has been on the client side for a while now. As the executive director of the Design Trust for Public Space, she has been instrumental in the development and implementation of high-profile public spaces in the city of New York, including the Five Borough Farm, Making Midtown, Under the Elevated and Laying the Groundwork. The panel presented us an interesting opportunity to have a dialogue with people that are approaching design solutions within the built environment differently. I first saw Andrea Sreshta of LuminAID pitch on "Shark Tank" with her co-founder Anna Stork. The two Columbia architecture student grads are changing the world in different illuminating ways. Under the watchful eye of Gregory Kearley, AIA, Inscape Publico has been successfully running a non-profit alongside their for-profit business. Partner Katheryn Meairs, AIA, of the RED Office talked about the view from the client side developing their projects. Each of the speakers was meant to serve as an inspirational break in between working sessions where the teams were putting together their pitches.


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YL:作为一位战略思想家和建筑师,您觉得战略性思维是如何帮助推进行业的创 新型思维呢? EL:无论是在学校还是在实践中,建筑师接受的培训都是教导他们为多维度的问 题创造解决方案。问题从来都不是战略性思维是否有助于提高行业的创新水平, 而在于我们应该将战略性思维和创新应用于实践中的哪一阶段。 我们得以和活动的协调员 Laura Weiss 坐下来交流,以对她的背景有更深的了 解。作为一位转过行的设计师,我们问她,“什么是创新? YL:您刚开始是一位传统的设计师,随后投身到设计行业的其他领域,请详细讲 述一下整个历程。 Laura Weiss (LW): 正如你所提到的,我从一开始就是一名建筑师,这是我从12 岁以来就梦寐以求的目标。但当我成为一名有资质的专业人员和教育者之后,发 生了一些意想不到的事情 —— 我对创造过程的商业方面越来越感兴趣。我开 始观察建筑师是如何与客户打交道,如何与公众互动,以及对最终结果产生的影 响。 这其中的过程并不总是很顺畅的。 随后我的职业生涯中出现了三个转折点。首先是我认识到至少在建筑实践领域, 设计活动和商业决策并不总是一致的。这种认识让我决定去商学院深造,去了 解“客户”的想法,了解设计如何是如何影响这一过程。这也让我接触到更广义 的创新 ——不仅仅是建筑层面的设计 —— 随后我便偏向于产品设计,这似乎带 有更浓厚的商业色彩,而且它比建筑领域更注重协作。

EL: It was never meant for the proposals to be adopted outright. At best, we thought that individuals might consider their experience at the Practice Innovation Lab and reconsider what their practices could do to remain relevant in an ever-evolving economy. What we didn't expect was for some of the teams to take their ideas to the next level. JAMB, one of the teams, along with the co-founder of Kelzo Group – who is owned by one of the participants, Jason Winters – is one of the finalists in the annual architecture business practice competition put on by the Charrette Venture Group. Others have been looking for ways to continue the conversation back in their regions, and we've had a few people outside of the Practice Innovation Lab who have reached out to us to see what it would take to run a similar lab in their state. YL: Innovation is an important element of architecture. However, we have not seen many innovative (in terms of our practice model) changes in our profession in general until this decade. Why do you think this is the case? What can we do more on the academic side?

创新性产品和服务通常能让我们的生活更加愉悦和轻松,换句话说,就是让我们 不再感到痛苦和挣扎。因此,创新是商业成功和竞争优势的主要来源。但要取得 创新成果是非常具有挑战的,因为它需要同时满足三个不同的条件 —— 人类需 求,技术可行性和经济适用性。

EL: I would argue that architecture education teaches us to be strategic thinkers and even innovators. However, I think they could do more to teach designers about entrepreneurialism. The current state of practice is indicative of a culture that hasn't changed as fast as the world around it. All of our innovation goes into the design process and reveals itself in the form of amazing buildings. But we are beholden to one of the most predictable economic cycles in history, the construction industry. We are thriving when our clients are building, and we find firms letting staff go and closing their doors in the downturn.

我们可以考虑一下在建筑领域,我们是如何通过创新来创造新的价值的。需要明 确的是,建筑师是服务提供者,而不是建造者。他们因自己提供的服务而获得报 酬,并让设计的大楼得以最终落地。但建筑师在此过程中却将建筑物的设计作为 其唯一的竞争优势,这体现出人类对于建筑物创造过程的认识几乎没有任何变 化。

Things are beginning to change though. We are seeing more architecture schools partner with or integrate with business schools as well as new or developing fields within design to diversify the value that architects bring to the table.

YL: 什么是创新?为什么建筑师参与到创新实践中非常重要? LW:当被问及“什么是创新?”时,我的定义是:创新是一种创造价值的新事 物。创新就是价值创造,这是它与纯技术发明的区别。而发明则是价值取向尚未 得以确定的新事物。

而这正是我们面临挑战的地方:客户并不会单纯地购买或接受我们的服务,他们 也会参与到创造过程中——延缓或加快设计过程、让整个设计变好或变坏、削减 或提高成本。 这意味着我们应该审慎考虑,让客户和其他利益相关方参与到整个设计过程中。 我相信这是建筑行业未来的创新源泉。


YL: What are the next steps for putting these proposals into practice? Or how could this event potentially change the more traditional architecture practice models we see today?

CONNECTION American Institute of Architects | Young Architects Forum

Regarding why we are seeing more innovation within the last decade, I think it was born out of the necessity of the last recession. Firms need to find ways to keep and pay their talent by offering expanded or different services outside of what has been considered traditional architecture services, finding new ways to create revenue.

关注行业现状及其未来不仅对于我来说非常重要,它也代表着 AIA 最重要的一个 价值观念。作为一个组织,我们拥有人力、物力和财力来应对下一代建筑师将要 面临的挑战。推动从业模式的发展只是我们与时俱进、保障未来的一种途径。

YL: ”协作“在许多团队的商业模式中都有提及,那么它和创新有何联系呢? LW:协作对于创新来说至关重要,因为它可以促进发散性思维。通常情况下,在 我们寻求解决问题或创造新事物的过程中,我们会专注于解决方案,会急于趋 同。但要找到最佳的解决方案其实需要我们了解想要解决的问题。因此最好的解 决办法是就同一话题采取多种不同的视角,但我们并不习惯这种工作方式,它会 导致冲突和分歧。而这种创造过程中产生的分歧其实会带来最棒的结果。对于提 供服务的团队而言,让所有的利益相关方——客户、伙伴以及其他人都能够参与 到工作过程中,这点对于建立创造性关系至关重要。 YL:这个实活动只是这场建筑业从业模式变革的开端,下一步是什么呢? LW: 我认为要给建筑行业带来真正意义上的改变,就必须采取双管齐下的方法。 首先,我觉得最重要的是要转变培育建筑师的方式。必须要更加注重领导力和 人际交流——这两种能力能让建筑师从容应对适应性挑战,而不仅仅是技术性挑 战。这可能要求我们重新思考如何传授行业经验,如何将现实生活中的情境与教 学更早地结合起来,让学生能够沉浸其中。 另一方面,对于我们的服务所带来的价值,我们会转变与公众,即客户的互动模 式。这又回到设计和提供服务的问题。我们的从业环境是一个整体,而不是各自 为营。我们需要重新定义在这一整体中价值应如何创造并分配,仅仅只是改变自 己是不够的——这不只是商业模式的问题,这关乎整体。 YL:建筑行业绝大部分都是小企业,他们通常由于缺乏资源而无法制定战略规

YL: As a strategic thinker and an architect, how do you think strategic thinking can help elevate the innovative thinking of our profession? EL: Architects are trained both in education and in practice to create solutions to multi-dimensional problems. The question has never been whether or not strategic thinking can help elevate innovation in the profession; it has been a matter of where we apply strategic thinking and innovation in practice. The next person we reached out to is the moderator of the event, Laura Weiss, Assoc. AIA. As a designer who decided to pursue an alternative career, we asked her what innovation is. YL: Tell us a little bit about your journey from being a traditional practitioner to an alternative career in design? Laura Weiss (LW): As you mention, I began my career as an architect, a goal I had dreamed of since the age of 12. But something unexpected happened during my years as a licensed professional and educator – I became increasingly interested in the business side of the creative process. I started to observe how architects worked with their clients and the general public and the impact those interactions had on what ultimately was produced. It wasn’t always pretty. My professional story after that has three inflection points. The first was this recognition that, at least in the world of architectural practice, design activities and business decisions were not always aligned. This resulted in my decision to go to business school, to understand how “clients” think and to learn how design might somehow inform that process. This also exposed me to the broader world of innovation – beyond just the design of the built environment – and I gravitated towards the world of product design, which seemed much more commercially oriented and also much more collaborative than the field of architecture. YL: What is innovation? Why is it important for the architecture profession to engage in practice innovation? LW: The definition that I offer when asked “what is innovation?” is this: Innovation is something new that creates value. Innovation is all about value creation. That’s what differentiates it from something that is merely a technological invention. An invention is something new for which the value proposition has not yet been determined. Innovative products and services generally add delight or ease to our lives, or likewise eliminate pain or struggle. As a result, innovation is a primary source of commercial success and often competitive advantage. But the

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划。在这种情况下,这些小企业应该如何参与到创新的实践中? LW:制定战略规划有很多方面,基本上是寻找新的竞争和生存方法。然而,创新经 常是寻找方法实现战略目标。没有创新的战略基本上是死路一条,因为短视的增 长或变化不是解决竞争威胁大局的有效方法。 盲目地追求创新也是浪费资源。重点是理解想要解决的是什么问题。 最后,我们和活动的参与者也进行了交流,了解他们此次活动的经历。 YL:当初为什么申请此次活动呢? Illya Azaroff (IA):我是促成此次活动的顾问团队的一员,该团队是从 YAF 中 的Workforce Jetpack 部门发展而来。之所以参与此次活动,是因为我想了解一 下行业的未来,并与我自己如何开展工作室业务的想法进行对比和调整。 Jeff Pastva (JP):我申请此次活动是出于一下几个原因。首先是因为这一五 年一次的聚会将制定 YAF 未来五年的工作重点。作为一名成长起来的专业人 员,YAF 在我发展过程中起到了很大的作用。我希望通过参与此次活动,能够让 自己的专业知识派上用场。其次,关注行业现状及其未来不仅对于我来说非常重 要,它也代表着 YAF 最重要的一个价值观念。作为一个组织,我们拥有人力、 物力和财力来应对下一代建筑师将要面临的挑战。推动从业模式的发展只是我们 与时俱进、保障未来的一种途径。

achievement of innovation is challenging because it requires alignment of three disparate components – human need, technical feasibility, and economic viability. Let’s consider how the quest for new value creation via innovation is playing out in the field of architecture. To be clear, architects are service providers, not builders. They are paid for the service they provide, which enables a building to be constructed. Yet architects have focused on the design of the artifact as their sole competitive advantage. The human experience of how a building is realized has changed little. And therein lies a challenge. Clients don’t simply purchase or consume services; they also participate in creating it – making it slower or faster, better or worse, cheaper or more expensive. (Think about this during your next encounter with an airline :-) What this means is that we should be more deliberate in how we engage clients and other stakeholders in the delivery of our work. I believe that is the source of future innovation for our profession. YL: “Collaboration” was mentioned in many of the team’s business models. What is the correlation between innovation and collaboration?

YL:从此次活动中学到了什么?它又是如何改变您的行业实践的? IA:此次活动之后,我发现它让我们这一代的从业者得以了解下一代人对于行业 实践的看法,让我更加确信“团队”比“个人”更重要,确信对于这一代的建 筑师来说,我们所带来的社会影响是与时代保持同步的关键,也是成功的重要因 素。与会者中,大家也经常聊到围绕项目而建立的良好关系,而不是以公司为基 础建立。另一个我觉得比较新颖和不同的地方是现在也有许多行业模式,填补了 当前完成项目模式与职业化从业模式之间的空白,这些新的模式主要用于服务其 他建筑师。总体来说,我了解到现在流行扁平化的从业模式,而不是等级化的模 式。这也是我在自己的工作室中极力想要达到的目标。 JP:我个人学习到了许多的从业模式——从研究驱动模式到非营利性/无偿专业服 务模式,这些模式不仅从经济角度是可行的,而且也让建筑师/设计师的社会形 象得以提升。当同时我也看到,行业的从业人员及其对职业的热忱也需要改善。 作为一个职业,建筑师中有很多阴差阳错地成为了企业家。出于客观原因或主观 原因,他们想要自己单干,想独自在行业中闯出自己的一片天。然而,其中只有 少部分企业有自己的商业规划,对于未来发展拥有转变规划的则更少。当我们带 有目的地用设计来解决问题时,包括设计公司,整个过程就体现出我们的经验、 所受教育以及天赋是如何带领我们走向成功的。 YL: 对于您以及自己的从业实践来说,下一步将怎么做? IA: 目前,我在反思自己在行业实践中的表现,以及下一阶段该如何转变。


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LW: Collaboration is critical to innovation because it enables divergent thinking. Often, in our quest to solve a problem or create something new, we focus on the solution. We rush to convergence. But the best solutions come from an understanding of the actual problem we are trying to solve, and the best way to do that is to engage multiple different perspectives on the topic. This is not always a natural way to work because it’s a setup for conflict and disagreement. But that kind of creative friction yields the best results. And for service businesses, working in a way that engages all stakeholders – clients, partners, and others – is critical for productive relationships. YL: The PIL is only the beginning of a campaign that revolutionizes the practice of architecture. What’s the next step? LW: I believe that we need to take a two-pronged approach to realizing true change in architectural practice. The first, and most important in my opinion, is transforming the way architects are educated. There needs to be much more emphasis on leadership and interpersonal communications – the kinds of skills that enable architects to successfully address adaptive challenges, not just technical challenges. This may involve reimagining how we teach professional practice and immersing students in “real life” situations much earlier and in a much more integrated way.

超越自身利益,投身于更崇高的实践中vs. 建造新建筑物的需求

• 重新定义这项职业应该囊括哪些人,以及我们是为谁服务的。换句话说, 推陈出新,无所畏惧。 我了解到对于需要这一代同行参与的行业创新,如何才能更好地规划其工作流程 以及相应的风险。我认为 YAF 应该支持承担风险的模式,并提供灵活的框架为 新兴的以关系为基础的行业模式服务。对于落后于时代的行业孵化器,YAF 要如 何提供帮助呢? JP:我想进一步探索自己团队(Daedalus)预见的商业规划,也会将帮助这一活 动书写新的篇章。像这种的创新试验如果每五年又YAF 举办一次,那它的影响力 将非常有限。为把握时机,改变当前的行业文化,我们需要更多的人发声,需要 更多成长起来的同行探索新的从业模式。为他们提供指导,并提供创新的动力, 成功将会在未来与我们不期而遇。■

The other way we will revolutionize practice is to educate the public – i.e. our clients – in the value of our services. This goes back to the issues of service design and delivery that I mentioned earlier. We practice in a system, not in isolation, so we need to redefine how value is created and distributed in that system. We cannot merely redesign our individual practices – this is not actually a business-model problem. It’s a system problem. YL: How are strategic planning and innovation related? How do they inform each other? LW: Strategic planning has many dimensions, but the basic premise is to explore and clarify ways to "beat the competition" (whatever that might be). Innovation is often the way to achieve an organization's strategic goals, whether it is focused on a new marketing strategy, a brand strategy, a new product development strategy or something else. Strategy without innovation is essentially a dead end, because incremental growth or change is rarely an effective way to address competitive threats. The pursuit of innovation without a larger strategic objective is equally problematic as it is a waste of resources. Without an understanding of a real problem to solve (or an opportunity to exploit), it is very difficult to realize any value from such initiatives. Finally, we spoke with Jeff Pastva, AIA and Illya Azaroff, AIA, participants of the PIL, to share their experience of the events. YL: Why did you apply for the PIL? Illya Azaroff (IA): I was part of the advisory group that put the Practice Innovation Lab together and it stems from the YAF Workforce Jetpack. I participated hoping to see a snapshot of future practice and challenge my own ideas of how my studio practices.

上图: 活动特邀演讲师 - 由AIA提供

Jeff Pastva (JP): I applied to the PIL for a couple of reasons. The first is that the quinquennial summit helps shape the priorities of the YAF for the next five years. Since the YAF has been an important part of my development as an emerging professional, it was something I wanted to be a part of in the hopes that my institutional knowledge could add to the conversation. The second is that the focus on the state and future of practice is not only important to me, but represents one of the most significant value propositions of the AIA. As an organization, we have the intellectual, human, and financial capital to solve the challenges that face our next generation of architects. Evolving models of practice are one of the ways we remain relevant and future proof.


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YL: What did you get out of the PIL? How did it change your own practice? IA: What I found was that the lab explorations provided a cross section of the upcoming generation’s view on practice. It confirmed for me that "group" is more important than "individual", that social impact is the key to relevance and a greater measure of success for this generation of architects. Fluidity of relationships that coalesce around projects rather than an office entity was another common thread with the attendees. One area I found new and different from my view were several models that were positioned to serve other architects by filling the gaps in the current project delivery models and professional practice models. Overall I observed a collective model of practice rather than a pyramid approach. Something I strive for in my studio. JP: I personally learned a few new models – from research-driven to nonprofit/pro bono – that are not only financially viable but advance the role of the architect/designer in society. But I also witnessed the talent and passion we have to innovate. Architecture as a profession has a lot of involuntary entrepreneurs – those who strike out on their own because they have to or want the freedom to practice as a sole practitioner. However, a limited percentage of those firms have a business plan and fewer still a transition plan for future growth. When we get ahead and intentionally use design to solve problems – including designing a firm – it shows how our experience, education, and natural talents have prepared us for success. We just need to act on it. YL: What would be the next step for you and your practice? IA: Currently, I am questioning my own practice and next stages for transformation. • Service to something larger than self vs. the need to build new buildings. • Redefining who the profession includes and who we serve was discussed and recognized as a healthy endeavor. In other words, question everything, and fear nothing. I learned how to better structure workflow and risk for innovation that involves colleagues from this generation. I believe that the AIA should support risk-taking models and provide a flexible framework to support emerging relationship-based practice. How can the institute support incubators that are not tied to place? JP: I would like to further explore the business plan my team (Daedalus) envisioned, but also spread the program to other chapters. An innovation lab such as this one will only have limited impact if it's held once every five years by AIA National. In order to take hold and change the culture, more voices need to be included, and more emerging professionals need to explore innovative ways of practice. Giving them some instruction and the push to innovate, sets this up for success in the future.■


CONNECTION American Institute of Architects | Young Architects Forum

之所以参与此次活动,是因为我想了解一下行业的未来,并与我自 己如何开展工作室业务的想法进行对比和调整。

上图: 创新实践实验室参加者- 由AIA提供


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Snow Kreilich建筑事务所是AIA建筑事务所奖的得主。 该奖项至今已有55年历 史,是该机构颁发给建筑事务所的最高荣誉。这家总部位於美国明尼苏达州最 大城明尼阿波利斯的工作室,由美国建筑师协会院士(FAIA )的Julie Snow於 1995年创立,并以对旗下才华横溢的建筑师卓越的督导而扬名国际。该公司最初 以Julie Snow建筑事务所为名,四年前方更名为Snow Kreilich 建筑事务所。在 奖项提名过程中,该公司被誉为“在避免过度怀旧和科技化的自我约束下,保持 内敛丶端庄丶优雅的风格,并对精炼丶简约的建筑构造深具巧思。” 盧雨岳(YL): 请谈谈贵公司的企业文化。Snow Kreilich建筑事务所是一家非常 多样化的公司,员工中有50%由女性和少数族裔所组成。请问多样化为何如此重 要? Matthew Kreilich (MK): 我们是一家充满机遇的公司。如果你有自己的想法 丶兴趣或热情,我们希望你能进一步发展和实践,而我们也愿意为你提供支 持。Julie和我都尽可能地鼓励这一点。我们的工作室成员对于公司的成长和革 新有着绝大的贡献。从每周的ARE研究小组,到即将成立且有助于我们更关注公 益项目和研究的非营利计划503c3 - 工作室成员着手推动各种新计划的过程相 当令人振奋。我们最近在公司内部增加了一个领导阶层,以为项目交付丶业务开 发和运营提供更多支持。公司越是多样化,你对建筑和客户所提出的问题答案也 就越多样化。

YL: Tell us about your firm’s culture (for example, studio culture, hierarchy structure – if any). Snow Kreilich Architects is a very diverse firm, with 50 percent of your staff consisting of women and minorities. Why do you think this is important? Matthew Kreilich (MK): We are a firm of opportunities. If you have an idea, interest, or passion, we want you to bring it forward, and we are open to finding ways to support it. Julie and I try to encourage this as much as possible. A lot of our growth and evolution of the firm has come from our studio members. It has been exciting to see studio members lead both small and large initiatives within the studio, from weekly ARE study groups

Matthew Kreilich, FAIAan

Aksel Coruh

Christina Stark, AIA

Jason Dannenbring, AIA

Katie Myhre, AIA

Mike Heller, Assoc. AIA

Matthew Tierney, AIA

Natalya Egon, AIA

Matthew Kreilich is a design principal at Snow Kreilich Architects in Minneapolis. He is the heart of the firm's collaborative working model, with an active participation in both strategic and detail design resolution. Kreilich was recently a juror for the Progressive Architecture Award and continues to participate on AIA juries throughout the country.

Christina Stark, AIA, joined Snow Kreilich Architects in 2015. She holds an MArch from the University of Minnesota and a BS in architecture from the University of Texas-Arlington.

Katie Myhre is an architect and project manager at Snow Kreilich Architects. She holds a bachelor of fine art degree in interior design from Iowa State University and an MArch and ecological design certificate from the University of Oregon. She is a LEED-accredited professional and obtained licensure as an architect and certified interior designer in 2017.

Matt Tierney is a registered architect whose training, research, and career have focused on thoughtful design solutions embedded in place. In addition to projects in the U.S., he has worked extensively in East Africa with nonprofit organizations and continues to do so within Snow Kreilich’s office.


Snow Kreilich Architects is the recipient of the AIA Architecture Firm Award. Now in its 55th year, the award is the institute’s highest honor for a firm. Founded by Julie Snow, FAIA, in 1995, the Minneapolis-based studio is well-known for exceptional mentoring of its talented members. Originally Julie Snow Architects, the firm was renamed Snow Kreilich Architects four years ago. In the nomination for the honor, the firm is credited with “a restrained formal elegance and a refined minimal tectonic sensibility while avoiding the nostalgic and technological excesses of our discipline.”

CONNECTION American Institute of Architects | Young Architects Forum

Aksel Coruh is a Dutch architect who practiced at Claus en Kaan Architecten in Rotterdam and Neri & Hu Research and Design Office in Shanghai prior to moving to Minneapolis. He has been a visiting critic at the University of Minnesota School of Architecturefrom the Mondriaan Foundation and the Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture.

Jason Dannenbring has been with Snow Kreilich since 2016. He received his MArch from Princeton University and his BA in architecture from the University of Minnesota.

left a career in physics after developing a deep appreciation for the power of light and shadow in architecture. He attended Washington University in St. Louis and is currently working on multi-family housing projects.

Natalya Egon joined Snow Kreilich Architects in 2016. She is active in academia and teaches architecture studios at the University of Minnesota. She received her MArch from Harvard Graduate School of Design and a BS in architecture from the University of


Jason Dannenbring (JD): 我们的工作室由来自世界各地具备不同经验和教育背 景的员工所组成。我们的聘雇范围不限于圣保罗和明尼阿波利斯,而这确保工作 室能不断接收新的意见与观点。长期聘任的员工对公司文化的延续有助于保持办 公室文化的一致性。雇用具备不同经验的新员工则能不断促进旧有思想和文化的 发展。同理,文化背景多样化的员工也能为我们对项目的思考和观点产生助益。 与此同时,我们的营销丶行政和会计人员也是我们工作室中不可或缺的一份子。 我们鼓励新员工做有创意的简报,以分享他们过去的经历。进入工作室几年的员 工则负责制作有关我们过去的工作项目丶制定标准丶永续发展计划等内容的简 报。这些简报的内容非常轻松有趣 - 可确保我们的思考跳脱日复一日的制式化 工作模式。

Matthew Tierney (MT): 工作室予人归属感,或许比多样化更为重要。在这个场 域中,谈话的丰富性往往以意想不到的方式为设计增添色彩。而多样化的团队将 设计作为个人自由交谈的媒介,无非是促成此过程发生的关键。通常,来自不同 背景的人之间的对话,能自然展现设计方法中的关键问题。可以期待从他人的信 仰和对自己的价值观提出问题来学习新知,让每日的工作上班成为一种乐趣。而 多样化的办公室文化所带来的推陈出新,使工作得以保持新鲜丶活力和生命力。

Natalya Egon (NE): 建筑始终来自于人性,是人们享有庇护丶舒适和社交参与 的所在。然而,从历史的角度来看,这个职业一直被认为是种含有精英主义色彩 或排他性的职业,而在某些方面,其确实是如此 -为了成为 “建筑师”,一人 必须获取职业规定的学校教育丶工作时间和法律认证,以辛苦通过进入该职业领 域的种种屏障。一个优秀的建筑师应该以为每个人创造美好的空间为目标。建筑 者和建筑使用者之间的二分法近来常受到讨论。我们屏弃类型的刻板印象,致力 于依据个人需求来创造个人空间,并努力将自己塑造为可以代表客户风格与身份 的建筑品牌。作为一名年轻的女性建筑师,我总惊讶于女性如何司空见惯地被

to the soon-to-be established nonprofit 503c3 that will allow us to more clearly focus on pro bono projects and research. We have recently added a leadership level within the firm that supports our firm in project delivery, business development, and operations. In terms of diversity, I think the simple answer to this is that the more diverse the firm, the more diverse your responses will be to the questions architecture and your clients pose. Jason Dannenbring (JD): The studio is comprised of staff with varied experience and degrees from all over the world. Our hiring practices aren’t limited to the Twin Cities, which helps to assure that new voices are constantly being added to a studio that also has staff that have been with the firm for many years. The continuity provided by those who have been employed longer helps to maintain some consistency for office culture, while the hiring of new employees with a diversity of experience and place help to assure that our thinking and culture continue to evolve. Our marketing, administrative, and accounting staff also play a role in our studio, and they feel very integrated with what we all do on a day-to-day basis. New hires are encouraged to give happy-hour presentations, sharing experiences from past lives, and staff that have been with the studio for several years are responsible for leading studio presentations that may cover our past work, drawing standards, sustainability initiatives, etc. Matt Tierney (MT): The studio feels inclusive, maybe more importantly than feeling diverse. It is a place where the richness of the conversation often colors the design approach in unexpected ways. That process can’t happen without a diverse group using design as the medium to converse freely from one’s own personal perspective. The constant and changing influences that come along with a diverse office culture keeps the work fresh, alive, and breathing.

下图: CHS 棒球场, © Corey Gaffer 摄影, 由Snow Kreilich Architects提供


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拒于该领域领导阶层的大门之外,因此我更加感谢Snow 于女性的一视同仁。


YL: 请谈谈贵公司的业务。贵公司花了很多时间从事公益项目,其重要性为何? MK: 我们公司始于为整个中西部地区设计实用的仓库建筑。而我们的执业范围 至今已扩展至全国各地,但仍以从办公室到边境站丶从巴士站到棒球场等日常建 筑类型为主。我们对于能够藉由建筑设计来彰显过去经常受到忽视的项目感到自 豪。在过去的几年之内,我们一直在增加公益项目的工作量,藉此获取在典型工 作项目类型之外进行练习的机会。这些项目上至一所位在非洲的学校,下至位在 哥斯达黎加的棱皮龟研究中心。这些工作的後续影响为我们带来极大的成就感。 而我们的无偿工作,也为这些以志愿者投入的时间和资金为运作基础的组织做出 一分贡献。能够亲眼见证我们的参与所带来的正面影响,对人心无疑是一大鼓 舞。 YL: 您认为贵公司的商业模式与其他传统建筑设计事务所有何不同?展望未来, 贵公司是否有因应未来趋势并进行调整的打算? MK: 我们不执着于单一项目类型。许多公司都有基本配备的项目或专门从事的 特定项目类型。而这从来不是我们的工作哲学。我们某些最出色的作品是我们第 一次尝试某种项目类型的成果。我们从不自我设限;相反,我们针对各个项目提 出缜密的研究和设计过程。我们的工作室一直在不断进化。要成为一个成功的企 业,就必须顺应未来的趋势发展。而这便是Julie和我在公司中所扮演的重要角 色。我们的责任便是推动变革丶创新和新的设计方法。 YL: 新兴技术对贵公司有何影响? Aksel Coruh (AC): 我们认为新兴技术的优势,在于其得以延伸而非取代过去以 来建筑师们所开发出和经过测试的工具。我们正在采用建筑信息化模型(BIM) 的协作维度,以提升与顾问之间的合作,而虚拟实境漫游则让我们能够帮助不熟 悉传统2D绘图的客户理解项目的空间质量。 与此同时,我们继续密切关注 “离线” 流程的价值:每个项目材料调色板的触 感品质丶反思现场视察所激发的灵感,以及聚焦萤幕模型难以具体呈现之设计关 键元素的草稿描绘。 JD: 工作室积极投资最新技术,鼓励员工在工作中使用这些工具,并鼓励那些在 这方面经验丰富的人举办工作坊,以帮助他人理解工具的使用。虽然我们没有明 确要求资深员工学习复杂的建模程序,但员工们自发学习使用这些工具所付出的 努力确实令我印象深刻。 在建筑新技术方面,工作室不断从事材料研究,并推动项目与新建筑技术间的结 合。双子城是某些专开发建筑商品或参与最新建筑技术的尖端企业的发源地,像 是:3M丶Viracon丶MG McGrath和Permasteelisa,而这些还只是我们在开发项目 时积极合作的几家公司之一。 KM:作为「2030年AIA计划」的一员,以及「建筑师先锋」网络中的一份子,Snow Kreilich承诺通过我们的作品来为智能设计丶智能建筑和碳中和的目标做出贡 献。 新兴技术 - 特别是BIM能源建模领域的技术 - 对我们各项业务来说功 不可没。 YL: 贵公司如何在近期一次的经济衰退中幸存? MK: 我们的工作室不关注任何单一项目类型,这有助于最大限度地减少经济衰 退的影响。我们目睹了许多专注单一项目类型且员工人数高达80人的公司,经历 至少裁员一半以上人数的惨况。建筑师们人人自危。我们很幸运地在经济衰退时 期拥有几项大规模且不受私人产业影响的公共建设项目。当时我们主要美国总务 署项目之一,是经济衰退期间《美国经济复苏暨再投资法》所资助的最后几项项 目之一。该项目在当时成为一剂救命丹,使我们免于其他公司所需面对的重大影 响。


CONNECTION American Institute of Architects | Young Architects Forum

Natalya Egon (NE): Making architecture revolves around the very things that make us human – shelter, comfort, and social engagement. However, historically the profession has been viewed as an elitist or exclusionary profession, and in some ways, it still is – there is a great barrier to entry to the profession if you simply consider the schooling, hours, and legal requirements needed in order to call yourself “Architect.” But the goal of any good architect should be to make great spaces for everyone. This dichotomy between who makes architecture and who uses it has been addressed a lot lately – but is something that Snow Kreilich has always thought about. Not only do we strive to provide thoughtful spaces for everyone by not specializing in one typology or client type, but we also strive to make our day-to-day operations representative of who we are serving. As a young female architect, it astounds me how easy it is for women to be excluded from leadership positions in this field, and I greatly appreciate how this just isn’t an issue at Snow Kreilich Architects. YL: Tell us a little bit about your firm’s work. Your firm spent a lot of time providing pro bono services. Why is it important for your firm to do this type of work? MK: Our firm was founded on designing pragmatic warehouse buildings throughout the Midwest. We have grown to work all over the country but continue to have a focus on common, everyday building types, from offices to border stations and bus stops to ballparks. We pride ourselves in elevating projects that are often overlooked. Over the last few years, we have been increasing our pro bono commitments. It allows the studio to practice outside of our typical project types, ranging from a school in Africa to a research center for leatherback turtles in Costa Rica. They often are operating on volunteer time and grants, so our donated time has significant impact on their business model. Seeing the positive impact of this involvement is inspiring. YL: How do you think your firm’s business model is different from other traditional design practices? Moving forward, do you think there is a need to adapt future trends? MK: We don’t focus or specialize on a single project type. A lot of firms have “bread and butter” projects or specialize in specific project types. Our studio has never been structured this way. Some of our best work are project types we are doing for the first time. We never assume we have the answer; instead, we bring a rigorous research and design process to all of our projects. To be a successful business, one has to evolve with future trends. This is a large part of Julie and my role in the firm. We need to drive change, innovation, and new approaches to the design process. YL: How are emerging technologies impacting your firm? Aksel Coruh (AC): I think we perceive the benefits of emerging technologies as extending rather than replacing tried and tested tools that architects have developed over time. We’re embracing the collaborative dimensions of BIM to achieve a higher level of coordination with consultants, while VR walk-throughs allow us to lower the threshold of understanding a project’s spatial qualities for clients not familiar with traditional 2D drawings. At the same time, I think we continue to pay close attention to the value of “offline” processes: the tactile quality of amassing a material palette for each project, reflecting on inspiration from site visits, and sketching as a way of focusing

我们认为新兴技术的优势,在于其得以延伸而非取代过 去以来建筑师们所开发出和经过测试的工具。

上图: 明尼苏达交通运输部 STRAIGHT RIVER 休息区 © Corey Gaffer 摄影 由Snow Kreilich Architects提供

YL: 人力资源对许多公司来说都是一項挑战。贵公司如何留住人才并培养未来的 领导者?

out key elements of a design, which on-screen modeling often makes difficult to see.

MK: 为每个人创造机会对人才的去留来说至关重要。我们最近在工作室内设立了 四个领导职位,负责监督项目交付丶业务开发和运营。这让Julie和我得以更专 注于战略和设计。我们的工作室成员是我们业务中最重要的资产。我们的成败取 决于他们的努力。因此,保持健康的工作环境无疑是我们业务成功的关键。

JD: The studio actively invests in the latest technology, and staff are encouraged to use these tools in their work. Those with more experience using a tool are encouraged to lead workshops to help share knowledge with others. In regards to new technology in architecture, the studio is constantly engaged in material research and pushing projects to engage with new building technology. The Twin Cities are home to some pretty amazing companies that develop building products or are engaged with the latest in architectural technology: 3M, Viracon, MG McGrath, and Permasteelisa are all examples of just a few of the companies that we actively engage when developing our projects. We’ve worked to establish informal relationships with these fabricators, and we regularly check in on their latest developments and share this with the studio at large.

Christina Stark (CS): 项目类型丶角色和增长机会的多样性,使Snow Kreilich 成为员工可以长期发展的绝佳处所。我们公司刻意参与不同的项目类型,而非划 地自限,而也因为公司没有根据特定项目类型所成立的工作室,设计师有机会参 与各式各样的项目。此外,事务所的领导团队试图全程保持项目员工的连续性, 使工作室成员得以承担不同性质的责任。身处一间规模只有30人大小的公司,员 工有更多获取领导职务的机会,而公司也总是积极参与员工们所重视的议题。我 们有专职Revit丶永续发展丶执照丶非营利项目丶研究以及团队建设活动(如交 际时间和社交活动)的小型团队。 JD: 我们的工作伙伴彼此合作无间且互相信任,这让我们的工作环境变得非常轻 松愉悦,更有助于留住人才。我们的工作室认真看待员工调度,确保员工的工作 量适中(避免过劳),并有机会接触各种工作经验。所有项目的时数都经过仔细 追踪。当有员工缺席时,管理人员会帮助其他员工在截止日期前完成工作项目。 因此,我们以在日间努力工作,取代连续数周日以继夜的工作型态。 KM: Snow Kreilich培养和留住人才的一个关键面向是对于进修教育的重视。我 们鼓励工作室成员利用年度基金和带薪休假来参与个人有兴趣的设计相关研讨会 丶培训或活动。设计师也会在每月的午餐聚会和联谊活动期间促进团队和整个工 作室之间的知识共享。 MT: 我们公司的规模足以提供一般大公司提供的福利,并可同时保有足够的灵活 性,以根据需求进行转变和改革。Julie丶Matt和其他高级管理阶层非常擅于让 工作室以有机的方式自我发展,同时引导公司文化和业务发展循迹朝集体目标前

Katie Myhre (KM): As a part of the AIA 2030 Commitment and a member of the Architects Advocate network, Snow Kreilich pledges to working toward smarter design, smarter buildings, and carbon neutrality through our work. Emerging technologies, particularly in the BIM energy modeling realm, contribute to our commitments. YL: How did your firm survive the last recession? MK: Our studio doesn’t focus on any single project type, which helped minimize the impact of the recession. We witnessed a lot of 80-person firms with a single project type get cut in half if not worse. It was not a good time for architects. We were fortunate to have had some large-scale public work at the time of the recession, which did not stop the way the private-sector CONNECTION

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进。他们建立了一个开放的基础设施,使员工能够找到自己在公司的运营中的意 义和角色。公司内部的工作和设计过程是经由协作丶评议和不断改善而来。我们 避免工作变得僵化或重复而流於乏味,而这是人们选择留下来的一个重要原因。 MH: 我在Snow Kreilich观察到的一个相当独特的策略,是新人所能承担的责任 和机会。根据我在其他公司的工作经验,新人往往需要经过很长一段时间才能独 当一面丶担任要职。在Snow Kreilich建筑事务所中,这个程序的进展似乎更加 快速。年轻员工对自己的工作拥有更多的自主权,因此会投入更多心思,并且会 更快体验到自己的设计被实际执行和实践的满足感。我认为这样的策略非常适合 用在创意人才的身上,因为他们会在观看自己的创意被实践的过程中成长茁壮。 YL: Snow Kreilich如何支持新进员工取得执照? 您认为工作与私人生活之间的 平衡是否重要? Christina Stark (CS): Snow Kreilich经手的许多项目都需要由拥有执照的建筑 师团队来领导,因此执照对公司来说至关重要。Snow Kreilich通过提供试假丶 考试费用报销丶注册会费报销和学习材料

work did. One of our major GSA projects at the time was one of the last ARRA-funded projects during the recession. We were fortunate to have had this project in the office at the time. It allowed our firm to be less affected than other firms at the time. YL: The human resources side of the business has been a challenge for many firms (both small and big). How does your firm retain talent and train future leaders? MK: Creating opportunities for everyone is critical to retaining talent. We have recently created four leadership positions within the studio that oversee project delivery, business development, and operations. This has allowed Julie and I to focus on strategy and design. Our studio members are the most important aspect of our business. We fail or succeed based on their contributions. CS: The diversity of project types, roles, and opportunities for growth make Snow Kreilich a desirable place to stay long-term. Our firm intentionally takes on diverse project types, rather than specializing, and because the


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来支持员工取得执照。去年,几名新进员工成立了一个读书会,并在同年一起参 加考试。我们在下班后于会议室进行每周一次的学习,而办公室会在读书会当晚 提供晚餐。我们能够分享知识并彼此勉励。而现在我们都已取得执照,便可为那 些正在参加考试的人提供建议和鼓励。Snow Kreilich同时也为刚获得执照的建 筑师举办庆祝活动。项目经理通过为员工分配特定时数的项目或任务,来帮助那 些正在累积建筑经验计划(AXP)时数的员工达成要求。这证明健康的工作与生 活平衡对取得执照有利无弊。 JD: Snow Kreilich百分之百支持员工取得执照。而且对于一家颇具规模的公司 而言,我们拥有执照的员工所占的百分比令人惊艳。这一点与公司内拥有不少积 极主动的年轻员工有关,因为这些视取得执照为优先考量的员工,会激励许多可 能一直在等待报名参加考试并取得执照的人。而由于我们不会在工作室彻日熬夜 工作,所以更有时间在工作之馀进修学习! 如果你想成为职业建筑师,保持健康的工作与生活平衡非常重要。我亲身体验并 经历过长时间工作的生活,也亲眼见证过许多才华洋溢的业界同仁因倦怠或工作 与生活失衡而离开职场。Snow Kreilich和双城的宜居性,让实践优质设计与健 康生活间的平衡成为可能。 KM: Snow Kreilich非常支持新进员工。那些担任国家建筑注册登记委员会AXP监

firm is not divided into typology-based studios, designers have the chance to work on an incredible variety of programs. With a firm size of just 30 people, there are many leadership opportunities, and the firm is always interested in getting involved in topics that are important to our staff. JD: The partners are amazingly supportive and a complete pleasure to work with, which makes coming to work pretty easy and probably helps a lot with retention. The studio engages staffing in a serious and pragmatic way that assures staff isn’t working too much and are being exposed to variety of experiences. Hours are carefully tracked on all projects, and when staff might have downtime, they will help those with deadlines. This means we all work pretty hard during the day, but it also means we don’t spend weeks working late into the night. KM: One key aspect of fostering and retaining talent at Snow Kreilich is the dedication to continuing education. Members of the studio are encouraged to use annual funds and paid leave to seek out conferences, training, or events in areas of personal interest related to design. Designers also foster knowledge sharing between teams and across the studio during monthly lunch and happy-hour events. MT: The firm is big enough to offer the majority of benefits typically associated with a larger firm while being nimble enough to morph and change if required. Julie, Matt, and the senior management are incredible at allowing the studio to grow itself in an organic way while guiding the trajectory of the culture and work towards collective goals. I believe from a human resources standpoint, a healthy firm structure is one where value and responsibility is dispersed, respect is omnipresent, and egos are kept at bay. The work and the design process here is collaborative, critical, and iterative. MH: A fairly unique strategy that I’ve observed at Snow Kreilich is the degree of responsibility and opportunities available to emerging professionals. In my experience at other firms, it can take a long time to reach a position where you’re given significant responsibility. This process seems much more accelerated at Snow Kreilich. YL: How does Snow Kreilich support emerging professionals in obtaining licenses? Do you think a healthy work-life balance is important? Christina Stark (CS): Many of the projects that Snow Kreilich takes on require a licensed architect team leader, so licensure is vitally important to the firm. Snow Kreilich supports licensure by providing time off for exams, test-fee reimbursement, registration-dues reimbursement, and study materials. Last year, several junior staff formed a study group and spent the year taking exams together. We met in our conference room after work once a week to study together, and the office provided dinner on our study nights. Snow Kreilich also hosts a celebration for newly licensed architects. Project managers help those collecting AXP hours to meet their requirements by assigning staff to projects or tasks that align with the hours needed. Licensure is much more attainable with a healthy work-life balance, particularly while studying for exams. 左图: 美国沃罗德陆地入境口岸 由 Paul Crosby 摄影 由 Snow Kreiich Architects提供


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其他人可能不会留意或欣赏过境设施或过境基础建设的建 筑美学,但为何必定如此?这些并不是什麽伟大辉煌的项 目类性,但也正是建筑师必须透过设计赋予其新生命的最 佳缘由。 督人员和办公室督导的人,通过创造参与每个经验领域的机会来支持那些希望取 得执照的员工。项目经理合作确认典型项目在每个阶段的相关工作,以便向新进 人员介绍各种实践和项目情境。公司会资助执照考试费用,并制定友善的办公室 政策,其中包括带薪休假以利员工参与考试等制度。 NE: Snow Kreilich全力支持办公室内的年轻设计师取得执照。其不单为考试提 供经济支持,还促成有利学习的读书会,并允许试假,更提供长年由刚获得执照 的建筑师所创建且持续更新的大型学习资料库。以我个人的经验为例,我五年前 在另一家公司工作时开始准备考试,在没有任何公司支持的情况下试图一边读 书,一边超时工作。在我刚进入Snow Kreilich建筑事务所时,手上仍有四门考 试未完成。在加入公司的读书会后,我很快就顺利完成考试了。公司深知考取执 照所需面对的各种障碍,并且致力为员工排除应试过程将面临的困难。 Snow Kreilich全力支持办公室内的年轻设计师取得执照。其不单为考试提供经 济支持,还促成有利学习的读书会,并允许试假,更提供长年由刚获得执照的 建筑师所创建且持续更新的大型学习资料库。拿我个人的经历来说,我这与公 司对工作与生活平衡的提倡息息相关。我们的办公室对于工作战战兢兢 - 有时 在我们的开放式办公室,你可以真的感受到那种全心全力专注于工作的精神。而 在工作之馀的休息时间,我们会互相交流,以便即时了解办公室内的所有项目。 我们每月举办联谊活动,活动内容不乏个人经验分享丶骑自行车和探索城市建筑 等。Snow Kreilich深知每个人有不同的热情,并进而鼓励每个人将这些热情带 入办公室生活,无论是教学丶探索新技术丶促进永续发展丶素描,甚至是酿造啤 酒!每个人都有工作以外的热情和使命,而这是建筑专业领域中不时会被忽视的 简单道理。 YL: 您还有什么想要补充的吗? NE: 我想对我们所从事的项目类型做一个补充。多年来,我在其他几家建筑公 司任职过,而我一直对Snow Kreilich意图将生活和美学带入典型的实用空间中 的长期目标感到印象深刻。其他人可能不会留意或欣赏过境设施或过境基础建设 的建筑美学,但为何必定如此?这些并不是什麽伟大辉煌的项目类性,但也正是 建筑师必须透过设计赋予其新生命的最佳缘由。同理也适用于我们手中规模不等 的工作项目 - 无论项目的规模如何,我们都以实现简洁和不失美感的空间为目 标。■

JD: Snow Kreilich absolutely supports the path to licensure, and as a percentage of our total staff, and for a firm of its size, I’m amazed at how many people have their license. It helps that we’ve had some very motivated younger staff who have made licensure a priority, and this has encouraged many who may have been waiting to sign up for exams and get their licenses. Since we don’t spend endless nights at the studio, we actually have time at the end of the day to study! It is hugely important to maintain a healthy work-life balance if you want to be a career architect. KM: Snow Kreilich is amazingly supportive of emerging professionals. Those serving as NCARB AXP supervisors and mentors in the office work to support those on the path to licensure by creating opportunities for involvement in each experience area. Project managers work together to identify relevant work in each phase of a typical project to introduce young professionals in the office to a range of practice and project scenarios. The firm covers the cost of licensing exams once completed and has also revised office policy to include paid time off to take exams. NE: Snow Kreilich fully supports the young designers in the office on their path to licensure. This not only means financial support for the exams, but also the added benefit of study groups, time off to take the exams, and an immense, growing library of study materials that has been built over the years by our newly licensed architects. When I began working at Snow Kreilich Architects, I still had four exams to go. After joining our study group, I was instantly driven to finish, which I did six months before my rolling clock expired. The office is very aware of the great hurdle that licensure represents and treats it as such – we are always checking in on each other, and achieved licenses are causes for office-wide celebration. This ties into the work-life balance that the office promotes. Our office is incredibly focused – at times in our open office, you can actually feel the depth and energy of concentration. At the same time, when it is time to stop working, we stop and engage with each other to keep abreast of all of the projects in the office. We host monthly happy hours that rotate between a range of presentations, bike rides, and urban explorations of local architecture. Snow Kreilich recognizes that people have different passions and encourages everyone to push those passions into the life of the office, whether it’s teaching, exploring new technologies, promoting sustainability, sketching sessions, or even brewing beer! YL: Anything else you would like to add?

左图 (从上到下): WEEKEND HOUSE, Corey Gaffer 摄影, 由 Snow Kreilich Architects 提供 美国范布伦陆地入境口岸, Paul Crosby 摄影, 由 Snow Kreilich Architects 提供

NE: I’d like to make a note on the types of projects we work on. Having worked at several other architecture firms over the years, I am consistently impressed with the long-term goal of Snow Kreilich to breathe life and beauty into typically utilitarian spaces. One may not consider transit facilities or border-crossing infrastructure to be particularly engaging pieces of architecture, but why shouldn’t they be? These are not glamorous project typologies, which is all the more reason to engage the work of an architect in designing them. This also applies to the different scales we work within – no matter the size of the project, the same goal of making clean and beautiful spaces applies. ■

MAYO PARK 公寓, 由 Corey Gaffer 摄影, 由 Snow Kreilich Architects 提供


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Dr. Carol R. Bentel, FAIA

received her undergraduate degree in architecture at Washington University and her graduate degree in architecture at North Carolina State University. Prior to receiving her PhD in the history and theory of modern architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, she was a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Venice. She has delivered lectures at Harvard, MIT, Yale, the Architectural Association in London, and at the Centro Palladio in Vicenza . Bentel has published numerous articles on Italian Modernism and has also been the national chair of the AIA committee on design.

美食是我们文化的有机组成部分,主厨在当今的时代备受推崇。商业化餐厅也是 社交场所,在设计精美的餐厅中用餐让人与用餐空间建立起独一无二的关系。这 些现象标志着在家和外出用餐之间的主要差异。坐落于纽约的 Bentel & Bentel 秉持这一理念,在将近半个世纪时间里专攻餐厅建筑设计。去年,美国建筑师协 会院士 Carol Bentel 造访亚洲,在 AIA 国际地区(北京)和 AIA 香港分享了 赏心悦目 Bentel & Bentel 餐厅建筑设计的相关信息。 主厨和建筑设计师 Bentel & Bentel 创办于 1957 年,现在由第三代建筑设计师负责。多年以来, 这家公司专注致力于餐厅建筑设计,与明星主厨密切合作。Bentel 认为建筑设 计师的职责体现在打造空间与主厨以及工作人员与顾客之间的独特关系。该公司 屡获设计大奖,包括学会、国家及分支机构层面的 AIA 荣誉奖。此外,该公司 还两次赢得了詹姆斯比尔德美食大奖的杰出餐厅设计奖。这些大奖知名度高,不 仅让建筑设计师名声大噪,也让主厨声名鹊起。 2006年,格莱美西酒馆首次荣获蜚声国际的烹饪大奖。这家酒馆的设计善用以前 工业建筑的内部空间,汲取其古香古色的神韵,致力于实现“精致与淳朴、城市 与田园、文雅与粗野”的二元性平衡。设计借助建筑内统一的柱网实现空间阶梯 式推进。内部配色强调真材实料的古香古色,不假手于合成材料。橡木宽地板闪 耀自然光泽,在温暖灯光照射下更添神韵。 2016年,该公司凭借纽约市伯纳丁餐厅再夺詹姆斯比尔德美食大奖桂冠。主厨对 重新设计寄予厚望,希望能打造出欢快与静谧兼备的和谐空间。最终,主厨得偿 所愿,设计保留了餐厅标志性的柚木屋顶,其下方一切均重新设计。餐厅入口焕 然一新,设有窗户,驻足望去,休息室一目了然。照明经过精心调节,突出各桌 的特色。建筑设计师以及餐厅所有者、明星主厨共享烹饪业最负盛名的大奖带来 的荣耀。 餐厅和社交 Bentel 餐厅建筑设计致力于解决的核心问题是“在家中与在设计精美的餐厅中 用餐的主要区别是什么?”人们围绕餐厅建立的社群意识可不仅仅局限于城市街 区。耶鲁大学的 Ground Café 位于 Marcel Bauer 设计的 Becton Center,这里 是工程学院所在地。餐厅设计致敬原始建筑设计,在混凝土墙壁上采用层层叠叠 的木本植物和穿孔铝板进行装饰。原始混凝土仍旧清晰可见,但却平添了几分新

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Food has become an integral part of our culture, and chefs are being worshipped right now. Restaurants that anchor commercially are also community institutions, and eating in a beautifully designed restaurant creates a unique relationship to the space. These phenomena mark the difference between eating at home and eating out. It is with this ethos that New York-based Bentel & Bentel has been specializing in restaurant architecture for almost half a century. On her visit to Asia last year, Carol Bentel, FAIA, shared stories with AIA International Region in Beijing and AIA Hong Kong about Nourishing the Senses: Restaurant Architecture of Bentel & Bentel. Chefs and Architects Bentel & Bentel was founded in 1957 and is now in its third generation of architects. The firm has specialized in restaurant architecture and collaborated with celebrity chefs over the years. Bentel says the architect’s role is to create a unique relationship between the space and the chefs and between workers and patrons. The firm has won design awards including AIA honors at the institute, state, and component levels. In addition, the firm has twice won the James Beard Award for Outstanding Restaurant Design. These high-profile awards give exposure to not only architects, but also chefs. The prestigious culinary award was first received for Gramercy Tavern, in 2006. Drawing on its locale inside a former industrial building that has aged gracefully, the tavern’s design explores the duality of “the refined and the rustic, the urbane and the bucolic, the cultured and the provincial.” Progressing through the spaces through a uniform column grid of the building. The interior palette emphasizes authentic materials aging gracefully and does not rely on synthetic materials. The natural colors of the wide oak floor are highlighted in warm light. The firm won the James Beard Award again in 2016, for Le Bernardin in New York City. The chef’s vision for the redesign was to create a space that is simultaneously convivial and serene. The vision was achieved by

在家自餐,或是在建築師精进设计 的餐馆品噹佳餚,有何相異?

颖之意。材料配色采用混凝土与木质结合。450个可编程 LED 组成媒介表面,从 东侧内墙一直延伸到天花板,打造出一块画布,用于科学和工程展示。这家咖啡 馆是科学家和人文主义者的汇集之地,致力于推动学术界的跨学科碰撞与合作。 工艺与材料 Bentel & Bentel 的作品处处展现着对材料和细节的精益求精。在切尔西的红番 茄餐厅 (Rouge Tomate),建筑设计师将马房改造为酒吧和餐厅,同时保留着浓 郁的田园风情特征。这座 1864 年地标建筑的外观依旧如故,诉说着夜不闭户 的往昔时光。以前的开口装上低眩光玻璃,营造出舒适宜人的餐厅环境,马车车 厢门则用于内部装饰。餐厅内每排不超过三张桌子。涂成了白色的砖墙,再加上 端面纹理木块和橡木地板使设计更有质感。定制设计的葡萄酒吧配备皮座椅和酒 窖,以酿酒流程为重点,犹如艺术品一般,室外则新建了花园大门和花岗岩铺砌 的人行通道,将周围地区装点地更加美丽。餐厅包括两个长形空间。重新设计之

retaining the iconic teak ceiling in the dining room and making everything beneath it new. The entrance was reconfigured to provide a window looking into the lounge. The lighting was adjusted to highlight individual tables. The architect is winning, alongside restaurant owners and celebrity chefs, the most celebrated award in the culinary industry. Restaurants and Community A question central to Bentel’s restaurant architecture is this: “What is the difference between eating at home and eating at a beautifully designed restaurant?” The sense of community built around a restaurant is not limited to urban neighborhoods. The Ground Café at Yale University is in the Marcel Bauer-designed Becton Center that houses the School of Engineering. Out of respect for the original architecture, the restaurant design overlays wood

ABOVE -- LE BERNARDIN- courtesy of Bentel & Bentel


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后,用餐空间休闲氛围更浓,厨房开放性增强,房子的后侧趋向前方。这家餐厅 即可用于特殊时刻用餐,也可用于日常社交聚会。 艺术和时髦 The Modern and Cafe 2 自 2005 年开业,依托 MoMA 的重要地位,俨然犹如一座 艺术博物馆。设计从包豪斯运动 (Bauhaus movement) 中汲取灵感,强调灯光、 雅致和开放性营造的美学。墙壁也充满艺术性。The Modern的标志性元素包括一 面发光玻璃幕墙,吸引着用餐者纷至沓来,46 英尺的大理石吧台悬浮在灯光闪 耀的玻璃底座上,可存放 2,200 瓶葡萄酒的玻璃酒墙让人叹为观止。餐厅可以 远眺洛克菲勒雕塑花园的 31 座雕塑。 虽然公司的餐厅建筑设计项目位于美国,但其保障身体和精神健康的设计理念处 处适用。■

ABOVE -- LE BERNARDIN- courtesy of Bentel & Bentel

CONNECTION American Institute of Architects | Young Architects Forum

plant and perforated aluminum on the concrete walls. The original concrete remains visible, while there is a touch of newness to it. The material palette uses wood in front of concrete. A media surface made of 450 programmable LEDs spans from the east interior wall to the ceiling, creating a canvas for scientific and engineering displays. As a hub for scientists and humanists, the cafe facilitates encounters and collaboration across disciplines in this academic community. Craft and Materials Attention to materials and details are manifest throughout Bentel & Bentel’s work. In Rouge Tomate in Chelsea, the architect converted a carriage house into a bar and restaurant while maintaining its bucolic characteristics. The façade of the 1864 landmark was maintained to speak to a time in the past, a community without closed doors. The original openings were infill with low-glare glass to make it hospitable, and carriage doors were reused in

建築師與久負盛名的主廚合作, 携手取尊得餐饮業被受尊崇的餐馆设计殊榮

the interior. There are no more than three tables in a row. The brick walls are painted white, and end-grain block wood and an oak floor add texture. The custom-designed wine bar with leather seats and wine vault are artworks that emphasize the process of wine-making, while outside, a new garden gate and granite paver walkway make the neighborhood better. The restaurant consists of two long spaces. After the redesign, there is more casual dining space, and the kitchen is more open, bringing the back of the house forward. It has become both a restaurant for special occasions and an everyday community gathering place.

sweeps diners into the restaurant and a 46-foot marble bar floating above a lighted glass base, with a stunning glass wine wall holding 2,200 bottles. Its dining room looks onto 31 sculptures in the Rockefeller Sculpture Garden.

Art and Modern


Opened in 2005, The Modern and Cafe 2 drew on MoMA’s status as an art institution. Drawing inspiration from the Bauhaus movement, the design emphasizes the aesthetics of light, elegance, and openness. Art is the wall. Signature elements of The Modern include a luminescent glass wall that

While the firm’s restaurant architecture projects are in the U.S., the conviction to design for health, both physical and spiritual, is universal. ■

Bentel & Bentel, "Projects | Restaurants & Clubs," accessed May 2018, www.bentelandbentel. com/ Bentel, Carol. Nourishing the Senses: Restaurant Architecture of Bentel & Bentel. New York: Visual Profile Books, 2017. Bentel, Carol. Nourishing the Senses. Lecture at AIA Hong Kong. Dec 2018.

ABOVE -- ROUGE TOMATE - courtesy of Bentel & Bentel


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Tingwei Xu 徐廷伟, Assoc. AIA

is the founder of Yonder Design Studio in Shanghai, China. He received his Master of Architecture degree from University of Pennsylvanian. His work is published at various architectural media including Architizer, Evolo and the Daily Pennsylvanian.

我和徐廷伟在Tate Snyder Kimsey Architects一起工作了几年。在TSK工作期 间,他负责许多大型国际项目,致力于设计的卓越2016年,在美国工作和学习超 过5年后的他,回到中国,开始了职业生涯的另一个篇章。他在上海开设了自己 的公司,继续取得成功。我和徐廷伟谈到了他作为一名在美国受过培训的建筑师 的经历。

I worked at Tate Snyder Kimsey Architects for several years with Tingwei Xu. During his time at TSK, Xu was responsible for many large-scale international projects exhibiting a commitment to design excellence. In addition to his professional work, Xu helped fellow international UCLA graduates find successful career paths as practicing architects in the United States. In 2015 Xu and I co-founded the Center of American Architects for Chinese Nationals to further this mission. In 2016, after working and studying in the US for more than five years, Xu returned to China to start another chapter in his career. His continued success is marked by the opening of his own firm in Shanghai. I spoke with Xu regarding his experience as an architect trained in the US and now practicing in Shanghai as the founder of Yonder Design Studio.

盧雨岳 (YL): 能否告诉我们你的学术和专业背景吗? 徐廷伟 (TX): 我是2011年8月份来到美国。之前我刚刚在国内东南沿海的一所大 学取得了建筑学学士学位。来到美国后我再宾夕法尼亚大学取得了建筑学硕士学 位。毕业后我搬到了加州。先是在Tom Wiscombe Studio作为一名实习生实习。 几个月之后因为在美国工作签证的原因,我离开了那家公司,来到了一家总部位 于拉斯维加斯的设计公司 Tate Snyder Kimsey Architects干了将近两年。之后 我又回到了洛杉矶,开始在RTKL工作只到2016年8月份,我回到了中国。所以总 的来看,我在美国学习和工作了5年的时光。 YL: 在不同的美国公司(TSK和RTKL)雇用期间,你在国际项目上获得什么的经 验? TX: 首先一个非常大的不同是在美国工作,团队成员的背景非常国际化。大家来 自不同的国家,有美国的,中国的,韩国的,波兰的等等。大家为了呈现一个高 水平的设计项目这一共同的目标汇集在一起,我觉得这点非常棒。你会开始知道 不同国家背景,教育背景的人是如何考虑设计的。这点非常可贵。在中国,基本 上大部分学校的建筑教育体系都是非常类似的训练。因此工作以后,大部分设计 师还是习惯于从一套相同的设计逻辑出发来进行设计。这可能也是现在中国所谓 的千城一面,城市缺少个性与特征的一个因素所在。因为大家都在按照一个方 式做事。从这个角度来说,这样的国际化平台对思维的碰撞,创意的激发很有 好处。 而同时,国际化的设计公司比如RTKL在商业建筑这个领域在中国有着近20年的实 践经验,为许多城市留下了许多独特而有人气的商业场所。比如在中国地产界产 生重大影响的深圳万象城(Shenzhen Mixed-C,2004年)等项目。从这个角度来 说,美国的国家化设计公司对中国的城市发展和城市景观(urban scape)升级 有着重大的贡献。在这样的公司工作对我的专业技能提升有很好的帮助,同时在 这里的工作经历也影响了我对建筑,对城市的许多看法。 YL: 告诉我们您自己的公司,Yonder Design Studio。什么促使你回到中国,创 办自己的公司?您如何与中国许多大型建筑公司进行竞争? TX: 我的公司Yonder Design Studio,办公室设在上海,2017年才刚刚开业,目 前是个只有5名设计师的微型工作室。目前我们在中国中部最大的城市武汉有一

Yu-Ngok Lo (YL): Tell us a bit about your academic and professional background. Tingwei Xu (TX): I came to the US for graduate school in August 2011 after completing my Bachelor of Architecture in China. I later received a Master of Architecture degree from the University of Pennsylvania and worked as an intern for Tom Wiscombe Studio in Los Angeles in 2013. Several months later, due to work visa issues, I left the studio and switched to a Las Vegas design firm, Tate Snyder Kimsey Architects. In 2016, I left the firm and went back to China (to start my own firm, Yonder Design Studio). YL: What has your experience been working on international projects while employed by different U.S. firms (TSK and RTKL)? TX: Working in the U.S. has been a very different experience than working in China. Team members of U.S. firms are very diverse. The collaboration of people with different educational backgrounds and approaches on a project is truly magnificent. This aspect of diverse collaboration and interaction is very valuable and rarely seen in China. In China, most of the educational programs in architecture schools have very similar training. After graduation, designers are still accustomed to working with colleagues who hold the same design logic or approach. There is a Chinese saying, “a thousand cities, one image,” depicting the lack of individual personality and character found in many Chinese cities. Being exposed to many different ideas in a diverse firm setting has been invaluable to my architectural career. CONNECTION At the same time, international design companies, such as RTKL, have nearly 20 years of commercial design experience in the major cities of China. They have created many unique and popular commercial projects. For instance, Shenzhen Vientiane City (Shenzhen Mixed-C, 2004) and other projects have had a significant impact on real estate

上图 (从上到下): 泉州精品酒店- 由 Yonder Design Studio 提供 千禧城第一期- 由 Yonder Design Studio 提供

CONNECTION American Institute of Architects | Young Architects Forum

个小型商业中心项目,在中国东南部部的古城泉州有一个精品酒店项目,同时在 刚刚开完G20会议的杭州有一个商场的室内改造项目。 回国的动机很简单,因为中国有更多的项目机会。美国的城市发展已经过了快速 发展时期,做项目的计划很少。这正像RTKL这种大公司很大一部分业务也需要靠 美国以外的市场来支撑。在中国往往30来岁的年轻人就有机会负责很大规模的项 目。另外在国内工作,自己更熟悉自己成长的环境以及社会的种种规则。这样再 和客户或者各个设计顾问打交道时也更加得心应手。而同时,在美国积累的工作 经验对我也很有帮助,因为现在中国很多业主喜欢具有国际背景的设计师。 关于如何与大公司竞争。要分两方面,一种是中国本土的大公司。大部分中国的 大型公司都是计划经济体制的时候遗留下来的公司。往往一个公司有数千名员 工,各个工种比如结构(structure),机电(MEP),排水 (drainage) 都配的 很全。而这类公司随时国内的发展以及市场化程度越来越成熟。很多这种大公司 在创意上和设计能力上已经越来越不能满足客户的需求。许多客户会倾向于更加 信任一些小而精的设计事务所,比如专做商业类项目或文化类项目的小建筑事务 所。这种事务所往往在设计上更加有经验,在设计上也更有创意。 而对于另外一种国际大公司,比如像RTKL这种大公司。我们的竞争策略,首先谈 成地说,我们的设计费用更加便宜,大约只有大公司的不到一半。因为我们在国 内有更低的成本以及更更简单的公司架构来支撑。其次,很多国际大公司往往只 接一些大型项目,比如大型购物中心,大型豪华酒店以及摩天楼等项目。这些项 目之外更多的是中小尺度的项目以及改造类项目,这类项目在中国广泛存在,因 此我们可以做到在比较不同的市场中井水不犯河水。最后,作为本土的小公司, 我们的服务会更加灵活,与业主的沟通和协调也更加紧密。很多业主的第一时间 的需求我们能及时反馈,工程现场的一些问题也能及时解决。而大公司由于跨国 办公和人力成本等原因在这方面的效率会比较低。

development in Shenzhen. The experience of working in highly-recognized U.S. architectural firms has greatly enhanced my professional skills. YL: Tell us about your own firm, Yonder Design Studio. What motivated you to move back to China and start your own firm? How do you compete against the many big architecture firms in China? TX: My company, Yonder Design Studio, is based in Shanghai. We started in 2017 and are a start-up of five designers. We are currently working on a small commercial project in Wuhan, the largest city in central China. There is a boutique hotel project in the ancient city of Quanzhou, in the southeastern region of China. We are also working on an interior renovation project in Hangzhou, which was completed prior to the G20 meeting. The motivation to return home is simple: China has many opportunities. The United States has experienced a period of rapid urban development, which means that there are not as many opportunities at this time. Even for large [architecture] companies, a significant portion of their business is supported by projects outside of the United States. In China, designers as young as thirty years old can have the opportunity to be responsible for large-scale projects. I also feel more comfortable working in an environment with familiar social rules, especially when interacting with clients and consultants. My experience working in the United States has also been very helpful because many Chinese clients appreciate designers with an international background.

上图: 纽约膜建筑概念- 由徐霆威提供


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YL: 在中国工作有什么挑战? TX: 首先最大的挑战在于中国的客户往往不像美国的房地产开发商那么专业。因 为我做的项目大多偏重于商业地产类项目。很多业主在找到设计师时对他们自己 的项目定位,未来招商的预期,以及工程条件预留等许多基础性问题上并没有形 成一个很成熟的方案。而美国项目的开发商往往在找设计顾问时对整个项目都已 经有一个很成熟的概念了。这就照成很多时候方案发展的时候客户因为疑虑和没 有把握面临反复修改和调整。另外,在中国,因为施工技术和业主管理经验的不 成熟,很多好的设计往往在实际施工的过程中面目全非。而且在中国,一个项目 在建设时也没有尊重建筑师的传统。很多情况大家认为建筑师只是一个项目发展 的一个角色,因此往往业主和施工方会为了便利或其他原因自行修改设计而不通 知建筑师。 对于以上挑战,首先,我们公司在设计业务之外还组建了商业策划部,我们和 专业领域的人合作,在与业主接触的初期,先帮助业主解决项目前期定具体的 programming的问题。一个项目应该如何定位,如何开发,未来的空间是做一个 大盒子的购物中心,还是做成一个开放的街区?我们都会先帮助业主调查研究。 等到对一个项目的vision大家取得共识之后再开展具体的设计,这样双方朝着一 个方向前进就不会出现反反复复。我们这个业务开展至今获得了良好的反馈。目 前商业策划,定位的咨询顾问业务也是我们公司收入的一个重要的来源。 对于第二点,首先我们在项目的设计过程中就要努力说服业主,告诉业主专业的 人应该做专业的事情。按图施工对于一个项目的质量是至关重要的。其次在建设 过程中,我们常常需要到现场,确认项目按照图纸的构想建设,同时需要到现场 解决协调很多问题。而同时,由于我们在上文提到的在项目前期与业主一道确定 项目定位。因此这种情况下业主更倾向于倾听设计的意见,我们在和其他顾问的 协作中也树立了权威。建筑师不想在美国,天然地在一个项目的各个顾问中是老 大。在中国,你必须在项目的推进过程中慢慢树立建筑师的权威。 YL: 中国建筑师执照资格是怎么获得的?

上图: 千禧城第一期- 由 Yonder Design Studio 提供

CONNECTION American Institute of Architects | Young Architects Forum

In regard to your second question: Yonder Design Studio’s services are competitive because our fees are cheaper (at about half) compared to many big companies. Because our company is smaller, we can operate at a much lower cost. Second, many international companies focus on large-scale projects such as shopping centers, luxury hotels, skyscrapers, etc. Smallor medium-sized projects and renovation projects are widely available in China. We focus on these markets to avoid having to compete with big firms. Finally, as a small, local company, our services are more flexible. We interact, communicate and coordinate closely with our clients. Many firsttime owners demand timely responses from the design team, especially when problems arise during construction. Large companies may not be as efficient in meeting clients’ demands. YL: What are some of the challenges of working in China? TX: The biggest challenge is that Chinese clients are generally not as knowledgeable (on construction projects) as American real estate developers. Many of our Chinese clients don’t have a clear understanding of the project’s goals, such as project positioning, leasing, programming, development strategies, etc. This inexperience leads to many changes during the design phase. Moreover, Chinese clients are typically also inexperienced in the construction process. Many changes happen during construction without the involvement of the design team. Maintaining the design intent of a project during construction is a huge challenge.

中国是一个广阔的市场,并且城市化还在快速的发展中。 这个时候迫切需要全球的智慧参与进来。

YL: What’s the structure for architectural licensure in China? TX: China's licensure system does not require the accumulation of internship experience (for example, the IDP in the U.S.). Candidates are only required to pass a specific number of professional exams. Having said that, the Chinese licensing architectural exams are very difficult, and the pass rate is very low. They are offered only twice a year. These factors result in a small number of registered architects in the country. The law in China requires that construction drawings be signed by registered architects. Therefore, a lot of design firms hire architects simply for their titles. These architects get paid without having to perform [actual design] duties. This is a problem that Chinese officials are working to resolve. While the process has started, not much information is available to the public at this time. YL: How has your U.S. work and educational experience helped your work in China?

TX: 中国的license体系不要求你像美国一样除了考试,还要积累一定小时数的 IDP。中国的建筑师license只要求你过了特定几门专业考试后就可以颁发给你。 但是中国的建筑师考试难度很大,通过率很低,并且一年只有两次考试机会。这 造成国内的注册建筑师数量很少。而法律又规定建筑的施工图纸必须由注册建筑 师签字。因此这就照成了很多设计公司没有足够的有签字资格的注册建筑师。因 此很多设计公司会找注册建筑师把他们的建筑师资格挂靠在他们公司。不需要实 际的工作就支付这些建筑师一笔客观的资格使用费。这在某种程度上造成了市场 的混乱。目前,对于建筑师注册体制的改革已经启动,具体的新方案还没有正式 公布,因此我也没有太多的信息可以提供。 YL: 您在美国工作和教育的经历如何帮助您在中国的工作? TX: 在美国的教育和工作背景无疑对我在中国的事业有很大的帮助。首先国外的 教育背景给了我更加开阔的视野,让我从一个全球性的角度来看待建筑的发展, 很多时候我在和业主介绍项目时会介绍美国一些同类型项目现今的发展经验和理 念,再讲这些发展经验嫁接到国内的项目设计上。其次,在国外的教育和工作对 我设计方法学的形成也有很大影响,我突破了以往只是从建筑的形体和机械的平 面功能思维去考虑一个设计的窠臼,更多地从经济的角度,从社会的角度以及从 城市发展的角度来看待一个设计项目。这给我的设计工作提供了更广阔的思路。 最后,就像我之前说,中国的客户倾向于与具有国际化背景的设计师合作。在美 国的学习和工作经验对很多客户来说会意味着更高的专业程度和设计能力,这也 是个无形的好处。 YL: 还有什么想补充吗? TX: 中国是一个广阔的市场,并且城市化还在快速的发展中。这个时候迫切需要 全球的智慧参与进来。因此我很希望越来越多的美国建筑师能进入中国市场开展 业务并且参加行业内的交流。首先越多的竞争才能促进一个行业的良性发展,其 次不同背景不同理念的设计师参与才能使得一个城市更有活力,这是一个多赢的 格局 ■

TX: The education and work experience in the United States have been of great help to my career in China. Foreign education widened my eyes and equipped me with a global perspective on architecture. It also reestablished the workflow of how I approach a project. During the design phase, I often present precedents of similar project types in the United States to my clients and share with them the latest international development experience and concepts.This process is very important to creating a mutual understanding among our team and our clients, especially those who are not familiar with construction. Second, my foreign education and work experience has helped shape my design methodology. I tossed out much of my past design thinking, including my previous approach to architecture that only considered the functional aspect of a building. My current design process embraces the social and urban environmental aspects of design. This perspective gives my work a much broader meaning. As mentioned, Chinese clients generally like to work with designers with an international background due to their design ability and professionalism. As a result, having a background in the U.S. translates to being able to be more competitive in the market. YL: Is there anything else you would like to add? TX: China is a vast market and is still rapidly developing. There is a huge demand for foreign talent from a variety of backgrounds. I hope to see more American architects enter the Chinese market. The competition will create a healthy and sustainable development of the local architecture profession. It will also promote the culture of diversity in the country — it’s a win-win situation. ■


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Ken Hau, FAIA

possesses four decades of professional experience beginning in Dallas, USA. During his years as Associate Director of Wong & Ouyang (HK) Ltd., he led a team responsible for the firm’s projects in Hong Kong and China, taking total project control from conceptual design stage to construction implementation. In 2014, he founded Modus Architecture Ltd to plan, design and implementation of residential, institutional and hospitality projects. Hau was 2016 Chapter President of AIA Hong Kong and was elevated to Fellow in 2017.

美国建筑协会香港分会 (AIA Hong Kong) 青年建筑师专业组(YAG) 成立于 2015 年初,以对向在香港AIA相对年轻建筑师会员的特有需求为宗旨. 团队成员包括领 有美国牌照不多于10年的建筑师, 新搬迁香港的成员,毕业进入建筑行业的新进 建筑师。 与此同时, YAG 致力栽培 AIA香港分会未来领袖。我们CONNECTION 的编辑团队与 2016 AIA 香港会主席 Kenneth Hau, AIA 及 2015-2017 YAG主席 Vikki Lew, AIA 详细探讨年轻建筑师委员会的理念及议程. 盧雨岳(YL): 是什么原因促使你们在香港发起成立 AIA 青年建筑师专业组? YAG 有没有特定赞助 资源或合作伙伴? 美国建筑协会香港分会 (AIAHK): AIA香港分会这些年来稳步增长, 在2015年,执 行委员会(EXCO)决定成立青年建筑师专业组(YAG),以促进年轻一代建筑师会 员的成长。许多由YAG主办的专业和社交活动匀深受欢迎, EXCO 所以决定把YAG 和香港分会的议程 更充分地整合起来. 这些议程包括创新技术, 参数设计, 施 工管理,项目统筹,客户沟通技巧 等等对新一代建筑师独特技能有关的项目。 此外, 我们在港的行政 委员会与AIA美国总社 保持联系, 作为两地之间的联系, 促进交流 及更新知识。 YL: YAG 成员大多曾在美国接受教育。 是什么原因使他们决定投身海外工作?香 港或亚洲建筑设计界对美国建筑师有没有特别需求呢? AIAHK: YAG 大多数成员在美国受建筑教育, 毕业回港 之后仍以美国注册建筑师 作为目标。有些成员 原值香港, 也有成员来自中国或其他亚洲地区, 选择到香港 执业, 也有执业建筑师寻找新环境 和新挑战, 或者从美国公司搬迁到香港负责 项目的。 由于其不同背景和海外经验, 受美教育 的建筑师在本地市场有一定的 需求, 也反映出YAG 团队内国际化的专业人才。 YL: 根据你们意见,香港和美国建筑业之间有没有 基本分别?其他人怎么看香港 的年轻建筑师,或年轻设计人才 ? AIAHK: 这是我们与年轻建筑师不住探索的话题. 两地建筑业略有文化差异是意 料中事, 然而执业体制上的细微区分,是回流建筑师较难掌握的。以“建筑师” 一词为例, 在香港準建筑师从建築師註冊管理局(HKARB)公认大学毕业后, 通过 执业资格考试 (HKARB/HKIA) 则成为持牌建筑师。 这过程与美国建筑师相类似。 然而, 香港注册建筑师 (HKIA)没有法定权力为图纸簽字盖章。 注册建筑师必须

CONNECTION American Institute of Architects | Young Architects Forum

Vikki Lew, AIA

began her architectural career in San Francisco and started practicing internationally with Foster + Partners Hong Kong office in 2006-2009. Currently she is based in Shanghai with EID Architecture. She was Chapter Secretary and Founding Chair of AIA Hong Kong in 2015-2017, and currently award program Co-director of AIA Shanghai. Vikki holds ALM in Sustainability from Harvard and BArch from University of Oreogn.

The Young Architects Group (YAG) of AIA Hong Kong was inaugurated in early 2015 to address specific needs of young architect and Associate AIA members in Hong Kong. Since then, the membership of the YAG has expanded to include emerging professionals, young U.S architects moving to Asia, and graduating architecture students entering the profession. Parallel to the mission of the AIA’s Young Architects Forum, the AIA Hong Kong Young Architects Group is committed to facilitating the development of future leaders within the Hong Kong Chapter. The CONNECTION team caught up with AIAHK chapter president, Kenneth Hau, and YAG Chair, Vikki Lew, to talk about the mission of the committee and the programs they offer. Yu-Ngok Lo (YL): What inspired you to start a Young Architects / Emerging Professional group and what resources were available to you in order to do so? AIA Hong Kong (AIAHK), as a chapter has experienced steady growth in the number of young members participating in AIA events. So, in 2015, the Executive Committee (EXCO) decided to establish the Young Architects Group (YAG) to advance and foster young members. Many of the social and networking events hosted by YAG were well received, so the EXCO decided to integrate the YAG more fully as part of the chapter’s initiatives. The primary focus of the young architects program is to develop the unique skills vital to emerging professionals, including advanced technologies and processes, integrated digital tools, materials, construction methods, project delivery and clients presentation skills. Additionally, our EXCO and committees share news about scholarships and awards launched by AIA National or knowledge communities. YL: Many of the members of your chapter at one point worked in the US and received their education here. What are the reasons they decided to practice overseas? Does the design profession in Hong Kong have a demand for US architects?

通过额外考试, 成为" 認可人士”(Authorized Person) 方有此权力。 此外, 授 权人的资格不限制於建筑师,工程师及测量师也能成為授权人。换句话说,大多 數在港注册建筑师没有我们在美国执业建筑师的专业责任, 在设计执行方面,施 工图生产的程序也稍微不同。 取決於項目合同条款, 香港建筑师依靠承包商承 担设计責任的情况是非常普遍的。為了加快投标程序起见, 招标图纸內一些建筑 细节可能受省略。 当然建筑师将在承包商受标之前发行最后一组施工图纸, 以 锁定设计意图, 成本和合同条款。 这与我们美国建筑师在投标前已經準備有包 含各个專業充分协调的施工图纸的普遍做法, 具有基本區別。 当涉及的是大規 模复杂项目, 相对地说, 建筑师可能对最终结果, 没有我们于美国体系所有的充 足控制权实现预期质量。这对于我们从美国回流的建筑师, 有一定的挑战性, 也 需要一点时间来适应香港建筑業的惯例。 YL: 香港分会有没有一些专為青年建筑师而設的活动? AIAHK:我们相信年青一辈为建筑行业带来更新而独特的思維。YAG在2015年3月的 就職典禮, 成員 Caroline Chou, Kevin Lim, Andrew King, Brian Bessannaire, 展示他们的作品和分享专业成长的旅程。随着青年及资深建筑师的对话, 前輩领 袖 Christine Bruckner, FAIA, William Lim, FAIA, Grover Dear, FAIA, Sean Chiao, FAIA, 慷慨地分享了他们的見解, 探討不同阶段的奋斗歷程, 這項目深受 好評, 我们期待再次組織类似的討論會。 數月後同年6月, AIA主席 Elizabeth Chu Richter, FAIA, 與首席執行官 Robert Ivy, FAIA到訪香港, 與青年建筑师会面, 专门讨论年青一辈关心的事項。其中一 個關鍵問題是年轻建筑师, 即使非常能干, 经常因为实际年龄而不被重视, 如何

The majority of the Chapter members were educated in the United States' architecture programs and licensed in the US as well. Some of them are Chinese citizens who returned upon graduation, while others sought professional opportunities or challenges in a new milieu and ended up staying and practicing in Hong Kong. We also have US architects who have relocated to Hong Kong from major firms working on international assignments. Many firms appreciate architects with a US education due to their different background and overseas experiences, so there is definitely a demand for US architects in Hong Kong. YL: What do you think are the fundamental differences between practicing architecture in HK and in the US? How do people view young architects (or young design professionals) like yourself in HK? AIAHK: This is a dialogue we are having with our young architect members. The differences are not so much cultural, but rather professional. They range from the definition of Architect and required skill sets to standard of care and design control. Let’s take the term “architect” as an example. In Hong Kong, university graduates from HKARB recognized architecture programs become registered architects after passing HKARB/HKIA licensing examination, which is analogous to the ARE in the US. However, registered architects do not have the authority to legally “stamp” drawings. Registered architects have to take an additional exam to become an “authorized

上图2015 AIA 会长 Elizabeth Chu Richter, FAIA 会见了AIA香港 YAG 的年轻建筑师 - 由 AIA香港 提供


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可以让别人认真对待。前香港分会主席 Willliam Lim, FAIA 指出年轻建筑师能 够与资深建筑师互换知识。举例来说,对新兴技术的知识是宝贵工具, 这是年轻 一辈对设计过程可以独特贡献的。 在今年4月,我们召开一整天的青年建筑师论坛,名为 Emerge! 汇集了亚洲六大 新兴公司, 分享作品創業的经历。 YL:香港分会有否跟 AIA美国分会或其他香港 专业学会合作?从你的意见, AIA香 港分会对行业有否整体附加价值? AIAHK: 我们的目标是对会员提供继续教育的机会, 通过举办研讨会和程序,会员获悉建筑行业的最新趋势,与最佳实践。为此,AIA 香港分会与香港建筑师学会(HKIA) 建立互惠协议, 两个组织之间的 CEU 可以 相互适用. 我们的YAG程序也邀请,英国皇家建筑师协会(RIBA和城市土地学会 (ULI)的青年成员加入。我们深信, 这是我们作为建筑学会的专业使命。 YL:对于决定搬到香港开始职业生涯的建筑师,AIAHK可有提供任何帮助他们过渡 的协助? AIAHK: 我们提供广泛的交流机会, 以帮助新成员转型香港的新环境. 我们亦提供 指导,帮助新成员了解香港执业的体制。 YL:AIAHK如何帮助年轻建筑师达到执照的专业资格? 香港建筑师的执照要求可有 分别 ? AIAHK: 正如前面提到的,我们YAG成员包括原自 或转移到亚洲的年轻建筑师, 他 们大多数正在追求美国执照资格。 香港分会提供IDP指导并辅助ARE 学习, 以帮 助候年轻选人实现执照的里程碑。 香港是全球三个ARE国际地点之一, 考生在本 地Prometric考试中心坐考试ARE, 与在美国程序相同。 在2014年,香港受NCARB选为亚洲考试地点,考生可灵活地国际工作,与此同时实

person” in do that in Hong Kong. The authorized person qualification is open to architects, engineers, as well as quantity surveyors. In other words, the majority of registered architects do not have the authority that we as licensed architects take for granted in the U.S. Therefore, the responsibility and liability that fundamentally defines the professional are very different. In terms of design execution, construction drawings are produced and issued in a slightly different manner. Depending on contract conditions, Hong Kong architects may rely on the contractor to take on more of a design-build role. Some construction details may be omitted from the bid drawings to expedite the bidding procedure. But of course the architects will issue the final set of construction drawings to 'lock in' the design intent, cost and contract conditions before the award of the contract (project). This is different from our common practice of having a fully coordinated set of construction document before bidding with the architect as the leader. When it comes to complex projects, I feel that architects may not have the same level of control over the final aesthetic of a building. It has been a bit challenging for those of us who were used to the U.S. system and it definitely took time to adjust to the Hong Kong way of practice. YL: What are some of the programs your chapter hosts specifically geared toward emerging professional members? AIAHK: We believe young architects bring a new and unique perspective to the profession. During the inauguration of the new YAG officers, Caroline Chou, Kevin Lim, Andrew King and Brian Bessannaire, we asked YAG committee members to present their works and journeys of their architecture career. A panel discussion was also held to facilitate dialogue between established architects and emerging professionals. Leaders Christine Bruckner, FAIA, William Lim, FAIA, Grover Dear, FAIA, and Sean Chiao, FAIA, all graciously shared their advice. The program was hugely

上图 香港的六家 建筑设计公司在 AIA香港 YAG 主办的Emerge会议上发表了演讲 - 由 AIA香港 提供

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现美国建筑执照的专业目标。NCARB首席执行官Michael Armstrong 为此来到香 港会见会员, 解释 ARE 国际测试, 这个研讨会现场直播至 AIA 上海分会, 共享 知识。此外, 香港分会本届主席 Kenneth Hau, AIA 同时是 NCARB 在香港的代 表。鉴于香港邻近东京和上海, 香港分会也为其他亚洲分会提供考试相关资源。 与此同时, 香港分会主办 ARE 学习小组, 暂且是由准建筑师自启组织的。们正 在汇集成员, 根据考试分科, 作专题研讨。自2014年以来, 香港分会办事处备有 ARE 参考部, 通过会员慷慨捐赠, 藏书从一般概述拓展至特定科目, 更充足供考 生准备试题。 根据香港体系, 有两条路可实现建筑师执照: (1)申请并通过ARB(建筑注册局香港)考试。考试的结构类似于我们在美国的 ARE。 (2)非本地专业但有超过10年的专业经验(本地+海外),例如美国注册建筑师, 可以申请通过ARB专业面试的过程。我们提供美国考生为期半天的研讨会, 解释 本地体制及建设法规。

popular and we look forward to hosting similar programs in the future. In June 2015, a social and networking cocktail event with AIA President Elizabeth Chu Richter, FAIA and CEO Robert Ivy, FAIA was held specifically for Hong Kong young architects to discuss issues of particular concerns. One of the questions raised was how young architects can be taken seriously when they are relatively young, yet highly competent. William Lim, FAIA and past president of AIA Hong Kong, shared that young architects can contribute what they know that the more experienced architects don’t. For instance, the knowledge of new tools and building technologies that would be valuable to design process. In April 2016, our Chapter held a full day forum, titled Emerge! 2016 AIAHK Young Architects Forum, which brought together six emerging firms from the region to presentation and discussion of their works. ■

此外, 我们也认为参观施工现场是让会员学习当地惯例的良好机会。每隔一两个 月, 我们会安排参观建设工地, 听从项目建筑师谈到不同阶段,设计执行的背后 思想原因, 与与会者分享经验心得 。 YL: 你们可有任何进一步的想法跟我们在美国的年轻建筑师分享 ? AIAHK:香港和亚太地区的建筑环境和业界趋势极负挑战性。常见的大规模项目包 括市区重建, 高层建筑, 新城市规划。 具有想象力, 创新意念的 年轻建筑师, 可考虑加入在亚洲地区活跃的建筑公司. 这种经验非常特別,令人兴奋。 香港分会及YAG 一直以来致力推进我们的思维, 寻找方法让 YAG成员的经验更盛 产, 以发展 AIA在港的未来领导者,我们目前正在筹备领导力培训的系列, 提供 YAG成员接收AIA Fellows 指导培育接收机会。■

上图 香港的六家 建筑设计公司在 AIA香港 YAG 主办的Emerge会议上发表了演讲 - 由 AIA香港 提供


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About AIA Young Architects Forum\ The Young Architects Forum (YAF), a program of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and the College of Fellows (COF), is organized to address issues of particular importance to recently licensed architects. Vision of AIA Young Architects Forum Through collaboration with AIA and relevant organizations, YAF encounrages the leadership development of newly licensed architects. To establish a national and international network of young architects. Speak up as the voice of the emerging professionals.

AIA 年轻建筑师论坛 美国建筑师协会青年建筑师论坛 (AIA YAF)是建筑师在其职业生涯早期阶段的声音,也是职业和社区内改 变的催化剂。 YAF与美国建筑师协会院士和美国建筑师协会密切合作,共同领导该行业的未来,重点关 注领照不到10年的建筑师。国家YAF咨询委员会负责鼓励为年轻建筑师的利益,制定国家和地区计划的发 展,并支持在当地分会内设立YAF小组。 YAF有大约23,000名AIA成员。 YAF计划,活动和资源通过提供信 息和领导力为年轻建筑师服务; 通过与其他专业人士的团契促进卓越; 并通过鼓励指导以加强个人,社区和职业发展。 年轻建筑师论坛的目标 通过AIA和相关团体内部的互动和协作,鼓励最近获得执照的建筑师的专业和领导力发展。 通过努力确保相关机构适当解决与年轻建筑师特别相关的问题,建立一个全国以及国际网络, 并作为年轻建筑师的集体代言人。 使AIA会员资格对年轻建筑师有价值,并培养未来的专业领导力。

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