SHUN C YOUNG 2005-2011

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The portfolio contains collection of my works from 2005 to present, spanning from UCL postgraduagte years to more previews commercial projects in order to showcase my creative diversity. This includes one major academic works of research, five building design projects, painting and photography. Ilha Flymosa, the academic research, challenged the new architectural language that presented in several ways including painting, sculpture, material experiment. The research project also engaged with politics, culture, geography and futuristic projection in narrative describing. My commercial projects aimed to satisfy community needs, funding constrains, functions, environmental protection, safety, feasibility and administrative regulations and finding balance between all criterions in order to construct user-friendly, and high quality architectures. Photography and painting serve as my main source of inspiration for aesthetics, sharpens my ability to observe, boost my creativity and refines my appreciation of quality. They are also great tools for professional development.  







Language Developing


The System




Architectural Vision of the Future


Narrative Chronicles












2010-2011 AD



Introduction Even in this modern age, wars and violence still exist around the world, and in the aftermath of World War II, many countries had to face fighting and war or the threat of war. For example, Afghanistan, Israel, Iraq, Northern Ireland and some African nations had wars in their own territory. On the other hand, Korea, Taiwan and China and even America, still has to deal with threatening situations. This project will attempt to design an environment which could release land limitations and avoid conflicts from occurring. It could be the narrative background of a novel and an inspired proposal. This project has four main parts, the first of which is to adopt an experimental process to develop it’s own language of architecture. The second is to use this language to design an environmental system, and the third part is to develop the details of the system. The last step will present the world vision of the future in architectural view. These steps all come have a main purpose, i.e. releasing territory limitations and avoiding conflict, and leading the project to a futuristic architecturally proposal.

Language Development The designed language would be the foundation of the form, structure and logic, so in the very beginning, the project needs to have its own unique language to present the purpose behind it.


The Experiments Without any prediction or default position being set up, there is a straight, direct connection between self-interest, the environment and the political purpose in the design process. As for other aspects, i.e. collection, participation, observation, experiments and physical operation, those techniques help the project to confirm and establish the sense of language. The first step is observation and collection. In the beginning, by means of a collection of self-interest in London, various shapes of clouds and the organizations within them were the most attractive objects, so taking photos of clouds and re-ranging them and observing their deformation was the first step of the methodology. This action also revealed the known purpose: Floating and deformation.



By means of recording, abstracting, and transforming a sense of floating and deformation, the elements of clouds, such as water, air and other chemical reactions, created the patterns and symbols, and than the project used the soap bubbles as a drawing material to imitate those patterns, leaving the shapes and contexts on various kinds of papers. This was the way of collecting and organizing. methodology. This action also revealed the known purpose: Floating and deformation. The second stage was about experimenting on objects. In this part, the main purpose was to bring the cloud elements into objects and produce real 3D models of a floating sensation.




There were several re-combinative multi-materials in the making process, such as bubbles, water, spray foam, sugar, tissue paper, gypsum and mesh. In other words, changing into different conditions could be another way to experiment. For example, changing the temperature, using several kinds of containers, were attempts to produce deforming moments and a sense of floating. In addition, it was also the manufacturing confirmation of the model’s next step. In the final stage, after these experiments, the technology of the making process was to create a series of floating symbols: pouring the gypsum onto the mesh and allowing it to sink through, and then be condensed for a moment and finally formed. From previous experiments, these symbols were arranged on a gypsum foundation and may become an architectural language or landscape pattern. Throughout the process, several artists’ works and architects’ theories were used in the research, such as “The Archigram Archival Project”, “Do You Remember When This World Was Ours Graphic Works”, “Tomas Saraceno”, “Dimensional work by Jerzy Goliszewski” and some visual artists and photographers.




The Language After repeating the experiment and the production process, there was an understanding of materials and techniques within the project: the connection between time, floating, and material deforming. The controlling factors were especially the mesh, gypsum, and water. They influenced the shapes and technology of the floating language, the own language of project. Furthermore, how to create the spaces, manage the organization, texture, architectural language and landscape from the making process was a crucial learning curve for project development, and these technologies may have had a further strong reaction with the environment strongly. Besides, out of the purposes of the research was to find out the environmental and architectural elements combined with the mesh, materialmaking, time and transformation, and how to develop the language of floating architecture and landscape. These experiments and research could lend the project a brand new iconic quality and also have a deep connection with the main purpose of releasing territory.





The Forming After the language experiment and making process, there was a development in the sense of floating and deformation. Furthermore, these sensations were all transferred into the 18-pieces gypsum models and the models were the basic elements to carry out the system of the project. Five motivations and ideas supported the project to move on to a further process and form the structure of a narrative background. These were history, politics, culture, physical and design.





The System This was the further step to organize the system of landscape and environment. It also demonstrated how the architectural thinking is used in narrative development. By means of the drawing, the environment was constructed step by step, and it was formed in several dimensions, such as historical, cultural, political background, personal motivation and characteristics. These aspects all support the main purpose, i.e. that creating a non-physical contact system with levitation technology could be a solution of conflict. Moreover, the system was also developed in drawings, research, and critiques. This process also showed that the project was in evolution by every presentation.

The Site Based on this, the project has a strong relationship with property and is about constructing a sculpture-quality farm, so the project was chosen to be sited off the shoreline at Durdle Door in Dorset as the first experiment in real land. After researching Durdle Door and some scientists’ “levitation technology” such as Tesla coil, the magnetic field simulating how hovering power deconstructs the environment became one of the important ideas of the project then the meaning of deconstruction was extended to releasing the limitation of land (property) and relevant social and political issues. A drawing to illustrate the system of the floating and deforming landscape constructed the scoping view of project.



The Drawing There were the architectural narrative drawings to illustrate the project step by step. These didn’t only present the details of the project but also showed the process during the research.

The Baroque sky The first drawing of the project was the imagination of flying city, which also meant that the project was constructed at a higher level of a flying landscape to visually describe the imagination of “heaven�. Back in the 17th century, the baroque architects and artists such as Andrea Pozzo tried to paint the sky and imagine heaven on the ceiling of church. He painted the Church of St. lgnazio and projected the religious sky and the desire of heaven. This demonstrates that people had images, which released the land from the sky 400 years ago, and it also shows how people looked for a new aspect of a higher living frame. Therefore, in this project, the drawing was composed by the models (floating element) and shown in perspective. The view was from bottom to top. This shows how humans viewed heaven in a physical form and how they reconstructed the sky in their memories. The shining line represents the magnetic field and causes the flying city to stay in the air. The drawing itself mentions the next step: how to make a city float.



Physical Engagement Physical contact informs us of the basic rules of the environment and space. At the starting point, from the materials and intervention of body during the making, the project was understood while material was in the changing process (chemical effect, drying, dropping and solidification), which may be one of the metaphors of self-identity. Also, the bodily deformation releases the original elements’ shape and quality, and integrates the natural environment with structure. However, humans are creatures of the natural environment, and by means of environmental factors (gravity, magnetic field, and temperature), which transform the atmosphere, people may change their senses and physical feelings in the new system (environment). This deconstructed environment may deform people’s behaviors and construct a new definition of the system. This project would like to build an anti-battle zone between nations which are experiencing conflict and war. This means that, under this magnetic field, it may not be possible for hyman to have the physical contact in a specific area. This could avoid fighting and also redefine the space users’ behaviors.



The History The Taiwanese used to have an identity issue and be confused about the further steps of their country and their own lives. Back to the mid 20th century, the Netherlands and Japanese had colonized Taiwan until the end of World War II, when the territory was given back to people. However, the National Government lost the civil war in China in 1949, and retreated to Taiwan, and the regime took over the country. To this day, Taiwan is still not recognized as being an independent country by the international community. Because of their historical background, the Taiwanese have been influenced by many cultures and lack their own main core beliefs. Thus, this project seeks to present the awareness of an identity and the imagination of possibilities by means of design.

The Politics The political situation also plays a crucial role in the Taiwanese identity. After the KMT government retreat to Taiwan, through the White Terror and the end of martial law, the party was displaced and a President was elected, and gradually a free and democratic society was established. However, because of the force and economic threat of China, the Taiwanese people are still confused about their national identity. They may want to discover the roots of their culture and history, but they cannot imagine their position in the future because China’s oppression and rejection of their resistance. In such an ambiguous state, without any independence, force or unity, the Taiwanese consciousness is frozen and suspended; it no longer accepts or refuses development. In an opposite way, this project would like to propose that the Nationalism may not be the only way to prove self-identity. A greater hierarchy may exist beyond the nation and between the nations, and other physical zone may be reformed through the drawing.



The Culture Geographically speaking, Taiwan is sited near China eastern coast, below Japan and in the middle of East Asia. The colonial period was grounded in Chinese culture and many people followed the Japanese culture. After World War II, it had a very close relationship with the United States, which also had been a profound impact. However, because of the colonial government and the civil war in China, the Taiwanese people’s own culture and history are ambiguous, confused and shallow and complex. Besides, because of the business cooperation but an opposing of the political situation, Chinese culture has an awkward position in Taiwan. The project would like to imagine the future of a Taiwanese culture composed of new technology, a bio-environment, and new logical thinking. The magnetic field deconstructs the edged of the land and also releases the boundary of property. It reforms the new connection without geographical limits, redefines the space and landscape, and gives nations a chance to develop their own future culture and relationships.



The Drawing There were the architectural narrative drawings to illustrate the project step by step. These didn’t only present the details of the project but also showed the process during the research.


Design Motivation Based on learning the futurism, leaving Taiwan, and then studying in London and absorbing the architectural thinking, I expected to write the novel, which related to the future of Taiwan with a new aspect of the world. This was because Taiwan may needs to make itself thinks about the future and build own new culture, which is more important than dating back to a historical identity. Also, Taiwan’s relationship with China may have further thinking more than its current dubious state. There used to be a broad framework to avert the dispute between the nations. In history, the human grouping system was tribal, villages, cities, states, and nations. There was constant reclassification across area, each one more complex than the last. However, many countries still have global problems with property. There may be a larger identity of schema to break geographic barriers and skip the struggle of whatever nation is unified or independent. Under a new further framework, they may have a chance to rethink their identity and establish their own new culture.

So, in this project, breaking one of the four basic elements of a country (territory, people, government, sovereignty), releasing the land and boundary limits is a way of establishing the new concept of living environment and changing the political system. Otherwise, through the links of science, technology, physical sense, environment and space, regrouping and rearranging the new system, releasing the land resources, redefining the imagination of people living off the ground without physically touching, could change all of our knowledge from a hovering plane concept to a new ground level of earth.


The Flying City Releasing the limitation of land was one important part of the drawing development process, so the project tried to use an easy thought to make the flying organization rise into the sky. However, although the city was above the site, there were still many aspects to consider. Durdle Door is the world heritage of the Jurassic Coast, and the shoreline around it is all chalk and Portland Freestone. The terrain was formed by the Earth’s power, the stratum was pushed and squeezed vertically and the surface has vertical rock layers and texture and sections. These are the special conditions around the site. In the beginning, the project was right next to Durdle Door and floating above the coast. But because of the magnetic field, the environment was influenced, deformed, changed and moved into new situation, the stratum was pulled and stretched into the sky, and became the main structure (core) of the flying city. While the main structure (core) was merged with the floating board (living place), two different objects merged together, bended, moved, twisted, deformed and separated together (Floating board & core). The mixture of these textures would reform the new space and change the structure and material appearance. The system may be organized by these simple methods and conditions and the new function of space and environments may be operated. Meanwhile, in terms of the social and politic issue, when the hovering system is built in the air and releases the new property, it may also release land and establish a greater hierarchy above Nationality and Geography, and this may avoid the conflict between nation and nation, such as Taiwan and China. The identity may have a deep connection with the land, geography, nationality or race. If a higher frame could be established above those conditions and a new bridge could be constructed across differences such as locations, economics, regimes, religions, and boundaries, people may think further about diplomacy. All affairs constructed on the floating hierarchy could raise other possible thoughts. Floating a city in the air always happens in the movies or novels. Cities fly in the air to escape from limited land. Many scientists still make huge efforts to prove that material objects can stay in the air, and this was a particular human desire a long time ago. Contrarily, countries are composed of territory, people, rights and governments. If the territory could be released, the system of the country may totally change, as well as the sense of the land. However, most cases only talk about a flying world far away from the reality and never bring the physical sense to people’s minds. This shows a lack of thinking that bodies and memories could feel the possibility of floating and this project would like to show that quality with various imaginings.



The Coil Anti-gravity technologies have frequently been developed, for example, Tesla, Dr. Hutchison and Professor Searl, they all dedicated all their research to hovering power and magnetic research. For example, Tesla tried to use a coil to release the free energy and build the a hovering environment. In his documents, so many design drawings of coils and advice remain unfinished and unproduced. Otherwise, Professor Searl conducted further researching about an anti-gravity machine. The SEG voltage controller showed the possibility of hovering by using the earth magnetic field and producing the energy by itself and Dr. Hutchison also showed how a magnetic field could influence an object move without physically touching it. However, although these technologies were never completed or proved in reality, they still have the potential to be developed. These works become the drawing components. The design illustrates how those technologies be combined with the environment, and deal with the structure system and pull the environmental system up into the air. Furthermore, at this stage, the project also described the kinds of elements in environment which suit the magnetic system. It presented how they reform the architecture or landscape and how they built the anti-gravity machine and levitation device. The coil levitation engine could become the main part of the city system, which could then be organized the system with the environment and floating elements.



Sculpture farm However, a flying city may lose the strong connection between real land and physical engagements, so the project tried to lay the models over the beach and engage with environment. Otherwise, it may float to near the ground level. The landscape was influenced by a magnetic field and flying about 10-50 centimetres above ground level, including sea level. The model was ranged all over the site. Additionally, sand, stratums, plants, earth and other environments were all hovering within a short distance. This not only showed the floating power but also the physically touchable levitation sense. People may have chance to walk into the landscape, and feel it, touch it, see it, stand in front of the delicate floating sculpture, and change their thoughts about gravity and territory.


The Beach The project’s perspective illustrated a beach and sculpture farm influenced by a magnetic force and showed how stratums and rocks are pulled out of the ground to become the new landscape. The coastline of Dorset is full of chalk and vertical stratums, so the specialist point may be the deformation and floating of pulled stratums. The texture of rocks may form the new scene. In addition, the relationship between models, waves and the island is described. Otherwise, the magnetic power influences the sea surf and the model, and the model may also be influenced by the waves. Thus, the beach becomes a changeable and movable landscape.


The Island The island was a huge environment, and through this drawing, the otherness of reality had been a source of intrigue, fantasy, and romance, being the main inspiration for the novel. Even though the site of events was not possible, desirable, or permitted, the island still provided inspiration for innumerable dreamers and seekers. In detail, the drawing showed the characteristics of the island and defined the resource of the magnetic power of the site. As in reality, every object or creature has electrons which form their own magnetic field, and this kind of circumstance may govern the reaction between every individual object, whether animal or material. Furthermore, it also means that the island would be influenced by any object’s magnetic field. Because of the magnetic effect, moving or approaching objects may all force the boundary of the island’s land to change, even be pushed or pushing in another direction like magnetic repulsion. There is also a metaphorical meaning that the land could have another environment, totally different from human society.


The Details Details could bring reality and confidence to the project. By illustrating the quality of the sense and atmosphere of the context, the inspiration would be more powerful and delicate. In the further step, the project would use the drawing, sculpture, and story to complete the view of the environment. Technologies and conceptual ideas, all related to the main thoughts of the system, were brought into play to frame the narrative world.

The Taiwan Coast The drawing showed the island approaching the Tamsui River of Taiwan and deconstructed the edges of the coast, using brushwork and 3D to simulate how earth and mountain can be deformed into floating material. When the project started on the site near Taiwan, it also showed the true power of criticism by engaging with the national issue. The true real situation appeared.






Inner Structure The inner structure of Magnetic Island showed another ecological system. With new technologies, scientists could use cyroelectron tomography to observe how magnetosomes are arranged in some bacteria. Magnetotactic bacteria demonstrate a movement which has a strong connection to polarity. The project illustrated the form of magnetic bacteria and defined these as the unit of inner structure. The shape would be more like the cellular or the coral, and other creatures could reside in the space of the unit. In addition, the inner construction could be a maximum of 100 meters high.

The Scope Drawing This drawing explains the further details of how the island released the magnetic field to influence the model and the sea. The model was located about 1km from the coastline, floating horizontally at a close distance. It became a new level and people could stand on the sculpture, walk far away from the coast side or on the island. It brought a sense of physics that felt more realistic than a flying city when not only people close to the landscape could see it. Moreover, the island was defined as a resource of a magnetic field and it could move anywhere. The magnetic power could also be used to deconstruct and deform the territory. The whole landscape and coastline were influenced by the island, and the island became a definitive symbol of the new hierarchy. Moreover, the extended meaning of released land is the same as the island which has the power to deconstruct and reconstruct the land. They are all metaphorical aspects that people may desire about land and property. Through the new conditions of the deconstructed land, humans could redefine why they need the land so badly, and why they have to identify themselves by property and memories of the earth. These issues could be subverted from this project. This drawing also makes the context clear in each part of the landscape and shows the leading principles that could be followed and acted on. 47

Architectural Vision of the Future


System of Floating Creature The main magnetic field is released from creatures. As many people know, some kinds of insects have a group organisation which is different from that of other animals. For example, ants and bees receive orders from the queen, and then obey the rules in one-brain, but this is totally opposite to human modern society. This is the same with the project; the creatures are like neurons, and the head of the organisation could be a brain. Because of the structure, communication may play an important role in this group system. To achieve a complete communication system, electromagnetic waves are the way messages could be sent around the whole groups. This also means that communicational power causes the magnetic field and levitation power. In the story of the project, the floating creature environmental system has different living conditions from human ecology, and this could impact their influence on each other. The seaside and the land are all deconstructed from floating creatures’ communication system. Furthermore, the system provides no physical contact area, which also shows that there would be no violent impact in the area. The project presents new rules of physics and symbiosis, not only for different species but also for different nations, races and religions. Those who have conflict may be forced to give up fighting as a way to communicate in the levitation zone.

Background of Novel Writing a novel has been an unforgettable thought in my mind for almost three years, so I have never stopped collecting, studying and considering relative information and news, including historical events, geographical relationships, political directions, cultural variations, and the latest international situation. However, there was a thought before the master’s research began and that was to construct the world aspect of a novel through the investigation of architecture. Through the process of the research, materials, environments, architectures and space were thoroughly and continuously explored. The quality of architecture was presented in an elaborate way by drawing and sculpturing. Because the project was developed repeatedly, there was a chance to connect the previews, collections and studies with the project research and design, to specifically show the further aspect of a future world. This did not only frame the system (software part) but also formed a substantial sense of architecture.

Architecture From the beginning of the architectural language to the series of gypsum sculptures to the flying city, and then to the landscape and sculpture farm, through the levels of definition such as expounding, circumscription, deconstruction, development, reformation and description, the project shaped a diverse meaning of architectural gradation. The story of the narrative statement focused on a time of integration and creeping. If using space and paths to translate the evolvement of time, in function and body, the gate would be an intermediary connection of conversion, deformation and time. For example, the Asian temples use to build a gate to translate different spaces and systems, and a gate also become the key element of many fields and landscapes, such as the transformation of power, circumstances, places, ranks and metaphors. However, since the project wants to demonstrate the transforming of hierarchy and ecology, the gate becomes a necessary existence; an evolutional journey of survival dependence.

Conclusion Based on the process, the project translates the narrative into architectural elements and inspirations. Through research, writing, drawing, sculpture and the developing story, a frame was designed to stand on science, technology, politics, history, aesthetics, and the language of a future perspective. This language includes skin, structure and metaphor, although it has a symbolic communication, to convey comprehensive ideas and expectations. Furthermore, standing on the process of a new future environment, the project included psychological, political, cultural, scientific, behavioural, geographical, and historical elements, and those could influence the world to combine into a system, make the elements achieve architecture and also make architecture influence the elements. This project also presented the connection between the future and me, and used the development of architectural language to explore the relationship between the world and me. In addition, the project took the issue which mainly concerns me as an extended meaning of the fable, and it also stated the value of existence; the value of my existence.

Throughout the project design, there were levels of using a chronicle as the main way to present the future hierarchy. Thus, the writing of the novel could be completed and details of the characteristics and environments could be added, and this also enabled me to advance my own language by the exploration of architecture. This would be demonstrated in further designs.


Narrative Chronicles


1988 AD | Establishment of Bio-Magnetic The Bio-Magnetic Research and Development, Kwong Fu Biotechnology*, was established in 1988. Its main aim was to develop magnetic technology and bio-magnetic technology. At the beginning of 1992, the firm was not only succeeding in bio-magnetic GM and nurturing, but was also good at reproducing and transforming magnetic bacteria. In addition, they were keen in vivo. However, this was stopped by UN and Humanitarian Groups, so the research and experiments were kept secret. On the surface, the firm became a chemical industry and changed into a medicine manufacturer. * Kwong Fu Biotechnology This was the research organization of bio-magnetic technology. Originally, Kwong Fu was a biotechnological development firm in 1970, but it transferred into medicine manufacturer in 1990. Before they became a huge pharmaceutical factory, a previews researcher leaked out the rumor that the birth of magnetic creatures was from the experiments inside Kwong Fu. According to the researcher’s words, they changed the gene of magnetic bacterium and put it into different animals, such as fish, mouse or some plants. However, Dr. Lin wanted to put the bacterium into ape and human body, but the information was leaked out and the government blocked this experiment.


2021 AD | Fourth Taiwan Strait Crisis The existence of a magnetic island was a threat to every country and also a resource that every country wanted to own, especially both sides of Taiwan Strait and Japan and Korea. For a long period, there was a hostile but symbiotic situation between Taiwan and China. From 1950 until today, there have been three Taiwan Strait Crisis, including the 823 Cannon War in 1958 and the China Martial Missile Drill in 1996.




After 25 years, Taiwan Strait was raised the alarm of a crisis again, because of the appearance of a magnetic island. On the 23th March 2021, the magnetic island was approaching the Tamsui River and Taipei port from the Taiwan Strait, some Taiwanese take Formosa as a metaphor for the magnetic island, so they called the magnetic island “FLYMOSA ISLAND*”. Further more, the radiation of the magnetic power caused a giant change in the environment around the port and Guanyin Mountain. The existence of FLYMOSA ISLAND could become a bridge of contention and connection.

* Flymosa Formosa or Ilha Formosa is a Portuguese historical name for Taiwan. It was given by passing Portuguese mariners in 1544, and meant “beautiful island”. Flymosa was transferred from Formosa. However, this magnetic island was a new biological environment and ecology, full of floating creature leaved inside. Flymosa also created a magnetic field that could deconstruct the land and buildings.




However, due to the magnetic power of the island, whole objects within the range of the island’s influences would increase their own magnetic fields. This means that, in the area, an object did not only float for a short distance but it also repelled other. It led the environment into a nonphysical contact zone, but the physical interaction still worked under the rule of the magnetic system in the island zone, especially in short distances. This circumstance caused terrible damage to the territory, never experienced before. The northwestern coast was deconstructed and damaged, including the earth, stratums, plants and animals. They were all influenced, and then the residents were forced to move away from the coast and the magnetic zone. Because of this, the Department of National Defense, based on the Constitution, began to attack FLYMOSA to force it to stop approaching Taiwan but this did not work. Flymosa was unstoppable, but it had its own cycle time to change the speed of its approach. In contrast, scientists and biologists from almost every country were eager to occupy and investigate Flymosa. Especially after Kwong Fu Biotechnology was established, and founded several revolutionary, amazing high-technology industries.


Time magazine said that Flymosa Island was defined as a key of human technology development and a revolution in history. The influential new-tech included such features as the Magnetic Floating Field, Bio-Magnetic Generator, Magnetic Physical Shield and some relative magnetic weapons. Those technologies were eyed by other developed countries and terrorists. They also wanted to obtain these new technologies or national business confidence. On the other hand, radical conservation groups regarded Flymosa as an attack equal to an animal massacre, so they had a long-term plan to engage and stop the attacks. Obviously, most of the protests were violent and agitated. In the meantime, a new religion was hailed, called the Magnetic Future. The believers worshipped the magnetic queen and announced that Flymosa and creatures could bring disaster because the Flymosa disturbed the global magnetic field, and may stop the earth from rotating. The only way to avoid a catastrophe was to consecrate the Queen and stay in the magnetic zone.


However, the situation was calming down at the beginning of 2022 AD. The main point was that numerous benefits and technologies could be developed on Flymosa, and based on this, the government stopped blocking Flymosa and lowered the crisis level and established a research team and the National Academia Sinica* in April, and then had a cooperative developments with Kwong Fu Biotechnology. Furthermore, the technology was transferred to private operators and the government was continued to strengthen the national defense techniques. In the aspect of the international situation, in the middle of the year, Japan and China requested cooperation, based on the International Sea Law. They asked to transfer techniques or participate in joint research. However, this situation reached a stalemate, since the Taiwanese government did not want to share the technologies. Thus the relationship between Japan and China became colder and more complex, causing a three-way struggle between Taiwan, Japan and China. *National Academia Sinica National Academia Sinica is the most preeminent science and humanities technological institution in Taiwan and it also is the governmental official institution.



2022-2023 AD | Magnetic islands were founded in several Asian countries Between 2022 and 2023 AD, magnetic islands were continually found around the sea of Guangzhou, Okinawa, the Philippines, Indonesia and Taiwan, and they began to approach the territory again at an extremely slow but unstoppable speed. According to the research in a UN report, the scale and environment of these islands were different from each other, even though the quality and function were the same as Flymosa, but the range and strength of magnetic power were slightly weaker. The distribution of magnetic islands made other countries more nervous, even though some Japanese rumors said that the distribution of magnetic islands would be another form of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. The island sphere would be connected because of magnetic fields’ deconstructing power. Moreover, this could break the geographical limits and increase the exchanges in every aspect. However, there was no basis to say this.





2024 AD | Department of National Territory Magnetized Development was held In the year 2024 AD, the biotechnology firm, the Department of National Defense, Intelligence Bureau and National Academia Sinica had the cooperated to form a new developmental team and department, and they called it the Department of National Territory Magnetized Development Group (NTMD*). When Flymosa neared the land, the earth the plants grow on or the structures of stratum could be changed, deconstructed and floated. This completely changed almost the whole northwestern coast and the original residents were force to mov out of the magnetic zone. If Flymosa kept approaching Taiwan, it could cause more serious damages. For this reason, the government established a specialty group comprising military technology and non-governmental science technology institutions and assisted them to work together. In addition, the government made a territory contingency plane to face and predict the situation. In the same year, the UN conducted a special research project to observe Flymosa. *National Territory Magnetized Development Group (NTMD) This was a special department. It deals the land which been magnetized and deconstructed in Taiwan. The members of NTMD were the best talents in every specialty ,such as soldiers, government agents, Academia Sinica researchers and Kwong Fu Biotechnology researchers.



2025-2032 AD | Several new technologies invented because of Flymosa During these eight years, several new technologies were invented such as biotechnology, construction technology and communication technology. The magnetic island also inspired new thoughts of construction techniques. Because of the levitating environment, the presentation of material characteristics had been transferred into magnetic physical principles even though gravity still existed. So the constructing technology had been improved and changed, not only in the magnetic zone, but also in the creation of new methods of construction. The communication showed a different sense of revolution. Due to the magnetic zone, creatures could communicate with each other without speaking, either by language or wired-device. The system was just like that of organized insects, such as ants and bees which could receive a signal from the Queen through an electromagnetic wave. It also showed that human’s equipments may have become individual units of system, but they still had a storage device, signaling and most importantly part, a base station. The base station was inside every cell phone or portable product. Although personal mobiles could not become a central terminal, they still constructed the system and frame of an information-sharing platform. This was like P2P system, but more than that, because the proposal pointed out that it could be the concept of spreading knowledge equally and extends the knowledge topographically, it became a landscape of lore.




On the other hand, the biotechnology of Flymosa also had a major breakthrough. The creatures, materials, rocks and objects would all be intensified in a self-magnetic field. After the analysis and arrangement, telepathy would be possible in the environment for a high frequency magnetic field. People could communicate with each other without speaking a word, and the technology would also provide the possibility that the releasing of the magnetic field and would enable all signals from animals and to be readable. Furthermore, the technology could extend to the neurons and mental profession. Researchers are still working at with experiments. 2035 AD | Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Magnetic Island Sphere (GEACS) was established The Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Magnetic Island Sphere* (GEACS) was only an idea untill 2035. Not only in the political operation or the business and economic struggle, but also there were several puzzling situations in the technological technique. However, There was a major breakthrough then when the GEACS was established and worked on the sea area and reconstructed territories around the eastern Asia in 2035. The governments had a political consensus to work together and construct the new hierarchy of economy, politics and culture. The GEACS provided a whole new urban system of non-geographical boundaries and new physical principles. Because of the new ecology, the residents were combined for an experimental purpose and tried to live in the GEACS’ city for 5 years. *Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Magnetic Island Sphere(GEACS) Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere originally was a concept of trading community in East and southeastern Asia during Pacific War, and proposed by Japanese government in 1940. During almost 80 years, the similar ideas had been put forward, such as EAC (East Asia Community), but they didn’t succeed. In 2021 AD, the concept was proposed again but not a success immediately. The Japanese economist suggested that Flymosa could rebuild the dream of co-prosperity in Asia truly. In 2035 AD, GEACS was established finally.



2030 AD | THE MAGNETIC TERMINAL PLAN | STATION Otherwise, the GEACS urban system offered another unexpected but highly human cultural values function, in that the magnetic field avoided any physical contact in the area. This also meant that the GEACS urban system built a massive protective shelter which would not allow any physical conflict, force or weapons in or across the GEACS. In the first three years, several countries joined the GEACS, including Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, the Philippines, Indonesia and Brunei. One year later, South Korea also joined. 2039 AD | China joins the


In 2039 AD, China finally joined the GEACS, followed by Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia respectively. Unfortunately, in the middle of the year, Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin were stricken by the first attack. The purpose and the attacker were unexplained, but the attack caused a huge scale of power failure. In addition, the electrical devices, transport, communication and administration systems were all seriously damaged. The defensive weapons were also shut down. After several months, Taipei, Hong-Kong and Okinawa suffered the same situation, and the same method of attack. According to a governmental report, there were only a few casualties but no deaths. However, the attacks caused the social panic.



2045 AD | Magnetic Islands launches war

In 2045 AD, the magnetic islands launched a war. And several Asian cities and capitals near the coasts were destroyed. To be continue‌






THE OFFICE BUILDING OF NATIONAL TAX ADMINISTRATION TAICHUNG | 2007 I participated in the proceeding of design competition, which won the first prize. During the project execution, I was the architect of this project. There are six floors above the ground and twos underground levels in this commercial office building. The main purpose of this building is for tax services of Taiwan central government. It is scheduled to complete construction in 2011.



I was the project architect during the competition and also managed project execution. This case won the first place in the competition. This ten-storied above ground, t h re e l e ve l s u n d e rgro u n d building is purposely designed to handle district prosecutor works and litigations in Taipei. The building includes court rooms, detention rooms, administration offices, meeting rooms, reception area, and prison van parking bays, etc. The design involves complex moving-line and functional integration. Construction is due to commence in 2012.



YOUNG-FU PRIMARY SCHOOL, TAIPEI COUNTY TAIPEI | 2006 I was responsible for managing the project execution and planning. This project is located in Taipei County; providing children who lives within the area with elementary education.


I took part in this competition, which involved design of a new office building, and wasresponsible for the sections and graphic design. We won the first place, and construction is set to commence in 2011.




I was the project architect for National Chung-hsing University’s dormitory building competition. This was awarded the third place.






BLACK No.1 | painting | 2008


BURNING FAIRY TALE | painting | 2010


New Cosmos | painting | 2007


GROWTH | painting | 2009


Color-Form | painting | 2007


Inner Sound | painting | 2010


OSLO | 17, 4.5, 1/800 | AUG 2011 88




ROCHAMP | 17, 2.8, 1/800 | APR 2011 90

LONDON| 50, 1.4, 1/640 | OCT 2010 91

KOLN | 21, 3.5, 1/640 | AUG 2011 92

KOLN | 21, 3.5, 1/640 | AUG 2011 93

LONDON | 165, 4, 0/1 | AUG 2010 94

TAIPEI | 30, 1.4, 0/1 | MAY 2009 95


LONDON | 17, 2.8, 1/100 | DEC 2010

TAICHUNG | 30, 2.8, 1/500 | FEB 2010

TAIPEI | 41, 2.8, 1/125 | MAY 2010

TAIPEI | 24, 2.8, 1/125 | NOV 2011


TAIPEI | 30, 1.6, 1/25 | JUN 2009 98

TAIPEI | 30, 1.4, 12/923 | AUG 2009 99

LONDON | 17, 5.6, 1/333 | MAY 2011 100

ChungHua | 17, 2.8, 40/259 | JAN 2010 101

LONDON HYDE PARK | 200, 2.8, 12/923| AUG 2010 102

LONDON HYDE PARK | 200, 2.8, 1/923| AUG 2010 103


LONDON HYDE PARK | 178, 2.8, 1/499| AUG 2010 105


LONDON | 17, 22, 3 | JAN 2011

LONDON | 17, 22, 4 | JAN 2011

LONDON | 17, 32, 8 | JAN 2011

LONDON | 17, 32, 8 | JAN 2011


WEST LULWORTH | 17, 16, 1/333| FEB 2011 108

WEST LULWORTH | 36, 10, 1/100 | FEB 2011 109

VENICE | 50, 5, 0/1 | AUG 2011 110

NEWYORK | 17, 2.8, 0/1 | MAR 2011 111

NEWYORK | 17, 2.8, 0/1 | MAR 2011 112

NEWYORK | 17, 2.8, 1/1000 | MAR 2011 113

ROME | 17, 2.8, 1/125 | APR 2011 114

MILANO | 24, 32, 1/50 | APR 2011 115

OSLO | 42, 3.5, 0/1 | AUG 2011 116

NORWAY | 17, 2.8, 0/1 | AUG 2011 117



Born in Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C


Enrolled into the Department of Civil Engineering & Engineering Informatics, Chung-Hua University


Transfer to the Department of Architecture, Chung Yuan Christian University


Summer, part-time worked in KHL Architects & Planners


Instructor of band-sound club, Chung Yuan Christian University


Win the first prize, The Competition of Wang Chung-Hai Memorial Foundation


Advanced the scheduled of final project with the outstanding achievement Bachelor of Architecture, Chung Yuan Christian University


Construction assistance of the Department of Construction Management, Coast Guard Administration, Taiwan


Architectural designer of KHL Architects & Planners


Promoted to the project architect


Enrolled into to the master course, Architectural Design, Bartlett School, University College of London (UCL)


MARCH Architectural Design, Bartlett School, Bartlett School, University College of London (UCL) Distinction.


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