2 minute read

Enterprise:101 - Are There Resources To Get Me Started?


There are, and you have probably read through them time and time again without even considering the application of enterprise!

Beginning with policy documents that relate directly to the curriculum, the Career Education Standard (3-18) highlights throughout where learners are entitled to learn about enterprise. Here this is mentioned alongside the consideration of entrepreneurship and self-employment as career opportunities – it is also flagged as supporting the development of skills for learning, life and work.

Building the Curriculum 3 sets out the National Entitlements for learners. Throughout their school journey, young people are entitled to ‘experience enterprising activities and an enterprising culture’ in order to support the development of these enterprising skills that are so vital for learning, life and work. To dive a little bit deeper, the purpose of the curriculum is laid out within the four capacities:

Both the meta skills and the enterprise skills are vital. If you are fully incorporating the four capacities into your practice, you are already supporting the development of these skills and encouraging the ‘learning by doing’ ethos.

Building the Curriculum 4 is a key document for planning, designing and promoting effective learning in young people. It offers a point of reflection for those delivering and influencing young people’s learning in order to bring about the transformational change needed to improve the life chances of young people in Scotland.

Remember, being enterprising in your teaching approach is not about reinventing the wheel. While you can create something huge and innovative, you can also have a huge impact by making small, effective alterations. You could even take inspiration from the Curriculum for Excellence Experiences and Outcomes.

If you can identify specific outcomes you need to cover, you could think of an enterprising activity that covers this area.

You can find some examples of how enterprise supports the four contexts in ELC, Primary and Secondary settings in the Enterprise:101 resource.

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