Cyberbully ng s bully ng that takes place over d g tal dev ces l ke cell phones, computers, and tablets
Cyberbully ng can occur through SMS, Text, and apps, or onl ne n soc al med a, forums, or gam ng where people can v ew, part c pate n, or share content Cyberbully ng ncludes send ng, post ng, or shar ng negat ve, harmful, false, or mean content about someone else It can nclude shar ng personal or pr vate nformat on about someone else caus ng embarrassment or hum l at on Some cyberbully ng crosses the l ne nto unlawful or cr m nal behav or.

Soc al Med a, such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and T k Tok Text messag ng and messag ng apps on mob le or tablet dev ces Instant messag ng, d rect messag ng, and onl ne chatt ng over the nternet Onl ne forums, chat rooms, and message boards, such as Redd t Ema l Onl ne gam ng commun t es

Whenever I am on Facebook, I am n fear of my account be ng hacked, mostly for the fact that Facebook app Yov lle s a very effect ve method to obta n nformat on and be able to successfully hack Facebook. I can't help but play t because have onl ne fr ends that I chat w th. I just hate the fact that there are people that hack Facebook accounts through yov lle for pleasure."" 18 year old g rl from NM

Noth ng ever goes away once t s posted onl ne.