How to boost youths' employability?

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Guide on




Introduction Introduction The guide on How to boost youths employability? is an outcome of the project Get Empowered. Get Employed! financed by the European Commission through Erasmus+ programme. The main aims of the project were to increase the capacities of the volunteers and youth workers in applying nonformal methods to facilitate the access to the labor market of youths in general, and young people with fewer opportunities in particular; and to contribute to an increased number of resources useful for this purpose. The project involved 10 partner organisations from: Romania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland and Slovakia and consisted in one main activity, a training course in Baile Tusnad, Romania between 8- 17.12.2017 that reunited 30 youth workers. This guide was developed by the 30 youth workers participating in the training course supported by the 10 partner countries and offers a perspective on how to use non-formal education and its methods in order to to facilitate the transition of young people from education to labor market. 2

Table of Contents

What about Get empowered. Get employed 4 Challenges 6 What skills employers seek 7 Types of learning 8 Why non-formal education works 9 Basic steps when non-formal 10 Methods 11 Instead of conclusion 20



What about WHAT? Referring to its name, the project reveals the double approach of this project. The first one focuses on empower youth workers and members of the organisation with the competences needed on using non-formal methods to tackle youth unemployment, while the second one illustrates the outcome of it referring to youths employment: Get employed!

WHO? The participants, members and volunteers of the partners organisations learned how to address youth'transition from education to employment.


HOW? The project used and combined various non-formal methods such as animation of the participants, games, learning by doing, reflection sessions, individual learning, active participation in group activities, playing to learn and learning to play, simulations, debriefs, outdoor activities. The youth workers had the chance during the work visit in Miercurea Ciuc to put into practice what they have learned by sustaining non-formal workshops to high school students at Colegiul National "Octavian Goga".


Challenges Many young people face high levels of economic and social uncertainty. A difficult transition into the world of work has longlasting consequences not only on young people themselves but also on their families and communities. It also impacts more structurally on the evolution of labour markets and the future of work and society. Not knowing what to do after graduation, being indecisive about their abilities and passions makes the integration of youths more difficult into the labour market.


What skills employers seek ? The world it is developing with a speed like never before and in order to keep up with its'pace it is important to get informed about what employers want and how as youth workers can help youth increase the chances on the labor market. future employees According to the World Economic Forum (WEF) 10 skills employers will want the most in 2020 are:


Let's begin

Types of learning FORMAL

- provided by an educational institution - It is structured - Intentional - Leads to recognised certifications/ qualifications

NON-FORMAL - Not provided by a traditional education institution - It is structured - Intentional - does not lead to recognised certifications/ qualifications

INFORMAL - not provided by an educational institution - not structured - non-intentional - does not lead to recognised certifications/ qualifications


Why non-formal education works 2. can increase opportunities for learners to develop transversal or life skills and upgrade the employability of young people

4. the learning is chosen and acted upon by the learner itself

1. is usually adjusted to the needs and interests of the participants and structured practices fostering personal, social and professional development on a voluntary basis

3. creates stimulating learning environments that fulfill individual learning needs

5. offers interactivity and active participation of the learners

6. transversal skills and interdisciplinary knowledge allow individuals to cope with rapid social and economic changes 9

Basic steps NON-FORMAL when

 Establish the objectives and aims Define the target group Organise logistics Procure materials and equipment Plan the programme (with methods & tools) Make an evaluation plan


Methods Methods

Life Coaching

Su for ppor pub t gr o lic spe up aki ng

Mentorship Street animation Transcend method

The living library

Wa lt D Str isne ate y gy

Transcend method


Open Space Method

Games Forum theatre Labyrinth theatre


al n tio a uc atre d E he t


Methods Games Benefits: - are fun to play; - give the feeling of freedom to the players; - are adjustable to the players; - the learning process is voluntary.

Aims: - develop attention and intelligence; - stimulate logic; - develop solidarity and team work; - develop positive behavioral skills and attitudes; - develop creativity and imagination; - stimulate memory; - increase general knowledge.

Suggested activities: - Sports | puzzles | tug of war | street games | board games 12

Methods Life Coaching Benefits: - helps bridging the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.; -receive encouragement and motivational support; - gain balance in all domains of life. Aims: - overcome obstacles, low confidence and insecurities; - design life to maximize fulfillment; - explore and evaluate all possible options available. Suggested activities: Wheel of Life | Open-ended Questions | NeuroLinguistic Programming | Journaling 13

Methods Mentorship




Benefits: - helps expanding perspectives; - create a network in the field of interest; - stimulates performance.

Aims: - provide knowledge, experience, wisdom and development support ¡- give advice and feedback - motivate and inspire

Suggested activities: Guide and counsel | Be a role model | Keep accountability 14

The Methods living library Benefits: - helps expanding perspectives; -create a real connection between people.

Aims: - foster dialogue between people; ¡- share experiences; - create support platforms for a greater understanding of different topics

Suggested activity: Organize living library workshops on different topics 15

Methods Open Space Method Benefits: - any person that joins the discussion is the most suitable person to do so; - any topic is a good one; - no matter when it starts, it's the perfect time; - when it's over, it's over.

Aims: - foster the freedom of sharing ideas and opinions; - create a base for further actions; - address the topic proposed by the participants, without being imposed.

Suggested activity: Organize open spaces on different topics related to youths interest in your community 16

Methods Labyrinth theatre Benefits: - gives freedom to the player in order to achieve self discovery; - no strict rules, just a few principles to follow; - develops imagination and creativity;

Aims: - foster self discovery by experimenting all types of sensorial emotions ; - create a base for further reflection and introspection;

Suggested activity: Create an itinerary that stimulates all the senses of participants by blindfold them in order to find out new things about themselves that can help choosing a future career. 17

Methods Forum theatre Benefits: - creates an environment gives freedom to the player in order to find solutions to certain problems; - creates space for debate; - develops imagination and creativity;

Aims: - foster a change in mentalities; - reflects situations from the community; - strong impact that generates reactions - generates potential solutions for real situations.

Suggested activity: Creating a scenario that reflects situations from the community where the performance is going to take place. Must be personalized and adjusted to the communities'needs and problems. 18

Methods Storytelling

Benefits: - develops public speaking skills; - creative way to share ideas; - engage audience into your story;

Aims: - transmit a powerful message; - appeal to the emotions of the audience; - create innovative approaches to communicate; - raise awareness on different topics.

Suggested activity: Create a support group for public speaking in order to improve this ability, as it is very requested by the employers. 19

Instead of closure All the methods proposed above represents suggestions that can be used in the youth work to boost youths' employability. There is no wrong way of using it, can be a combination of them (highly recommended) and adapted to the target group and its needs.

The sky is the limit so dear youth worker or volunteer feel free to create your own methods and tools based on what you found in here.


CONTACT Address: Bilbor, No.367 A, Harghita County,537020, Romania E-mail: /YoungEuropeSocietyRomania /Young Europe Society /youngeuropesociety

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author/s, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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