January Informer

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KEANE’S CORNER For most people, every new year is the same. We make the same resolutions and it this stage they're probably already broken I hope this year, that will change for you and me as members of Young Fine Gael. We need only one resolution and one resolve that 2011 will see Fine Gael in Government and that Enda Kenny will be Taoiseach. 2011 will be the year, where for the first time in the history of the state, Fine Gael will be the largest party in Dáil Éireann. But before this happens, we have a lot to fight for. We have to convince the people that Fine Gael is the only party with the positive plans and policies that can get this country back to work.

January 2011

National Conference National Executive Profiles Are You Ready To Win? GE2011 Young General Election Candidates

BUDGET OFFERS NO CREDIBLEJOB OR STIMULUS PACKAGE FINE GAEL ONLY PARTY WITH JOB CREATION PLAN Once again Fianna Fáil has shown that it is incapable of offering young unemployed an alternative to the dole queue or emigration. Their plans for 15,000 'activation places', to be commended only for being a carbon copy of Fine Gael's much larger plan, is but a mere drop in the ocean of what is needed. Fianna Fáil is happy to let our young people emigrate to solve their problems. This year more people will emigrate than the population of Limerick City. The 65,000 people leaving the country would fill 'Vicar Street' for 65 nights. Despite the fact that 43% of those people leaving are under 25 there is no stimulus plan in this budget to keep them in the country. The measly 'activation' measures give no hope to them. In particular there is no mention of apprentices in the budget.

Even if a young person has a job, today the Government decided to cut the miniWe are the only party that have detailed plans mum wage by 12%. This is greater than any pay cut applied to anybody else.

to stop the tide of emigration and cure the plague of unemployment through “NewEra” Fine Gael is the only Party with a plan to keep young people in a job. Through 'Hope for a Lost Generation', Fine Gael will get 30,000 young people off the dole in and “Hope for a Lost Generation”.

a single year. 'NewEra' will create 100,000 jobs.

We are the only party that has a plan to fix our health service with “Fair Care” and to modernise the public service with “Reinventing Government”.

What Ireland needs is a new Fine Gael Government that has the policies, like 'Hope for a Lost Generation' and 'NewEra', that will create jobs for young and old people alike. That is the only way out of the economic mess we are in.

Both you and I know this, but our single duty from now until the election is to spread the word of Fine Gael across the Country. If you make one resolution this year, I ask you to resolve yourself to the service of Fine Gael and the future our great country and to get out there and ask people to “Vote Fine Gael”


In the meantime, Happy Canvassing! Eric Keane President of YFG

Pictured with President of YFG, Eric Keane following the first National Executive meeting; Colum Roche, Colm Taylor, Brid Murphy, Conor Crean, Carol Madigan, William Quill, Patrick Molloy, Cillian Griffey & Graham Dullaghan. Young Fine Gael Informer; edited by Graham Dullaghan, Director of Communications

National Conference 2010 Charleville, Co. Cork The Young Fine Gael National Conference took place in Charleville, Co. Cork during the weekend of the 12th of November. The theme of the Conference was „‟A Generation For Change‟‟ and focused mainly on the area of economics with a full session on Economic Motions on the Friday night. The Great Debate saw Stephen Behan and Peter Cosgrove take the title and were awarded the Hugh Coveney Memorial Shield. On the Saturday evening, Enda Kenny TD hosted the Banquet Dinner and presented the Awards including Member of the Year to Orlene Ferrick of Monaghan YFG. Best Speaker at Conference was awarded to Alex Layden and he was presented with the Liam Naughten Memorial Cup. The Conference passed a number of motions, including a motion to scrap the Croke Park Agreement (see page 4). The Conference culminated in the announcement of the new National Executive which took to the stage for the close of the MEMBER OF THE YEAR Conference. (see page 3 for Joan FitzGerald Memorial Shield profiles of the new National ORLENE FERRICK Executive members). Monaghan YFG

HUGH COVENEY MEMORIAL SHIELD Stephen Behan and Peter Cosgrave being presented with the Hugh Coveney Memorial Shield by Barry Walsh, outgoing President of YFG. Stephen and Peter were victorious in the Great Debate on the Friday night of Conference. The Award is in Memory of Hugh Coveney TD.



Fine Gael are inviting You to Join The Conversation “One of the great failings of politicians is they talk too much and do not listen enough. What I am going to do now is to stand down the Fine Gael website for a number of weeks and I am going to replace it with a facility that will allow people to send in their complaints, ideas and proposals about what we should do.” Enda Kenny TD

Join The Conversation www.finegael.org Are You Ready To Win?

Preparing, Working, Winning

Written by; Eric Keane

Written by; Brid Murphy

In a few short weeks we shall enter the most important General Election, not just in our lifetime, but since the foundation of the State. The decision taken by the people of Ireland at this General Election will affect the future of this country for generations to come.

Young Fine Gael branches across the country are preparing for General Election 2011, out canvassing with their local candidates, spreading the word amongst their friends. Young Fine Gael are integral to winning this election, we are not taking Government for granted, it is All our energy and work from now until Election Day must go towards something which must be getting Fine Gael candidates elected to Dáil Eireann. At this stage most fought for. of our General Election conventions have been held and nearly all our Training is being held across candidates have been selected. All Young Fine Gael branches and mem- the country to ensure that all bers must now get ready for the election. Please arrange for your our canvassers are fully briefed branches to meet and discuss a General Election and be ready for it on Fine Gael's plans for getting when it comes. Ireland back on track. Fine Gael is the only party with the policies, the plans and the people that are ready to transform the way this country works and get people back to This election is like no other, 150,000 young people have emigrated from Ireland, work. It is our job, as members of Young Fine Gael, to inform people that they are people we went to college or school with, neighbours, friends, family. Fine Fine Gael is the only party with a credible jobs strategy through "New Gael offers these emigrants hope, hope that Ireland will get back on track. We must Era" which will create 100,000 new jobs and with "Hope for a Lost Gen- ensure that we outline, for our futures, why people must vote Fine Gael at the next eration" that will keep a further 30,000 in employment. Fine Gael is the election, why it is essential that Fine Gael goes into Government and gets its plans only party ready to transform the public service with our "Reinventing for Ireland to work. Government" policy and the only party with a plan to transform our health NewEra, Hope for a lost Generation, Reinventing Government, FairCare, these are system with "Fair Care". No party in the history of the state has been so what will fix our country, what will provide hope. If you wish to get in contact to orready to serve the people and to get this country working again. ganise training for your branch, contact your regional organiser and we will provide Only with your help can Fine Gael win through on Election Day. I ask you you with the tools. This election is about our futures, it is about ensuring that we to get involved in any way that you can and be part of the most important have a future in Ireland, Fine Gael is the only party which can ensure that this happens. and exciting election campaign this country has seen for generations.

Young FG calls for Croke Park Agreement to be scrapped Young Fine Gael President, Eric Keane, has called on the Government to rescind the Croke Park Agreement. Mr Keane said “Under section 28 of the agreement the Government has the right to scrap the deal if the country‟s fiscal position deteriorates. “This condition has clearly been met. The Government has brought our country to financial ruin and we are on the brink of one of the largest bailouts in modern history. The Government wants to cut the minimum wage and tax the poorest in our society yet they intend on implementing this agreement. The arrival of the IMF and EU must call an end to the agreement. “Our country simply cannot afford the terms of the agreement. Moving civil servants from one department to another, which is what the agreement envisages, will not solve either our country‟s problems or how the public service is paid for and what it delivers. “The simple fact is that higher public servants are paid too much and there is no way of rectifying this problem under the Croke Park Agreement."




ERIC KEANE—President I am a 23 year old accountant. I am a graduate of Law and Accounting in the University of Limerick where I first got involved in YFG. While originally from Clare, I am currently living in Dublin. Firstly, I would like to thank everybody that came to canvass in the Donegal South West Bye-Election. Scarcely five days after our National Conference eighty members made to trip to campaign for Cllr. Bary O'Neill. Thanks are also due to the many people who came to Donegal earlier in the year when so much groud work was done. Barry performed very well, coming in second.

VICE PRESIDENT BRID MURPHY—Vice President From the outset of running for Vice President I was acutely aware that an election was only a matter of months away - no one could have predicted how close it would be though. The term hit the ground running has never been more apt then for this Executive's lifetime to date. We are in unprecedented times, we are on election footing. I would urge every one of you to talk to your friends outside of Young Fine Gael and let them be in no doubt, the party to get them back to work is Fine Gael, the party to look after their future is Fine Gael, the party to look after them should they have to attend hospital is Fine Gael, the country to provide their children with the best education system is Fine Gael.

NATIONAL PANEL GRAHAM DULLAGHAN Director of Communications/ Third Executive Council Seat

CAROL MADIGAN National Secretary/ Branch Development Officer

WILLIAM QUILL Director of Policy

COLM TAYLOR Policy Officer

Hi! I‟m 24, from Bray. I studSo, you‟re reading the Informer, Hello all, hope you have all ied in Trinity doing History well done ;) As Director of recovered from the conferand a Masters in Politics. Communications this is one of ence! Just like to take this As Director of Policy, I‟m my gigs together with promotopportunity to thank members currently working with Eric and Colm on our ing this organisation through social media. Over for their support. So now the hard work begins. I YFG election manifesto and welcome any the term of the Exec I hope to implement the am honoured to be the new national secretary input from members on why young people ideas I outlined over the last few months. and branch developement officer. should vote Fine Gael. I plan to provide Obviously our priority in the short-term is a Fine As secretary I‟ll be dealing with correspondence you with information on our main policy Gael Government and I will be doing all I can to that the exec receives and replying to you all as areas to ensure you are fully informed! promote Fine Gael and communicate the Young soon as possible. As branch development offiFollowing the election YFG will be in a Fine Gael message to the best of my ability cer I hope to assist branches in relation to press position to promote our policies to a Party through the channels available to me. releases and canvassing training. of Government. I intend to bring policy Communications works both ways so I encourage I hope to work to ensure YFG play their part in discussion to branch level to give you the you to forward on info and pictures to me as electing an FG Government! I‟ll also be advising chance to prepare position papers which events occur so get in contact with me, email me, any branches who ask for help and working we can debate and develop to then allow ring/text, add me on facebook—I‟m looking for- closely with the regional organisers. Talk to you us bring these to ministerial level within ward to hearing from you all!! all soon! Fine Gael.


Hi my name is Colm Taylor and I am from the great county of Tipperary where my family have a farm in the parish Knockavilla which is just outside the town of Cashel. Eric thought I would be good as Policy Officer, so, I am sitting here writing up documents that could affect all our lives! So if you or anyone you know have an idea just drop me a line and I will get onto it straight away! I don't bite! I look forward to hearing from you!


PATRICK MOLLOY Dublin Organiser

CILLIAN GRIFFEY North/West Organiser It's a great honor to have been elected to represent all Young Fine Gael members in the North West Region. Studying Economics & Sociology in UL.

I have a B.A. in Politics and History and an M.Econ.Sc. in European Economic and Public Affairs from UCD. I was selected as an IBEC CBI North/South Postgraduate Scholar for 2010/11 doing Business Economics in Queens University. I am a member of the Alfie Byrne and John Smyth (UCD) branches of YFG. I look forward to working towards the development of the organisation in Dublin and working with branches towards providing greater levels of activity for the members.

There is a challenging time ahead however we all saw how well Young Fine Gael can come together in a common purpose during the Donegal South-West Bye-Election. Sadly Barry fell short however we can be proud of beating Fianna Fail into third place.

I look forward to helping to start new branches and assisting in the development of some of the newer and smaller ones. I also hope to be able to organise events that will allow younger members to become more active within YFG. I‟m also looking forward to the next General Election and towards the great opportunities we will have to convince the people of Ireland why Fine Gael offers the necessary change for Ireland.

Obviously the priority is the general election however in the longer term, I want to make inactive branches active again and launch new branches where there is demand. Activity between branches must be increased and we must promote political youth involvement. I am of course open to ideas on how to develop YFG in the North West so feel free to contact me and I look forward to working with you all.

CONOR CREAN South Organiser I‟m a 22 year old student of economics and politics in UCC. From Mallow in the heart of Munster, my interests include reading, grumbling & socialising. I am a member of Cork East branch and Alfred O'Rahilly (UCC) branches. I am the new Munster Regional Organiser and as such I'm looking forward to working with members from this area There is a lot of work to be done including the elections we are going to face so I hope to count on your support as we work together. I have lots of ideas for the region as many of you will know but never hesitate to contact me if you have a suggestion

COLUM ROCHE East Organiser I first joined YFG after the ‟07 GE in Kilkenny. I am also a member of the John Smith Branch in UCD where I study Economics! My main aim for this term is to facilitate the growth and development of branches in Leinster. The big issue with the region is that there are not enough active branches. There are people in each county who want a branch of YFG, but it is a matter of finding them and getting them involved. Once we have a branch in every county, we can then focus on inter-branch activities and make Leinster the active region it once was.

Goings On….

Have your branch activities and meetings included in the Informer. for inclusion in the next edition email submissions to;


University College Cork YFG


Written by; Robert O‟Sullivan

The branch will hold our annual mystery tour on January 13th where a fun night is guaranteed. A fresh recruitment drive will take place on January 19th as part of the college's second societies day, which will be followed that evening by lively debate on Fine Gael's plans for government and a social.

kenny City.

From January 25th -27th, 10 members of UCC YFG will travel to Brussels with Sean Kelly MEP for a tour of the European institutions, Brussels and the medieval city of Bruges. Election preparation will also begin in earnest in the New Year with canvassing workshops planned as well many initiatives to promote the Fine Gael message on campus in the coming months.

Paidi Manning was elected Chairman of Kilkenny YFG at their EGM on Wednesday 29th of December in the Ormande Hotel in Kil-

He replaces Colum Roche who was recently elected East Organiser. They got straight to work recently with a canvass organised for Senator JP Phelan. A massive turnout ensured a huge area was covered and the campaign to elect


A massive turnout last Monday saw the launch of YFG‟s newest branch, Mallow YFG. Chair: James Fitzgerald Vice Chair: Clare Neville Secretary: Kathryn Coakley Treasurer 1: Paul Walsh Treasurer 2: Eoin Stanton PRO: Sean Nyhan Organiser: Frances Nash Policy Officer: Danielle O‟Riordan OCM: Sean O‟Reagan

CANVASSING-DUBLIN AREA Dublin Central 13/01/2011 @ 18:30 Pascal Donohue’s Office Dublin West 15/01/2011 @ contact p.molloyfg@gmail.com for details


Laois Branch January 28th Contact: Colum Roche-yfgroche@gmail.com


Sligo YFG February 5th

Contact: Cillian Griffey-cilliangriffey@gmail.com

A note from Barry O’Neill I wish to thank you for your great support, work and superb effort in the recent Donegal South West Bye-Election Campaign. It was an unusual election, as regards the time of year, the national media focus, the national issues and particularly in the final few days when circumstances changed nationally with a General Election being called by the Green Party. The Campaign could not be faulted and I believe that our final result of being placed second overall was a good result for Fine Gael when everything is taken into consideration. I believe that the Fine Gael organisation in Donegal South West is stronger today following this campaign and I take this opportunity to thank you, the members of Young Fine Gael for your loyalty, Barry O‟Neill pictured with Enda Kenny TD during the Bye-Election Campaign hard work and support. in Donegal South-West.

Information submitted by branches to dullaghangraham@gmail.com—Edited by Graham Dullaghan


Cllr Patrick O'Donovan Limerick

Joe Carey TD Clare

Cllr Catherine Yore Meath West

Cllr Simon Harris Wicklow

Cllr Martin Heydon Kildare South

Sen JohnPaul Phelan Carlow/Kilkenny

Cllr Peter Burke Longford/Westmeath

Leo Varadkar TD Dublin West

Cllr Liam Quinn Laois/Offaly

Cllr Patrick O’Driscoll Cork East

Cllr Paul Connaughton Jnr Galway East

Lucinda Creighton TD Dublin South-East

Cllr Eoghan Murphy Dublin South-East

Check out www.finegael.org

for details of GE2011 Candidates

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