The Essential Edge News, Volume 2 Issue 8-US

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Essential Edge News



Volume 2 Issue 8

International Grand Convention Issue

Founder’s Message

The Youngs celebrate during the opening of the 2012 International Grand Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah, June 27.

A Time For Transformation, Convention 2012 “The Best One So Far” IN WHAT IS QUICKLY becoming regarded as the greatest event Young Living has ever held, the 2012 International Grand Convention exceeded all expectations, motivating distributors from all over the world to experience transformation. From inspiring workshops to exciting, new products, those who attended this unmatched convention were enlightened with greater self-belief and an indelible appreciation for Young Living. “This convention is the best one so far,” exclaimed Gold distributor Karen Douglas. “My life has been transformed. It’s been an awakening for me, a very pivotal moment in my life. I am now equipped to go out and do my thing, and my plan is to come to the next convention as a Diamond; I know I can do it!” The sense of an awakening that filled the Salt Palace Convention Center and burst through the acres of lavender at the Whispering Springs farm during the Family Farm Day Celebration was the same moving influence that generated a refreshed Young Living in look and vision. Both new and veteran distributors felt the palpable excitement, including Silver distributor Greg Hitter, who has been with Young Living since 1995. “I love the theme of transformation; it’s perfect!” proclaimed Greg. “I’ve

been with the company for a long time, but this year there’s a change in the air, an extra excitement. I’ve just been inspired again.” With a renewed alignment focused on better supporting every distributor, Young Living organized intense workshops on business building, prod-

“It’s been fabulous. There’s just no other way to say it; it’s just been transformational,” delighted distributor Cynthia Barrett. “At convention, you end up with the true picture of the company. Young Living has put us first this year, and it feels great. It has been life changing for so many people;

Distributors Debra Raybern, Sharon Raybern, Chelsea Young, Jill Young, Scott Schuler, and Jamie Young (standing) relax in the product expo during convention.

uct research, and health; brought in world-class motivational speaker Bob Proctor to revitalize your vision and goals; and released a dozen groundbreaking products designed to help you achieve the Young Living lifestyle. Judging from the response—mission accomplished!

you just don’t get that anywhere else.” Next year’s U.S. Grand Convention will be held in Salt Lake City June 1822. Plan now to attend this supreme event. Register today at a special rate by visiting


I have been floating on cloud nine since the International Grand Convention! Being with all of you in Salt Lake City and at the farm in Mona was a realization of the beginning my personal dream of taking the magic of Young Living into every home in the world. Oh, my goodness! I sincerely hope that you have felt in the recent weeks the transformational power of what you learned, saw, and felt during our amazing five days together. What you learned was that Young Living provides you with the greatest products on the planet to bless yourselves and others. What you saw was Young Living willing to be the world leader in producing lives of wellness, purpose, abundance, and vitality through groundbreaking products and unparalleled training. What you felt was an inspiring and motivating spirit to reach every one of your goals and share with others the precious gifts you have. Sharing these gifts is your greatest responsibility! As soon as the lights dimmed on the convention, Mary and I headed off to what I refer to as my second home—France. It was here in the French Riviera that we met with 150 distributors from across the globe in celebration of family, love, hard work, and success during the 20th anniversary of the farm in Simiane-la-Rotonde. I do not have the words to express the emotions I felt that week as we retraced those formidable and pivotal moments when I learned of lavender and life from Jean Noel, Marcel, and his beautiful wife, Marta, who looked after me as a second mother. I will never forget that celebratory week. To share it with some of you made it even more special. Please join us at our magnificent future events. This is your personal invitation.

Essential Edge News

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