The Essential Edge News, Volume 2 Issue 8-GB

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Essential Edge News



Volume 2 Issue 8


Founder’s Message

The Youngs celebrate during the opening of the 2012 International Grand Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah, June 27.

A Time For Transformation, Convention 2012 “The Best One So Far” IN WHAT IS QUICKLY becoming regarded as the greatest event Young Living has ever held, the 2012 International Grand Convention exceeded all expectations, motivating distributors from all over the world to experience transformation. From inspiring workshops to exciting, new products, those who attended this unmatched convention were enlightened with greater self-belief and an indelible appreciation for Young Living. “This convention is the best one so far,” exclaimed Gold distributor Karen Douglas. “My life has been transformed. It’s been an awakening for me, a very pivotal moment in my life. I am now equipped to go out and do my thing, and my plan is to come to the next convention as a Diamond; I know I can do it!” The sense of an awakening that filled the Salt Palace Convention Center and burst through the acres of lavender at the Whispering Springs farm during the Family Farm Day Celebration was the same moving influence that generated a refreshed Young Living in look and vision. Both new and veteran distributors felt the palpable excitement, including Silver distributor Greg Hitter, who has been with Young Living since 1995. “I love the theme of transformation; it’s perfect!” proclaimed Greg. “I’ve

been with the company for a long time, but this year there’s a change in the air, an extra excitement. I’ve just been inspired again.” With a renewed alignment focused on better supporting every distributor, Young Living organized intense workshops on business building, prod-

“It’s been fabulous. There’s just no other way to say it; it’s just been transformational,” delighted distributor Cynthia Barrett. “At convention, you end up with the true picture of the company. Young Living has put us first this year, and it feels great. It has been life changing for so many people;

Distributors Debra Raybern, Sharon Raybern, Chelsea Young, Jill Young, Scott Schuler, and Jamie Young (standing) relax in the product expo during convention.

uct research, and health; brought in world-class motivational speaker Bob Proctor to revitalize your vision and goals; and released a dozen groundbreaking products designed to help you achieve the Young Living lifestyle. Judging from the response—mission accomplished!

you just don’t get that anywhere else.” Next year’s U.S. Grand Convention will be held in Salt Lake City June 1822. Plan now to attend this supreme event. Register today at a special rate by visiting


I have been floating on cloud nine since the International Grand Convention! Being with all of you in Salt Lake City and at the farm in Mona was a realization of the beginning my personal dream of taking the magic of Young Living into every home in the world. Oh, my goodness! I sincerely hope that you have felt in the recent weeks the transformational power of what you learned, saw, and felt during our amazing five days together. What you learned was that Young Living provides you with the greatest products on the planet to bless yourselves and others. What you saw was Young Living willing to be the world leader in producing lives of wellness, purpose, abundance, and vitality through groundbreaking products and unparalleled training. What you felt was an inspiring and motivating spirit to reach every one of your goals and share with others the precious gifts you have. Sharing these gifts is your greatest responsibility! As soon as the lights dimmed on the convention, Mary and I headed off to what I refer to as my second home—France. It was here in the French Riviera that we met with 150 distributors from across the globe in celebration of family, love, hard work, and success during the 20th anniversary of the farm in Simiane-la-Rotonde. I do not have the words to express the emotions I felt that week as we retraced those formidable and pivotal moments when I learned of lavender and life from Jean Noel, Marcel, and his beautiful wife—my second mother— Marta. I will never forget that celebratory week. To share it with some of you made it even more special. Please join us at these magnificent events. This is your personal invitation.

Essential Edge News

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Gary Young: Overcome Limitations, Achieve Success Through Your Divine Right

THERE ARE TIMES when we need to hear a message unique from the dissection of essential oils, their properties, and their methods of application—a message of higher importance, of more far-reaching consequence. In moving beyond physical properties, Gary Young delivered a moving presentation during

the International Grand Convention on achieving spiritual and emotional peace through essential oils. “My hope is that our time together during this next hour will have inspired you to achieve your highest potential,” started Gary. “If I can succeed with just one person, then I will have succeeded.”

Instructing thousands of distributors to think as the ancient peoples did, when everything was seen through a spiritual lens, Gary reached into the hearts of those in attendance and stirred within them a passion to live up to their potential. “Stop telling yourself you can’t; stop telling yourself you’ll try; the only time you can’t do something is when you convince yourself you can’t,” admonished Gary. “You can overcome your limitations because it’s your God-given, divine right. You have all power to be, to do, to have that which is spiritually right for you.” Noting that every choice we make in life is an emotion, Gary explained that overcoming and removing emotional roadblocks from our minds is critical to moving forward and making clear, correct decisions. To help us create a clearer future through emotional damage removal, God has

Bob Proctor Wows Crowd With Self-Belief Presentation

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“DEDICATE YOUR LIFE to an idea to believe in yourself.” So began success speaker extraordinaire Bob Proctor’s masterful International Grand Convention presentation, designed to instill within all ardent attendees a confidence to reach their goals and achieve lifelong success. For two captivating hours, Mr. Proctor guided the audience through life-altering strategies built around the ideologies of self-belief and transformation. “Our belief system is built upon our evaluation of something. You have to believe in yourself. You have to evaluate yourself and never put yourself down.” A vibrant, intense belief in yourself is critical to your finding any amount of success in life and business. According to Mr. Proctor, we have been given intellect to create our own environment, to create our own economy; and yet deeply demoralizing habits inherited from others darken the inspiring flame from within that each of us has to be our best. “Most of our habits we inherit,” explained Proctor. “Control your habits—your paradigm—instead of letting them control you. If you shift your paradigm, you will watch your life change; change your paradigm and change your future.” When attempts are made to change our paradigm, Mr. Proctor noted, we must pattern our new habits after those who are successful. We must avoid actions made by those who often fail, as the common denominator of success is forming a habit of doing things that people who Essential Edge News

given us essential oils. “Who else but God could have created essential oils?” he questioned. “The power of essential oils goes beyond any of our imaginations. When we use essential oils, we are fusing molecules in the oil with molecules in the body—and, hence, emotions—that are identical to each other, and that’s why essential oils are so effective. There is an essential oil to match any emotion, to recover from any emotion.” Immediately upon the removal of emotional roadblocks, our conscience can open up to achieving our highest potential through a realization of who we really are. “When you identify who and what you really are—children of divinity— you can change your life today,” proclaimed Gary. “Take your life back and own it!”

What’s New Farms Simiane-la-Rotonde, France

The Young Living lavender farm in France hosted 150 distributors during the 20th anniversary celebration. The visit to the farm and the distillery was a highlight of the event and gave the distributors the opportunity to participate in the distilling of lavendin. In addition to participating in distilling, attendees heard from Jean Noel, Benoit, Gary, and others who play important roles in the farm’s operations.

Guayaquil, Ecuador

Oregano and lemongrass continue to be harvested, and field expansion is ongoing. This is an exciting time for the Ecuador farm. The new spa is very close to being completed.

Mona, Utah

fail do not like to do. “No more effort is required to aim high in life, to demand abundance and prosperity, than is required to accept misery and poverty.” According to Mr. Proctor, success—like failure— requires consistency, persistence, and commitment. “Persistence to success contributes to success more than anything else. Be willing to pay the price to get the reward.” Quoting Thomas Edison, Mr. Proctor said, “If we all did the things we’re capable of doing, we would literally astonish ourselves.” Living up to what we are capable of doing requires recognition of what and who we are. “The two most important days in

your life are the day you were born and the day you figured out who you are,” said Proctor. When you understand who you are, you can then determine “where you are and where you are going.” When we discover who we are and decide where we are going, the crippling fear that so often accompanies us along the way is eliminated. “Faith and fear both demand that you believe in something you cannot see,” explained Proctor. “Conquer the unseen mountains that are within you.”

With convention’s Family Farm Day in the rearview mirror, attention now turns to expanding and planting more lavender and peppermint and to preparing the distillery for the lavender, hyssop, and clary sage crops that will be distilled this summer.

St. Maries, Idaho

The St. Maries farm, like the farm in France, is celebrating its 20th anniversary. Part of the celebratory festivities will be in conjunction with the Silver Retreat, August 2-4. Those attending the Silver Retreat will notice the many upgrades and improvements Young Living has made to the farm throughout the year.

Naples, Idaho

Cultivation and nutritionally supplementing the trees that were planted during the reforestation project earlier this year is ongoing.

Ed Dailey, RN, Promotes Mind, Body Balance Through YL

ONE OF THE greatest opportunities Young Living provides to distributors is the blessing of learning from health-industry leaders who have personally witnessed the profound benefits of essential oils. One of these leaders, Ed Dailey, RN, expounded on

achieving mind and body balance with Young Living essential oils during the International Grand Convention. Defining transformation as the process by which individuals transcend habitual patterns of physical, emotional, and spiritual action or inaction, Ed encouraged each person to slow down and simplify. “Why are we doing a lot of things poorly when we should be doing a few things really well, with greater purpose?” he questioned. “Begin your transformation by learning to do

small acts with a great sense of care and love.” A key to simplifying life and refocusing for greater health, according to Ed, is taking time each day for yourself to meditate with essential oils. By doing this, many of our ailments and anguishes may be reduced and even eliminated. “Young Living essential oils work on all levels of the body, mind, and spirit,” he explained. “The body is the mind, the mind is the body. Your thoughts lead to your actions and feelings. Essential oils help bring the mind into the present moment, which is optimal for healing.”

Dr. Dailey’s Prescription for a better you

1. Develop a deep relationship with essential oils 2. Exercise 3-5 times a week 3. Get enough sleep 4. Eat foods close to their natural source 5. Find daily movement 6. Meditate 7. Develop a relationship with your breath 8. Develop relationships & activities that feed you, not deplete you 9. Practice random acts of compassion 10. Service work: do things with no expectation of return

HK Lin, PhD: Young Living’s Focus Is On Taking The Best Products To The World


Congratulations to the following distributors on their recent leadership rank advancements:


New Rank

Last Month Rank

Europe Europe Europe Europe

Silver Executive Executive Executive

Executive Senior Star Senior Star Senior Star

Europe Europe Europe

Executive Executive Senior Star

Star Senior Star Star

Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe

Senior Star Senior Star Senior Star Senior Star Senior Star Senior Star Senior Star

Star Star Star Star Star Star Star

Europe Europe

Senior Star Senior Star

Distributor Star


Senior Star


Europe Europe

Senior Star Senior Star

Star Star


Senior Star


Rank advancements are current as of June 2012.

Citing the company’s intense focus on constantly researching groundbreaking products from every corner of the world, Dr. Lin revealed the news of Young Living’s forthcoming farm and distillery in Taiwan and the company’s exploration of new medicinal plants in Malaysia, Indonesia, and China. These combined efforts in Asia are leading to a Young Living supply pipeline for many years and even generations to come. It is Young Living’s willingness to explore, research, and develop products originating from around the world

that guarantees it will remain the world leader. “You cannot go to the dollar store and buy a bottle of essential oil and expect it to help you,” joked HK. “It takes years and years of experience and training to understand essential oils. We at Young Living are doing everything we can to ensure our essential oil chemistry is correct.”

DGYF Sees Huge Success At Convention THE WINNER IS—the Young Living Academy! We cannot thank you enough for the wonderful financial support from so many who attended the International Grand Convention. The D. Gary Young Foundation (DGYF) opened its first informational booth during this convention. The booth, displaying student pictures on a huge wall, provided information about the Young Living Academy. At the close of the event, the DGYF excitedly reported that there are 55 new sponsors for students and that more than 100 of the 160 students at the academy now have sponsors. This is great for the foundation and for the students! On Friday evening the foundation hosted a dinner and auction for more than 400 of its supporters. The event gave attendees the opportunity to be with some of Young Living’s top leaders, including Gary and Mary Young. The auction was a fast-paced event, with auction items from all over the world. Attendees had the

opportunity to bid on a wide selection of beautiful jewelry, artwork, many other items, and even an hour-long teleconference for their team with our founder, Gary Young. The auction was a wonderful experience that provided all who attended with the opportunity to contribute. At the Young Living Family Farm Day Celebration on Saturday, the foundation hosted the bargain tent, where distributors had an opportunity to buy at bargain prices, thus raising additional funds to help transform lives. The 2012 International Grand Convention was the foundation’s best fundraising convention ever. Thank you to everyone who contributed! If you missed out at the convention and still want to be a supporter, please visit to donate and/or to sign up for the DGYF e-newsletter to stay involved throughout the year!


AS THE WORLD leader in essential oils, Young Living’s global vision of providing the world’s people with these most precious of gifts is being realized. During the International Grand Convention, scientist and doctor HK Lin shared his unique insight into Young Living’s magnificent efforts. “We want to go beyond the Young Living community,” he said. “There are a lot of people who don’t know about essential oils. We need to educate them and show them how good Young Living essential oils are.”

Essential Edge News

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Gary Young, left, competes in the jousting tournament during the 2012 International Grand Convention. By shattering his lance and beating his opponent, Gary was crowned the tournament champion.

Family Farm Day: A Massive Celebration To End 2012 Convention In Style THE WEEK OF transformation cultivated within the walls of the Salt Palace Convention Center culminated outdoors at the Whispering Springs Farm during the captivating Family Farm Day Celebration. More than 5,000 distributors, friends, and guests were treated to the relaxing getaway at the farm and took advantage of the fun events throughout the day. From enlightening workshops to first-class entertainment, the Family Farm Day Celebration was an exciting exclamation to a hallmark week. “This celebration is the highlight of the week because we learn from the workshops, and then the farm is when

anxiously awaited was the jousting competition—Gary’s first since retiring more than two years ago. Armed with full armor and regalia, the competitors galloped toward each other riding enormous trained horses. In the end, Gary’s expertise prevailed, as he won both competitions. The fun-filled day was capped off by the toe-tapping entertainment of country music legend Sawyer Brown. It was a joyous celebration!

we get in touch with what exactly is in the bottle,” said Star distributor Alina Tovar. “So many great events are

going on. I feel really good here; I don’t know how to even explain it.” Of the events, perhaps the most

Marc Schreuder Reveals Keys To Healthy Weight With Slique

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NOT LONG AGO Marc Schreuder, Young Living’s vice president of research and development, was a sugarholic, endangered by the foods that ballooned his waistline and—with seemingly every bite—took away days of his life. That was early 2011. It may as well have been an eternity ago. Transformed by a revamped diet and an insatiable relationship with Essential Edge News

Slique, Marc stood in front of hundreds of distributors at the International Grand Convention in his new, slim frame and energetically discussed the necessity for less sugar and more Slique in everyone’s life. “Our bodies have not adapted to our abundance; we are killing ourselves with abundance,” he said. Pleading with distributors to “pop the hood” and find out what we are really eating, Marc laid out a 12-step plan for those struggling with weight management. “We need to retune our palettes,” explained Marc. “Our palettes are corrupted. We fall into a sugar trap

through personal rewards and excuses—excusitis. What we need to do is reprogram, reset our brains.” Replacing grains with greens, eating foods high in aroma, eliminating sugars and sugar imposters, and eating smaller bites and smaller portions are all vital to taking control of your health. When combining your diet with the powerful benefits of Slique, magical things can happen. “We want to feel full without the caloric penalty; Slique does that,” said Marc, joking that frankincense—a main component of Slique—is like “happy sauce for the brain.” “Isn’t it wonderful that we at Young Living go through the trouble of finding the best frankincense trees? We appreciate your loyalty to the best, and what we represent is the best.”

Marc’s 12 steps to a healthy weight 1. Track what you eat 2. Recognize why you eat 3. Recognize your sugar addiction 4. Get and stay motivated 5. Break old habits 6. Maximize retronasal aroma (inhale through nose) 7. Slow fat creation 8. Biochemically reduce appetite 9. Pre-fill 10. Recognize pitfalls of sugar substitutes 11. Join a support group 12. Participate in physical activity to reduce appetite.

Young Living News From Around The World Young Living Singapore and South East Asia had another record-breaking month in sales! We are expecting this trend to continue, as our very “transformed” and driven distributors from Singapore, Malaysia, and Hong Kong have come back from the convention eager to spread their energy to the rest of the region. Dr. Dan Purser was in Singapore in July and did a great job educating members on women’s health and the newly launched Progessence Phyto Plus™. Everyone is also very excited to get and pure essential oils. It has assisted fit and fab in August with the launch of thousands on their journeys to healing Slique Tea™ and Slique Essence™! and wellness. The Raindrop Technique stimulates the body and mind, aids detoxification, balances energy, MEXICO and promotes optimum physical and The Mexico market is growing at a emotional health. When therapeutic- healthy pace. Last month Young Livgrade essential oils are applied in a ing trainers and various distributor specific order and with a specific leaders held their first Introduction to application method, the results are Young Living meeting in the colonial often nothing short of amazing. city of Xalapa, Veracruz. The meetThis workshop will be facilitated ing was the kick-start to a three-city by Tamara Packer and other Young tour, where hundreds of distributors Living health experts. Tamara was and potential distributors gathered to trained personally to perform and learn more about natural alternatives teach the Raindrop Technique by D. for a better lifestyle. Here at Young Gary Young. Living, we could not be more excited For a full schedule of trainings about the amazing growth in Mexico and to sign up for these remarkable and project this market to become one events, visit the News & Events section of the largest in Latin America. at As a bonus, if you register in advance, you will receive a free bottle of White Angelica at the event!

Introduction To Raindrop Training Begins This Month YOUNG LIVING ESSENTIAL Oils is proudly presenting its very popular Introduction to Raindrop training, beginning August 25 in Wisconsin. These intensive one-day courses were created personally by Young Living Founder, President, and CEO D. Gary Young and emphasizes hands-on experience and application. Class participants will have a unique opportunity to: • Observe the Raindrop Technique firsthand • Give a Raindrop under the guidance of expert facilitators • Receive a rejuvenating Raindrop massage • Learn the accompanying methods and skills involved in the Raindrop Technique • Acquire a critical understanding of the oils and products used in the Raindrop Technique The Raindrop Technique is a unique blending of ancient healing traditions, energetic medicine, intuitive wisdom, Dear Essential Oil Lovers:

In a world with increasingly more choices for those desiring to use essential oils, a consumer may find it difficult to know where to turn for honest information. AIRASE (Association for the International Research of Aromatic Science and Education) was established for the sole purpose of funding research to discover and share the truth about essential oils. The facts discovered by AIRASE will give direction to the essential oils consumer and will be a guide to determine what oils are viable for everyday use and medical use. Through research we intend to educate the consumer on how to distinguish between essential oils that are produced without accountability for their source, purity, processing, and labeling (that could compromise your health safety) and oils that promote your health safety and well-being. Because we are committed to bringing you the latest and most correct updates regarding the purity of oils, AIRASE members will have access to the latest scientific data to substantiate the quality and purity of essential oils, enabling you to make the best choices for your needs. With your membership, AIRASE can fulfill its mission to help global users of essential oils achieve accurate information, better health, more security, and peace of mind. AIRASE is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit independent organization with a mission to: • Promote research to establish the scientific validity for the standardization of essential oils for home, health care, and medical uses • Fund research through contributions and membership fees • Globally inform the public about research results and research validity concerning the therapeutic uses and healing properties of essential oils—thus providing hope, health, and well-being now and for future generations We at AIRASE invite you to become a member to support the great cause of essential oil research.Choose from three membership levels, which provide everyone the opportunity to be part of this groundbreaking organization. Join AIRASE the first year of operation, and membership fees will never change. Discover more about AIRASE memberships and benefits today and join now by visiting Your friend in essential oils, Marianne Billeter Executive Director, AIRASE


June was quite a month for Young Living Australia! It was a month of new leaders, as Neena Love advanced to Gold and Maria James, Sharon and Andrew Wild, and Sharon Neal became Silver. Fifty-five Australian members traveled to Salt Lake City for the International Grand Convention, which was a great success and left distributors feeling transformed and full of passion about Young Living and its messages of wellness, purpose, and abundance.


We would like to thank everyone that attended our European tour with Gary and Mary Young in Austria, Sweden, and Iceland. It was great to see nearly 1,400 distributors over these three meetings as our European market goes from strength to strength. The European team now looks forward to seeing everyone in September at the regional meetings in Austria and Sweden and at the much-awaited Germany Founders Meeting in Numberg, Germany, on September 22.


The much-anticipated Progessence Phyto Plus™ has arrived and is one of the best-selling products in Japan. This serum will be the ideal product for Japanese women who are suffering from the negative physical and emotional effects of the loss of female hormones; in July, Dr. Dan Purser visited six cities in Japan, talking about this very thing and the importance of Progessence Phyto Plus.

Upcoming Global Events Introduction to Raindrop August 25 Oconomowoc, Wisconsin Introduction to Raindrop September 8 Denver, Colorado Master Leader Retreat October 18–22 Ecuador School of Nature’s Remedies November 10 Denver, Colorado School of Nature’s Remedies January 19 Mexico City, Mexico Visit for more information on these and other upcoming events!



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YL September Meetings in Europe Young Living Europe is extremely excited to announce the official countdown to the “German – Founders Meeting” on the 22nd September 2012 in Nürnberg, Germany. This event will be hosted by John Doughty, Managing Director for Young Living Europe and this will mark the official commencement of the Young Living’s business in Germany. All attendees participating in this event will receive a special ‘Founders’ pin and certificate as well as recognition at future events. We are also looking forward to

our 2 Regional Meetings taking place in Vienna, Austria on the 15th of September and in Helsingborg, Sweden on the 29th of September 2012. These meetings will have special guest speakers including US corporate staff, the latest information on new products coming into the markets and much more.


Event: Austrian Regional Meeting

Date: Saturday 15th September 2012 Date: Saturday 22nd September 2012 Date: Saturday 29th September 2012

Event: Founders Meeting, Germany Event: Swedish Regional Meeting

Location: Vienna, Austria

Venue: Event Pyramid Hotel

Time: 09:00 – 18:00


Venue: Nürnberg Hilton

Time: 10:00 – 17:00

Nürnberg, Germany


Venue: Time: Helsingborg, Elite Marina 09.00 Sweden Plaza – 17.00

Young Living Europe serves many more countries than exist in other Young Living markets. Europe is a uniquely interesting market with a huge variety of cultures, languages, and opportunities. We will provide you each month a ‘Top 10’ list showing how total sales and also the number of new enrollees is looking in Europe.

New Members


1 Austria 2 Germany 3 Sweden 4 United Kingdom 5 Spain 6 Switzerland 7 Netherlands 8 Poland 9 Iceland 10 France

1 Austria 2 Germany 3 Sweden 4 United Kingdom 5 Spain 6 Netherlands 7 Finland 8 Switzerland 9 Belgium 10 Romania

Spend 325PV and receive a

August 2012


Raindrop Technique Kit RAINDROP TECHNIQUE KIT Raindrop Technique Kit combines the art of aromatherapy with the techniques of Vita Flex and massage in the application of essential oils to various areas of the body. This kit provides a revolutionary means of bringing balance and harmony to the body physically, mentally, and emotionally.

10 % off Patchouli

It is very beneficial for the skin, helping to reduce a wrinkled or chapped appearance. Patchouli is a general tonic that supports the digestive system and soothes occasional queasiness. ITEM NO. 360808 Discounted pricing: Whsl. £22.05 €26.10

PV 30.38

For all current promotions and terms and conditions please visit:

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