JANUA RY 20 20
NEW S OF T H E WORL D L EA DER IN ESS ENTIAL OI L S @yo u n g l i vi n g
@ y ou n g l i v i n g
@ y ou n g l i v i n g
A MESSAGE FROM MARY Welcome to the new year—and it’s off to a new beginning. The anticipation of what’s around the corner is always exciting to me. We finished the year with the Platinum Retreat members celebrating the ribbon cutting of the new NovaVita essential oil spa that is on our farm in Ecuador. Every therapy or treatment you receive there includes essential oils. Josef especially loved his chocolate facial mask with oils, and Jacob loved Raindrop. Of course, soaking in the Ylang Ylang floral water in the spa tub is a favorite for everyone who visits. Our exquisitely built bungalows were a big hit with our first occupants, a son and mother duo. Now when you come to the farm, you can work, rejuvenate, and sleep in elegance. Check out NovaVita.com.eu. There’s excitement in the air at Young Living corporate as we talk about and prepare for all the activities we're planning to create amazing growth again this year. Just stay strong and healthy to keep up with all that is happening. Don’t let sugar, soda pop, and delicious chocolate catch you. Try a NingXia Bomb: Mix 1 can of Zyng, 1 sachet of NingXia Red, and 1 Nitro and pour over ice—most refreshing, even for those of us in cold country. Here’s a tip for beautifying the hair. When follicles loosen and die and hair falls out, you might consider lack of oxygen as one reason. In order to have brain power and great memory recall and retention, you need good oxygen in the brain. Brain Power™ is full of oxygenating molecules, so give it a try. Cedarwood, one of the ingredients, is really wonderful for getting oxygen into the hair follicles if you are massaging the scalp. Melissa, Sacred Sandalwood™, Frankincense, and Blue Cypress have good sesquiterpene activity. In addition, it includes Lavender for calming and Helichrysum for chelating for greater oxygen saturation. One oil doesn’t dominate the action of one thing. The oils are multiphasic for global action. You want to get those chemicals and heavy metals out of the brain. Metallics and plasticizers from chemicals and petrochemicals may cause a lack of oxygen. Increasing the oxygen may help the body expel unwanted toxins and at the same time stimulate the neurotransmitters in the brain for receptivity and better memory recall. You can also always diffuse! So, what’s your benefit? When you use a natural product, only your body knows what it needs; but you need to give your body the opportunity to find out. Here’s a good New Year’s resolution: Just try it. I’ll be traveling a lot again this year, so I look forward to seeing many of you somewhere around the world.
Young Living Percheron horse managers earn high accolades Young Living’s award-winning level of excellence shines not only in every bottle of essential oil we sell but also in the achievements of our team members— human and animal alike! We’re proud of Jason and Rose Goodman, managers of Young Living’s Percheron team, for recently being inducted into the Percheron Horse Association of America Hall of Fame! This is a well-deserved accolade, as Jason and Rose brought our Percherons to fame by winning the 2018 World Percheron Congress Championship and the 2019 North American Classic Series 6-Horse Hitch Championship. Both of these honors are the highest in the nation. Really, though, the Goodmans’ induction is no surprise given their long history of training horses and dedication to the Percheron breed. Jason and Rose started training Belgian horses at young ages, and they began showing Percherons in 2002 with a team called Texas Thunder. Appearing across the country, the Goodmans and their team of Percheron geldings traveled more than 300 days a year for 10 years. Jason and Rose also helped get Goliath, one of the Percherons on that team, certified as the Tallest Living
Horse in the 2005 Guinness World Records™. Goliath measured almost 6½ feet tall at the withers! Like Young Living Founder Gary Young, Jason is an innovator, as shown by the fact that he stood atop a team of six horses as they exhibited in a 2006 Virginia horse riding show, something that had never been done before. In 2018, during their World Percheron Congress exhibition, Jason and Rose backed 10 Percherons together in a hitch the length of the whole arena, requiring an immense amount of coordination and training. The feat left the crowd stunned. Jason did the same thing in 2008 with a team of eight Percherons, after which he and Rose acquired the Texas Thunder team and renamed it Percheron Thunder. A representative of the Percheron Horse Association of America said, “We cannot think of any two people who have endorsed and put the Percheron horse and its skills in front of as many people as these two have in the past 17 years. The Percheron horse breed is lucky to have Jason and Rose as its tireless ambassadors!” Learn more about Jason and Rose at bit.ly/2qmlPBi.
A RESURGENCE OF HOPE IN THE PHILIPPINES Restoring children’s dreams following devastating storms
Nestled in the Bicol region of the Philippines is the Cadlan Camarines Sur province, home to Young Living partner farm the Happy Pili Tree Farm. This beautiful place is prone to tropical storms, which can devastate communities, destroy homes, and change the course of daily life. In 2018 Farm Owner Rosalina Tan recognized that an elementary school approximately 3 kilometers away was in a state of disrepair after being throttled by a series of storms. She brought this to the attention of The D. Gary Young, Young Living Foundation. The Alejandro T. Manaog Elementary School’s six classrooms had been severely damaged. Roofs had blown away, walls had crumbled, and school supplies had washed away. The community did everything it
Love and best wishes to all,
“We have given these children and parents hope. They look forward to something.” —Rosalina Tan
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