Volume 4.3 March 2014
Celebrating YL’s New World-Class Distillery
Founder’s Message DO WE REALIZE what we have? We are part of a movement that is changing lives every day and in every corner of the world. From the D. Gary Young Foundation’s monumental work to a business plan that propels committed members to their dreams, Young Living is playing a remarkable role in the lives of individuals everywhere. Our world-class, unrivaled products replace despair with hope and a oncedimmed future with elevated brightness. This is our relentless pursuit to quality! Yes, we focus on having the best essential oils and health products Mother Nature can provide, but a movement based only on product is uninspired. Young Living’s greater ideal is laser-focused on giving people the tools to live a higher quality life, steeped in absolute abundance. Our essential oils—a true gift from God—are the perfect vehicle to fulfilling that ideal. This is why we do everything we do. This is why I travel to Somalia to discover and learn about the frankincense species. This is why we develop farms in different countries with many unique plants. This is why we built the world’s finest and most efficient distillery in the middle of the Idaho wilderness. In short, this is why we invest our time, energy, and resources, even at the expense of our bottom line. We believe that what we are doing is for a higher cause and can changes lives in a very real way. Steve Jobs said, “We don’t get a chance to do that many things, and everyone should be really excellent. This is our life. This is what we’ve chosen to do with our life. It better be worth it.” Young Living is what we have chosen to do with our lives. It’s an exciting time—and it’s worth it.
A GRAND, STATE-of-the-art facility deserves an equally grand ribbon-cutting ceremony—and that’s exactly how Young Living celebrated the world’s most technologically advanced distillery. Gathering at the Highland Flats Tree Farm in Naples, Idaho, in mid-February during the Winter Harvest with more than100 Young Living members and employees and guests from the local community, D. Gary Young ushered in a new era in distillation for the production of essential oils and proved that obstacles are no match for his illuminated vision. Gary opened the ceremony by individually recognizing and praising the employees involved in making this project a reality, stating, “This would not have been possible without their contribution.” Many in the crowd were community members who had never experienced Young Living. Gary expressed his excitement and was thrilled to give them an introduction to essential oils. “I am happy that so many community members attended,” he said. “This is what I was really hoping we could do. I wanted people to come and see what we’re all about.” For the first time, semitrucks packed with chips can drive inside a heated building, where the chips are unloaded onto heated floors that melt the snow and ice and then are put into two 21,000-liter extraction chambers. These massive chambers can produce from 17-23 liters of oil per cook while using one-third the fuel of the older cookers at the other distilleries. The new equipment is the result of the latest innovation in distillery technology. An advanced computer program monitors both distillation chamber temperature levels and the steam-injection rate during the entire process. This increased control allows Young Living to further ensure the purity and potency of its world-class products. “This is the beginning for this type of technology,” said Aaron Raymond, director of Information Technology. “In fact, it is Gary’s vision to be able to remotely monitor and control the distillation process in our worldwide farms from global headquarters in Lehi.” A realization of a dream come true for Gary, the new distillery completely eliminates the dangerous nightly drive in the semitruck over the treacherous roads to the distillery in St. Maries. Gary is safer, the distillation process is infinitely faster, and the essential oils have never been better!
In Their Words: Sharnael Wolverton
Winner of Mercedes-Benz+Hawaii adventure
“Holy Cow! I am very, very excited to be the winner of this amazing promotion! This company is FABULOUS! And I so needed this car! Thanks, Young Living and Gary and Mary, for this incredible opportunity!”
Dr. George & Amy Hoogeveen
Christopher Tornack
Jessica Gianelloni
Hannah & Blaine Crews
Winners of $10,000 cash+Hawaii adventure “As much as the DRIVE to win felt like a true competition, my faith in these oils and my desire to empower my friends and family and to change their lives with this amazing product from this amazing company is really what DROVE us, and it always will. Can’t wait to meet the rest of our new family of wellness distributors on the beach! Aloha!”
Winner of $7,500 cash+Hawaii adventure “It’s a huge and unexpected blessing to be a grand-prize winner in the Drive to Win promotion. Sharing about Young Living comes naturally as I speak from the heart.”
Winner of $5,000 cash+Hawaii adventure “I was very excited and grateful to see all my hard work pay off! Since joining the Young Living team, it has been a whirlwind for me and those around me who have helped contribute to my success. Without them I would not have had the support, the encouragement, and the drive to have achieved these results in such a short amount of time.” Winners of $2,500 cash+Hawaii adventure “Thanks to the Drive to Win prize money, we have been able to pay off the remainder of debt we owed for the birth of our first baby girl, who is due this coming June. We will continue to be faithful supporters of the purity and integrity of this life-changing company.”
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