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CROATIA: DISTILLING IN 19 DAYS FOUNDER’S MESSAGE THE WAVE OF momentum Young Living is riding right now is bigger than anything we have ever experienced. What we’re doing in the network-marketing industry—and in the essential oils industry—is unheard of. For a company in its 21st year, we are growing in ways once believed to be impossible. The thing is, I don’t believe in the word impossible! Thank you, every single Young Living member, for lighting the fire within the company, within your own life, and in the lives of people around the world. Our opportunity is real, our products are world class, and we are changing lives together, wherever we go.

"Our opportunity is real, our products are world class, and we are changing lives together, wherever we go." Lighting the fire takes courage. It requires action and sometimes a little discomfort. That’s okay, because we can’t change lives in Comfortville. But the reward is worth it, knowing you helped someone be better! Life is a lot better when it’s lived with passion, isn’t it? Our relationships are more rewarding.

NESTLED ON THE outskirts of the beautiful, historic

that they would be able to distill during the short 45-day

town of Split, Croatia, the Young Living Croatia farm was

time period allowed by the government—a most amazing

opened earlier this year. From the mountainous scenery


to the beautiful Mediterranean coastline, Split provides a picturesque setting for our newest farm.

Our two-story commercial building in Croatia totals 16,580 square metres, which includes several offices,

The farm is located approximately 10 minutes outside of

conference rooms, warehouse space, and two large bays

the city and has a rocky terrain. While rocky ground may

for the distillery. The boiler was shipped from France, and

be inhospitable for many kinds of crops, helichrysum is an

the four 4,000-litre, one 6,000-litre, and four 1,000-litre

exception. The minerals within the rocks provide the best

extraction chambers, condensers, and separators were

nutrients for cultivating this remarkable plant, which is the

built in Croatia.

only botanical grown at this location so far.








In order to plant the seeds, special equipment is added

entire Seed to Seal process takes place in this new

to the tractor. This equipment crushes the rocks into a finer

facility—from distilling, laboratory testing, filtering,

consistency for optimal planting conditions. According to

and decanting. Then the oils go to manufacturing in

Brett Packer, Highland Flats farm manager, this painstaking

another area of the building where they are bottled,

care has resulted in fields of healthy, vibrant helichrysum.

packaged, and put into inventory in the warehouse for

Approximately 45 minutes from the farm, our new

distribution to be either picked up by members in Will

distillery began distilling helichrysum on June 19, exactly

Call or shipped to various destinations throughout

19 days from when Gary started to assemble everything so


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Mary Young as CEO brings her trademark of “Member First” with tenacity and passion

Our work is more fulfilling. Our purpose is

After more than 20 years actively steering Young Living as

higher. When we find our driving purpose, we

an executive, Mary Young recently accepted Gary’s request

can achieve amazing things. When a community

to become the new Chief Executive Officer.

of like-minded “oilers” has purpose, we can

If there’s someone who was born to direct a worldwide

change the world—and that’s exactly what

business based on sharing an opportunity, it’s Mary Young.

we’re doing!

She has a tenacity and passion for helping those around

So keep going! Keep doing your best every

her reach their goals and along with Gary has been at the

day. You have something that can change

helm of Young Living’s recent successes.

somebody’s life. You can give something to the

One of Mary’s greatest strengths is her member-first

world today that nobody else can give, because

mentality that she developed as a distributor in the 1980s.

you are uniquely you.

First introduced to direct selling in 1985, Mary relied on her entrepreneurial spirit and her tireless enthusiasm for helping others and within two years built a successful, multi-million dollar organisation. IF YOU'VE BEEN around Young Living the last several years, you may have noticed that something remarkable is happening. Our unprecedented growth for a 21-year-old company in the network-marketing industry is something of lore and envy. Our world-class products are at the forefront of quality and innovation. Thanks to you, our mission is transforming lives all across the world. But even with all the transformations and rapid growth, there have been two constants: founders D. Gary and Mary Young.

“The experience of owning a successful direct-selling business before launching Young Living with Gary,” says Mary, “has led to a ‘member-first’ mindset for Young Living that continues to shape our culture. My love of the Young Living lifestyle has played a vital role in bringing the mission and benefits of Young Living to the world.” With Mary now at the helm, Young Living has become the largest female owned and operated company in Utah.

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