PREPPING YOUR FAMILY FOR AUTUMN Tips from Royal Crown Diamond Christa Smith FOUNDER’S MESSAGE THIS IS TRULY a beautiful time of the year! Celebrating time with your family, enjoying a bountiful harvest, and appreciating the blessings we have in our lives are just a few highlights of this season. Autumn offers so
FROM ENJOYING THE rich colours to spending precious
many opportunities for reflection and gratitude.
• The classroom can be a dirty place. When kids come
moments with your family and friends, autumn offers an
When Mary and I started this journey over
home from school, send them to the bathroom to wash
abundance of opportunities to make lasting memories. It’s
20 years ago, we were determined to create
their hands with Thieves Soap to encourage positive
also a season that puts everyday life into overdrive. As one
the highest quality products possible. We
hygiene habits inside and outside of the house.
of the year’s most hectic seasons begins, now is a great
immersed ourselves in research by studying
time to re-establish healthy habits for the whole family.
• Incorporate optimal nutrition and healthy eating for your family. Start by reading labels on food thoroughly!
and experimenting with different planting,
When it comes to family know-how, Christa Smith, Royal
cultivating, and harvesting methods in operation
The next step is having your kids help pick the menu
Crown Diamond and mother of 15, knows her stuff. Christa
around the globe. I felt a passion within me grow
and prepare the food, so they are engaged in the entire
was excited to share with us the ways she preps her family
that seemed bigger than life itself. The harvest
process. Lastly, dig in and enjoy a healthy meal at home!
for autumn. “There are a few simple things that I do as a
was very satisfying, especially as so many of you
• Hold weekly or monthly family meetings to establish
mother,” Christa said, “to keep my kids at their optimal
came to be part of the Seed to Seal process. In
a sense of mutual respect, understanding, and support by
levels of wellness.” Check out her go-to products and tips
spite of the many challenges and hard work, it
incorporating the feedback of individual family members
to keep the entire family supported through the cooler,
was deeply rewarding.
into your family routine. These meetings are also a great
busier months.
opportunity for kids and parents to begin defining,
I know that many of you put a lot of time and energy into cultivating various aspects of your
focusing on, and asking for support with individual goals.
Christa’s tips:
personal lives. As you think about your Young
• Incorporate consistent essential oil diffusing. Make a
Living journey, ask yourself, “Do I put the
daily chore for your kids to change out the diffusers around
necessary effort and energy into my business to
the house.
enjoy a bountiful harvest?” One of my deepest beliefs is that you deserve
With Christa's family of 17, we are grateful she was able to take the time to share her tips with us!
See Christa's autumn go-to products on page 2
• Make NingXia Red part of breakfast every day to get the morning started off right.
to live an abundant life in which you are happy and healthy. Young Living provides the foundation to build upon. You are the farmer in your life, and with hard work and courage, you can reap all of the wonderful things you’ve sown.
SETTING NEW RECORDS Young Living brand ambassador James Lawrence sets new world record!
I’ve realised that fear—more than anything
We are proud to have James represent Young Living as
else—stops people from achieving the success
one of our brand ambassadors. Throughout his journey he
for which they’re so hungry. As you work on
relied on Young Living products to support him. "I train my
creating a bountiful harvest in your life, I
body hard,” he says. “With big goals on the horizon, I can’t
challenge you to eliminate fear the moment
afford to be sidelined.”
it enters your mind. Don’t listen! Replace the
As James neared the finish of each Ironman-distance
doubt with positive thoughts. Your brightest
race, he invited members of the local community to finish
dreams can come true if you have the courage
the last 5K with him. His final race ended in Lehi, Utah, at the Thanksgiving Point campus. Young Living employees
to go for them. So much of our success at Young Living is
and community members ran, cheered, and celebrated the
are determined to build their dreams and create
James Lawrence finishes his last 5K surrounded by family, friends, and community members at Thanksgiving Point in Lehi, UT.
a beautiful future. We love and appreciate you.
ON JULY 25 James Lawrence, aka the Iron Cowboy,
Your stories inspire all of us—the corporate
finished his tour of 50 full Ironman distances in 50 days in
team—Young Living members all over the
50 states. This world record-shattering feat has caused a
world—to work harder and live the Young Living
ripple not only in his home state of Utah but also across
the country. Why would James tackle such a demanding
because of the efforts of our loyal members who
goal? If you ask him, the answer is simply to inspire others to a better life. “My goal,” he says, “is to inspire others to challenge themselves and to be more active.”
Iron Cowboy’s final stretch. As a partner with James, Young Living was excited to host a party celebrating his great accomplishment. The event at Thanksgiving Point drew a crowd of community members, sponsors and fans of the Iron Cowboy, and Young Living employees. Music, food, and fond memories were shared as James shared his experiences, purpose, and stories with the attendees. Congratulations, James, on setting a new world record and inspiring others to accomplish extraordinary things! Learn more about his journey and mission at