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IT'S OFFICIAL! The Croatia Farm and Distillery Grand Opening

FOUNDER’S MESSAGE So often the message during this time of the year is to say and do those things that perhaps

On October 6, Young Living celebrated the opening of

we neglect during the rest of the year. We

the Croatia farm and distillery with a memorable ribbon-

need to remind ourselves that the desires and

cutting event. Young Living members, staff, and Split

commitments that give us purpose are for year-

community members gathered to witness this new chapter

round contemplation and action. Young Living

in the history of Young Living. During the event, attendees

provides a strong foundation for achieving that

learned about helichrysum—the new farm’s flagship

purpose and living your dream.

botanical—and the Seed to Seal® process, listened to

From a very young age, I have always

D. Gary and Mary Young share their passion for sharing

found strength and direction through quiet

wellness, and experienced Croatian culture, including

contemplation away from the city and the

performances of traditional Croatian folk dances.

cement. I still find riding my horse in the

“The recent ribbon cutting in Split, Croatia, for the newest

mountains the most healing and creative

Young Living distillery was rewarding and motivating for all

time for me to find solutions for demanding

who attended,” Young Living CEO Mary Young said. “Our

situations. Some of my greatest insights have

members in this part of the world are especially excited

come while surrounded by the breathtaking,

with the anticipation of what is coming in the future, and

majestic mountains in the purity of nature, which

everyone worldwide is thrilled to know that we are securing

seems to always bring peace to a soul seeking

our production of helichrysum.”

understanding. Perhaps this is a time to take a moment to

Attracting attendees from all over the world, the ribbon cutting was a hallmark event for the company, highlighting

Croatia distillery workers demonstrate the operation of the stateof-the-art equipment Young Living’s wide international reach. As unique, authentic, and pure essential oils and oil-infused products, Young Living offerings are sought after all around the globe. We’re excited to see the amazing work from our Split, Croatia, team!

step back and reflect on what is most important to you and what you have done to protect and make your purpose grow. How will you continue to positively impact the lives of those around you and make your life and your Young Living business more successful? It’s all about desire and commitment, and with both, nothing can stop you.

YOUNG LIVING: A FAMILY TRADITION Diamond leaders Stacy and James McDonald share their family's success story

How will you continue to positively impact the lives of those around you and make your life and your Young Living business more successful? As Young Living continues to set itself apart as the world leader in essential oils, it is important to share our inspiration and strengths with others to continue the legacy. Young Living offers something for everyone, and it is up to us to share all of the benefits and this wonderful opportunity. Your role as a Young Living member is a vital piece to making Young Living the abundant company it is today. With our renewed commitment of taking time for reflection and finding personal strength, let’s hold fast to our commitment to take Young

This time of year brings an opportunity to spend time

raising their large family, they decided they wanted to invest

Living essential oils to every home in the world!

with our loved ones, including our Young Living family. By

their time into helping all ten of their children develop an

creating and embracing a family-like culture in your Young

outstanding character and a strong work ethic. They found

Living business, you will create a lot of opportunities to

a few ways to aid in their children’s development, which


they also use to help their downline members grow.

Nearly five years ago, Diamond leaders Stacy and James

Setting big goals

McDonald started their journey with Young Living. As they

Stacy and James noticed that some of their children were

navigated running a new Young Living business while

passionate about Young Living. They realised that creating

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