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A MESSAGE FROM MARY As I contemplate what I might write, I find it difficult to express on paper the sadness of such a great loss. Feelings of shock, sadness, and loving support keep coming from around the world. I feel a heavy responsibility and am grateful for all the support from those in the office and you out there in the field. Gary’s funeral was truly a celebration of his life and the greatness that he achieved. He loved the horses, he loved the bagpipes, and he loved those who spoke and the family who gave him tribute. I felt so blessed with the dignity that Jacob and Josef showed as they paid homage to their father. His body rests in a beautiful mountain setting overlooking the ranch in Tabiona that he loved so much. He is exactly where he wanted to be laid; and for those of you who visit, in a quiet moment, you might hear him riding his horse and laughing at us who mourn. He might even have a message for you if you are sensitive enough to hear it. Gary’s passing, as tragic and early as it was, causes great introspection about life, how we live each day, how we treat each other, and to prepare the path we walk. Gary accomplished more in his life than probably a hundred men combined. He lived life to the fullest and didn’t waste a minute. He was a genius—a visionary— who saw no boundaries and wondered what was wrong with all the rest of us who simply didn’t get it. What he has given to the world, no other man has given, nor will any other man be able to walk in his shoes. However, the knowledge he has given us will continue to inspire and motivate those who are looking for answers to help them find the opportunity to achieve beyond their own expectations. We will all miss him deeply, but his dream will live within us as we carry his mission to the world with the pure essential oils for which he gave his life. May God bless you all in your quest to follow your dreams with the opportunity that Gary set in place for us. Let us never forget his sacrifice and honor him with our commitments and the way we keep the love burning within our Young Living family. With heartfelt love and thanks,


Relive the experience with our on-the-ground recap of the 2018 International Grand Convention, June 13-16. From the sweeping views at the Young Living Lavender Farm and Distillery in Mona to the bustling action around the Salt Palace Convention Center and Vivint Arena, the 2018 International Grand Convention was one to remember. We welcomed 30,000 members and guests to the panoramic and historic Salt Lake Valley for four days of product launches, motivational speakers and performances, and the opportunity to come together to share our inspirational stories and goals. Plus, thousands more joined us virtually through the YL Digital Ticket! We were on the ground at each of the venues, taking in the sights, smells, and adventures to put you at the heart of all the heartfelt action. Each day’s agenda was jam-packed with educational workshops, spa appointments, YL Fit, and Expo visits, as well as Farm Experience trips, where attendees could see the Seed to Seal® commitment in action and enjoy a home-cooked picnic lunch surrounded by the beautiful Rocky Mountains. Among all the action, everyone came together for the general sessions, which took place each morning. For the first time ever, the general sessions were viewed simultaneously by attendees in two adjacent venues— at the Salt Palace and at the Vivint Arena. Inspirational speakers, Young Living members and leaders, and the Young family all took to the stage to make exciting announcements about new products and partner farms and to offer words and songs of inspiration. When the general sessions let out each day, the venues became lively epicenters of excitement and

chatter as attendees made their way to workshops, the Expo, and product pickup to snag their orders of newly launched products. On the way, they shared a bite for lunch over friendly conversation about YL products, as well as valuable business tips. The Expo was elegantly designed as a shopping plaza, offering storefronts where attendees could try a whole range of products, from the newly launched Journey On™ blend in the Simply Oils sampling area to new ancient grain offerings in the Einkorn Kitchen. Photo ops were around every turn, from the Recognition Experience and stunning multimedia farm displays to the rustic potted flora and oversized oil bottles dangling floral arrangements from the ceilings. The whole four-day experience wrapped up with a spectacular celebration on Saturday night at the closing party featuring the Foundation’s Ride for a Reason drawing to determine the winners of six memberdonated vehicles and to announce the total money raised for our partner Hope for Justice, which was over $1 million. Afterward, we were thrilled to watch the daring dancers, gravity-defying stunt masters, and acrobatic performers of Cirque Montage. We’re so grateful for this opportunity we had to come together as a Young Living family. We hope you had a great experience and had as much fun as we did; we are excited to see you next year! Registration for the 2019 convention opens to the public on July 1! You can learn more and register for next year at YoungLiving.com/2019Convention.

5Opportunities SIMPLE forWAYS TO GET INVOLVED WITH THE FOUNDATION YL members to pay it forward that make a big difference 1. Round up monthly orders Round up your monthly orders to the nearest dollar. If every member rounded up, these pennies would total over $4 million this year! Essential Rewards makes rounding up even easier, with an option to automatically round up each order.

2. Order through Amazon Smile

Every time you place an Amazon order, you can donate to the Foundation! Go to smile.amazon.com and select Young Living Foundation as your charity of choice. Amazon will automatically donate to the Foundation with each order!

3. Donate automatically with commission checks Learn ways to make a difference with the D. Gary Young, Young Living Foundation. Working with The D. Gary Young, Young Living Foundation is a great way for Young Living members to get involved in their worldwide community. So, how can you get involved? The good news is that you don’t have to fly to Africa to make a difference. In fact, you can change lives right where you are!


Donate one time or elect to have donations come out of your commission checks automatically. You can donate as little as 1 cent via commissions.

4. Sponsor a child

For less than $3 a day, you can sponsor a child at the Young Living Academy in Ecuador. Sponsoring a child gives him or her access to a top-notch education, school supplies, uniforms, and food during school days.

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