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A MESSAGE FROM MARY Hello, Everyone, Young Living is on the move, and there is much excitement in the air as our numbers keep climbing. This was a very busy summer for our company, and it’s amazing how quickly the time has gone, with fall already here. We went from our International Grand Convention in June, to Lavender Day in July, to Gold Retreat in August, to the European Convention in Prague in early September, and to Silver Retreat in mid-September, with 2,500 people attending. By the time you read this, the Canadian Diamonds will have had their retreat at the Skyrider Wilderness Ranch in Tabiona, which I’m sure will have been a special time for them. At the end of the month, we will have had the third annual Fall Festival and Draft Horse Show at our farm in Mona. This was one of Gary’s great dreams and perhaps the last that he was able to experience. I hope many of you were able to join us for this amazing event, which Gary foresaw almost 20 years ago. It puts his love of horses in the middle of this farm that grows and distills plants for essential oils that are shipped all over the world. This is the farm where you can see a lot of what Gary loved so much. Attending these events without Gary has felt very strange, although many feel he is watching over all of us. Many say they feel his spirit at the farm, but that will be for you to determine when you are there. His legacy goes forward with great speed and excitement. Jacob, Josef, and I, as well as many who were so close to Gary, are filled with gratitude and are comforted by your love and commitment. We look forward to seeing you somewhere at one of our many Young Living events. May God bless you all,

FAST AND FREE SHIPPING COMING YOUR WAY! Sign up now for YL Go or YL Go+ shipping subscriptions You asked and we delivered! In August Young Living announced that U.S. Essential Rewards (ER) members can now sign up for fast, easy, and free shipping with YL Go and YL Go+. We want to get the products you love to your doorstep as quickly as possible, so we created two shipping subscriptions to help do just that!


With YL Go’s $59 introductory offer, you get 12 ER shipping credits, plus 1 bonus credit, for 13 months of hassle-free shipping. You’ll receive 12 ER shipping credits with YL Go each year with your subscription thereafter. You’ll also receive priority order processing and $10 flat-rate overnight shipping.

YL Go+

With YL Go+, you get extra flexibility. You’ll receive shipping credits for 12 ER orders, plus 24 flex credits that can be used on Quick Order shipments during the first 12 months. With YL Go+, you’ll also have priority order processing and $10 flat-rate overnight shipping, as well as discounted standard shipping on orders once all shipping credits have been used. Take advantage of all these features for 12 months for only $129!

Don’t know which one fits you better? After signing up for YL Go, you can upgrade to YL Go+ at any time. Any unused shipping credits will be calculated and deducted from the price of the YL Go+ subscription. The remaining price will be charged to the card on file. Shipment credits also roll over from month to month, so you can use them whenever you’d like during the 12-month subscription period. They expire at the end of 12 months, so don’t hesitate to use them! YL Go could save you over $122.64—or more than 10 times the amount you are currently paying each year!* However, if you decide that YL Go or YL Go+ isn’t for you, you can cancel your subscription within 20 days of subscribing for a full refund. If you cancel outside the 20-day grace period, your subscription will be effective through the end of the 12-month cycle but will not auto-renew at that time. YL Go is a convenient, hassle-free way to save on shipping and to take advantage of priority processing. We know you’re going to love it! For more information about YL Go and YL Go+ and to sign up, head over to YoungLiving.com/YLGo! *Based on average shipping costs

THE 5X5 PLEDGE: EXPANDING D. GARY YOUNG’S VISION Join us to help accomplish our world-changing goals slums to preventing malaria, the Foundation changes thousands of lives every year by empowering the underserved. We believe in uplifting people, so in the next five years, we pledge to quintuple the number of lives changed by our Foundation.

Five years to zero waste

We're making a difference with the 5x5 Pledge. The future is bright at Young Living. The 25th anniversary of our company is just around the corner, and our executive team has announced a new, groundbreaking program to empower YL employees and members to make the world a better place. Beginning in 2019 and over the next five years, Young Living pledges to expand D. Gary Young’s vision in five ways. Want to see where you fit in? Meet the 5x5 Pledge. We challenge you to look for ways you can help make a difference!

Five times more people empowered by The D. Gary Young, Young Living Foundation From rescuing children from human trafficking and

We know that you value the fact that when you use a bottle of our essential oil, you are interacting ethically and authentically with nature. From the Standards pillar of our Seed to Seal ® commitment to the Green Globe and LEED specifications we will be following at our new Global Headquarters, we take our stewardship of the planet seriously. We are humbled by our responsibility and visibility as an industry green leader; so in the next five years, we will take our global operations to zero waste status.

Five or more corporate-owned or partner farms developed each year Our farms are the heart of our Seed to Seal commitment and forever part of our DNA. They help us create a more stable and controlled supply chain, allow us to stay on the forefront of essential oil research, and empower our members with the knowledge of where their oils come from. We are passionate about collaborating with nature to bring our members the purest products on earth; so each year for the next five years, we will develop five or more of these beautiful corporate-owned and partner farms.

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