Essential Edge News
Volume 2.12 Dec. 2012
New Compensation Plan Enhancements Founder’s Message
Something new and exciting is coming to Young Living on January 1! We are very pleased to introduce compensation plan enhancements that will help you create tremendous abundance. We have simplified our plan to make it easier to understand and explain, with advancements that are more easily attainable.
Compensation Plan Enhancements Qualifications are now based on simple leg and organization volume, making it easier to build. • Executive: 2 legs each at 1,000 with 4,000 total OGV,* directing growth toward Silver • Silver: 2 legs each at 4,000 with 10,000 total OGV • Gold: 3 legs each at 6,000 with 35,000 total OGV, creating a behavior that will direct building toward the Diamond rank • Platinum: 4 legs each at 8,000 with 100,000 total OGV • Diamond: 5 legs each at 15,000 with 250,000 total OGV • Crown Diamond: 6 legs each at 20,000 with 750,000 total OGV • Royal Crown Diamond (new): 6 legs each at 35,000 with 1,500,000 total OGV *Organization Group Volume
UNILEVEL PAYOUT To encourage new builders, we have increased the commission payout on the first level, while slightly decreasing it on levels three, four, and five.
For the minority of distributors who may go down in rank or commission payout with these compensation plan changes, we have a plan to help them maintain their earning level for six months while they strengthen their structure through sustainable business building. Royal Crown Diamond recognition will be given the first time at the 2013 convention, and we are sure that there will be four or five who will make it! Gary Young analyzes oils using the high-resolution gas chromatograph, an instrument distributors will use at this year’s Winter Harvest.
1,000 OGV Leg 7
This is a 1% bonus pool on monthly sales volume, available to those distributors paid as Star through Executive.
100 PV ER 1,000 OGV Leg 6
100 PV ER 500 OGV Leg 5
100 PV ER 500 OGV Leg 4
100 PV ER 300 OGV Leg 3
100 PV ER
100 PV Essential Rewards
Our reports indicate that almost every commission check will stay about the same. We are confident that these enhancements will help you to progress more rapidly, thereby increasing your commission earnings.
100 PV ER
300 OGV Leg 2
100 PV ER 300 OGV Leg 1
TOTAL SHARES EARNED = 6 The value of one share equals approximately $35
Young Living distributors are eligible to earn a Fast Start Bonus on all new distributors they personally enroll in the company. This bonus pays 25% on the volume of each personally enrolled distributor’s total orders placed during the first three calendar months, in addition to base commissions. Each month the bonus payout of 25% is earned by the enroller, a calculation of 10% of the same volume can be paid to the second upline enroller if eligible.* A maximum of $200 may be earned from this bonus per distributor, per month. *When the Fast Start Bonus is paid, the PV used to calculate the bonus is reduced by 70% for all other commissionable payouts. The Star Performance Bonus and second month payout have been eliminated to simplify the process. Continued, see LETTER on page 2 page 1 THE
The remarkable joy of the Christmas season is upon us! We feel this joy as recipients of goodwill brought by neighbors, friends, and family; we experience this joy as selfless givers desiring to make a difference in a stranger’s life; and we see this joy in the eyes of a child who looks heavenward with unrelenting hope and optimism. This is the joy we can know only through the Giver of it—the Babe in Bethlehem, whom we celebrate this season. His was a life of service and giving, of living with perfect selflessness. Through His example, we dedicate ourselves this month to easing burdens, repairing what is broken, and lifting heavy hearts. We lay claim to the sincere, genuine happiness that is inherently ours. As a Young Living distributor, you have the ability and responsibility to share a similar message, one that can ease physical, mental, and financial burdens while spreading wellness, purpose, and abundance—all crucial components to happiness. Sharing such important gifts has never been easier. With our world-class products and your enthusiastic optimism, happiness can be attained by anyone. During this season of gift giving, Mary and I would like to give you something we have been working on for a very long time. It has the power to transform your life and your business through introducing more people to Young Living. It is our new compensation plan, and it will be ready for you beginning January 1. As you read this issue of the Essential Edge News and become familiar with the plan’s many advantages, you will realize that you now have the opportunity to reach farther and climb higher than ever before. My challenge to you is to share the amazing gifts Young Living has to offer. Share our message of happiness and experience always the joy this wondrous season brings.
Essential Edge News