Essential Edge News
Volume 1 Issue 5
Distributors From Around the World Experience Silver Retreat Founder’s Message
Essentially yours,
Silver members lend a helping hand while Gary Young harvests the melissa. More than 100 Silver distributors attended the event at the St. Maries farm.
Silvers Relish Time With Gary During Retreat at St. Maries Farm More than 100 Silver distributors from around the world met in stunning Coeur d’ Alene and St. Maries, Idaho, for an exhilarating weekend of discovery during Young Living’s Silver Retreat held in August. This year’s retreat saw a record turnout from excited distributors, more than doubling the attendance of previous years, including Silvers from the U.S., Austria, Australia, and Singapore. Each individual came away with a greater appreciation and understanding of what it means to be part of Young Living. “I have dreamed about this for four years,” exclaimed Minnesota’s Suzanne Cekalla, who achieved Silver rank in November 2010. “I’m so committed to Young Living; it has changed my life!” The highlight of the retreat was the Saturday experience that only Gary Young could have offered: a thrilling 12-hour adventure at the St. Maries farm that provided all the opportunity to learn from, work with, and be
inspired by Gary. After a quick, early-morning group photo with Gary and Mary, the distributors were led to the lavender, where each had the opportunity of making bath salts and sachets. This unique venture quickly turned inspirational as Gary gathered together the distributors and shared his love for Young Living and his thoughts on growing a successful Young Living business. “I was very inspired by Gary and his passion,” said a smiling Maria Billis, a distributor from Saratoga Springs, New York. “I absolutely loved being at the farm with Gary, and I trust him and what he does.” Following Gary’s meaningful thoughts and an exquisite, organic lunch, the distributors were whisked away to the melissa field, where the real fun began. The sweet-scented melissa was ready to harvest, and the distributors dug right in. They learned how the plants are harvested and were shown the intricacies of the distillation process. Distributors took turns working in the distiller, a giant vat in which the oil is steam distilled from the plant, and came away impressed and amazed. By that time, dusk had fallen and it was time to return to Coeur d’ Alene. Prior to the life-enhancing experiences at the St. Maries farm, the distributors were filled with power
and knowledge about Young Living’s products during Friday’s masterful lessons from Doug Corrigan, Doug Cloward, Nick Killpack, and Mike McLean. “This experience has been absolutely over the top,” said Maria Billis. “The product is unsurpassable; the people are incredible; the company is full of integrity. It was so intense and I always leave Young Living events wanting them to last longer.”
Lisa Taylor and other distributors spent part of the Silver Retreat farm day picking lavender in the fields.
This past month has allowed me to work closely with Young Living’s great distributors as they have come to learn, visit, and help harvest melissa and Douglas fir at the St. Maries farm. It was really fun sharing the harvesting and distilling experiences with everyone—from the few who came to the melissa harvest that, because of the weather, turned into the Douglas fir harvest to the more than 100 Silver distributors, who spent an entire day on the farm in early August. Rubbing shoulders with the distributors allows me the opportunity to get to know those who are sharing Young Living’s message of wellness, purpose, and abundance with the world. It is inspiring to see the quality of people we have in the Young Living family and their commitment to the oils. Of course, seeing firsthand what Young Living does to deliver the highest-quality oils by living the Seed to Seal®process is the greatest learning experience possible; living it lays a solid foundation as you look to build your Young Living business. Each of our harvests is a great experience! It is at these harvests that we spend time together sharing stories of healing and restoration brought about by exclusive Young Living products. It is these stories that keep me going and that give me the energy to continue in my study and sharing of essential oils. Thank you to all who came and participated in the harvests during July and August, and I extend a welcome to all of you to come and be part of our future harvests. We are a company that provides life-changing experiences for all who participate.
Essential Edge News
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