Essential Edge News
Volume 1 Issue 8
Recent Growth Quickens Young Living’s Global Commitment Founder’s Message
Essentially yours,
Distributors and visitors celebrate during the grand opening ceremonies in Singapore. International growth has been a consistent trend for Young Living, fueling the company’s mission to bless the lives of people around the world.
Young Living’s mission to share wellness, purpose, and abundance with the world is leading the company to aggressively seek global expansion. From six sprawling farms, a passionate commander in Gary Young, and a dedicated army of distributors on every continent stems an intense desire to bring people to the fountain of vitality. The barometric testament to this worldwide mission is the official openings of Young Living in lands across the earth; and so it was with great excitement that Singapore and Ecuador were recently ceremoniously opened to the prosperity afforded by Young Living. Held during three days in October, the Singapore grand opening was a great success. Attended by more than 300 guests, including distributors, leaders, and Young Living executives, the visitors celebrated the coming of Young Living and experienced oil application and Raindrop Technique® training from Gary, who demonstrated just how simple it is to use essential oils in everyday life. Will Halterman, Young Living’s general manager of Southeast Asia, envisions Singapore as just the beginning of an enormous presence in the Far East. “I see a lot of potential growth in Singapore,” Will said. “However, I don’t just envision great success in Singapore; I see success occurring in Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Indonesia, and other countries
in the region as well. Singapore is the gateway to Southeast Asia, and from here we will support the growth of Young Living in one of the largest and most dynamic markets in the world!” A critical piece to successfully managing any new region is the existence of an office. A new office, according to Will Halterman, means “greater support for distributors, it means localized marketing materials, it means a location where people can walk in and purchase product, and it means greater growth for the market in general.” Where opening Singapore is literally groundbreaking because it is so new and the organizational structure is being continuously developed, Ecuador is figuratively—and nearly literally—a world apart. Young Living has been thriving in Ecuador for years with its farm, lab, and clinic. Still, and much like Singapore, officially opening Ecuador is opening a gate to much greater opportunities. “Ecuador is not only one country, it is the door to South America,” says Carlos Niemes, a Young Living Silver distributor. “We have always had
great support, and I believe success here will be unlimited!” By opening its doors and opportunities to the world, Young Living inspires all who become involved to reach their goals and live a fulfilled life. “Ecuador believes in Young Living,” says Executive distributor Xavier Navarrete. “When I was 40 years old, I asked myself, ‘What do I want to do for the rest of my life?’ And the answer was, ‘I want to help people.’ Young Living is the answer to my question.”
Young Living distributors gather in Ecuador.
The great season of giving is upon us once again. Throughout December we become more selfless as we thoughtfully turn our focus to family, friends, and those in need. Though many of us willingly give year round, this one month affords us the opportunity to intensify our efforts in lifting burdens and bringing joy to others, filled with the Spirit of the Child from Bethlehem—the true spirit of Christmas. As the founder of Young Living, a company dedicated to giving and to making lives better, I often find myself in lands near and far, sharing a wonderful gift with people throughout the world: my knowledge of Young Living and its life-changing products. In fact, in October and November I journeyed to our one-of-a-kind distillery in Oman, met with our remarkable distributors in Australia, conducted more oolong tea research in Taiwan, and celebrated grand openings in the beautiful countries of Singapore and Ecuador. It has been invigorating for me to give what I can and to bring people to wellness, purpose, and abundance—the three gifts of Young Living. Fortunately for Young Living’s dedicated distributors, sharing the gift of Young Living—the gift of vitality—does not require you to fly across time zones or climb mountainous jungles; it requires only your focus and willingness to talk to those with whom you come in contact. There is so much work to be done, so many lives to bless within your own families and neighborhoods. Make a difference this Christmas season and give to your friends and loved ones your passion for Young Living and its magnificent opportunities.
Essential Edge News
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