January Essential Edge 2015

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Singapore | January 2015

THE UNSHAKABLE DREAM THREE SEPARATE TIMES, D. Gary Young dreamed of leading a caravan of camels through the desert. The camels, ridden by people of all faiths, came from every direction and merged into one united stream. After the third dream, so vivid it was almost jarring, Gary decided to tell his wife, Mary, and two of his closest friends about it. Their responses were identical: “You must do this.” Gary recognized the trail that the caravan had traveled in his dreams as being part of the ancient Frankincense Trail, since he had often explored the storied trail while researching frankincense in Arabia and had written about it in his historical novel, The One Gift. Three thousand years ago, the Queen of Sheba journeyed 1,400 miles with 750 camels on that very trail to bring peace offerings to King Solomon in Jerusalem. Inspired by his dreams, Gary decided to create a modern-day journey for peace. Countless hours of preparation are now making Gary’s dream a reality. The World Peace Caravan will depart Petra, Jordan, on December 15, 2015, and will travel to Jerusalem on a 12-day camel caravan for peace. Gary is inviting people everywhere to join in this amazing journey. THE CARAVAN CELEBRATION After a prelaunch celebration in Petra on December 15, participants will

Young Living Chief Operating Officer

Kim Langbecker, World Peace Conference producer; Susan Johnson, World Peace Caravan director of operations; His Holiness, the Dalai Lama; and D. Gary Young. caravan through Jordan, exploring historical and religious sites along the way and exchanging multicultural activities by campfire at night. Arriving on the shore of the Dead Sea on December 20, the World Peace Caravan will break for a two-day World Peace and Health Conference that will focus on the role of women, youth, and health in peacemaking. Currently, international peace advocates Vandana Shiva, Mariel Hemingway, Essrea Cherin, Karambu Ringera, Rev. Patrick McCollum, Nathan Otto, and Ambassador Mildred Espinoza are among the conference’s roster of illustrious speakers. Invitations have been extended to His Holiness, the Dalai Lama; Bill Clinton; Shimon Peres; and other global peacekeepers and dignitaries. On December 23, the caravan will cross into the Palestine Authority for a visit to Jericho and a two-day trek through the Judean desert, arriving in Bethlehem on December 25. On December 26, the caravan will culminate with a Peace Walk into Jerusalem and

a blockbuster Concert for Peace. Internationally renowned musical artists will take the stage for a night of once-in-alifetime performances at the state-ofthe art Jerusalem Arena. Because Gary strongly believes that the world’s youth are our best hope for change, 12 youth ambassadors, ages 16–24, are being selected from a worldwide pool of candidates to spearhead the caravan with their optimism, ingenuity, and dynamism. The World Peace Caravan has received numerous exceptional submissions, and 10 of the 12 ambassadors—two from the U.S. and one each from Dubai, Ecuador, Kenya, Uganda, Turkey, Pakistan, Nepal, and Australia—are close to being confirmed. For more information, please visit WorldPeaceCaravan.org.


“THE YOUNG BOY said to his grandfather, ‘I have two wolves barking inside of me. The first wolf is filled with anger, hatred, bitterness, and mostly revenge. The second wolf inside of me is filled with love, kindness, compassion, and mostly forgiveness. Which wolf do you think will win?’ “The grandfather responded, ‘Whichever one you feed.’” —Dr. Wayne Dyer I love this metaphor! The grandfather really has life figured out: we are what we feed our minds and bodies. I don’t need to give you a lesson on which wolf we should feed; it’s obvious. However, there are two other wolves within us that so many of us fight with every day: the wolf of fear and the wolf of courage. The Greek philosopher Epictetus said: “First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.” It is critically important to know what we want to be, but it is just as important to actually see ourselves becoming what we want to be and then do what we have to do to realize our desires. Too many of us live our lives in paralyzing fear, unwilling to move because we put so much weight on the opinions of others. Have you ever tried to pay your bills with somebody else’s opinion? It doesn’t work. Then why do we give up on our dreams because of what someone says or thinks? We constantly need to be feeding the wolf of courage. Be true to your grand visions of yourself. The best way I know how to do this is by taking action. Move. Talk. Be uncomfortable. Nothing extinguishes the fire of a dream like comfort. Make 2015 the year you see yourself as what you can be and then work to become that beautiful, amazing you.




By Travis Ogden

Essential Edge News

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