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FOUNDER’S MESSAGE LET’S TALK ABOUT leadership. It’s a major topic addressed in millions of books, educational courses, and by self-help gurus. It’s on the minds of almost everyone in an effective organization. Why? Successful leadership is the key to successful organizations. There’s only one problem: Many people confuse being a leader with being a boss. These two are not the same. Simply having rank or power does not enshrine someone with leadership. Almost anybody can ruthlessly demand and intimidate from behind a desk. However, a leader does not sit behind a desk. A leader is out front, doing the work, setting the example for others to do the same. As our convention speaker from last year, Darren Hardy, says, “A boss and a manager prod from behind, but a leader pulls from up front.” A leader is not a taskmaster. A leader is someone who inspires others to be better and to do more. It’s not done with threats but through empowering individuals and groups to reach their highest potential. Leadership revolves around humility and a clear, concise vision. Leadership is about developing people, not growing bottom lines or checking off to-do lists. However big or small your organization, be the leader. Be the example of how to do things the right way. Take small, intentional steps every day to become who you want and need to be. Others will follow your example, and you will soon be leading a powerful, efficient organization filled with many influential leaders. Showing and helping people to do and be better is what life—and network marketing—are all about. Avoid becoming the manager of your organization; be the leader. You are destined for leadership. You have the responsibility to lead people to abundance, to a life that can be better than ever imagined.
INFUSION OF AWESOMENESS Young Living is excited to announce the Infused line, a new collaboration with our friends at Oola. This partnership is kicking off with the launch of our Infused 7 kit, available for purchase in the US Virtual Office. WHAT IS OOLA? It is a "state of awesomeness." It’s living a life that is balanced and growing in seven key areas of health and well-being. It’s finding true purpose and meaning for your life. Incorporating the approach of the OolaGuys, Dr. Dave Braun (Dr. Dave) and Dr. Troy Amdahl (Dr. Troy), to unlocking individuals’ potential for greatness, Young Living Founder and CEO D. Gary Young has created the Infused 7 kit with seven exclusive essential oil blends: Faith, Fitness, Finance, Friends, Family, Field, and Fun. Each blend is formulated to help you pursue balance and growth in these seven key areas of life. The kit also includes a booklet offering specific, useful suggestions outlining how to use each blend. To complement this kit, you may also order the newly reformulated Balance and Grow blends!
N E W O OL A TOOLS As part of the Infused launch, we are also excited to offer two Oola tools: The Infused Wheel and The Boost. The Infused Wheel is a simple, intuitive, and fun online questionnaire tool that will help you quickly identify the areas in your life that could use improvement. In addition to pointing out areas of your life that need greater balance, the Infused Wheel will also offer specific, helpful suggestions on the best ways to use the Infused 7 kit. Check out this exciting new resource on YoungLiving.com!
The Boost is a monthly subscription service that uses Oola principles to bring a laser focus to your development as a Young Living member and send your business and personal growth into warp speed. Visit the Member Resources section of Virtual Office to set up your monthly subscription, which will deliver the exclusive resources from Oola that you need to balance fitness, finance, family, field, faith, friends, and fun in your life! Learn the secrets of building a powerful Young Living business and a remarkable future with educational perks that include: • New, interactive personal-development coaching modules each month with social media access to the Oola guys • Exclusive content from Young Living’s top leaders on their secrets of success and how to build a business using your personal strengths • Exclusive content from a wide variety of experts • Bonus content each month, including popular webinars and more We are excited to offer you the personal and professional fulfillment that the Infused partnership can help uncover. Log in to Virtual Office to order our exclusive Infused 7 kit and sign up for The Boost, and visit YoungLiving.com to check out the new Oola Infused Wheel!