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Volume 4.5 May 2014

The 2014 International

Grand Convention Founder’s Message WE WHO ARE Young Living have so much to celebrate! As individuals, we celebrate lives of abundant health, prosperity, and happiness; as a company, we celebrate our growth and influence that has never been stronger. These are great and remarkable times to be part of the Young Living movement! These next few summer months are especially fun and exciting times for everyone, kicking off in June with our International Grand Convention and 20th Year Anniversary Celebration in Salt Lake City. This will be a great event at which to celebrate our Young Living lifestyle! Every year the convention gets bigger and better. If you want to ride the wave of momentum that we’ve created together over the last 20 years and especially the last 2 years, this will be a great opportunity! At this convention I promise you will be motivated and inspired to be a better parent, spouse, friend, and neighbour. You will be equipped with the tools to not only build a better Young Living business but to also build a better life for you and those around you. Since building lives of abundance is what this is all about, we can certainly celebrate how we are changing communities and people around the world. One of the biggest proponents of this is the D. Gary Young Foundation. I’m so thankful to all of you who have helped to make life better for many people through the foundation’s projects, especially for the children in Ecuador whose lives have been changed forever through your generosity. Be sure to attend the foundation’s activity at the convention. Let’s celebrate this amazing Young Living movement together at the International Grand Convention and 20th Year Anniversary Celebration! I look forward to seeing you there!

JUNE 23-27 | YoungLiving.com/Convention

NOW IS THE time to Live Your Dream! Join thousands of passionate Young Living members at the 2014 International Grand Convention— one of the most important events in our 20-year history! The International Grand Convention is an Convention Leadership Sessions immersive Young Living experience like no other. Held in beautiful Salt Lake City, Utah, June 23-27, Diamond through Royal Crown Diamond Leadership Session this event is a week of education, celebration, Monday, June 23, 9 a.m.–12 p.m. (Breakfast included) inspiration, and motivation. You will meet Executive and above Leadership Session passionate, like-minded people; receive exclusive Monday, June 23, 2–5 p.m. education from world-renowned experts; engage Silver and above Black-Tie Leadership Gala with top Young Living leaders; and discover how to Tuesday, June 24, 7–9 p.m. Located in the General Session area. live your dreams. We have pulled out all the stops Formal wear only, please, for this special VIP event. Register and to make this the most memorable convention purchase tickets by May 31. Two tickets are included; additional tickets are $50 per person. yet, designed to help you discover your path to the personal and professional transformations of which you’ve only dreamed. You will be inspired to dream, believe, and achieve as you hear from keynote speakers that include Young Living Founder and CEO D. Gary Young, renowned leadership expert and prolific author John C. Maxwell, and New York Times bestselling author Dr. William Davis. Of course, you will have a lot to be excited about as Young Living introduces more than a dozen new breakthrough products that will be available to purchase and sample in the Product Expo! For a truly personalised convention education experience, this year you can choose a guided track of timely, interactive workshops led by experts from around the world, including workshops on:

Shine Like a Diamond — at the —

2014 International Grand Convention

Visit YoungLiving.com/DiamondforaDay for more details.

How to make Young Living products a part of your healthy lifestyle

• Building a bright future with our business opportunities • Why and how Young Living has been transforming wellness for 20 years

Be sure to boost your energy for the member-favourite Farm Day on June 27. This year’s Farm Day party will provide every member an opportunity to be immersed in the Young Living way by participating in every step of the Seed to Seal® process! Register today for the 2014 International Grand Convention and learn more about the events and agenda by visiting YoungLiving.com/Convention. You will want to be at one of the most important events in Young Living history and learn more about how to Live Your Dream! Essential Edge | 1 The EssentialThe Edge

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