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SPICE UP YOUR YL CLASSES! Take your next Young Living class up a few notches with these tips from Royal Crown Diamond Melissa Koehler.


THIS IS TRULY a beautiful time of the year! Celebrating time with your family, enjoying a bountiful fall harvest, and appreciating the blessings we have in our lives are just a few highlights of this season. Fall offers so many opportunities for reflection and gratitude. When Mary and I started this journey over 20 years ago, we were determined to create the highest quality products possible. We immersed ourselves in research by studying and experimenting with different planting, cultivating, and harvesting methods in operation around the globe. I felt a passion within me grow that seemed bigger than life itself. The harvest was very satisfying, especially as so many of you came to be part of the Seed to Seal process. In spite of the many challenges and hard work, it was deeply rewarding. I know that many of you put a lot of time and energy into cultivating various aspects of your personal lives. As you think about your Young Living journey, ask yourself, “Do I put the necessary effort and energy into my business to enjoy a bountiful harvest?” One of my deepest beliefs is that you deserve to live an abundant life in which you are happy and healthy. Young Living provides the foundation to build upon. You are the farmer in your life, and with hard work and courage, you can reap all of the wonderful things you’ve sown. I’ve realized that fear—more than anything else—stops people from achieving the success for which they’re so hungry. As you work on creating a bountiful harvest in your life, I challenge you to eliminate fear the moment it enters your mind. Don’t listen! Replace the doubt with positive thoughts. Your brightest dreams can come true if you have the courage to go for them. So much of our success at Young Living is because of the efforts of our loyal members who are determined to build their dreams and create a beautiful future. We love and appreciate you. Your stories inspire all of us— the corporate team—Young Living members all over the world—to work harder and live the Young Living lifestyle.

This time of year can offer some fun ideas to make your next class both memorable and fun! Try something new like a fall-themed Young Living class. FALL HOLIDAYS CAN offer a fun opportunity to plan and host an amazing Young Living class! When it comes to planning and executing a fabulous class, Royal Crown Diamond Melissa Koehler is a pro. One of Melissa’s most helpful sharing techniques has been hosting Young Living classes. She recalls planning a favorite class with one of her best friends. “We planned a Fall-themed Bunco party a few years ago,” she said. “Everything was fall-themed and colored. It was so fun and was a great way of sharing Young Living!” Check out the tips below to follow Melissa’s tried-and-true strategies for making your fallthemed Young Living class a success!

Melissa’s Tips:

1. Pick your theme and stick to it! 2. Search your favorite decorating sites for some quick inspiration. Remember that you don’t have to follow exactly what you see; you may simply want to use the images as inspiration. 3. Make a list of items you need for your event and delegate if possible.

4. When shopping for decorations, ask yourself if you will be able to use them at a later date. For example, mason jars make great vases and containers during your class, and they’re fun drinking glasses long after the party. 5. Think outside of the box when you’re deciding on decorations. What colors, prints, symbols, and textures go with your theme? 6. Be cohesive with your theme and content of your class. Incorporate seasonally appropriate products like our Thieves™ product line and essential oils like Cinnamon Bark, Tangerine, Light the Fire™, and Northern Lights Black Spruce™. By talking about your favorite fall Young Living products, you are making the theme relevant and relatable to the season. 7. Give your guests at least two weeks’ notice of your class—even more if you want them to dress up or participate in another way. Whether your preference for invitations is mailing your invites or sending electronic invitations through email or Facebook, you may want to ask your guests to RSVP, so you can plan accordingly.

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OPTIMAL HEALTH & WELLNESS Young Living brand ambassador James Lawrence sets new world record! HAVE YOU EVER felt timid about bringing up the topic of our essential oil-infused dietary supplements with your health care provider? We want to help you have productive conversations that will ease any nervousness! Using our dietary supplements as part of a wellness regimen is important to any Young Living member, and as with any other supplement or wellness product, we recommend the common sense approach of consulting with your licensed health care provider prior to use. As you work to address your personal wellness, it’s important that you advocate for yourself. Everyone reacts to and uses our products a little differently, so it’s essential to openly discuss the personal wellness choices you want to make. As you are visiting with your provider, go in with a plan to help you navigate a positive and productive conversation. Remember—both you and your provider want you to live with wellness and vitality, so strive to work as a team!


Share your point of view

• Take to your appointment the dietary supplements you commonly use, so your provider can look at them firsthand, read the labels, and see their recommended uses. • Share your thoughts about the products and what you’ve noticed while you have used them.

Emphasize working together

• Seek a provider who has experience and skills in using essential oils and dietary supplements. • If given advice that differs from your point of view and/or from the label’s recommended uses, don’t argue or act defensively. Instead, thank your provider for his or her opinion and time.

Provide information

• Read labeling on each product with your provider and seek advice that aligns with the label’s suggest tional information on YoungLiving.com under the “Products” tab.

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