Volume 3.9 September 2013
Founder’s Message THE SILVER RETREAT is one of my absolute favorite events of the year! I love being back “home” in northern Idaho and especially at the St. Maries farm. Being able to spend a few days every year with rising Young Living leaders in this beautiful environment is really exciting. During our three days together, we laughed, learned, worked, and even cried. We were renewed and energized as we spent a day at the farm. The next day we floated the Spokane River with 25 rafts of distributors splashing water. Swinging from the trees on the river’s edge like Tarzan and making a big splash into the water was fun for all, whether jumping or just watching. I love the thrill and the personal growth that comes from experiencing adventures together like white-water rafting! After dinner at the park, we parted with heart-felt hugs and good-byes until next time. It was a most rewarding time! The Silver Retreat is the event every new distributor should be aiming for. Make a goal to join us next year. It will be worth the hard work you do to get there, as you will be filled with memories you will never forget. Young Living has a great program to help you achieve Silver called Silver in Six, that is, becoming a Silver in six months. Contact your upline leaders to discuss how you can make this program work for you. Becoming a Silver is an accomplishment everyone can achieve! To help you accomplish even more of your Young Living goals, we have just started an exciting Drive to Win promotion for North American distributors as an additional incentive to share Young Living. Winners will be filled with the aloha spirit during a free or partially paid vacation in Hawaii! Also, work to win a Mercedes-Benz or cash! Share Young Living with everyone you meet, so you can participate in this great experience.
The unforgettable weekend of leadership, adventure!
NORTHERN IDAHO—THE genesis of Young Living—sets a perfect background for the annual Young Living Silver Retreat. It is, after all, at this event that the newest Young Living leaders—those who most recently have established their journey toward wellness, purpose, and abundance—are celebrated. From the beautiful Coeur d’Alene Resort that is nestled around the stunning mountain lake, traveling farther south to the magnificent St. Maries farm, and then experiencing the thrilling Spokane River, the Silver Retreat exemplifies Young Living. “This has been amazing!” said Silver Beverly McClendon. “Young Living is an amazing company. It’s such a pleasure to be with other leaders, to share experiences with other leaders, and to feel the love from everyone. It is one of the most amazing journeys I have been on.” Following an entertaining welcome reception and evening inside the luxurious resort, the participants rode along the tree-lined hillsides to spend a day getting to know the roots of Young Living at the peaceful and inspiring St. Maries farm. Being able to see the Seed to Seal® process in action and to learn about world-class distillation practices from Gary Young is an exclusive opportunity for Young Living distributors. Sara Wallace, who is now a Gold distributor, explained that spending a day at the farm was not just the highlight of the retreat but also a highlight she will remember for the rest of her life. “Being at the farm is an amazing experience on a lot of different levels,” she said. “Getting to work next to other people who are passionate about oils and Young Living, to be part of the energy of the farm, and living the Seed to Seal process is just amazing! I wouldn’t have traded it for the world.” Of course, the Silver Retreat just wouldn’t be the Silver Retreat without a white-water rafting adventure. In true Young Living style, distributors worked together to brave
EVERYONE NEEDS to have this experience for themselves. They need to have it for themselves and then INSPIRE OTHERS TO GET HERE!” –Sharon Wild, Australia
the rapids and cold on an exhilarating ride down the Spokane River. It was a perfect exclamation point to a great event. “Attending the Silver Retreat has been a fulfillment of a dream for me,” Silver Stacey Hall revealed. “There’s absolutely no reason on earth that everyone striving for Silver can’t be here next year. Make a commitment and do it; this is all worth it!” The Essential Edge
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