Young Nation

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Dear friends, How are you all? This time, in the covers tory section, we have brought you tips on how can you be a good child by adopting good habits, so don’t forget to read it and inculcate it in yourself. Then there are interesting stories and fun activities for you to enjoy! Take care, edi

Designed by Sohail Abbas


Coverstory : Good habits for kids

Storytime: The Truth of happiness

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Geography: The golden desert

Storytime: A mouse’s wedding

Hey kids, kindly send us letters, stories, poems and events detail on the following address: Or Editor Young Nation 4- Shaarey Fatima Jinnah, Lahore.


Good Habits for Kids Coverstory

polite and respectful when talking to their elders and children of their age group. The best way to inculcate this habit in your child is by being respectful yourself. As a parent, it is your duty to set a good example for your child. A child should listen to what his elders say to him. More on listening skills for children.

Good habits for kids are essential for a kid’s wholesome upbringing. This article contains a list of good habits for kids that can be inculcated in your personality. Everyone knows the importance of good habits as only if you adopt the good traits as early as you can only then you will grow up to be happy and mature adults. I personally feel that more than half of the problem that we are facing these days, can be dealt with if children are brought up properly, with love and care. Every child is known by his behavior. People judge the children by observing manners of yours. Manners are much more than just saying “please” and “thank you.” They are ways of

showing kindness and consideration. Good manners are lifetime asset. The rewards of this asset are several and the cost is negligible. I f you have any problem to adopt it in your routine, the n sont shy to seek for some parental advice: Some Good Habits For Kids To Be Respectful Children are born innocent as everyone knows but they are really good observers. They pick up signals and instructions on how to live by noticing their environment. Children must learn to respect not only their elders but children from their age group also. They should be

Young Nation-September 24, 2011


To Be Polite Many times one sees children behaving with a lot of aggression and arrogance. They bully the younger ones and make hurtful remarks. Moreover as a parent, you should also be alert for your kid’s safety and protect your child from teasing and bullying. A child must be taught to be humble, for that he has to treat everyone as equals. Aggressive behavior in a child should not be encouraged. Throwing tantrums also stems from this tendency to be stubborn. One of the goods habits for kids is that they should also be helpful to everyone and this will only happen if they are humble. The habit of helping old people in tasks like carrying groceries or crossing roads can be inculcated in a child. More on qualities of leadership in children. To Be Confident Parents must work towards instilling confidence in children. This is important as a many character flaws occur because of low self esteem. He must also be taught to value self esteem of others and never indulge in any behavior that can harm someone’s self image. A child should not to be judgmental about appearances or circumstances of other people.

habits for kids is to teach them to love and respect every one and every creature. They must not be cruel to animals, they must be compassionate and forgiving. This is important to preserve their innocence and making them humble. Ensure that the child spends quality time with his grandparents and parents, as it would be make both, grandparents and the kid, happy. To Be Courteous Aside from the above qualities, a child must have some

basic good habits like saying “please” and “thank you”. He must not interrupt elders when they are talking. A child has to learn not to use abusive or foul language. To Be Hygienic Other than these habits, maintaining basic hygiene is also one of the many good habits for kids. A child should brush his teeth before and after going to bed. Children must wash their hands before and after eating a meal. They should cov-

To never judge people just on the face value is another good habit. A child must refrain from insulting adults or other children. Good habits of sleeping on time and waking up on time will greatly help the child to be healthy and happy. To Be Healthy Healthy habits must be inculcated in a child so that he becomes a healthy adult later in life. A child must know the importance of eating his vegetables and other nutritious food. Daily exercise and playing outdoors is also important. More on importance of breakfast for children. To Be Patient and Caring One of the most needed good er their mouth while sneezing or coughing. These are simple but are essential to make it part of yourself. It can also make you to win the title of a good child and people will love you!

Young Nation-September 24, 2011


Nature has given us many wonders some are man made and some are natural. Man has tried and trying to make out of the box wonders through their innovation but man can never beat nature. Natural wonders include desserts, forests, rivers, oceans etc. By hearing the word dessert dry golden sand and hot climate strikes the mind which is actually true. Pakistan is also blessed with this gift of nature. We have Cholistan, Indus Valley, Kharan, Thal, and Thar Desert present in different parts of Pakistan but Sahara Desert is the largest desert in the world. It is present in the continent of Africa covering almost eleven countries, fully or partially desert. It includes countries: Algeria, Chad, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Sudan, Tunisia etc. Being the largest hot desert in the world, Sahara Desert is spread over an area of more than 9,000,000 sq km. In terms of area, it can be say that Sahara desert is equivalent to the continent of America.

From north to south the Sahara is between 800 and 1,200 miles and is at least 3,000 miles (4,800 km) from east to west. The desert divides the continent of Africa into two parts - North and Sub-Saharan Africa.. On the west, the Sahara is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean and on the east by the Red Sea, and to the north are the Atlas Mountains and Mediterranean Sea. The Sahara is one of the hottest places on Earth. Its temperature may rise to 136 F (57.7 C). On the other hand Antarctica is considered as the ice dessert. Nature has splashed its colours every where. It’s a general perception that a dessert is hot and dry so living things can’t live there but plants have the courage to stand bravely in such heat. These plants are very specially. It includes: Orange trees: Most people associate oranges with California or Florida. But the hot and dry regions of the Sahara also give rise to orange trees, particularly along the Nile River, and other oasis spots in the

desert. Herbs: One of the most popular herbs in American kitchens is thyme. However thyme is very important ingredient of our food also as our pizzas are incomplete with this herb. Many Sahara residents grow thyme in their gardens to spice up their food. Fig trees: It’s almost hard to believe that delicious, moist figs grow in the harsh climate of the Sahara, but figs have been a staple of the Sahara diet for centuries. Magaria: These light brown fruits are roughly the size of a cherry. The people who live in Sahara region use dry magaria to make cakes. Olive trees: Olive is the speciality of Sahara dessert. It is one a beauty secret to have a healthy, shiny and beautiful skin. Olives or olive oil is almost present in everyone’s house. As it’s the main ingredient to cook food and to garnish pizzas. However cactus tree is the main

The golden desert:

Sahara desert By Noor-ul-Ain Hanif

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charm of any dessert. Sahara dessert is also rich in animals. Wildlife of Sahara dessert is very attractive. A long with the plants there are many animals that are committed to Sahara dessert. It includes animals: Camels: When one says the word ‘desert’, first golden and dry sand strikes the mind and second word that comes to our mind is ‘camel’. Camels are usually associated with desserts because they are tall and can store liters of water inside them. There are two major types of camels found in the world, Bactrian and Dromedary camels. The Dromedary camel, which is said to be of Arabian Origin, is the main Saharan camel.Camels is domestic animals and residents of Sahara use them for their domestic purposes. Addax Antelope: Addax Antelope is

one of the most beautiful animals in the world. But unfortunately this animal is the most hunted animal around the world. Therefore they are rare. Antelopes are flat-footed antelopes that can easily traverse the sandy landscape of the Sahara. The Addax Antelope is classified as an endangered animal. Ostrich: Ostriches are the largest birds in the world and different breeds of ostriches are found in various parts of the Sahara desert. An average ostrich can run at 40 miles per hour. Goats: Goats are found almost everywhere in the world, so as in Sahara desert Goats are popularly domesticated by the Saharan people along with camels. Goats are mainly domesticated for their milk but are sometimes used to carry goods. Dorcas Gazelle: The Dorcas Gazelle is another exceptionally beautiful animal found in the Sahara. It is the most common species of ga-

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zelle and stands up to 65 cm tall and weighs around 25 kg. It is also known as the Ariel Gazelle. Death stalker Scorpion: Scorpions are another breed of animals that are commonly found in desert areas. the death stalker scorpion is the native scorpion of the Sahara Desert. It can grow up to 10 cm long and although toxic, its venom is not very fatal. Monitor lizard: The monitor lizard is another native of the Sahara Desert as it stands on its two hind legs and appears to be monitoring the surroundings. Sand Vipers: Sand Vipers can grow up to 50 cm in length. They venture out only during the night, and usually bury themselves in the sand during the day. Their bites too are rarely fatal. God can puff life into a dead creature so having life in dessert is not a big deal. Sahara is the hottest dessert of the world. We people from Pakistan can’t survive in it but people who lives there are habitual of this atmosphere and their bodies are ready to face harsh temperatures whether they are residents of Sahara or plants and animals of the desert.

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Young Nation-September 24, 2011


Young Nation-August 13, 2011


Young Nation-August 13, 2011


The Truth of Happiness By Kiran Mian


There are many old forests in the world. Our story begins in the most special ancient forest. It is special for the trees to possess special powers that guard them from being harmed. Over time, these trees have come to be called ‘Divine trees’, but whatever the name, the forest animals that live there must show proper respect to their guardians. Everyone is free, except for one mandatory law— all young ones are expected to attend school every day. The hordes of cubs, chicks, and fawns skipping to school just before sunrise made for quite an amazing scene. All the young ones dreaded attending the strict Mrs. Owl’s school, yet they had no choice in the mat-

ter, for there they learnt to become responsible forest animals, to build eco-friendly homes, and to hunt efficiently. Most of all, they learned to respect their Divine trees, their guardians, and their benefactors. In other words, life was certainly happy in the forest, but it came with certain responsibilities. One summer’s day, Mrs. Owl took her owlet and chick students out on a field trip. The purpose was to give the students a hands-on lesson about the differences between edible and non-edible insects. “Now children”, she screeched, “here you see an edible green worm, but remember, it is similar to a poisonous green worm, so you must be sure before you decide to eat it”. All the children watched care-

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fully as Mrs. Owl picked up the worm with her beak, giving everyone a chance to see the worm clearly. During the demonstration, her keen eye observed something under the dark shade of a Divine tree. She quickly hopped over to check it out, and discovered a small golden kitten sleeping peacefully in a basket. Mrs. Owl excitedly alerted the older forest animals, who quickly gathered around the kitten. Nobody knew where or how the basket had ended up there, but since the kitten was found under the shade of a Divine tree, it had to be a blessing. Soon all the mamas broke out into a fight because they all wanted to adopt the kitten. After hours and the infliction of many cuts and bruises, it was decided that since Mrs. Owl had discovered the kitten, her preference would take precedence in the

matter. Some animals, however, felt otherwise. “Maybe an evil Jinn left him here!” said the coy Mrs. Deer. “No!” cried Mrs. Flying Squirrel, “This child is a blessing from the trees!” And so the conference ended there, more so for no one had the courage to pick an argument with Mrs. Owl, who then proudly carried the kitten to her home, and named him “Hawi”. Time passed quickly and Hawi grew bigger and bigger, till he began to look like an oversized cat. When he was old enough, he too had to go to Mrs. Owl’s school. At school, he was considered the best student and the hardest worker, and he was kind to others. Besides this, he was a quick learner, the fastest runner, and a great tree climber. Out of all his friends, his clos-

est were the little flying squirrel and the brown bear cub. After school, they would play for hours and hours, sometimes “Catch the Tail” or “Growl the Loudest”. Their list of games was endless. Like all children, they too had been warned not to go to the edge of the forest. “What would happen if I went out of the forest?” asked Hawi, and Mrs. Owl replied “No my son, the edge of the forest is the edge of the world; you will fall off ”. This answer was not good enough for Hawi and it made him even more curious as to what was beyond the trees. A few months passed and one day Mrs. Owl became sick. The hakim Dr. Jackal tried all kinds of herbs and medicines, but nothing worked; after all, there is no cure for old age. So in the end he gave up. Meanwhile,

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Hawi tried to take the best care of his mother. Finally, one night when Mrs. Owl and Hawi were alone, she called him to her bedside and said: “My son, I love you very much! But you are not my son”. She then narrated the story of how he was found, and that there had been no sign of his parents. “After me, you must find your real family, your true parents”, she added. By her bedside sat poor Hawi, who could feel his heart breaking but he was brave. With great courage, he replied “No mama, you are my mama”, and they hugged each other for the very last time. The next day, Mrs. Owl took her last breath. She was buried as all animals are supposed to be buried: under the shade of a Divine tree.



MOUSE’S By Sajid Ikram Siddiqui


Once upon a time, there lived Mr. & Mrs. Mouse who had a very pretty daughter. As she reached the age of marriage, therefore they started receiving proposals of marriage from various mouse families who were closer to them. The parents, however, refused each proposal by stating, “We are not going to offer such a precious child to any ordinary mouse.” One day father mouse asked the mother mouse, while she was sitting doing some knitting work, “Dear who do you think would be best suited to be our daughter’s groom?” The mother mouse replied, “Our daughter will be the happiest bride in the whole World if the Sun marries her, as the Sun is the greatest one in the World”.

Father mouse at once, called the Sun and said, “Mr. Sun; I have a request; since you are the mightiest, will you marry my daughter”. The Sun replied, “Its’ very kind of you to say so but there is some one stronger than me”. “Who can be that”, father mouse asked. “The Cloud”, replied the Sun; there’s nothing I can do when a black cloud covers me”, said the Sun Then father mouse requested the cloud to marry his daughter as he was the greatest. The cloud shook its head and said, “Its’ not true at all, the wind is much stronger than me”, and as he spoke, a big gust of wind blew the cloud. Father mouse now asked the wind, “Mr. Wind you are the mightiest, please marry my daughter”. “Oh no; the strong

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wall is mightier than I am. It won’t move, no matter how hard I blow it down and ultimately I have to change my way”. Then father mouse asked the Wall, “Mr. Wall, you are the strongest in this world. Please take my daughter as your bride”. The wall replied, “Ouch; Oh no Mr. Mouse, that’s not true at all; infact the mouse is mightier than me. His teeth are sharper than I can bear and he can make a hole in me”. A mouse was found nibbling at the corner of the wall. The father mouse, at once, arranged his daughter’s marriage with a handsome, young mouse and they all lived happily ever after. MORAL: “Happiness is found close at hand, it takes a wise man to look around him”.

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Young Nation-September 24, 2011


Young Nation-September 24, 2011


Awais Ahmed

Abrar Ahmed

Artist’s Corner


Kindly send us your drawings on white paper. Kiran Amjad

Hamza Ahmed

Young Nation-September 24, 2011

Aeese Ahmed


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