Young Nation Magazine 07 April 2012

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Dear friends, How are you all? The weather is getting hot. Summers will soon be at the peak. So just be ready for it. In this issue we are discussing about how to keep your art pieces safe and for future use. As well as it will be fun to read about dolphins. Take care, edi

Designed by Sohail Abbas


Cover story






Hey kids, kindly send us letters, stories, poems and events detail on the following address: Or Editor Young Nation 23- Shaarey Fatima Jinnah, Lahore.


Miss Graceful and Miss tion There, both gave a surprise Wonderful By Ayesha Jahangir Syed God created our wonderful mother and our beautiful cat He made them cute, lovely and smart, not fat

Mother is the supreme mistress of the house Cat is the sleeping beauty of the house Mother has many responsibilities to do Our cat has nothing to do Mother has a very busy life Cat has a very easy life Mother waits for our father to return home Cat keeps on wandering all around the home Mother has grace, grandeur, dignity and elegance Cat has splendor, sagacity, brilliance and innocence Cat is a play mate and mother is a guiding star Father says, “Both are things of beauty and joy forever” Mother can frighten with angry looks if she needs Cat can frighten with paws, if she needs Mother has very sweet and charming voice Cat has very pleasing and fascinating voice Mother has very fascinating brown eyes Cat has marvelous turquoise blue eyes In our dream, both went to attend a beauty competi-

Young Nation-April

7, 2012

by winning top most positions Mama was crowned as Miss Graceful Our cat was crowned as Miss Wonderful All praise be to Allah for creating our fascinating mama and charming cat All praise be to Allah for making them cute, lovely and smart, not fat

Mother’s Birthday

By Adil Jahangir Syed On listening a rustling Sound Mama – Our hearts feel, “It is you, Mama!” Walking pridefully on the ground Wearing a magnificent heavenly crown On this splendid day – To mark your birthday Your sweet smelling dress imparts fragrance to the air Clanging sound of your feet echoes in our ears On breathing, we feel your fragrance in our lungs With each heart beat, your song is sung Your presence was like charming breeze of springs May you exhilarate us in hereafter like fragrance of springs (Amen) Whenever your soothing voice is felt by our ears or hearts We also join you with our exalted souls and joyful hearts We miss you with heavy


hearts It is difficult to sustain this jolt Your vision has ever possessed our hearts It has always glittered like a peaceful thunderbolt Death has done great devastation Disintegrated all hopes, pleasures and satisfaction You could guide us with love, support and inspiration As Almighty Allah’s sacred gift for our family’s exhilaration If luck had blessed us few more years, God Willing We could benefit more and seek more guidance, God Willing You were an excellent mother by God’s Will But fate has also separated us by God’s Will Death has placed us billion centuries apart Making life difficult on our part We belong to God and to Him we shall return What should we do now as we are left alone? Oh God! Please pardon us for saying such things We have full faith in you, We are your very humble human beings We pray here, while cutting your birthday cake across the horizon May you smile as ever on posthumous celebration in Heaven (Amen)

Young Nation-April 7, 2011


How to Organize Artwork? Your artwork is a complete source of joy to you. Along with that, it also provides a vent to your creative pursuits. This is how you take care of the endless piles of paper that come with being a creative child. A huge stack of your artwork surely does fill your heart with pride; but, it’s not too long before you force yourself to face a dilemma. It is your work, take pride in it so it is extremely natural for you to preserve every little doodle that you draw, but Hang it A very easy and efficient way to display your artwork would be to hang it up. Where, you ask? Just tie a thin rope across your kitchen window or any place you think is appropriate, and pin up the papers to it. A curtain rod works very well too. Not only does it liven up your room, it is sure to please your children to have their work put up.

sooner than later, the practical concerns regarding storage are bound to catch up with you. Several art assignments and projects are conducted throughout the year, which leave large piles of paper, calling for extra storage space in your home. Sorting through this can be rather timeconsuming, especially when you want to hold on to every single piece of paper. So why not take you help your parents to feel relax what seem to be trash for them and put it to good use?

Frame it Once in a while, you will come up with a creative gem that will merit a permanent display. Special creations deserve to be put up in frames, as they will thus be cherished for years to come. On the other hand, you also have custom-made frames that can hold several sheets at a time, allowing you to rotate the display.

Create an Art Gallery Your room can be converted into an art gallery, and what’s more - make sure, there is an eldrely help involved in decorating it. Display the artwork into transparent plastic sleeves and hang them around the room. Cover one wall with magnetic paint so that the very latest can be put up on it.

Cover story

Young Nation-April 7, 2012


Go Online You can scan the artwork and put it up online. This way, they get more exposure, and you will be thrilled to bits. Once the artwork is uploaded, there is no dearth of options - you can create online albums,

put them up on Facebook or your personal web page or even send it to family and friends via e-mail. Specialized art websites aimed at children are a great place to put up pictures too.

Send it If you know of any children’s publications that accept artwork from readers, do send them copies of your work. Do keep it as a surprise and watch the amazement on your parent’s face when he/she sees it in print. This serves as an excellent way to encourage your creativity. On the Refrigerator The refrigerator is a popular and traditionally-coveted place to put up any designs or drawings. Purchase some fancy magnets, or better - ask your creative genius to make some, and use them to put up all the artwork that you think deserves a special mention. Put On a Show Artwork is obviously not limited to paper paintings, if your child has explored the art of glass painting, ceramic work, paper mache or clay modeling, which will give you some unique home décor items. Put them up on display and watch the compliments pour in.

Young Nation-April 7, 2012


Dolphin Facts

Can you believe dolphins sleep by resting one half of their brain and keeping one eye open? Mention some of the most fascinating marine creatures and you really cannot ignore dolphins. Yes, they are and you might have already seen their adorable facial expressions. As they are playful, fun to watch and intelligent, dolphin facts for kids are very interesting to learn about. If you love to know dolphin facts, find below in-depth information regarding this intriguing animal. Most of us assume the dolphin to be a fish. Truly, it is not a fish, but dolphin is a warm-blooded, marine mammal. Closely related to the whales and porpoises, it regulates its body temperature internally and gives birth to young ones (does not lay eggs). There are more than 30 types of dolphins. Following are some dolphin information and facts for children: Dolphin Characters Under the smooth and slippery skin of a dolphin lies a thickened layer of fat, known as blubber. This serves a major role in regulating body temperature in accordance to their surrounding environment. All dolphins are gifted with excellent vision and thinking ability. A mind-boggling fact about dolphin is their high IQ level that matches with a human toddler. Dolphin Size The most popularly known dolphin to us is the bottenose type. This dolphin at birth weighs about 15-30 kg and measures 70-130 cm in length. At maturity, it weighs 150-650 kg and reaches 2-4 m in length.

The male dolphin is referred to a bull, while the female is known as a cow. Consequently, the calf is used to refer a young dolphin. Dolphin Habitat Found all over the globe, dolphin can adapt in varied water conditions, excluding the coldest Arctic and Antarctic oceans. Much of the dolphin habitats lie in the temperate oceans and tropical oceans. It prefers to live in shallow water and coastal areas, especially in the continental shelves. Some species of dolphin even thrive in the Amazon river.

Social Nature A dolphin is a social mammal, meaning it prefers to live in groups, known as pods. In a group, there are at least 10-12 dolphins. This socializing behavior is most


Young Nation-April 7, 2012


prominent while hunting for fish. While gathering food, they prefer to gather fish together. One of the fun dolphin facts for kids is its resting manner. It sleeps with one eye open, so as to protect from predators. Mode of Communication Discussing more about dolphin facts for children, communication method is highly advanced for this mammal. It makes characteristic sound and whistle as a way for communicating themselves. According to marine scientists, each and every dolphin has a distinctive way of whistling, which differ-

Young Nation-April 7, 2012

entiates itself from the others. Living Underwater The breathing organ of dolphin is the blowhole, which you can see on top portion of the head. While some dolphins can live underwater for as long as 30 minutes, others come to the ocean surface every 20 seconds for breathing purpose. On an average, a dolphin can live underwater for approximately 10 minutes. Great Swimmers Swimming and locomotion skills are some interesting facts about dolphins. They can swim at a speed of about 35 km/hr. The streamlined body makes them excellent swimmers. Scientific researches show that they had legs millions of years ago. And scientists are of the opinion that


they were able to walk on land in those times. Food Hunting Similar to the nocturnal bats, dolphins hunt their food by means of echolocation. They sent out clicking sounds (approximately 700 clicks per second) to locate objects in and around them. This echolocation method helps them in determining the shape, size and distance of fish and other foods present in their surrounding. Dolphin Diet Majority of the dolphin species are true carnivorous. Squid and fish form the prime food items for dolphin. While at times of food scarcity, it devours crustaceans. A very few dolphins feed on phytoplankton of the ocean. You will find them in the coastal areas, where ample amounts of the food is available.

Young Nation-August 13, 2011


Young Nation-August 13, 2011


Thousands and thousands of years ago when there were no borders between countries and the world was separated only by the oceans and rivers there lived a creature called Wimplenut. He was a very strange looking creature compared with ourselves, his arms and legs were lengthy and thin with lots of bumps on, his torso huge and round like a beach ball covered with moss. His hair stuck out in all directions like thick yellow straw. His hands were nearly as long as his arms with thin spindly fingers sticking out. Needless to say he found it difficult to find clothes that fitted him and relied on his friends who made him stripy pajama suits

from old bed sheets which he loved. One night he had the most amazing dream. Upon waking he rushed over to his notebook and wrote as much down as he could remember, the dates, times and place where this amazing event was due to happen- according to his dream that was. At about 11am his good friend Hillbury arrived with cakes which they scoffed with tea and honey. Wimplenut told his friend about his amazing dream and begged him to help him write out invitations to all and sundry inviting them to his event. He also placed a large sign post outside his den which said ‘IT CAN WORK! CONTACT

WIMPLENUT FOR DETAILS!’ Wimplenuts fingers were ever so sore from posting all the invitations, he kept getting them trapped in the letterboxes, Hillbury bathed them with lavender water and taped them up. A few weeks later after much huffing, fussing and words like bother all the creatures gathered in the place Wimplenut had invited them to (apart from those in hibernation which he couldn’t do anything about). A low mist had formed and the air grew thick with anticipation. Something was definitely different. Even the sun noticed and burnt a deep orange. There was a still silence. Suddenly something amazing happened. If you’ve ever seen

The dream Story time

Young Nation-April 7, 2012


a cyclone with comets passing through it and rain that falls upwards instead of down and thousands of flickering lights just like sparklers and multicoloured rainbows that filled a pink sky and all the four seasons rolled into one you may have just been there. After a while (which in our time means forever) the earth beneath them started to shake, Hillbury grabbed onto Wimplenut’s arm ‘Its ok Hillbury don’t worry, its meant to happen’ said Wimplenut literally leaping up and down on the spot until he was wafted up into the air by the wind. A great deep moan filled the ground from below and the mists swirled around as with tremendous force the great trunk of the multi tree crashed through the earth and reached high, high up into the sky, Wimplenut grabbed onto one of the branches and swung around. The multitree was humungous; its great roots fed by the oceans of the world and its trunk formed from all the hills you’ve ever climbed. Soon the multitree was surrounded, news had travelled fast! Ballybogs arrived and kept the bottom of the trunk moist and preserved in

Young Nation-April 7, 2012

a watery peat, the Bean Tighe godmothers came and cared for all the baby leaves, the Dryads danced around and gave the tree its spirit and Fee’s passed by to pass on their good wishes. Folleti travelled around the beautiful tree as butterflies, this would cause the leaves to drop in autumn. Above all this at the top of the tree sat Wimplenut. He had expected something big- but not this big! When everyone had left Wimplenut wrote some beautiful songs and poems which he sang that night from the top of the tree. Suddenly, Wimplenut felt a bit strange, he spread his long fingers over the leaves, what was this! His hands and fingers were shrinking but his tummy was still round and full. Slowly but surely the whole of his body shrank right, right down and squashed up until all that was left was his tightly curled hand at the bottom of his clogs. Everything became still and quiet. ‘At last’ said his friend Hillbury who had camped out at the bottom to keep Wimplenut Company. He wrote a careful note and sent it out into the wind which simply said ‘In memory of Wimplenut- the very first acorn’


Young Nation-April 7, 2012


Young Nation-April 7, 2012


Young Nation-April 7, 2012


Young Nation-April 7, 2012


Zara Ali

Mujtaba Zaheer

Artist’s Corner

NOTE: Kindly send us your drawings on white paper. Shahrukh Farzad

Hashim Mehmood Young Nation-April 7, 2012

Atiya Hayee


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