Young Nation-January
21, 2012
] Young Nation-January
21, 2012
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Young Nation-January
21, 2012
Young Nation-January
21, 2012
Young Nation-January
21, 2012
Young Nation-January
14, 2012
Young Nation-January
21, 2012
Proverbs Haste makes waste. If something is done too quickly, it may be done carelessly and need to be redone. He can who believes he can. If you believe you can do something, you will be able to do it. He has enough who is content. A happy person needs nothing more. He who hesitates is lost. If you delay your decision too long, you may miss a good opportunity. He who is everywhere is nowhere. It’s not good to do too many things at the same time. He who knows nothing, doubts nothing. Knowledge leads us to make choices. He who pays the piper calls the tune. The person who provides the money for something should control how it is spent He who plays with fire gets burnt. If you behave in a risky way, you are likely to have problems.
Quotes But if we are truly happy inside, then age brings with it a maturity, a depth, and a power that only magnifies our radiance. ~ David Deida All our dreams can come true – if we have the courage to pursue them. ~ Walt Disney The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart. ~ Helen Keller Morale is when your hands and feet keep on working when your head says it can’t be done. ~ Benjamin Morrell Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear. ~ James Neil Hollingworth
Young Nation-January
21, 2012