Young Nation Magazine 22 April 2017

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Hello budding fellows

Western culture is gaining popularity in our society. We are so much impressed by this culture that we are forgetting our on Islamic values and traditions. Read our feature story that how the western culture is imparting negative impacts on our youth. The cover story highlights the importance of education and its high value in life. There are also stories with morals; ‘The Crow’ briefs about the fact that Allah doesn’t leave those alone who help others. And the other story ‘An Honest Person Wins Everything’ says that ‘pride hath fall’. We have also added a blog that discusses how to overcome your weakness especially lack of confidence. Besides there are many fun filled activities for you. Enjoy your weekend by reading your own Young Nation. Happy Reading!



Negative impacts of western culture on our society.


04 Cover Story


Allah does not leave them alone who help others.

The importance of education and the benefits of gaining knowledge.


Story Time

Honesty always wins and pride hath a fall.

via and contribute Connect with us tio youngnation@na 5 01 n2 io at gn youn postal address Or use this ation Editor Young N a Jinnah, Lahore. 23- Shaarey Fatim Art Editor Sohail Abbas




Mohammed Omer Zahir


Embr Western

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owadays, the impact of the western culture is enormous in the East and in Pakistan too. We got inspired too much from the west that we forget our cultural values and norms. Due to the modern inventions and innovations, we just became slaves of the western world. Their media badly penetrated the glory of our society. Islam, being a dominant religion in our country and by following our religion, we believe that sovereignty belongs to Allah Almighty and everything, the moon, sky, stars and the sun is under his control. Pakistan came into existence under the tag of Islam. The main objective for the separate Muslim homeland in the South Asia was to perform Islamic obligations with devotion. But unfortunately, today we went to the wrong way and following the elements of the western culture by ignoring our Islamic values. Our religion teaches us

02 Nation April 22, 2017

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the moral value to obey our parents. But it is due to the jinx of America and other western countries that our youth is not up to the mark, when it comes to obeying our parents. Ostentation is another evil derivate from the Western society. Our public is badly involved into it. Instead of giving some part of our income to the needy, we just love to spend it on us. Not only this, as it is to be noted that in the west, everything constitutes of materialistic approach. In addition to this, the media of the west is filled with conspiracy. For instance, cartoons like Superman, Batman, badly shake the minds of innocent kids. They are created with the objective that they are something very special. It is like challenging the

sovereignty of the creator of the universe.This puts bad impression on the minds of the children.They, then starts assuming them as their role models. Not only this, their media is working on Anti-christ approach widely. James Bond is one of its kind, popular in our society. We are not following our religion keenly which is such a shame to know. Our youngsters are just engaged in to social media too much that they are reluctant in following education and Islamic values. In addition to this, modesty is the baeauty of our religion. But, our women are getting inspired from the western culture and waste most of their time in make-up and such activities. Also, the men also following the lifestyle of the western men, which is shameful really. We must try to shape things to the right direction by fighting against the sensuous culture. We alongside the Islamic scholars and mass media can eradicate the evils of the west.

Disclaimer: Responsibility for the information and views expressed in the article lies entirely with the author. 03 Nation April 22, 2017


A service to N overstory ow a days education is much important for everyone in life. Everybody has their own aims but if they don’t educate themselves they cannot make their aims and wishes come true in reality. Education for children is very much important. The education in the junior sections is very important as it works as their base. A man who is not educated is nothing in life. We gain knowledge from education. Libraries are very important in schools, colleges and universities. As we seek education we increase our knowledge. We help our own selves. Education in the higher sections is very essential and it should be improved. Let’s be practical, if we don’t get education we are not going to get any jobs. If we are left jobless we won’t have any money and of course money is very important to survive in today’s world. So, if we don’t have money we can’t live. Poor people should educate their children in government schools, if they can’t afford private schooling. Government schools are amazing, government schools also

04 Nation April 22, 2017


o humanity By Ayesha Salim

include one of the most amazing schools in Pakistan. Government schools are preferred because of its low fees structure and normally poor people can afford them as compared to the private school fees structures. Children with education have more knowledge, manners and are intelligent as compared to the uneducated ones. Reading & Writing are the main components of learning. Books play a very important role in education. In our Holy Book Quran our prophet and Allah taught us several times that how much education is important especially for the guidance of humanity. We should follow our prophet and Allah sayings always. There are various educational institues some are much expensive and some are not that expensive, very affordable actually. Child labour should be banned and avoided and children should get ~Seek education education rather than even if you have to spending time switching up go to China~ jobs and picking up trash Prophet Muhammad so that can be successful in (SAW) their life and their families can feel proud.

05 Nation April 22, 2017



nce upon a time there was a crow. He was thirsty. He was searching water to drink. Then, suddenly he saw a peachier but unfortunately the water level was very low and he could not reach to the water than he started throwing pebbles in the peachier so the water level was rising up. He drank water and flew away. Then he told his friends that there is a peachier but water is less so everybody will drink water equally. His friends agreed him. They drank water from the peachier and they came back to their nest, and then after drinking water everybody went to sleep but the thirsty crow was awaken. He saw some cats coming towards them. He make some noise so his friends was awaked. The thirsty crow was injured because when he was dropping pebbles so a pebble hit his wings so because of that incident he could not fly. His friends left him alone and flew away. He was much disappointed that I helped them and they left me alone that was a tough time for him then the cat returned to the way back from the place she was coming .Two men were hunting a deer they saw the injured crow. They took the crow along them. They took care of him, and after some days he was able to fly and after the tough time he met some new friends. The new friends told him about his old friends that when they flew away they were hunted by some hunters. The thirsty crow was feeling sad but that was a punishment for them from Allah. The thirsty crow live happily with his new friends.

06 Nation April 22, 2017

By Ayesha and Aimen

He saw some cats coming towards them. He make some noise so his friends was awaked. Moral Of The Story:

“Who help others, Allah does not leave them alone!

07 Nation April 22, 2017

Nation Like so many things, it is not what is outside, but what is inside that counts.

tory time



nce upon a time in a small village where honesty was like a spreading disease, the people in this village were too honest.In 2000 an election was held. The richest man was chosen for the elections against a poor man in village who sold milk. The rich man was the only liar in the village and milkman was themost honest. Month before the elections the rich man gavemoney to the villagers to cast vote for him or they will be killed.On the other hand the milkman was going door to door and asked people to vote. Rich man was overconfident that he willwin and never just tried to ask for votes. Everyone committed that they will vote for him and the poor man will simply be defeated. Now due to no votes milkman was becoming depressed. His hopes were losing now.The people were in favour of the rich man.

10 Nation April 22, 2017


Asjad Ali Almas

Winning elections was now just a piece of cake for the rich man. He was relaxing in his house and giving money to the people. Election Day was a catastrophe for the rich man. He was defeated with an invincible lead. Milkman was amazed and was in seventh heaven. Now the actual story was a mystery. The milkman was surprised and he called the leader of the village youth and inquired about the inner story. The leader told him that we called an urgent meeting early in the morning before the election started for whom we should elect for our councilor. Everyone was tensed that whom we should vote. After couple of minutes I delivered an honest speech:“We all are honest villagers and famous around the district to be the most purified people. So how can we support a corrupt, dishonest person and a liar as a councilor for our area? My opinion is this and I expect a positive linking result with my speech.” After this speech all of us concluded the meeting and decided that we will vote for you.

We all are honest d famous villagers an district around the most to be the ple. So purified peosupport how can we ishonest a corrupt, d a liar as person and for our a councilor pinion area? My o expect is this and I inking a positive l speech. my result with

The very next day we went to the rich man’s house and we threw the money on his face and openly warned him if he will kill any one of them he will be revenged disobediently.


11 Nation April 22, 2017

1. A cowboy rode into town on Friday. He stayed in town for three days and rode out on Friday. How was that possible? 4. Lives in winter, dies in summer, and grows with its roots upward. What is it?

2. What has a face and two hands, but no arms or legs?

5. What belongs to you but is used more by others?


9. What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, and never in one thousand years?

12 Nation April 22, 2017

6. How can a man go 8 days without sleep?

8. What has a thumb and four fingers but is not alive?

1: Friday was the name of his horse 2: A clock 3: An egg 4: An icicle 5: Your name 6: He only sleeps at night 7: A piano 8: A glove 9. The letter M

7. I’m full of keys but I can’t open any door. What am I?

3. What has to be broken before you can use it?



Nothing Gold Can Stay

By Robert Frost Nature’s first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold, Her early leaf’s a flower; But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay.

Bed in Summer

By Robert Louis Stevenson In Winter I get up at night And dress by yellow candle light. In Summer, quite the other way, I have to go to bed by day. I have to go to bed and see The birds still hopping on the tree, Or hear the grown-up people’s feet Still going past me in the street. And does it not seem hard to you, When all the sky is clear and blue, And I should like so much to play, To have to go to bed by day?

Barefoot Days

By Rachel Field In the morning, very early, That’s the time I love to go Barefoot where the fern grows curly And the grass is cool between each toe, On a summer morning - O! On a summer morning! That is when the birds go by Up the sunny slopes of air, And each rose has a butterfly Or a golden bee to wear; And I am glad in every toe Such a summer morning - O! Such a summer morning 13 Nation April 22, 2017



Accepting mistakes


By Raazia Syed

oday we will discuss committing mistakes, lack of confidence, how to overcome these and how to benefit out of them. First thing is to believe in yourselves, secondly avoid arguing,and thirdlyremain focus on defined objects, lastly do not waste time with narrow minded and negatively charged people. Accepting criticism and correcting your mistakes will definitely bring fruition and improve your confidence. Now whetheryou are student or

14 Nation April 22, 2017

an employee your knowledge and information related to the aspect under discussion will improve your confidence. Observing the people around you,avoid being over confident and learning from others mistakes will alsohelp you improving your personality, controlling rather in overcoming your mistakes and being confident. Remember,human is to commit mistakes but these are not to be repeated rather eradicated to benefit yourself and society as well.

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16 Nation April 22, 2017

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