Dear kids! Hello! How are you all? Here we are back with another exciting issue of Young Nation. This week read why we celebrate labour’s day. In the story time, read the story ‘The Final Plunge’. This week have the poster of ‘ DinoTime’. In things to know section, read about the oldest cities in the world. There are different activities and Home lab craft which will keep you busy and entertained. Remember I always look forward to hearing from you.
Love Edi
7 10 Storytime
Things to know
Hey kids, kindly send us letters, stories, poems and events detail on the following address: Or Editor Young Nation
23- Shaarey Fatima Jinnah, Lahore.
2 Nation April 27, 2013
3 Nation April 27, 2013
tory time
4 Nation April 27, 2013
5 Nation April 27, 2013
6 Nation April 27, 2013
7 Nation April 27, 2013
hings to know
10 Nation April 20, 2013
11 Nation April 20, 2013
12 Nation April 20, 2013
13 Nation April 27, 2013
15 Nation April 27, 2013
15 Nation April 27, 2013
16 Nation April 27, 2013