Young Nation Magazine 28 May 2011

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Dear friends, How are you all? Study hard, sleep well and eat good. Remember we are one of the blessed ones and we must be thankful for it. Moreover to know how to deal with the negative thinking that comes into our minds read our advice section and don’t forget to send us your feedback. Take care, edi

Designed by Sohail Abbas





10 12


Hey kids, kindly send us letters, stories, poems and events detail on the following address: Or Editor Young Nation 4- Shaarey Fatima Jinnah, Lahore.


and size of your


magazine is go-

Sana Waqar,

ing down day by

Sacred Heart Convent

day. You have cut


out the sections of tongue twist-

Dear edi,

er, quotes, laugh

How are you? I have been

aloud and informa-

reading your magazine for

tion about websites. I have written you letters a lot of Dear edi,

times but you don’t publish

I hope you are fine and en-

them. Please publish my let-

joying good health. I like

ter. I am sending you a draw-

your magazine very much.

ing along with the letter.

Please publish the poster

Yours sincerely,

of Beyblade Metal Fusion.

Ayesha Hanif

Please also publish the jokes


over two years now. Your magazine is good. I posted you many mails but you did not publish them. And please publish the poster of Dragon BallZ. Your fans, Mohammad




and the story I have sent you. Your magazine is best.

Hi edi,

You and your team are doing

I hope you are fine by the

a great job. May God bless

grace of Allah. This is my


first letter to your magazine

grace of God. I like to read

Your Biggest Fan

and I hope you will publish

your magazine. I want to

Owais Bin Asad

it. I like the poet’s corner

request you to start publish-

District Public School

very much. I am amazed by

ing Toon-o-scope again. I am

such amazing poetry. The

sending you a drawing. Also

Hey edi,

story time is awesome and

include my poem in the Art-

I hope you are fine by the

it increases my vocabulary

ist’s Corner.

grace of ALLAH. I am an old

also. Your magazine is doing

Your sweetest reader,

reader of Young Nation. I

a great job. Keep on doing

Arwa Hussain

have noticed that the quality

the good work.

Unique High School

Young Nation-May 28, 2011


Hi edi, I hope you are fine by the

My Hands By Noor Subhan I like my hands They can touch and feel My hands can punch or grip a rope My hands can clap and also slap They can wrap a gift They can write a message for a friend They can push a door I like my hands In search of a friend.... By Sumeya Syed Are you there, my friend? If yes, then how can i find you? It’s been more than sixteen years That I’ve been waiting for a friendship that’s true true in sense of loyalty a friend’s who’s with me through all my adversities a friend who asks me what’s wrong to consult me, not just out of curiosity I wish making a good friend was as simple as writing this poem seems to be

Young Nation-May 28, 2011

wish there was someone with whom i could completely, wholly, be me, me, ME A friend who’d bear my hyperness My craziness he would survive A friend who’s loyal to me Even after the moment I die Home is always the best By Mahnoor Naseer Even you fell like nowhere to go When you feel like there is nothing to know When you feel like to rest When your life is a mess Baby, home is the best Oh, darling home is the best Where I am waiting Where everything is perfect Where there are people to love you You know it don’t you Whether you’re old Whether you’re young Whether you’re rich Whether you’re none Home is where you’re life begins When you have lost from a test When you feel you’re not


like the rest You fell like to go somewhere Somewhere where love never changes Somewhere there are always people to help you People you love too Home there for you Oh, sweetie home there forever Even if you get scolded Even if you want to run away Home gonna be there anyway Somewhere you can come Somewhere you’re always welcome Somewhere you grew up Somewhere you sometimes get feed up But baby, When you feel like to rest When your life is a mess And darling, When you have lost from a test When you feel you’re not like the rest Oh, sweetie, You know HOME IS THE BEST

He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has. ~Epictetus Though only a two-letter word but it can do wonders. Thank You- the word that means so much. A simple thank you can make some ones day. When you say “thank you� it reflects your inner self, your personality and reflects the purity within you. When people do something for you, thank them for their services, you should be thankful to them that they considered you important enough to take out the time to help you. It is very important to appreciate people in your life. It not only makes them feel important and worthy but most importantly happy. If you went out of the way and helped someone just to be nice and the other person does not thank you, obviously you would feel like you wasted your time which is not a good feeling. So when any one helps you acknowledge their efforts so they do not feel the same way. Showing gratitude on a spiritual level is very important as well. We should thank God for all the bounties that he has given us. We should be thankful to be alive, for our health, for the By Rabia Siddiqi

Importance of Showing Gratitude

Cover Story

loving parents and cuddly grand-parents He has bestowed on us, for the food, for the home, clothes and in fact for everything. Sim-

ple things add up in your life when you stop and realize how much you really have to be thankful for. It is so important that you

Young Nation-May 28, 2011


are grateful for everything in your life. Many people focus on the one thing they want and then forget to be grateful for all the things

they have. Unfortunately, we find people around us complaining on petty issues and whining about immaterial things. Some kids are often seen complaining to wake up early in the morning and are sulky to go to school but they do not realize that some children like the poor kids living in slums, do not even have this opportunity. Instead they should feel blessed to Young Nation-May 28, 2011

go to school and be thankful to God and their parents. We often see our parents that in their search for excellence, they are blindly running after their goals. In this rut they forget to live their life to the fullest. They do not have time to appreciate the beauty of nature, the charm of relationships and just be thankful for everyday. So you should


stop at some point today and consider the blessings you’ve been given. Recognize how much beauty there is around you and be appreciative for it. When others go out of their way to do something kind for you, tell them you are thankful and respect their gesture. We not necessarily need some one but we could give thank for life itself. A thanks for today. Becoming a better human being involves showing gratefulness. Silent gratitude is not much of gratitude. If some one has helped you or made your day better, you should vocally thank him. Saying thanks is not hard. But the words can lose meaning if they are just words. We should thanks as if mean it, with sincerity. We could thank our parents not only by words but by just giving them a hug. Often, we go too long with out showing our affection to our parents. We should neglect this priceless relationship and just give our parents a surprised warm bear-hug- just as a token of gratitude. Compliment people wherever you go. Praise every single thing you see. Be a ray of sunshine to everyone you meet, and make their day better for having seen you. Say “Thank you� at every turn. Walk, talk, think, and breathe appreciation and gratitude. When you do this, your outer life will change to reflect your inner state of being. You will be a happier person and what is more you will be the source of happiness of other lot of people too.

By Zabreen Hasan

The adventures of Blackjack the dog

The afternoon was hot. I was lying on the back porch, watching the birds in the garden flying here and there and the trees gently swaying in the cool breeze. I half dozed, opened an eye, sighed, dozed again. When I opened an eye again, Fez was sitting there watching me. Fez is the Rhesus monkey we rescued from that awful man who made him dance by yanking on the rope around his neck. He used to beat him up and half starve him, so that by the time Mom and Dad bought him and we brought him home, Fez was a scraggy, scrawny little thing, afraid of everything. He didn’t pay much attention to anyone, he just lived mostly in the banana trees in the back garden. So I was surprised to see him sitting there near me. “Um, hi,” he said. I cocked one ear at him. “Hello,” I said. He seemed shy. “Er… I haven’t…

Young Nation-May 28, 2011


um… thanked you yet. For… er… saving me.” I looked at him. “So… um, thanks.” “You’re welcome,” I said. There was a silence. Fez turned around to go. “Hey,” I said. “You don’t have to go! I mean, why don’t you stick around for a while? We could… um, talk?” Fez turned back. At first we looked dumbly at each other, then we both smiled, and suddenly we felt as if we’d known each other for years. I talked to Fez, trying to draw him out, make him comfortable. He’s been living in the banana trees ever since we’d brought him home, and not going into the house. He was scared of the family, I think, even though they’d helped rescue him. And no wonder, I thought, when I heard how he’d been treated by humans before he

came here. Fez told me about his home, far away in the mountains, those lovely cool hills and trees and little mountain roads. He lived there with his family, his mother and father and little sister. One day they were all sitting on a low wall when an earthquake hit. His entire family was killed, and a terrible man who was walking by snatched him up and took him away. “I guess in a way he saved my life, but then he put this horrible bit of rope around my neck,” said Fez. “Then he started teaching me to dance.” Fez shuddered. “He had a stick, and he used to hit me to make me dance. I just didn’t understand at first what he wanted me to do, so of course I wouldn’t dance. I didn’t know how. So he hit me. Again, and again. And again.” Poor Fez was trembling now. I wanted to hug him with my tail, but I said to myself, not yet. “So when I wouldn’t dance, he

Young Nation-May 28, 2011


wouldn’t give me food. I would get so hungry, so hungry, and I had nothing to eat. He would sit there and eat whatever he wanted, and I watched…” I had tears in my eyes. How cruel! “Then he sold me to another man, and this one was really bad. He used to whip me.” I sighed. “Well, I’m glad you’re here now,” I said. “This family of humans is lovely. Say, it’s almost time for tea. Why don’t you come inside? The table will be laid with wonderful things to eat. We’ll have fun!” He looked at me doubtfully. “I know these people are kind, because they rescued me and everything, but do you think they’ll want me inside the house?” “Oh, Fez!” I said. “They’ve been wondering why you didn’t want to come in. They’ll love your company!” “Um… er… okay!” So we went inside to tea, with my tail around his shoulders.

Young Nation-April 30, 2011


Young Nation-April 30, 2011




By Kalsoom Nafasat

Stress is a common factor influencing our daily lives. The students of secondary schools and colleges deal with high level of stress. To manage stress it is necessary to keep in mind the stress factors. Once stress factors are identified, it can help in student academic performance to increase productivity. Students deal with homework, extracurricular activities, family, relationship and peer group influence gathers the stress level. At certain times these factors are well negotiated but Young Nation-May 28,2011

it can create problems which can result into low academic performances. A proper way to deal with these problems is to confide in somebody with whom you can discuss your problems openly and can act upon it. This way it can motivate you to study with more concentration. Remember, never take anything which is going against you on your nerves. Always adopt the policy of forget and forgive! With this approach you will stay happy and contended.


Young Nation-May 28,2011


One day I woke up in lazy hazy morning. I put on my clothes. I noticed that my clothes were short. I told my mother about it. My mother was very happy that I was growing up but my father was worried about me that I was growing up alarmingly. My father took me to the doctor. The doctor examined thoroughly and warned that this

was some sort of abnormality. The doctor gave me medicine. I used that medicine and found that the medicine was not affecting my growth. I went on growing and growing. My parents were worried about the clothes and shoes because they were not available in the market. People get frightened because of my height but my growth did not stop until my height reached

to the height of a big tree. People were feared and shocked to see such a strange creature of God. People from the different places came to see me. I was unable to live in my house. I became famous but people did not take fancy to me. I was sent to the jungle. There suddenly a big lion appeared behind a bush. Just then my mother woke me for school and my dream remained incomplete.

By Namra Shahid Story Time

Young Nation-May 28,2011


Young Nation-May 28, 2011


Young Nation-May 28, 2011


Young Nation-May 28,2011


Hiba Mughal

Kamran Anwe

Artist’s Corner

Sareena Shaukat

NOTE: Kindly send us your drawings on white paper.

Ameer Abdul Rafay Umeme Amir

Young Nation-May 28,2011


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