YoungNation Magazine 25 June 2011

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Dear friends, How are you all? What are you doing these days? If you are looking for some good activity, then just write a story, your thoughts on the paper and send to us. Do look for some space in this magazine for yourself. Take care, edi

Designed by Sohail Abbas





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Hey kids, kindly send us letters, stories, poems and events detail on the following address: Or Editor Young Nation 4- Shaarey Fatima Jinnah, Lahore.


get prizes. Thank You! Uzafir Shah Dear edi, I hope you are doing

fine. This is my second letter to you after one year. In one year your magazine has been changed a lot and has fewer pages. Please increase

fine. I am sending you

the number of pages in your

some articles. Kindly publish

magazine, add informative

them. I love your magazine.

things about Pakistan, pub-

Dear edi,

It is very informative. Please

lish posters of our Pakistani

How are you? I am fine. I

add more posters of singers

want to tell you please visit

in your magazine.

my blog there is a story con-

Your Fan,

test on it. Send you stories

Zahra Hassan

team, add riddles, jokes etc. I hope you will fulfil my request Regards,

on my email address. I will publish all the stories on my

Dear Edi,

Your reader,

blog and the winners will

How are you? Hope you’ll be

Mohammad Zeshan

Amazing facts • • • • • • • •

Ants don’t sleep. A cat sees about six times better than humans at night. No two zebras have strips that are exactly alike. A cheetah does not roar like a lion, it purrs like a cat. There are more than 50 different kinds of kangaroos. In 2002, the most popular boat name in the U.S. was Liberty. 44% of kids watch television before they go to sleep. The typical lead pencil can draw a line that is thirty five miles long. (Contributed by Umair Jamal)

Young Nation-June 25, 2011


My world isn’t healing By Mahnoor Naseer Do you know what it’s like? To be living a life Knowing that no one is coming To rescue you How will you live and what will you do Do know that feeling That your world isn’t healing Nobody cares weather you are alive Or you have barely survive Do know my emotions You should care for all Gods creations So what I cannot scream And tell you about my dream That I want a healthy life And I want to do more than just survive Because you they think that I am disgusting Not caring that I still am a living thing I am living a life a toad Seeing the world as a crossroad I need your care

Young Nation-June 25, 2011

I need you to be here Do not smash me with your feet Or give me bad things to eat There is more to me Then you think I am to be Captain of Kargil By Ali Kamran I was Captain of Kargil For backing up like Mujahid Or to die like Shaheed I repulsed the enemy far: Cleared the debt Taught them a lesson They would not forget I recited Kalima Coming out the ditch My gun was empty My courage was doubled I found myself alone surrounded Where they fired at me And got me dead But admired to find my upwards head I embedded the gun in rival’s ground With knees bent staring eyes Though my body was inflicted with wound The rivals shouted with a joy!


They said: He was just a toy Two of the soldiers Intended to drag the body away The officer said: You stop there! Be not smart! Give him a military salute He was a brave-heart At last a thing I must say I was born in my country But died on their pitch They pride that I died in the last ditch RAINBOW By Sumaira Imran Boats sail on the rivers, And ships sail on the seas; But clouds that sail across the sky Are prettier than these. There are bridges on the rivers, As pretty as you please; But the bow that bridges heaven, And overtops the trees, And builds a road from earth to sky, Is prettier far than these.


KALAR KAHARa place of exquisite pleasure

Young Nation-June 25 2011


By Rabia Siddiqi

A one day trip to Kalar Kahar may be exhausting but it is once in a life time experience. I had the chance to visit this place for the first time with my friends in early days of March

2011 and it was the most memorable expedition. Kalar Kahar is a tourist destination 125 kilometres away from Rawalpindi. It is notable for its natural gardens, peacocks and a saltwater lake. We went to the destination on our varsity bus, singing and frolicking all the way via

Young Nation-June 25, 2011

Lahore-Rawalpindi motorway. We stopped for half an hour at Behra Service centre for snacks. Bhera is a city located on the mid of Lahore-Islamabad motorway (M2) at the left bank of river Jhelum. The place is surrounded by lush green fields. Snacking after incessant not-soharmonious singing was a relief. There are a couple of fast food chains like Subway and KFC, to name a few so you can satiate your hunger if you are a fast-food buff. A comfortable seating arrangement is provid-

ed here in the greens with seats and umbrellas so you have your meal conveniently even if it is sunny. On reaching Kalar Kahar the first thing that struck us was what we are going to do in this wilderness all day. Initially we did not see anything that could dazzle us but later one we thought otherwise. There are lots of fun-filled activities that you could peruse. We started of with hiking. To me hiking was so exhilarating, adventurous and a different kind of thing. The plateau is very rocky and


steep with deep ridges. The uphill climb iis quite labor some. It was hard ffor some of the girls to maintain baland even boys b ance and you y could hear some now and then, and screams n down over your friends gliding glid head. So yyou really have to be careful and it would be wise to boots with nice grooves wear boot for a safer and faster agility and to ensure you do not tumble down like Jill dragging down line of friends. Some a whole li picked up trees sticks to of us picke The path just maintain balance. b summit is as steep as near the su and you have to toil vertical an with all your four-limbs to climb tto the top. From the base those reaching for the sky just looked like lizards on the wall. liz From the top of the Fr plateau, you will be p astonished to see how as far you have traveled fa and some of you will an be even flattered by yourself. The top is naryou row w with a spray of wild shrubs aand trees. It is a good spot for meditating, since it is m very quiet, quiet windy and so high that you w would feel you are in the sky. Celebrate your victory Ce on reaching reachin the top by taking pictures of you and the panoramic scene scen that lies in front Th view will leave you of you. The Yo will be amazed to in awe. You see such a large green patch a around you while of trees all standing on o a dry barren piece of land. Th The whole lake is visible and tthe single-roof local restaurant would appear like restaurants specks on land from the peak. An array of bright colored th small amusement patch is the park with the Ferris wheel looking like a small ring. The

best time to hike would be in pleasant season so the sun on the top does not scorch you. It would be advisable to use a sun block though, even in pleasant season. It was comparatively easy to retreat since you lose grip on the ground often and slide all the way down. For those who

fear height could resort to boating in the famous lake. Kallar Kahar lake is situated in a beautiful valley in the southern mountainous area of Pothwar plateau in the salt range. It is a natural lake which is fed by a natural fresh water spring at the base of hills. The lake is not deep, so a lot of natural vegetation can be seen all around it and even in the middle. It is a natural breeding sanctuary for many birds, so it is an ideal place for bird watching. Some migratory birds can also be seen. Safety jackets are provided before you take a boat. Both motor and pedal boats are available. Pedal boating is more fun, since you drive it yourself with a friend. Still not tired of all the fun and sore muscles some of us ran for the “ships-of-deserts” ride. The idea of camel riding never Young Nation-June 25, 2011

crossed my mind. The camels were decorated quite fancily and four seats were attached on its side with a place to sit on its hump. Sitting on the back may seem ordinary but it is quite a challenge because you have to lean forward than backward to keep the balance, as you feel like you will fall over your head because of its bumpy sway. I bet you won’t be able to wipe off your glee as long as you are on the back of camel. The view is breathtaking form the camels back. The movement is so jerky that the fear of falling down will be constantly ringing on your head but it is completely safe. Camel ride with friends is one of my most treasured possessions. If you go to Kalar Kahar, do not at any cost miss the camel ride. It is too invigorating to be described in words.


Though the place is known for its peacock but we failed to witness the presence of any. It is quoted in history that during his stay at Kallar Kahar, the Mughal emperor Babar also planted a garden, which still exists, called the Bagh-e-Safa. Babar described Kallar Kahar as a “charming place with good air” and natural beauty. The restaurants located here provide the traditional food and some general stores are also present. We devoured the food we had brought from our homes in our bus. At dusk, the lake water reflects the beauty of the place in it and would leave you enthralled. Seeing the still water and birds flying off from it was a treat for the eyes. A trip to Kalar Kahar would no doubt be a priceless memory.

By Faizan Majeed things because he belonged to a well-to-do family. But it was a leisure activity which he usually did with his group of friends who were wealthy too. Besides, he narrated that this same day a friend of him, Rehan tried to steal the money from an old lady, she looked so destitute and poverty-stricken that he could not bear it therefore he advised Rehan to leave her but he became so furious that he snatched the lady’s bag and hit him so hard that he could not do anything in his defense and became unconscious. Throwing him in front of Riaz’s door he rushed away. That’s why he was sitting there because he was so anxious that he did not want to go home having such a heavy burden on his heart especially of old lady’s money. Lastly, he said that he would do something for correcting his mistake. After listening this gloomy story, Riaz dozed off for a short moment but when he woke up Ahsan was not there, he must have gone. Except for his name and story, he knew nothing about him. Next day, he saw a printed picture of Ahsan in the newspaper. The news was printed that Ahsan Jawaid, a thief not only surrendered himself but also returned all the money which he had stolen in different acts of theft and police are searching his gang as well.

It was cold, frozen and wintry night. The air was blowing heavily, fog was very thick, and no one could see the other self in it. Riaz was all alone in his house. While he was reading a book, he noticed a shadow went past through the window. He thought it was just an illusion. With the passage of time, someone knocked at the door. In the beginning, he did not stir from the chair. Suddenly, the knocking become louder and louder, then he had not any other alternative except for opening the door. However he tried to ask, nobody answered it. Eventually, with the beating heart he opened the door. And a boy of twenty years old burst in. He looked as white as the snow and as cold as ice. Directly, he went near the chimney and sat as silent as a statue. Several minutes later, when he regained his senses, Riaz asked him who he was and what he was doing in this stormy weather. Breaking the ice, he burst out crying and tears started rolling down as a river from his eyes. Seeing this, he tried to console him. After inquiring him, what was the matter with him? He replied that his name was Ahsan Jawaid and also an unknown thief. Basically, it was not his compulsion to steal

Young Nation-June 25, 2011


Young Nation-April 30, 2011


Young Nation-April 30, 2011


By Fakiha Hassan Rizvi

The Voice of Youth (tVoY) was initiated by a student of National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) to build up relations among the students belonging to different strata of life. But, behind

Young Nation-June 25, 2011

this obvious reason, there lies a deeper reason — that was to create a forum where the youth of Pakistan could mingle and get to know about each other by their perceptions and views.


BLOG Someone might ask, what is so exceptional in that? For such forums could be found in abundance all over the internet, then how is The Voice of Youth different from others? Well, unlike other

forums that are exclusively indulged in blame game, not letting go of any excuse to berate the authorities and the ‘foreign hands’ for everything, tVoY is unique in the sense that it aims to make people realize that they also owe some duty to their country, that they are also to blame if their country is in such a pitiable state, and that it is always easy to criticize but difficult to take responsibility. The Voice of Youth strives to change that. Instead of counting problems, it focuses on musing solutions to them. Instead of despair, it spreads the message of hope. Instead of sitting and talking, it encourages people to practically DO something. Starting from a handful of students now this website has taken the shape of a well defined Social Action Project which includes representatives from as many as 31 Institutions across Pakistan. This youthful journey kicked off from June 26, 2010 and during this short span the zeal that emerged from this student blog attracted as many as 5000 likes for

Young Nation-June 25, 2011

its facebook page. Not only this but emanating the voice of passionate and patriotic youth gave tVoY various opportunities. In December 2010 tVoY facilitated a social action research project for British High Commission by arranging workshops at Lahore. The workshops were conducted by resource persons from the British High Commission and included interactive activities for youngsters. The purpose of these workshops was to support the research which aimed at finding the impact of UK’s Aid on the development of Pakistan and general perception of Pakistani youth towards UK. tVoY was presented as a Social Action Project (SAP) in January 2011 at Regional Symposium: Youth in Action for Global Change. The participants included young activists from the Active Citizens programs in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar, Afghanistan and the UK. tVoY’s representatives successfully facilitated the Stakeholder’s Meeting to Reviewing the Second Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons in Pakistan during February 2011. While


recently, The Voice of Youth (tVoY) partnered with Bizlgnition, a business gala held under Bahria Business Club (BBC) at Bahria University, Islamabad on 21 & 22 May, 2011.tVoY handled the social media activities of Bizlgnition and its registration and information desks at CIIT Islamabad, IIU, NUST and UET Taxila. It is easy to be a part of this unique student blog which aims at bridging the gap between students and providing them with a forum to freely express their views. tVoY gives the youth a chance to share their opinion, poetry, happenings at their respective Institutes, photographs that they have captured and, stories that they have penned down. As a token of encouragement, awards like ‘author of the month’ and ‘author of the year’ are also given away. Don’t wait to be expressive and contribute to make your views known among those belonging to your generation. Make sure that you instill your voice into The Voice of Youth by joining

By Rabia Siddiqi


Food. We work, love, and even cross continents for it. We relish certain foods with a passion, while disliking others to the point of hatred. There are no rules when it comes to taste, and this makes reviews and “best-of lists” subjective. It is hard to pin down the intangible quality of yummy. Yet, the joy of eating is universal. Nowhere is world it is more apparent in Pakistan and in Pakistan Lahore. Lahorities take food quite seriously and almost

t s i o b a f h L a g h n ori i ta


et s

every question starts with “havee you eaten?” ur meals a day. The day starts with A typical Lahori usually takes four a good heavy breakfast. The menu includes Halwa Puri, Naan Chanay, Nihari, Kulchay and a huge glass of Lassi. And this is just the beginning. While the food has just turned into chyme, it time for lunch.

Young Nation-June 25, 2011


Young Nation-June 25,2011


Prize distribution ceremony

The annual prize distribution ceremony of the Secondary Section Boys’ Branch was held at the Alhamra Arts Council Hall. The programme started with the recitation of a few verses of Quran. The speeches followed the prize distribution. Prizes were distributed among the position holders. Students who got the positions in O-level exams of the Cambridge University and in the Lahore Board received Gold and Silver medals .after the prize distribution, the school choir presented melodious songs. And at the end, the annual play ’The Adams family’ was staged. Young Nation-June 25,2011


Young Nation-June 25,2011


Saad Hasnain

Hiba Mughal

Muhammad Dawood

Artist’s Corner

NOTE: Kindly send

us your drawings on white paper.

Sania Sajid

Usman Waqar

Young Nation-June 25,2011


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